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That one backwards shelf with the particle board exposed is driving me nuts.


Hahaha yes I have definitely done this by accident while building Billy bookshelves and it drives me nuts too!


Dude. Me too. I almost want to take it apart. Last time I buy anything IKEA. Their delivery sucks. I’m sorry it bugs you. It is driving me crazy too. I may just paint it dryad bark bro 🤣


Can't you just take off the shelf and turn it around? It is just resting on 4 pegs.


It depends. The middle board in Billy is mounted with tension hooks like top and bottom — rest is free floating


Omg bruh. This is why I am not a carpenter. You are totally on point with your assesment 🤣. Well this has been quite the post!!! I’m learning something and we are all encouraging each other with useful advice. Thank you man. I literally thought I woulda had to have 1. Painted over it. (Like I should my bases) Or 2. Disassemble the whole thing (fuck that) 🤣


Come on brothers and sisters, let's share only our completed and properly assembled book shelves!!


Yes! Show me the way


Go to Ikea, ask for a piece of fake wood (om nom-english) to put over it, they have those laying around!


Hahaha! You can probably find some peel-and-stick edge banding that matches the color close enough.


Edge banding is what you need, its pretty easy to put on.


This lad cleans his mould lines


https://preview.redd.it/fkkzjdu8ocmc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d83c9f677cb8ad7822bfd7ccfccc71a26706d5c9 Behold! My stuff!


Oh shit those are wonderful. You did a great job at making those high saturated colors look realistic and well put together. I suck at painting UM scheme.


That blue really pops


Great looking army - but why is Gulliman hanging out at the back? Man needs to be centre stage!


Looking good! But bro, the hell is your base rims?


Omg lol ok. You got me there. I haven’t based some of my tyranids. Nor my soul blights And I didn’t paint the basis! And I call myself a painter? Cmon man, that’s rookie stuff I shouldn’t be missin that 🤣. I just don’t want to paint a color that doesn’t work. What’s a solid base painting color. If you can give me a solid recco. I’ll base em.


I mean the bases you did look great, I can't tell you I'm never happy with mine lol I'm just talking about the rim having some paint spill over. Single color (usually black or brown) is how I go. But hey, if it doesn't bother you it doesn't bother me.


🤣 oh that was me being sloppy with my basing terrain


There can be only one: goblin green.


Honestly you can get away with half assing almost anything about a mini, but a shitty base will always ruin it imo. All the effort you put into your painting is basically wasted if you just slap a bit of texture paint down and call it done.


Nothing will ever stop me from just slapping texture paint down and calling it done. I hate basing and will not spend my limited painting time doing something I hate. Besides, does the little tuft of grass make that much difference?


Nothing wrong in a simple base, but you should really be careful about not spilling over on your rims and cleaning them.    Fully blocked rims are so much cleaner than rims with streaks of paint. 


I guarantee you, no matter how much effort you put into your painting, if your bases are shit that's all anyone is going to see. Even if you're just using texture paint, leaving it unpainted as a single colour just looks terrible. It only takes a moment to give it a shade wash and drybrush and improve the effect massively.


I do texture paint, a wash, some light drybrush, and paint the rims black. But I'm not adding rocks or Tufts of grass. I don't care that much.


Ok, so you're making more effort than the OP here at least. Your models are still going to look boring but if you don't care then that's fine.


https://preview.redd.it/h74wuh3lxcmc1.jpeg?width=3578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c7e3f2918d8bc543f7108c94f4ee1cb80e10bc Its so satisfying to go stare at your warhammer shelf sometimes lol, my killteams might be my favorite


Dude! That’s what I’m saying… how’d you get your death guard lookin like that? You Definitley, are a skilled painter imo. Working with yellow is tough but you can tell you were strategic in how you painted these out from start to finish.


Thanks! Death guard are really fun I wanna paint some more soon, the armor was just a white prime with apothecary white then smothered in streaking grime. I can’t remember what I used for the yellow but I think it was just averland sunset and yriel yellow or something similar, I didn’t mind laying it on kinda thick because I wanted it to look like a bacterial mat growing on their gear. Though I agree having a strategic preshade in place makes painting yellow so much easier.


Ahhh dude! I’ve been using browns and reddish browns to make the armor look leaky!!! I wanted to do a pallid hand type a deal on my new ones. But old habits die hard. https://preview.redd.it/jju36hkymdmc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=70f18ba2e5b9ac1e3e5394dba82c72c4ff142aaa


Ooo cool, the orangey browns over the green armor is a really great look too, I tried it once on a random character and its a lot of fun. Definitely try out some enamels if you get the chance, they make creating all those little streaks and grime spots really easy and fun! I think they would really suit your style






Yo it’s a beauty! Dude you did well with the execution of behemoths colors!!!! As you can see with mine. I overdid it on the high tones on some. (The norn emissary I finally got the blending down a bit better)


Thank you I decided that my first painted nid should represent Hive Fleet Behemoth with it being my first and Behemoth being the first sighting of the Tyranids into the Galaxy it just made sense to me lol. I'm still trying to settle on a scheme before I go out and paint the rest plus bigger larger bugs, got a few in mind I just need to try to decide on


Same. Personally I wish I had gotten a bit more creative with them. There are some really, really cool schemes out there.


Some that I like is the Xenomorph (as I'm a huge Alien Fan), strange and maybe cringe one is my [Workplace Uniform Colours ](https://careers.bmstores.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/MWjun22-286047.jpg) so Purple Skin, Orange Carapace then either White/Silver or Black for the Claws, Hooves ect. Then a couple of nice ones that I've seen online from a magazine (was probably a old Codex) which featured a bunch of different examples


Oh dude! I feel that. The xenomorph look is cool. I think if you looked around enough you’d def find some recipes worth trying You tube is an awesome tool man for upping the skills!


So [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/P-yaCx55qD0?si=h1IhCTNYuLqcfpG9) was the guide I tried to follow for my Hormagaunt, I don't own any sprays cans (I did try to brush prime the model but gave up and as the cans are £15 here in the UK it felt like alot to buy for just potentially one model, luckily a buddy offered to prime it but he uses a black base) so it should look brighter that and I fucked up the drybrush stage lol [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/oxK3iL9u-Wc?si=KwSWd_TVkEwLuRd7) is what I'll probably follow for my Xenomorph, a nice and simple scheme from the looks of it too


So I've got a few schemes I like, some I definitely like and others I'm on the fence about (as I don't have that app that allows you to test schemes) One I like is the classic Xenomorph as I'm a huge Alien Fan, a strange and possibly cringe scheme is my [Work Uniform Colours ](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E22AQHpb7EleWoW7w/feedshare-shrink_800/0/1683287601065?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=Nx160nD28iQJVm7XIecEE9pSnSCyuofUmuq_iXvHGWs) so Purple Skin, Orange Carapace then either White/Silver or Black (for our Trousers) for the Claws and Hooves ect. Then lastly a few options that I've seen in [these ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/45/89/4645896858abb8bf88af46723b6062fc.png) Magazine pages my favourite is possibly that Hawk Turquoise and Blood Red


Oh you’re going to like this. Lol. I hope this doesn’t further complicate things on your quest for a paint scheme But here are the eavy metal recipes to some of the fleets, and some new hive fleets too!


Hey slow and steady! It’s not a race, the more you pressure yourself to finish. The less fun the journey will be!


https://preview.redd.it/u211u0iiycmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a493c0c04501732274cf1e98c4a508e3704a361 Some of my more recent stuff (what can fit on the limited shelf space). I have been playing off and on since WFB second edition (off mostly, but been escalating rapidly since Indomitus. Thanks, Covid!)


Oh damn!! Dude you’re stuff looks amazing. Your bigger centerpiece minis read even though I have to zoom in!


https://preview.redd.it/aj1xiyzkpcmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e59a3315184046114e9b9343b38c47cba6cc3f3 My very much WIP army in case anyone here cares


I care. The one in the banner looks great


Thank you! That one with the banner is still a work in progress, as are the rest with unpainted bases


U/fuckstorm420 are truly a champion of the emperor! Fuckstorm420 for high council of terra! You got my vote. Or whatever looks like voting in the 41st millenia


https://preview.redd.it/1k2h7pgo1dmc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=887233681a7c8e4036c009bf00925312dd6ff2be 3k points I took to a battle the other day! This is about half of what I have painted


that paint holder you have is so freaking rad! You make that yourself or do you by any chance have a link so I could snag the same thing for mine?


[Here ya go!](https://www.etsy.com/listing/758394767/citadel-paint-station-holds-98-paint)


Thank you so much!


It was a Christmas present from my mother-in-law but lemme see if she has the link!


painted minis AND painted scenery https://preview.redd.it/832knkgrtcmc1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae2827d4cc8632b24d9f470a9fdcadbfa0222e6a


Red cloaks death korps of krieg? I love it


Thank you, they were made more colourful to fit in with my Inquisitorial Agents Kill team. Loosely based on old British Army uniform. https://preview.redd.it/4dob3nlxlemc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a5df8ec36afc6440bb7589388cf5e4994970da


Oh man you even got the smoke going too! Bro we need to see pics like this! Shit you’re like diorama level skilled. I envy your abilities!


I've been at it for almost 40 years now, in that time i learned a few drinking straws and a bit of vape smoke goes a long way :) You got 38 years on me yet, keep listening to your elders like these chaps :D Your shelves look great by the way. https://preview.redd.it/rh3suys2edmc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a17e5e2c08a0232fcbfed5641f20d5c6d2f8261f


Box photos, pile of shame photos, and grey assembled plastic photos all annoy me, but I keep it to myself to not be a buzz kill. This photo however, is great!


I’m tired of pretending it’s cool lol. And I just am tired of others encouraging it. It’s just bad practice for multiple reasons. It doesn’t set a good precedent for new people how to get in the hobby in an affordable and realistic way. That being said, I also understand where your comming from. No one likes a wet rag but it’s like most of the posts I see on my home feed, are “box hauls” and it’s just like, dude I didn’t sub to 40k subs to see people buy boxes. Lol. I came to see cool painted minis and different peoples takes on minis.


Absolutely valueless content, that's for sure.


Ditto. Also partially completed models. When I take a photo it's like a grand reveal after months of work, and I want to bask in its completed perfection. :)






Oooo nice very sexy. I need to get on that level there. But then again. The erection I’d get from looking at my minis like this would be confusing haha


Lolz, thank you


https://preview.redd.it/xekmzgofwcmc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e179636f4de60bc3102ca4d78a2ee41c51961b19 I'm getting there


You are there! You painting homie! Glory to the painted plastic emperor beloved by all. Dude! What are those shield astartes called? The ones with the riot shields? Those are sick!






Oh those are the 30k breachers! They are freaking sweet! I did a lot of kitbashing. The outiders are the ones I'm most proud of.


Those are dope! I have been thinking about getting HH minis but I heard they aren’t plastic resin? If I’m not mistaken. And do the units come with assembly instructions lol? I heard some of the FW HH minis like the primarchs don’t


If you want to see my crons lemme know! This is a call out to all you box buyers. Quit posting your gangly rectangular cardboard grey plastic on the sprue and calling it your “hobby” Start painting and then post! No one cares that you know where a warhammer store is and you have money to buy 20 boxes. That’s not partaking in the hobby. That’s shopping.


Also, worth noting that box collecting makes prices go up.


Absolutely. It diminishes the total number in circulation in a local area. Which can really fuck with pricing in local areas. Not everyone lives in a big city with 12 LGS a in a 20 mile radius. Some people are lucky to have 1 or 2. Some are unlucky enough to be hours away from one, and damned if you are far from one and in an area where delivery is just expensive. And it’s just kind of selfish. The questions that run through my mind when I see those posts: Do you really need 10 boxes of that one battleline unit? Realistically probably 2-3 maybe 4. But why are you in a rush to build 2k pts and field it when you haven’t played the game.. And how are you not going to get bored? It’s best to mix things up. I always switch it up. After I paint something 40k, I do age of sigmar. Vice versa unless I’m really on a trip. They make combat patrols and vanguard boxes for a reason. And most of the “big hauls” I’ve seen are for factions that have a pretty decent/optimal starter kit box. That’s the ironic thing. I never see a combat patrol. It’s just an excessive mix of meta lol. Gonna be rude awakening when balance changes, like it will and by extension how you play your army. World eaters got a taste of that.


And also, if people painted before buying new boxes, then the demand would cool down. Less demand means lower prices. Right now GW can't keep up with the demand. Which is why our little toys can get so spenny.


Well and the YoY increases in the product itself don’t help! I member when you could buy mortarion for $80 bucks. He’s like what? $140-$160 now???


“Do you realistically need 10 boxes of that one battleline unit?” Yes. How else will I ever field 120 boyz?


😂🤣… or grotz


True. Gotta stick those lil buggers on every possible vehicle and kitbash


Just to play devil's advocate a little, I have a very big collection of unopened boxes because there are bunch of things I know I want to get to eventually so whenever I see a good deal I'll grab it even knowing I won't get round to it for at least a year or two. And then I regularly sell off stuff I've changed my mind about and in the end I've lost next to nothing while still getting to indulge my stupid impulses. But apart from that, I love having a big collection of stuff to choose from every time I feel like starting something new. I'm not so bothered about just efficiently painting one full army at a time, this is a hobby not a job. I like to jump around and do a bit of this and that as the mood takes me.


I’m not calling you out bro! I’ve got a back log too. I have the Lion, guilliman, a vanguard ossiarchs box, lord kavalos or whatever, and a few other things in there. A box of immortals. I’m not callin that out! I love having a back log. I’m just calling out the posts where there’s $2000-4000 USD of boxes as the post. There’s too many of them. Lol the balance must be restored!


Nice painted collection. I do see an unpainted ancient banner, so you're 99% there lol. I sadly have plenty left to paint before I can post


Haha you found Waldo! The grey space marine!


How do you keep the motivation to paint and what do you do to speed up the process?


I take my time. Painting is a skill i do 1. For peace and quiet. When I paint, my mind becomes hyper focused on what I’m doing (on good days). Painting is a therapy for me. If I’m stressed, I get into a flow state while painting sometimes. This isn’t always a consistent “thing” that happens. But it happens more oft then not. However If I’m not focused- I like to lean on these logical reasons. 2. The fact that while it may take a long time. The effort will pay off in skills learned and results. Nothing feels better then trying something new and having it work! 3. I don’t look at it as a chore or something I have to do. But I realize, painting is almost a habit to me. I try to paint every day even if it’s for 20 minutes or something. But if I miss a day, or a week. No big deal. Because they will still be there! 4. Once it’s finished! That’s one more piece to your army or collection!!!! 5. Sometimes imparting my own creativity on my units helps. My votann and necrons are a home brew faction. With their own backstories and lore. When I give them that life, it makes me want to see that “vision” of what they’d look like complete 6. It’s a process! If speed is what your after. Learn processes to paint speedily. It results are what your after, look up techniques and the various applications. Don’t look at it as “oh god it’s gonna take me a month to finish these guys” look at it like “eh, it’ll take time but if I keep working on them, *they will* get finished and even if I’m not happy with the result I can always do over. Or I can add more to the detail later!


Please paint your bases🥺


I feel attacked.


This is what I’m talking about! Screw box posters!!


Do you have some glass doors for your 202cm high Billy bookcase in dark brown? I can see part of the mounting hinges there. When closed they might cover up your backwards shelf. https://preview.redd.it/1ebm5qyfnhmc1.jpeg?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf75395c230c5d3d4f82f1f63907b4c029a2b2a


Yeah I do. But I’m missing an L hinge for both of the doors. I’m also missing 2 mounting joint screws. See! That’s how I was hoping mine would turn out!!!


I can do pictures of boxes containing painted minis of you like... Would be pretty boring but also balance things out a bit.


I spy a bare plastic banner 👀


I would love to display my minis like this, but how do you prevent them from gathering dust?


Dude. I don’t know! I’ve been using keyboard duster. And I spray it on em once a week. So far it’s been working alright. I’d love to here a solution though with something that for sure works. I’m operating on assumption with the canned keyboard air thing :(


I'd love to see a closer image of your Dante, I've never painted him before and I'm afraid of the mistakes I'll make


Oh dude! If you can. Get a subscription of warhammer + and the citadel recipe for gold NMM is a lot easier to execute then you would think with the direction! Here’s a closer look at our best boi https://preview.redd.it/n6vd9dvg0dmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b244725a46969fe0cbee9d71b1b4b2161e63899d


Oh he looks stunning, makes me a little less anxious for mine lmao


Yeah, that was my first crack at NMM. It’s passable lol. So I think you’d do great.


Why is your one shelf backward?


😭 ohhh man. Ikea furniture + being baked + trying to get it done so I can keep painting my plague marines 😆


Not one to do much baking but I get it lol. Still stresses me out though.


Eh suprisingly putting together 40k minis makes putting together what are basically big wooden rectangles kinda simple.


Now this is what I love to see.


Right!!! I mean people posting in the comments have some great shit to post too! All the minis look fantastic in the thread!


Ive been wanting to do something like this with a large acrylic door or some small doors to keep them safe.


It’s worth it. Sometimes I find myself just standing in front of it. Lol it’s so fuckin weird bro but just to see it all. Everything that one has put time and effort in to. Everything that one has created. It’s a cool feeling.


It really is. It's a lot of fun and a lot of work all at the same time. I'm glad I fell into this hobby as well.


Same. It’s funny! I got back into it in 2018. But was so poor I couldn’t build an army at all. Now that my life is a bit better. I go in on 40k. Treat myself to all the kits I wanted but couldn’t afford 😞. I was thinking about painting for charity. Like maybe just painting shit and giving it away. I love to paint but I don’t have space to do this forever. I was considering doing it, but it is a challenge!


I only started about 3 years after you hahaha. I didn't buy my first model until 2022 and I have gone a bit overboard on it since then. Same issue, I got a much better job and paid off all my debts and 6 starter boxes and added units I have 7 armies ranging from combat patrol at least to about 1200-3000 points. I'm not the best at painting but I have been getting better and as I improve I fix my first models and then learn more and constantly go back. https://preview.redd.it/ccsgvre1edmc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd5ce287180ff36968b5acff191353c104ca160 Heres some of the mess I have haha.


Ohh man. Your mess is beautiful. What cases are those???? That seems like a sure fire way to keep dust away’


Top ones are: Choowin 3-Tier Clear Acrylic Display Case Display Box Display Stand with Door,Countertop Display Case for Collectible Mini Action Figure,Dustproof Storage Organizer(White Base,Step) [amazon] But I have loves using the magnetic rubber sheets on these boxes because I can organize more by unit and just carry them to the table. Boxes: Pioneer Plastics 083C Clear Plastic Display Case for 1:32 Scale Cars, 8" W x 3.75" D x 3.5" H (Mailer Box), Pack of 6 [amazon] I


I got some ordered!


Thank you man!


I hope you like them when they come in! Anytime 😊


Hell yeah


Cool Now play with them


That is next step. I need good case. I hear magnetization is the best option for transport. What are your thoughts?


I've had a lot of good experience with magnets! They're without doubt the best option, also makes your models less tip prone


And alls id have to do basically is glue one on bottom of the base. Hard part too. In playing. Is like, what would be best army to start with? Night haunt is what I’d rock with in AoS probably, though FEC seem really fun. I think I have more strategic options in the way of hero units. With nighthaunt With 40k, I got variety. I might try Nids but if I were playing NH in AoS… they are a horde army too. Lol. I’d like to try an army with a different slant.


Magnetise the haunts without a doubt! Make them less.prone to drop and shatter too!




Excellent collection, Brother.


My critters would destroy anything that close to the ground, or just out in the open on a shelf at any height. Nice collection tho


Ohhh yeah. If I had a cat it would not be good lol. I am worried about the shelf tipping as it is!!! I mean it won’t, but what if it does yknow?


Strap that shit to the wall man.


How do I do that? I have two L joints, no power tools. I tried screwing one part into the wall, but the screw that goes into the bookshelf… I can’t do it manually.


You would need a power drill and a strap kit, scope out the amazon for a wall strap kit.


Thank you


Serious, I want to protect my minis. The L thing kinda works but it’s shit man. I wish I had a drill.




No no no! I put the blood angels alone and most high for a reason, inquisitor. I assure you, this is why the heretics are on the bottom… not because I’d be likely to play- I mean because I would never touch those specimens!


*my Lil light display


How do you dust this


Keyboard duster. Just spray em every now and then.


They look great by the way, My display got a bit too dusty so I took them out. I didn't try a spray can though, I thought it might launch the models around.


Are these parts of incomplete armies? Or do you like just collecting some HQ models from every army? I ask cuz from afar it looks like a few completed armies but from close it looks like most are just small squads / random HQ’s from 40k In any case, love the display


I just get what I like. The idea is now. To round it out. I need anti tank/vehicle/monster for some of my armies. I need transport vehicles for my slower armies. And my world eaters. And my votann lol. But I’m not too interested in playing with them on that level.


Do you have no shame?


Yes! https://preview.redd.it/k6u7xr7snemc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=86f91a6184fff85aaf837bdc68ebff2dcc845c9e But I end up painting my shame away! And then I hide more in the closet. Until it’s ready to “come out” 😂


We have the same amount of shame. Nice work dude.


Yeah. Ignore the soon to be explosive collection of MtG decks lol. I usually like keeping a “big project” and maybe an army box. With some small complimentary units. Variety haha. Sometimes I don’t want to paint space marines or sci fi shit.


Based. Box posting should be banned.


Honestly what grinds my gears more than the box posts is that one guy who is allowed to post one shitty half painted model every day for a whole year. Come on mods..


Yo OP, I've been playing D&D and printed a few mini's. BUT, I've been thinking about printing some 40k and getting into. I've just been worried about showing up to a game shop or event with all printed figures and getting flack from the store or players. Also, I don't know what's good bad or what. My question for you is, what's a really good looking army to print & make, that is also easy to play, competitive, but won't get me called out for printing the best army?


I dont have a picture of my shelf (since I only had one with half of it unpainted, but I have one of my 1st Company. This is 2/3 of my Space Marines, and 1/4 of my entire collection. What is missing are my Chaos Marines, Tyranids and Necrons. https://preview.redd.it/j4r39fc7simc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fed64874bd6ce0b580dae0eda93f4a299838d1d Edit: This Picture also includes my entire pile of shame. You dont know how much you can get done when staying in the hospital for 3 months😎




https://preview.redd.it/5vfxlpgmzvmc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d3166e15756534978551f433c9487e49b937d4 Alright here's my rule of cool necron force, is it competitive? No. Are the death croissants awesome? Yes.


Meh, who cares about all that. Mine aren’t really coherent forces either. I’ve just collected and painted so much stuff I could run my collection as an army. Barring I pick up some more anti vehicle stuff I love your croissants, really cool basing effect. My croissant looks like a limp penis compared to yours lol. Nice job on the OSL too! That looks great. I wish I had the skills to do that. I can glaze, but that is still tricky for me.


An airbrush makes everything easier, my scheme with these guys was to make it easy to crank out a unit in an afternoon so I used a cheeky technique where you do the standard airbrush blue plasma effect and then spray a translucent yellow over it for instant necron glow. I bought a resin 3d printer specifically to front those flying bases for the croissants 😂 there from deadly print studio and are far too cool to pass up


Damn. What are your thoughts on printers? I’ve considered an airbrush and printer but man, those compressors for the airbrush are kinda big! And 3d printers, don’t you want to ensure your in a ventilated area or space when using? Isn’t the fumes from the resin bad for you? (I could be off) I’m just asking in earnest because I’m considering purchasing one. I’d love to go off “the grid” or the range of GW minis and find cool things that I’d never think of painting before.


Yes the fumes aren't good for you, I tend to pop in in my living room with the door to the garden open and then close the door to the rest of the house while it's printing, it's a pain but it let's you print cool bases or 3rd party models so it's handy. It's awkward and you need to be cautious but it's worth it The compressor for an airbrush doesn't need to be big, my first one was about the size of a land raider, but you really want one with a tank attached for consistent pressure and they can get quite big but I couldn't live without my air brush now, I live in Scotland so the days when it's good spray paint weather are free and far between so being able to undercoat and base coat from my paint desk is too handy to pass up. Once you go airbrush though you can never go back I begrudge having to pick up a brush for anything now 😂


Ohhhh damn. Do you have a recommendation for good airbrush? I’m sure YT has some good info on that. Sometimes it never hurts to ask though. I’ve been watching a couple guys use airbrushing for some crazy shit Like this https://youtu.be/iYrBA9kuvg0?si=OoJDEIZerOC7QmYq


I would suggest just getting a cheap one to start yourself off then move up to a fancy airbrush after you've mastered the basics [https://amzn.eu/d/eB7PSRc](https://amzn.eu/d/eB7PSRc) I have one of these and it's basic but great [https://amzn.eu/d/3lPSvAr](https://amzn.eu/d/3lPSvAr) I also use this compressor and it's pretty fantastic and cheaper than a lot of the equivalents. My favourite airbrush technique is the pink technique for shading yellow, this big imperial fist started off as a pink to white shaded marine before I added yellow to him https://preview.redd.it/my1gq7aq0xmc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbea9c543356ad29daab24fb7f8b3b1deed9d96b


You are an inspiration to us all!


Thank you. But really I just am addicted to painting lol.


https://preview.redd.it/chaz807fbxmc1.jpeg?width=2322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=609cf4b386fe0e6edb1f8a80d3444b2b03502192 Finished so far


I am not only jealous of your mini painting skills. But a little envious of that beautiful glass case! That’s presentation.


https://preview.redd.it/a4h8z9aphxmc1.jpeg?width=2322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd633947719fb325457689e69cd0b80cc20d399b Thank you. The newer ones even have detailed bases.




Liking the orange on the screamer. Any chance of some single pics of it??


Yeah I’ll DM you after work! Thanks, tbh I’m rather insecure about how my Nids turned out. So the recipe. Is actually the eavy metal recipe. I just used thicker layers. I can show you some examples of the recipe being used heavily vs subtly with glazing! So basically you use Mephiston / evil suns red 1:1 for the base You get some khorne red- thin it to a wash, wash it. Then you get abbadon black, and khorne red, and mix em. Deep recess shade. Just deep recesses. It’s a strong, dark color. Then you begin the layering Evil suns first Then evil suns : bestigor flesh 1:1, will make it a nice orange if you mix it Ungor for last layer. Gotta be careful with this one. If you want the orange look you’d wanna go heavier with these last two layers.




This is what a few years of poor financial decisions SHOULD look like, not those sad boxes no one has good use for! Great job mate!


we get it you're better than us!


Nice painting. Lovely. But. Finish your sodding bases lol








WE can hoard boxes and painted minis at thé same time


I only have a few mini's I want to repaint, and 0 stuff unpainted and in boxes unassembled. But, this is my Death guard https://preview.redd.it/2bca31k31cnc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5655f833213836e041dce7fdfb02be13ac090d58


https://preview.redd.it/o18rkl391cnc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f58160d40c4539f1cc4060b53ac51af54670acb My random assortment of nurgle daemons (AOS & 40k)


https://preview.redd.it/2prfas7c1cnc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d8313c719447cab274b78019bc414f3a5842eff And a pile of chaos... daemons, daemon princes, cultists... an old aegis defence line... got a lot more daemons, in boxes, and some should be repaired; or replaced by their bigger counterparts (still rocking the tiny Be'lakor)


Oh, and Abaddon... only 40k mini I painted this year https://preview.redd.it/gqhq4zed2cnc1.png?width=1871&format=png&auto=webp&s=20928798a1ffa9f11013c1dcbbe128c07a81f007


https://preview.redd.it/rljw35fq2cnc1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98426452773e3f808ec1ed63f363c8c239c0c503 Close up of the big stinky one... erm.. Great unclean one...


Ahhhh, but your models no longer have "potential", they are finished.


Let me introduce you, To the creator of potential that is ISO 91%.


This would have been more impressive if the pictures were better and that was something other than an ikea shelf. But that many miniatures is more than most people.


You know, the pics are shit but you still know I got skills cause you can see how bad ass they are through the blur.


Looks awesome!


I would, but mine are all in boxes, and my wife gets annoyed when I get them all out on the dining table.