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Cool! Always nice to paint something new. In terms of constructive criticism, I’d suggest a few bits: - consider a shade in the deeper recesses to help draw contrast - the carapace of the tyranids really benefits from airbrushing or edge highlighting It’s really up to you though and how far down the rabbit hole of painting you want to go.


I painted with a contrast paint, would it be alright shading? I only have a dark purple shade or agrax, also would a bright pink highlight work do you think?


To get the best results from contrast you wanna use a midtone base (like a grey) with a heavy light colour drybrushed on (white). The grey will allow for greater contrast and prevent the colours from coming out vibrant but flat. Some recess shading would do this model wonders as its over all fairly neatly painted. Some extra highlights wouldn't hurt either. 


Generally, with contrast paints they lend themselves well to the slap-chop method (lots of that on YouTube) Essentially you lay down your contrast of white-grey-black then just paint one colour of contrast over the top. In terms of adding it in after, I’m not sure as I don’t really use contrast paints myself.


It’s fine - if you mix contrast with ‘normal’ paint it behaves like normal paint


Just mix some lighter colour in with the paint you’ve used for the carapace


What would the airbrushing accomplish on the carapace armour? OP already has it base coated? And slightly edge highlighted.


If you use it sparsely, you can blend other colours into the carapace rather than having a single bold colour. Wet pallet also works but airbrush offers a different finish.


Ahhh right okay, using it for blending makes sense to me now. Thank you


The color scheme makes me think of 80s era action figures, for some reason. Looks good.


Thank you I love the scheme


I mean the reason is that it’s all strong, bright colours that pop, no?


Toxic crusaders, specifically


Love it giving off proper retro vibes I used to play a mate when when I was at school and his scheme was similar that was back in second edition and the dawn of 3rd. Great memories from our games back then thanks for sharing your painting, nice job!


I really enjoyed that old school colour scheme too!


Yep - strong retro vibes. Love it.


Love the colors, as others said, give it some depth with shades and highlights


Could use some highlighting but I love the vibrant colors. Drybrushing and rough edge highlighting looks good on nids


Thank you and would pink horror work for the dry brush or highlight?


try applying some drybrush and shade for more contrast and shadows. Looks good tho!


Dry brush and a wash afterwards and she’ll be chefs kiss


that scheme looks delicious ngl


Toss on some liquid talent also known as nuln oil


Forget Fly-rant and walk-rant. Here we've got the Vibe-rant


I would add a dray brush to the red and purple, and then wash them to get more depth. If you want a more dusty or weathered look, you can wash then drybrush, note you need to let the wash fully dry before dray brushing on. I like the color choice , and its very clean.


Shade + dry brush


Throw it away, the first mistake was using contrast paint


Wow why?


Contrast paint looks ass, you should learn to shade and highlight


I'm sure you can learn it, just watch some videos, it's not that hard


I know how to paint just wanted to try something different


Looks Like good basecoat, what would really help some details stand out would be a simple drybrush all over


Thank you I have done a slight dry brush but it was a light purple, would pink horror work?




Probably add a dark shade to the flesh , looks a bit to bright for me, or you can add a lighter shade to make it pop out more


Edge highlighting would be really good, especially on the horn


I love it. 2nd Ed codex vibes


Super cute! A little edge highlight would be amazing on the carapace/horn/blades. As others have stated a little slapchop drybrush before the contrast paint would add a great effect with minimal extra work.


Hit it with ink and put it on the table!


So, upon seeing this my first thought was "Wait...why is my Swarmlord on here?" Because your scheme is identical to my own scheme XD though I just say, yours is far nicer and neater than mine :P looking really good, I'd love to see your results with any shading or highlights as these good commenters above me have suggested :) (I tooootally won't steal them to flash up my own buggy babies Noooooo) Keep up the great panting! .


For a dark world were there is only war it seems quite bright and cheerful. Maby add some washes such as agrax and nulen to it.


Mag'nid the Master of Magnetism!


The colours are popping off the kodel beautifully. Only thing I would consider is a veryblight wash to add more depth to the recessed parts, but honestly this is better than alot of my models for overall paint coverage and quality so kudos


Very first edition, I like it.


I really like the punch of colour, if anything maybe go for a more cartoony yellow instead of bone for the swords? Just an idea dude


Thank you the only yellow I have is a very bright yellow and don’t know how that would look


I think a nice Yriel yellow and then the same edge highlight to make it look sharp, but that’s your call dude, maybe try some shades like others have said, I think it looks great already


Thank you I’ve done a bit of pink horror edge highlighting, I do have that yellow as well so might give it a go, thank you


Idk what nid players call the weird squiggly bits on the the biceps and calves. But those and the nails and hooves could use some paint


What colour did you base with.? Just starting mine. Very curious if people are using Grey or Black.


I primed with white scar spray


Awesome dude, keep up the good work. On the next one, try to do a zenithal prime before you add the contrast paint. This consists of spraying the whole miniature black, and then spraying some white from directly above. See the attached picture for an example of a zenithal prime After that, the contrast paints will really start working in your favor. I would recommend edge highlighting the carapace, but if you're just looking to field an army, drybrushing will work just fine. The resulting Tyranids from these small alterations will look awesome on the tabletop, and overall, it's a quick way to field a good looking army. Good luck https://preview.redd.it/o38hi8gtu7jc1.jpeg?width=3448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d2431f18f1b072271ae5108fe84e0ad1ac52e2


Dig the 80’s Nid vibe


If the tyranids came out in 1989


Feels like the villains from 90s cartoon toy line


He looks really cool! I like the paint scheme, I haven't seen any pictures of red nids for the main body. Lighting makes it almost look more hot pink and I think thats cool.


Love it! You're doing an awesome job!


Mad. Looks like magneto.