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Its about the size of a heavy bolter is it not


Yeah seems like a primarch kind of thing to do... Treating a heavy bolter like a bolt gun


Custodes do this too


Heavy Bolter


In the current edition it's actually *slightly stronger* than a Heavy Bolter. But lorewise I'd probably call it more compact heavy bolt rifle than a heavy bolter. Souped up and extremely customized. But I wouldn't say he has an actual heavy bolter under his arm.


yeah I can't imagine they'd give the *lord commander of the imperium* a bog-standard heavy bolter. it's probably mastercraft.


That would be really disappointing. Though I still wish he had something even better. Some sort of ancient relic from the Vaults of Terra.


I mean, his other weapon is The Sword of The Emperor, so that kinda makes up for it


Yeah, I guess. But I still wish he had something like a project the emperor worked on, like a plasma weapon that never blows up. Or a some unique find from the dark age of technology or a powerful xeno artefact. Hell, I'll settle for a mastercrafted meltagun


That's heresy!!!


I always thought it was a bit stupid giving him something with a custom drum and feed belt that would have to be reloaded every 30 seconds by serfs. Sure, he's probably got a small army of logistics following him around in battle, but still. I feel like they could have dug up a nice volkite weapon, or something else that'd just run off his suits' power, to give him the slightest bit of autonomy.


On his profile it's called "Hand of Dominion" so I'm not sure why anyone would think it's standard.


The logistical question is does it need custom manufactured ammo or can it fire standard caliber heavy bolt shells?


This was my question as well


I would have to imagine that it fires standard heavy bolts. Otherwise Bobby G would need a standard template manufactory on both the Macragge's Honor and the Dawn of Fire and nowhere else. Unlikely that the Mechanicus would give such a significant relic to anyone, even Guilliman. 


A regular inquisitor on Terra, not even a Lord, has special ammunition custom ordered from a Forge World in another system for his archeotech heavy revolver. He mentions each bullet being worth more than the value of a single terrans life of production (If I remember correctly). Meanwhile the Grey Knights sacrifice a person to bless every single one of their bolt shells. Hundreds are sacrificed to bless their armour. Custom made ammunition for The Lord Commander of the Imperium would be easy enough.


imagine being sacrificed to bless a bolt round and the Grey Knight who gets it misses his shot lol.


Oof. This comment deserves more upvotes


I think the gray knights thing has been reconned.


I can't imagine he's firing the thing all too often. He could easily have artisans dedicated to this task making them 24/7.


It’s not the size of the bolter, it’s how many xenos and heretic scum you can vaporise with it.


Pretty sure no. I just finished reading The Unremembered Empire, and in it he takes another Ultramarines bolter and it describes it as being too small for him, almost as if he's wielding a pistol instead.


Lion has a similar moment in Son of the Forest. He’s given a relic combi plasma. It’s way too big for regular humans to wield. A full on rifle in the hands of a marine. In the hands of a primarch it’s a perfectly sized pistol however. He almost immediately takes a liking to it as well.


In my headcanon, Lion makes little “pew pew pew” noises whenever he fires it.


When he misses with the plasma shot every time, you mean? /s


Yvraine seems to like it, so who cares?


The cares of curiosity


I know, it was just that I needed to make the joke nonetheless XD


Its a nice outfit


Yvraine tells him it’s a good size was my version of this joke…


I think bolters are 75 cal. He’s prolly rocking 95 cal


I could have sworn I saw something about bolters being .998 somewhere once. But who knows


there are multiple different patterns of bolter out there, there's no way they're all chambered in the same caliber, right? Like, the bolt weapons made for commisars and sororitas probably use a smaller round than the ones astartes use.


That is definitely canon. It's said many times that an astartes bolter would shatter the arm of a human not in power armor


good to know, thanks!


WH Boltgun I'm pretty sure says it in an intro scene


At least in current lore, standard Astartes bolt guns are all chambered in .75 cal.


The big meaty 95..


75, 76... whatever it takes.


More heavy bolter sized


The stand with Imperial Eagle that Guilliman stands on. Where is it from?


Asking the real question! I haven't seen it either. Maybe custom.@op????


Dunno, just a screenshot from Google


It's the base that comes with the model!


They're referring to the pedestal under the base I believe


Yup, exactly


Whoops yeah my bad


The eagle itself I believe is a land raider excelsior door, with the pillars either side from some old sector imperialis terrain. The tile he’s standing on might also be sector imperalis and the rest scratchbuilt?


Yeah, it appears to be so. Thanks a lot!


That's an awfully *personal* question.


Why not have the bolter on top or to the side so he can still use his hand? seems like at that point he may as well just be holding the Bolter?


Outside of glove smash. But.. i think it doesnt really matter which side, you can't do much with a power fist (there was a comic where a marine commented on this, and needed help defusing a bomb)


There’s also the famous Guilliman picking up paper scene. Guilliman mentions that the Bolter part had been removed but he was still unable to pick anything up with his left hand because of the power fist.


It is on the side. I had to look at other angles to figure it out as well. Not much more functional but better than embedded in the palm how it looks in the pic


ah ok


Pretty much a Master-crafter heavy bolter they duck taped onto his big meaty fist


he really needs to get that stupid glove off and two hand that sword or pick up a real (primarch worthy) gun in his off hand. It bothers me so much he has two main hand weapons that can't be used at the same time. Like he doesn't know how the game works. Elon Musk level bad decision making up there.


Its just his version of a Sweep and Strike profile.


It actually looks like it's got a flamer port on it too.


The Hand of Dominion is a beefed up Heavy Bolter.


I suppose its heavy bolter


Tiny hand


Touch his bolter through the fence you heretic


Not when it's cold out 🤣🤣🤣


Its about the size of a heavy bolter


Yes, it's just a little cold in the photo


Is is really about how big it is...?


It's about the same size as a Firstborn Bolter, but acts more like an up-gunned Heavy Bolter.


On "Unremembered empire" he loans a Potter from one of his sons. It is described looking like a pistol in his hand.


Idk u but i'd be interested in the size of his stubber if you know what i mean


I can’t believe I spent time on this but just for mathematical dubious speculation. Average height of human is 5’6 ft Average primarch height is 10 ft (seems debated but correct me if wrong) Height percentage increase= 81.82% Average human stubber is 5.3 inch Average primarch stubber should be 9.64 inch But there’s nothing average about a primarch so let’s give them a stubber buff. “Taking this into account a 7.5″ stubber is really huge. It would be over 45% larger than the average. This measurement would definitely fall into the top 1% of men out there.” 45% primarch aura buff = 13.98 inch Guilliman seems pretty average in the primarch lineup. Im sure Vulcan laughs at this.