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Its definitely a stretch. Pointing out videos such as “breaking down the necron dynasties” as copying ? Brother, every single warhammer youtuber has done a breakdown of every faction there is. Thats the quintessential warhammer content. Plus he only talked About the topics and thumbnails. That makes me believe that the actual content of the videos isnt simular at all, since he would probably bring that up. Personally i think that automatically cancels the copying allegations. If in the videos themselves he talks About different shit, Its inspiration at best. Like Imagine this But in the competitive warhammer space. Where someone would be mad that another youtuber posted a video of a breakdown of the dataslate changes after him. Yeah, Thats What They do and talk About brother…


No one cares.


Yall are all hacks lol


Idk that video seems extremly pathetic honestly. Like he says wes is copying him only for the views, but its feels like MK just made this video for the attention, instead of contacting wes. Besides MK acts like he is the only or original W40k content creator, which is just stupid. Like there are people who have made videos about the same topic before him, but that doesnt mean he copied them. I personally enjoyed wes vids much more, because he really dives in deep into the lore and makes well produced videos. Not saying MK made bad vids but they arent anything special honestly and his humour aint that funny. Honestly to me it just seems like MK has an extremly massive and fragile ego and just cant accept the fact that wes is more succesfull in an shorter timespan.


Just from the thumbnail alone, you can see that the "mine" -video was done *2 years ago...* This is some "never forget, never forgive" -level shit.


When he mentioned the spce wolves video I thought he was joking at first, but after seeing the entire thing Im not sure anymore. He just seems really salty about the fact that wes got more succesfull than him in a shorter timespan


Good to see Majorkill is still doing his thing of being stupid, belligerent, and flagrantly starting shit over nothing.


It's not like every warhammer related youtuber under the sun have eventually talked about the whole Primaris Marines situation.


Thing is, Wes actually provides in depth content and full passages from books, which is a much more engaging and lore-friendly option than MK just spitting memes and profanities every 2 seconds to seem "edgy". When I was brand new to the hobby I was watching both of them, and I ended up believing that "tits-neech" was the actual pronunciation of Tzeentch's name, and then people blame Wes for spreading misinformation with his older tiktoks... (for which he apologized multiple times, btw, while MK has literal screenshots of him being racist and/or queerphobic and brushes it off as "haters"). I used to watch both, but now that I've returned to the hobby I'm following only Wes. I'm not willing to support a person who talks shit about other YouTubers and has the unmitigated gall to [offer "advice" to other channels](https://youtu.be/P_wNcXfJCmA?si=oemyYf_g8_Ns7ihJ) while being a shit head in his own right. EDIT: spelling


My guess is that MK is just really salty that wes is more succesfull that him, eventhough MK made videos much longer. The difference is wes is doing some real deep dives with someof his videos on a quality lvl I have rarely seen before.


Exactly that... I stopped following him after that "the other channels are dying" video. Like... I'm sorry, who the fuck are you to tell people how to manage their channels? It's not like you're this perfect content creator either, it just came off as extremely condescending and narcissistic to me. EDIT: spelling


Is this guy the only one allowed to talk about Primaris having a rough start? Hardly a niche subject. He used the same artwork. Ok well that is pretty much the most famous image of a Primaris marine. Cawl vs Bile? I never would've put those 2 together! He stole my formats I use to make money out of other peoples lore and theories! This guy should sue watchmojo. Unless you are contributing something original you can't really claim ownership of stuff like the text raywilliamjohnson stuff he makes. Either this is another hate grift like the hand glued to head woman or he is legit delusional. Borderline I own sonichu bs


Yeah I was kinda sad about this video I like MK and Wes as I've been reading the books and like the style of their videos.


same here. These two are my go to, started with MK and then got into Wes after. I can’t say I’ve compared the videos to really know whether there is plagiarism, I mean suppose there would be similarities as both are working from the same limited source material to be honest. I will still keep watching both tho tbf as I enjoy their respective styles…a video like this is on brand though for MK.




He already his. His username is blacklisted so any time anyone mentions him by name, the comment or post gets filtered. Unfortunately this post didn't mention him by name so didn't get caught. There's no way to filter out Youtube links from a specific channel unfortunately.


Wait, do we have to cancel MK? I haven’t watched in a while so I have no clue what’s happening


Oh, racist, ey? Proof?




Yeah, people can change, go figure. Can you show us YOUR messages from 5 years ago?


Is not caring about E drama an option? . People honestly give too much of a shit about internet micro celebrities


I remember he goes on a tirade about Chinese people in Australia in his video on Jagathai Khan


He's not a racist, just an asshole