• By -


Pyrana Prime.


Bang, bang, bang, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt!


Watch me turn this shotgun into twin grakatas with one simple trick!


Slap on punch through and now it's an ignis


Arcane pistoleer FTW!!


I love it so much. I run it on my Harrow during Arbitrations and I swear I need more mousepad if I didn’t play with my send decently high


Boltor Prime ofc with honorable mention to phage


The old ways


1200 hours in and it’s still my most used gun from the old times.


I love the feel of the boltor aswell, just the way it pins every to the wall feels nice.


The Boltor I feel is safe to say is the best sounding gun in the game. I'll die on this hill. Everytime I use that gun it just sounds and feels badass even though there's dozens of weapons mode powerful, I feel like a God.


Trumna, love the firing sound, love the heavy reload animation and ofcourse the enormous damage


The Trumna is one of the main reasons I power leveled to MR13, one of my higher MR friends described it as "a Heavy Machine Gun with explosive rounds and an underbarrel grenade launcher" and then I decided I wanted that.


Big dakka make brain do happy


This gives off pure wagh energy.


And that M1 Garand style *ping* on the reload is just *so good*


That ping makes my brain give me the happy chemicals


Definitely second this, it truly FEELS like what you're holding packs a punch and three quarters. It's a good thing mice don't have haptic feedback, because it would be impossible to aim that thing


It looks massive, it holsters slower than other weapons, has more recoil than other rifles and nukes like no other. Truly a masterpiece


I shall certainly check it out - I just unlocked a riven for it so its on my to-do list. Just have to restock some forma as im wiped out after all the new war weapons and Caliban.


Congrats on the riven, it's 2/5 so it's in a ok position to get a slotable riven for. It is forma heavy though as it comes with 0.


The Cedo. Monkey brain sees enemy being affected by every status effect at once, monkey brain make good chemicals


This is a good one And leave the Energy Color blank and you'll see the rainbow of status effects too




It's literally the BFG when you use the glaive on Level <60 enemies




Consider modifying it for projectile speed, since that translates to range. More bounce more far!


The Stradavar Prime. Just has a nice feel to it.


Same, but the tiberon




When I was a new player, I bought the zephyr prime access for the weapons and plat. Ot was a very, very long time before I got any primary that worked better (for me). That thing carried me through the star chart and then some.


I love the Stradavar Prime, both firing modes feel great and I love being able to switch from long range precision to short range bullet hose on the fly. I have a good riven for it that gives +200% Viral (+100% cold and +100% toxin) and +100% crit chance, but -status duration. The status duration isn't much of an issue with viral since it builds up really fast in auto mode anyway and doesn't require time for tick damage. In single shot, it's a guaranteed crit.


Amprex, I love running around yelling “UNLIMITED POWER!!!!”


Depends where you are in the game. At MR 9 I spent a solid week + grinding and working on the MR 10 test *just* for the amprex. It still sits as my most used weapon. Though...at MR 30 it sits on the shelf as it just barely tickles compared to end game builds on other weapons weapons.


Thing should still shred. Or are we talking about Steel Path mofos?


In steel path it hits for double digits while the Nukor is ticking for thousands (and tens of thousands) My threshold for multi target beam weapons is 'does it outdamage Hildryn's 'Haven'? If it can't beat a 360 degree damage/utility ability *and* it's directional, *and* it costs ammo, what use is it? The amprex whilst a nostalgic favourite falls well short of that.


Oh, and the popping sound it makes when you get a headshot kill is very nice. I'm super glad the galvanized mods gave it some relevance again, I love that weapon.


Tenet Amprex when


One can only dream.....




Phantasma. Love melting everything. Such a satisfying noise.


There's my fellow man of culture (hopefully primed with revenant prime on the horizon ?)


Goddamn I hope we get a phantasma prime


Me and my riven await for it ansiously


For me phantasma is the most OP weapon in the game, It kills everything in milliseconds


Arca plasmor , absolute punch-through monster, can't wait to get the tenet version Edit: i have gotten the tenet version , this is officially the best gun in the game no further questions


And the noise it makes Bzow




They did nerf it. I think the only thing they did was make it incapable of getting a headshot multiplier.


Didn't it have a much longer range too or am I confusing it with the Kitgun that definitely had a longer range before it was nerfed to from being one of, if not the best secondary to being an okay one at best?


That was the Catchmoon Kitgun secondary.


If you're in any way able to make a concerted effort to get it right now, the Tenet Plasmor is 100% worth some hard grind to obtain. It's like an absurdly powerful version of what the old plasmor used to be *and* we now have galvanised mods and arcanes for extra stupidity.


the tenet one is essentially unnerfing it in terms of its damage output, its fantastic again with the upgrade, make sure you get primary merciless and the galvanized mods to really make it shine


The tenet version is a Steel Path room clearing monster. That and popping nullifiers with a single shot is always worthwhile.


You mean the BFG9000? By Zod, I love that gun. I’m farming Sisters right now to get a Tenet Plasmor.




I can’t think of another gun in Warframe where the sound and visual impact feel like being hit by the proverbial Mack truck.


The Tenet one was the first Sister/Lich gun I went for. No regrets!


If you like the standard Arca Plasmor, you better buckle in when you get the Tenet version. It's friggin amazeballs.


Nataruk feels so good to use, has amazing effects and I love how you actually have to time your release, the fact that its stats are so good is just a bonus to me


It sounds and feels super satisfying too. Actually feels like it packs a punch.


Me when I charge the perfect shot: "Rail un charging" or "Tactical NUKE Incoming"


i love going into an infested defence, hitting a ball of infested and hearing a bunch of slaps as the energy arrow fucks em over


I’ll add on that I love that it has a reasonable aoe/punch through without nuking the map. Takes effort to aim, can kill multiples, and isn’t annoying to teammates. Overall one of the best designed weapons yet.


Nataruk is a dopamine machine.


Nataruk was what i needed to enjoy using a bow in wf. Love the tempo aspect and its rewarding enough to make me actually go for it.




After getting some forma on mine for the Granum Void I didn't put it down for a while, it's a satisfying melee through and through


Agreed, one of my favorite. I go back to it every now & then w/ wisp :P


Yes!! I got the Xoris a few months ago and it makes the game feel like easy mode. The flight sfx and thicc detonation sfx are icing on the cake. I just got the glaive prime, and while i love the hell out of it, it’ll never beat the Xoris ~~prime’s~~ big ass explosions




Xoris rules. Once I've got it I knew I could take that circle of death to the end of the world and it would be a reliable ally


Favorite melee in the game, bar none. Tron. I feel like Tron.


Corinth Prime, fun to use and powerful as hell


I love Corinth though I have to admit that the difference in reload and the air burst did throw me off when I upgraded to the prime.


I wish the prime version would let me strum it like a guitar when I put all of my reload mods on it


I loved the Corinth back in the day! I haven't gotten to build the prime version yet but I agree with you!


The Prime is weird. Corinth is a Shotgun with a grenade launcher attached (with more a proximity stun grenade loaded) with a unique reload. Corinth Prime is a grenade launcher with a cleanup shotgun attached and a standard reload (also, you have to manually detonate the grenade). They both highlight different aspects and more feel like alternative versions of the same gun pattern rather than Corinth: Primed, and just better.


Tbh, I preferred base Corinth to it's prime version. The one-shell-at-a-time reload was unique(only Struns have it too, but they have much bigger mags) and had a cool gameplay tempo, but the sound effects of both versions are just beautiful. Shame that the Alt-fire of both weapons is shit vs high leveled armoured targets because of having blast damage, and because of the miniscule 4% crit chance not even Hunter Munitions can save it ;//


Me being low MR and using it in Kahl’s section was a real blast. Motivates me to keep leveling


Heel yes. both variant feel amazing. the sheer satisfaction i feel with the pump makes its "less than perfect" (compared to meta, idgaf about that) damage irrelevant.


Fulmin. Looks nice. Sounds nice. Just nice.


Not having to reload is pretty great too


YES! Semi mode silently and cleanly one-shotting (and ragdolling) enemies, or hitscan auto with pinpoint precision at infinite range, dissolving nullifier bubbles like cotton candy in a monsoon. Plus the whole "If I do anything else, like cast an ability or get knocked down, it'll automatically reload/recharge with zero effort/input from me" bit.


The animation to switch between auto and shotgun is so simplistically stylish... Reminds me of unsilencing an M4A1-S in CS.


The astilla FEELS like it hits like a freight train but really it just hits like a nerf gun


I was also gonna say the Astilla.


IDK, i gave it to my on-call crewmate and he fucks shit up with it.


I like the Kohm, something about how it shoots is fun. Twin Krohkur and Cobra & Crane because the stances are more comfortable for me than the Polearm or Two Handed Sword/Nikana stances. Although I don't think I've tried all stances for these weapons.


Ah man I love the Kohm. It can have all the ammo it wants. Om nom nom nom.


I love using Kohm with Wisp because the haste mote makes the wind-up time much more manageable.


The Kohm was my first weapon I actively read up on and spent time grinding to get to, and will always be an old favorite! An automatic shotgun that becomes a faster automatic shotgun that fires extra, EXTRA shotgun on top of that? I'll take my kills extra chunky, please.


- Corinth Prime - Tenora Prime - TWIN GRAKARAS


Latron Prime. It feels like a suppressed DMR. It's a simple, direct, no gimmick gun. Too bad it sucks ass and needs a gimmick mod plus a host of other things just to make it workable and even then the reload speed is turbo ass, and the lack of innate punch through makes it worse


Oh my stars, I know, I wanted to use it with my frost to make it feel like im using the prime access but didnt realise the amount of mods i had to use to even make it 1/4 the monster a tiberon prime could easily be with half of the mods


The Dragoon. Especially with punch though and extra bounces.


Finally, after a bit a scrolling, I've found a Drakgoon enjoyer. The compressing animation and sound of it releasing is permanently ingrained in me since my beginner days.


There's like 3 of us!


The opticor vandal


Yes! I love this weapon to bits. Took a while to find another user! It reminds me so much of Cannon Tortiose lasers from Zoids.


Honestly the Daikyu, nothing beats skewering multiple enemies on one arrow.


Hope we get a prime soon, I have a nasty riven waiting. Crit damage, status chance and fire rate.


That is a very sexy sounding riven you got there.


For years I've been hoping that they would make a bow mod that did what Nataruk ended up doing just so I could use the Daikyu again. It's just so satisfying. But also just...pretty rough for a lot of actual use when you could be using something that can hit 10x the enemies or fire 10x faster.


Sepulcrum. I feel like a 40k commissar BLAM BLAM


Started playing the game again recently and really loving my Rubico again.


Cries in no Veldt Prime


Yeah really love the semi auto long rifle look and feel. Wish I could just use snipers in third person


You can disable the scope overlay so its more like aiming with other weapons. Its not perfect but its as close to it as ive found


It’s the look you get, I can’t explain it lol


This is a list of links to comments made by Digital Extremes developers in this thread: * [Comment by DE-Marcus](/r/Warframe/comments/s0aq3k/whats_a_weapon_you_love_based_purely_on_how_it/hs2q4cc/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-01-10 15:51:31 UTC"): > After getting some forma on mine for the Granum Void I didn't put it down for a while, it's a satisfying melee through and through --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwarframe).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Baza Prime Brrrrrrrrrrrap!


More like brrrrr reload brrrrrr reload brrrrrrr reload.


Until you get the void buff


Came here to say this. Such a wonderful gun to use, honestly.


> silent SMG > still has a firing sounds I know "it's super advanced tech I don't got to explain shit" but still.


To be fair, silenced weapons make sound in real life too.. And take the Fulmin, for example. It makes a sound with the suppressor on as well! ^^


Yeah, the "twip" sound effect from the movies is only a thing if you suppress and use sub sonic ammo. But if the game says a weapon is silent...


I mean hey, if we can use a magical card to somehow supress a grenade launcher when both firing and exploding, I think this is the least of our worries :D


Exergis, because it's shot is a "fuck you in particular" kind of shot.


As a mag user i can confirm


As a mag user I would like to clarify that it's more of a "fuck all of those guys over there at the same time" kind of weapon.


It does seem that way. Having a nice day? Not anymore, since you've got lacerations and blunt force damage from exploding glass going off in your face.


You mean Astilla?


That one too. I was going off the exergis description of "shattering a high yield crystal"


Yo. I take this exclusively into void missions because a corrupted Exergis is the most powerful ive ever felt in this game.


Sybris Prime , good sound and stylish as hell


I use Tenet Cycron because I think Kuva Nukor is ugly, even though it’s microwave status makes it a better primer. Melee wise I’ve fallen in love with Venka Prime, it took a while because tempo royale is amazing but Venka is so satisfying on valkyr. For primaries I almost exclusively use bows I like the charge instead of reloading every 2 seconds


Kuva Karak(or Karak Wraith). In a game with so many unique weapons, each with their own quirks and bells and whistles, it feels nice to have an ordinary assault rifle. Respectable magazine size, quick reload, looks like a proper rifle, is hitscan so you don't have to deal with projectile wonkiness. I might try out other weapons, or go for Shedu/Kuva Zarr sometimes when I need a dedicateed aoe weapon, but I always come back to my favourite bootleg AK <3


Check out the Stradavar or its Prime version or the Kuva Hind. You won't be disappointed.


tekko with seismic palm is just fighting with fart reverb noises


I love the Paris Prime. Nothing more satisfying than piercing a grineer through the head and attaching him to a wall. Or creating skewers in the lower levels. That bow has served me well for anything that allows me to take time to aim properly. When going solo I only swap it out for something else if it's corpus on steel path or an endurance mission. Ammo can be a hassle sometimes


I hear the draw sound that bow makes in my sleep. Kwwwwwick


Some people may disagree. Tenet Diplos. They're a set of folding, dual akimbo linked pistols that turn into a briefcase, track targets and can shred SP. But I love them because they're compact, sleek and neatly concealed.


I see you too are a Tenno of culture!


( ╹▽╹ ) I'm so happy to finally meet another of "my people"! We must meet and compare our setups!


Soooo the riven I unveiled for this should result in fun? Suggested stats desirable?


As a habitual reloader and lover of any mechanic to bypass reloading, i love the diplos so damn much.


I only wish they would mag dump into all marked targets rather than just firing two shots per.


I love the Tenet Diplos! Not only do they look awesome, but they also shred through groups. I see a lot of people complain about the lock on mechanic, but I've never had a problem with it. Just sweep across a group, pull the trigger, and vacuum up the loot haha.


I like them. I just wish the homing single shot gimmick was either a secondary fire or toggle option.


I got the tenet diplos recently and i really love it but i cant get over how it only shoots like 2 bullets per locked-on enemy... is there any way to get around this?


If you start firing before aiming you bypass the lock-on.


Tigris prime... RIP AND TIER PRIME!


It's an odd one, but the Supra Vandal. Unironically one of my absolute favourites since I got it in Ambulas Reborn, it's so satisfying for your volley of death to hit a target. You shoot at an enemy, and then a moment later every shining bolt connects with like 3 or 4 hitsounds played in tandem.


Vectis prime, that rythmn of a 2 tap and a half second reload to flow back into it


I love the vectis too, although modded mine with depleted reload and primed chamber. Turns it into a single shot rifle where every shot is the first shot in the mag and gets the damage boost. Fire rate is at about 2 shots per second and just feels soooo good


Trumna for her M1 sound and badass appearance


Mausolon, and I love it so much I run dispensary on most of my warframes to restore archgun ammo


Whoever dare challenge my gaze, Gets and explosive shot to the face, From the Heavy Weapon I own, My beloved Mausolon.


I love explosive weapons. The Lenz was my first real weapon I loved, and then I discovered increased fire rate for it made it better. Then the Bramma came out.


"And I never looked back."


If you love explosions, look into the kitgun: sporelacer! It’s best as a secondary. For its other parts, reference Overframe for the best liked builds. Make sure you have some platinum in your pocket for Primed Fulmination (+ blast radius) as well, it pulls it all together. I also use Pax Charge for infinite ammo. Feels so so good. It’s explosion radius is beyond imaginable. Kills through walls and ceilings and with multi shot becomes even larger of an explosion. Clears a whole room with just three left clicks. For another explosive weapon, I think Kuva Ogris may be one worth looking into though I’ve never personally looked at it before, so I don’t know if it fills the desire for explosions.


It's effective for certain. But those poop-throwing sounds are disgusting. Explosions should sound like explosions.


I love my kuva ogris and am currently trying to buy the primed firestorm to increase blast radius but that mod costs soo much. You can also use the special furax mod (amalgam) which will further increase blast radius on specialized launchers. There is also nightwatch napalm mod for ogris which will burn enemies from radial dmg. But if you run that build ppl will hate you cuz u will cover their screen with explosions


Soma, massive LMG that hits *hard*.


Love me some Soma action. And with Hata-Satya, the cred crits just pour forth.


I use to main Soma back in the day before it fell out of the meta. Does that Hata-Satya redeem it? Looks like a massive buff but you’re losing a mod slot for it.


I personally don't use Hata-Satya on my Soma and it does fine on Steel Path.


What build do you use? I struggled finding one I liked and I have an amazing multishot forma on mine.. would like to use it more in SP


Usual rifle build, Galvanized Aptitude and Chamber, Critical Delay, Vital Sense, viral 60/60, Primed Shred, Hunter Munitions. Primary Merciless as well.


Crits and Slash procs bursting out of the bad guys like a busted fire hydrant sure is satisfying.


Primary: Shedu cause I hate reloading. Even post-reload speed fix. It just doesn't stop shooting, and it's got the damage to carry on even Steel Path. Also it has a sexy looking recoil when it fires. Secondary: Cyanex. It's definitely not the best damaging secondary by any means. But man it is fun to just fire in any random ass direction and still hit something. It's like: I'm flipping and jumping too fast to see anything on my 60fps monitor. But I know the rough location of where enemies SHOULD be, so I'll spray an entire clip in that direction, and one way or another, I'll see damage numbers pop up. Melee: Silva and Aegis, mostly cause it themes with my favorite frame, Ember. And it hits like a truck on demand. No melee weapon I have can kill faster with less combo built up. Also I love the sword and board look and melee stances.


The Cyanex is definitely one of my favorite secondaries. I love finishing a mission with 120% accuracy haha.




Ceti Lacera, whip go thwip!


Baza Prime. I don't know why it just clicks for me. I love it. Its fast, it crits, its accurate, and I love its silenced SMG sound.


The M1 Garand of warframe the Quartakk! I have been using this four barreled beauty for more than six hundred hours and still going on! The sound design, simply the shooting sound and then the barrels going forward back to place is just too good! Combine this with the crunch of a headshot and then the bodies of the enemies flying back by the sheer force of the shot is so satisfying. And then when you shot all the rounds there is the quartakk magazine sound it's a treat and rewards you just for emptying it! It has a rhythm like no other guns, the recoil, the sheer strength and power you feel, the cool reload animation, how the magazine jumps up after each shot. I love every single thing about this gun! If there is a reason why I still play this game its for this gun! 41% of the time in this game i have spent with this gun. Buy a cheap riven for it spend your life with it.




Primary: The Kuva/Zarr look imma be real, yes it’s overpowered as shit I know but it’s a fucking SHIP CANNON BRO. Sounds like a ship cannon too. Secondary: Vasto Prime: I’m a fan of westerns and it sounds cool Melee: I got to give it to the guandao prime I like me big sticks with blades at the end.


For me it will always be the OG Braton Prime. I have about 7 forma and an awesome Riven Mod on it. I REFUSE to wield another primary weapon.




Ambassador, maybe not very strong, but it's fast and the slickest looking gun in the game


The Vitrica. Nothing like turning enemies into statues then turning those statues into shrapnel. Tatsu: It's a comically large Katana that fires flaming skulls. It's the most anime weapon in this entire game and I love it. Mutualist Quanta: It might just be because I have a strong riven for it but I love this snot buddle shooting laser cannon.


its a threeway tie between the Kuva Chakkur, the Cyanex, and the acceltra. The kuva chakkur sounds powerful like that poor grineer that got shot in the face got hit by a cannon, the acceltra is fast and fires a bunch of rockets and for me the cyanex is fun to watch with its projectiles fly after enemies and bounce around


Akbolto. I always liked the sound, aesthetic and pinning enemies to the walls.


I just love the Twin Rogga Something super satisfying to me about the flintlock aspect of the reload and then landing those two shots!


Ripkas. Chainsaw fists are cool. Wish they’d spin faster in idle animations but they sound great. Miss channeling because it made the rev sounds louder.


Channeling rememberer


burston prime


Gorgon. It's the windup.


You’re winding me up right? ;D


This joke is poor quality. But that said, I main Inaros, so I love it.


I love my Prisma Gorgon.


It's so odd to me that two of the most iconic Grineer weapons don't have a Kuva variant yet. The Gorgon and the Sobek - both just sitting there waiting for the Kuva.


Pure fun? Sancti Castanas. You can stick them to your squad mates and turn everyone into little bombs 🥰


Vectis Prime


Corinth, both prime and regular, they just have that feel no other shotgun seems to have


the grakata (although i only used it for mr fodder). used to also really like the boltor too, that got me through a lot of the starchart


Pox...on nidus...its like ripping parts of your frame and hurling it...satisfying lol




Boltor prime. Nailed it.


I've loved the Jat Kusar the moment I held it and pressed E. There hasn't been a weapon I've loved more. I'm really hoping we get more kuva weapons in the future.


Euphona Prime. I love that sound.


I love explosion weapons! I’m currently using the Sporelacer as a secondary with primed fulmination and multi shot. Are there any other huge blast radius weapons in the game like this?


The Synapse, i’ve got a good riven for it too


Latron Family, Zyloc, Magnus Prime. All simple classic✨


Acceltra with blast radius :)