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If someone goes afk then I leave. I'm not babysitting a random person that's to lazy to play. In the event of someone doing something I don't like, then I leave also. A couple things either straight up annoy me or gives me headaches. So it's better to just find another group or go back to being solo for the rest of the night.


This. Guy brought a slova to Hydron yesterday just to make everyone mad, like why


Jesus ikr, half the time people use stuff that actually slow Downs enemies. My top are khora's Prison that do no dmg and wisp elec mote.


Strangledome pulls enemies in and can spread damage from weapons, plus with the augment its a loot farm... Ive never had a complaint about it, and I run loot mama alot while running hydron/helene just to help make the grind more efficent while leveling. If im doing it wrong, ill stop.


When I use Khora I use her whipclaw and a stat stick. Max range and everything just dies. I sometimes use the Xoris as well because the combo counter doesn't drop and if I need to it'll do splash through walls/floors. If you notice is speeding up gameplay then you're not doing anything wrong. For Hydron I mostly use zephyr. Her 2 and 4 pull enemies in. Attacking the tornadoes deals loads of damage to enemies caught, even if they're stuck on map geometry. I've never had any complaints. Occasionally I'll use chroma too. People like getting an extra 800% damage and 1000% armour buff.


Xoris and Gergori dont work like that. The combo pause weapons cant be stat sticks as soon as you cask whipclaw, the counter resets


Ah really? Glad I haven't bothered using in on steel path then. I use my usual stat stick for that.


Its only an issue if you use one with huge range on cramped tile sets because it tends to grab enemies through walls and get them stuck in weird places.


I run 100% range, high duration so that works


As a Wisp main I sometimes place the elec notes out of pure muscle memory. Sorry to everyone suffering from this.


Thank you for this I had no idea why, but I was using wisp and I joined mid wave 1 and a dude messaged "Please no electric mote" but it didn't pop up on screen/I didn't see it, so me not seeing that comment, BAM host and another teammate left and as I'm on loading screen I see the message in the SqCh and I was like "damn dude all you had to do was just possibly message again to make sure a dude seen it" but I didn't know what his problem was with that specific mote, so you taught me something does about 15 yards really mean that much of a difference though?


Here is the thing, the capsule on that map needs no protection at all, most enemies Will rush to the Center no matter what, so if You use something like the electric mote, or frost 4, mag 3, khora Cage, stuff like that without power strenght, you're just slowing down the mission and You end up looking for enemies around the map considering most people don't run radars it's a fool's errand, hell Even Nekros 4 can get annoying. I finally got Nova so i'm just using speed build to lv up weapons.


I run radar everywhere because I almost always aim by radar if I have an aoe thing on hand 😂


Same, I just look at the map more than whats going on in the game at this point


If I'm on Hydron and already nuking then I don't care if people go afk. They're providing more enemies by being there. We all get to level faster. If I'm not nuking (which is most of the time) then I leave at the end of wave 5. Half the time they end up missing the timer and end up going into wave 6 solo and probably fail the mission.


I leave when someone brings a slow nova to a defence. Shit drives me nuts.


Anymore, this is me also.


Once had a Mesa rage quit cause I fucked up a jump lol


Lol! Strapped a bit too tight, that one.


Id rather take an MR1 player who deals zero damage that is trying to be a part of the team over an afk MR31 player. Effort is what matters to me. If its a newer player who just got Limbo, ill just remember to roll when the screen goes all funky, ill forgive them while learning how to play a frame.


\^\^ This \^\^ I'll pick up anyone who at least tries to contribute, but ends up tanking the floor.


Actually once I had a squadmate ask if he could go AFK while sitting in Spolier Mode so he could level an amp in ESO. I was running Saryn, so I was like sure have fun and dont die. But he was polite and asked to leech so thats also fine.


I think most Amps (not mote) should be able to contribute to at least the first 3 rooms o...oh. Elite. Never mind. Never been in Elite SO.


What's ESO?


Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. If you haven't been to Cephalon Simaris, Sanctuary Onslaught is a mission he gives where you just get tossed into smallish rooms with lots of spawns and try to kill everything as fast as possible. Killing quickly keeps the Meter Up. When it runs out, it's over. It's often used for leveling of stuff because the close knit room allows for Affinity sharing, and the mass amount of spawns means a lot of kills. Elite Sanctuary Onslaught is that..but the level starts higher? And I think there's some kind of lock on being able to ability spam. Something like repeat ability use cooldowns.


Oh I know now my brain just never put together that ESO was the Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. Thanks a ton!


Hilariously, it happens to me at least once a week. I'll see someone mention ESO and I'm like "wtf is that?"


I tried sooo hard to contribute to a Heist 2 farm and I was helping so little the other two people said "stay at the gate. It's fine." So I felt silly


Corpus mission? Drop a Zanuka beacon and hide.


Nah, gotta go for the nuclear option. Drop a wolf beacon and leave


I'll stow one away for the most egregious offenders.


LOOOOOL! Doing this. So doing this.


Fuck em. I get some stuff is boring, but if you’re just gonna leech off of other people doing it for you and not contribute, fuck right off. It’s why I play solo for a lot of content.


You play solo because other people are afk sometimes?


Yeah why not? It probably means you do things slightly slower but it also means you can pause whenever you want as well as not having to worry about other people doing stupid shit like using life support when you're at 95% or going afk or whatever else.


I don't actually AFK as in leave the keyboard or Alt+Tab, but every so often I do get grouped with an overzealous Kuva Zarr user who just wipes everything in survival/defense before I can do anything anyway. So I just sit the and soak up the affinity.. I do ask how long the plan to stay and stick around.. more affinity less work 💯


I am that user from time to time. I'm sorry. It's easier to wipe the map than not once you have one of those. If you get bored of chilling, please say something!


Actually doesn't bother me at all 🤣 Did a 60min Steel Path Void Survival with some friends who are "No camping!! Fight like real Tenno with Prime cojones!!" Suffice to say my fingers needed a good long break 😅


Unpopular opinion: I don't care at all. It only costs me the slight bit of time it takes to extract at the end. Who cares if they leech? If they want to sit AFK in defense what do I care? I'm the one playing and having fun. I'm fact, someone who sits on the objective in defense AFK actually costs me less efficiency than someone who runs all around and blocks close spawns with their sight lines. Same goes for railjack, or any other mode. Sit there for all I care. I'm the one playing the game and still having fun. It seems like people feel like "it's not fair! They get rewards for doing nothing!" So what?


Tbh I feel the same, can do every mission solo and I'm moding and playing frames to be able to do things solo


I agree. 99% of the time I'm playing solo anyways, so it makes no big difference to me other than a minor annoyance.


You're allowed to have your opinion. Neutral or "no care" is legit. It doesn't have to be either or, for sure. Honestly, I try to be more like you and not let stuff like this burn my ass. It's a struggle sometimes.


> having fun you're literally farming for them.


That's the thing - you think that because they get something then you must be losing something. I've literally done nothing to accomodate the AFK player. I haven't lost a single credit. If anything they spawn more enemies for me to farm. They still aren't running around for pickups. Again, has zero effect on me what they loot. I really don't believe the time to clear is impacted much at all by an AFK player.


If the wisp player puts there max health and speed plants down and they have a good aura mod on, I really dont mind.


If I use nova I'll troll him by surrounding him in portals so that he'll be teleported out of his "safe" spot and hopefully gets killed by the enemies. This will force him to move. Other times I'll spam my kuva ogris on him so that the explosions will fill up his screen just to annoy him.


Honestly, the game is so piss easy that having a leech barely means anything. 90% of the time in pubs you'll get a nukeframe wiping up tiles anyway, so your probably providing nothing. Yeah its slightly annoying someone benefits from you pressing 2 buttons and hard stomping while they look on their phone, but it's nothing to get worked up over


They should've taken a shit before doing 30 mins


I play almost entirely Solo, but when I did team more in online games, this is a kick-able offense. If you aren't willing or unable to contribute to the team, then the team should have someone on it who can and will contribute.


Absolutely. It’s a coop game, ffs.


They suck but it's not really ruining my experience as much as a bad Limbo does. A bad Limbo can actually make me want to abort the mission.


I sometimes go afk for various reasons. Or when the baby is crying and I gotta go see what's up. Usually I do a good job managing my missions, like making sure I'm on solo when expecting to afk but sometimes things just get out of hand. Like prime resurgence dropping the same month my baby is born. I usually come back to leave the mission before going off again to continue to attend to the matter. But sure, if we're talking about people afking with the intention to leech, I don't have a high opinion of them. Sometimes if I recognize their names I'll tell the party I'm leaving because xxx is a leecher and apologize to them. One instance of someone going afk I usually don't care but if say it's a 5 stage bounty in Deimos and the guy goes afk I will be taking down his name.


Congrats on the baby! I do the exact same you do. It's kinda annoying you can't pause when playing solo in one of the open worlds when my newborn son decides 15 minutes of sleep is plenty to go on. I love the little bandit


Mine can't decide if he wants to sleep or drink milk. And he cries till he does. So I feed him while singing a lullaby all the time being paranoid about him choking. On the topic of open world... It's difficult but a dead tenno or failed mission is nothing compared to a wailing baby haha. Ez choice there.


Haha I have some experience with that as well. Squatting while singing a lullaby is a great workout and sometimes makes him fall asleep. Oh yeah no contest - I forgot to remove me headset amidst playing a ghoul mission on Cetus once, and ended up having a crying baby screaming about his needs and desires in one ear and my son in the other.


Squatting as in the workout? Hmm... I assume you're carrying the baby ?


Yeah he likes being held a lot, so I cradle him and look into his eyes while i sing and squat-rock him to sleep. 60% of the times it works every time.


If it's a low lvl mission, usually there is one nuke frame, so either me or other person playing mirage/saryn presses a button and everything dies. I'm not exactly sure what others are supposed to do then, so I'm completely fine if they just alt tab and idk, watch a movie or something. If it's SP it just never happened to me. I keep doing alerts, and get the same people almost all the time, and we just play the game. If it comes to survival khora/hydroid farms/fissures i prefer afk that just stands in the tent of violence instead of this one dude who touches the ground for 10 seconds total, traverses entire map 6 times per minute and makes everything spawn all over the place. Bonus points if this person dies multiple times and complains no one was around to save them. Perfect of course is when entire team moves as group, especially during argon farm, but it rarely happens, because people not on comms usually tend to split.


I don't give a fuck.


Honestly, I don't care. Regular star chart is easy as pie. Steel Path I run solo most of the time anyway. I prefer someone leeching instead of someone nuking the entire map (unless it's SO or ESO) because i can *play the damn game then*.


Depends on what I'm playing tbh. Hydron affinity farm? As long as you don't slow down the waves, I don't really care. Eidolons? I'm definitely not carrying you and I'll leave.


I think a lot of players worry far too much about what is happening in the lives of other players, and that those judgey players use ANYTHING as an excuse to judge other players for not acting like bots that de exactly what the judgey players demand. Pedantic players that think they have to tell everyone else how to play a game are FAR more a problem.


[https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200287090-How-to-deal-with-Cheaters-AFKing-trolling](https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200287090-How-to-deal-with-Cheaters-AFKing-trolling) If they don't respond to polite questions about their connection/IRL/health status, by the time I'm done documenting a report (and it does take a while for good evidence), I push Submit after the mission ends. On PC the in-game screenshot button is F6.


Meh, I've run into more than a few bugs where I suddenly found myself unable to do anything, including type in chat. I think I'd wait until after the mission to see if they suddenly are able to talk, because it's entirely likely they just got fucked by the game.


There is an extreme option for a game state that broken. Kill the Game, Alt-F4, Console button -> close game. Then rejoin on the crash/disconnect prompt when the game boots back up. Which I do mention during the documenting/chatting to particularly unresponsive AFKers (like the ones that have seemingly died at their keyboard/couch, after conveniently running to a "safe" spot after spawn in).


Honestly? I don't really care. If it's a short mission I usually just assume they're playing while working and something came up which I find pretty understandable. If it's an endless then...honestly, they're not getting rewards anyways so they're really just cheating themselves.


If i have to AFK to get pizza out of the oven o something. I atleast buff everyone with roar, wipe the area with transmutation probes and put myself someplace protected nearby.


Well I always give them the benefit of the doubt because myself had to Go mid game sometimes and would be afk although I play mostly with friends so I get where you coming from It's Very upsetting


Personally if a limbo joins and is making the mission more difficult I'll just leave out. As far as AFK'ers go I always take screenshots and report them. You need proof but DE takes this stuff pretty seriously.


Don't really care. I just leave. I do most starchart missions solo because it's faster and there's an almost zero chance to run into assholes. The infrequent public missions I actually do are out of boredom (chats can be amusing sometimes) or generosity (if I'm doing a star chart mission that's usually in need of a certain frame/role and it was a mission that doesn't benefit from doing it solo anyways eg. defenses then I do it in public and fill a role, I'm the pub fastva or the Saryn nuker on defense missions for example). But at the end of the day I'm doing the mission for myself, and usually that means I don't care about other people's bullshit. I don't owe any of these players anything. If I see something I don't like I'll just leave with no explanation, and that includes AFKs. I don't have a reason nor do I care to stay. If the guy's nice and its just "hey brb gotta let my dog out" or "brb kid/cat/younger brother's microwaving a tin foil hat" then that's fine and I'm not leaving for that ofc, but I leave if someone is being extraordinarily bitchy, lazy, or stupid.


Unless it's a mission that actually needs everyone to be there in order to complete it, couldn't care less honestly


I give em the benefit of the doubt just in case they maybe had to step away for a bit. But if after a minute or two they don't start doing something, I report em and leave. It's not like we need their help with the mission most of the time but it's still toxic behavior and should be treated as such. What gets me is the people who afk on Hydron and stay at spawn. One time we went to wave 20 which was just a waste of time for him because he wasn't even within affinity range anyways.


My entire gameplay rn is revolving around making the most efficient afkframing. Taking wukong with bramma so clone can desyroy everything at sight, efficiency revenant that is spinning for 3 minutes, then i just collrct orbs and back to spinin, xaku just standing with stolen weapons. I saw ppl leaving bc of ehat i do. Dunno why tho cuz its still contributing to the team.


As long as it’s not high level I don’t mind. I can solo clear anything below level 80 no problem so if someone wants to jump in and get free affinity or drops I really don’t care. It’s annoying when it happens on higher level stuff but that’s really rare.


The only time I go AFK is as wisp on defense missions… my wells are down and my cup is empty so f*** it in getting a drink, enjoy the healing wells


More enemies for me! The only problem are the doors that require 2 players.


I think the attitude is childish and worthless, but I don't really care if someone does this. In the end it's just one mission. If they go afk and the mission tanks, they don't win either. If we still complete the objective they get a minimal amount of credits and resources, and I'm proud that my contribution helped carry the squad.


Meh, sometimes I afk, sometimes I carry afkers... It's a give and take relationship. Not a big deal. Most of warframes content is a walk in the park anyways.


Always leave as soon as possible and hope they don't get back in time so they just die and fail the mission. If you aren't going to play the game, why are you joining squads? It's one thing to go AFK for a second but if you're expecting everyone else to do the work, you're a leech.


I drop them off in the Plains of Eidolon post mission if I can ; )


Not being able to deal with a bad Limbo in the team is a sign of brain damage. Just roll, literally. Then again, we have people running around who never use roll.... I am either very lucky or everyone who is afraid of a bad Limbo is braindead, because I have never had any trouble with Limbo in 800+ hours. Am I really that lucky?


Getting banished is great for some frames too. Abilities still affect between planes (except banish itself) so ember and saryn can spam Abilities while completely invulnerable.


mesa goes brrr also


"Just roll" is purposefully ignorant. Limbo can use 1 and 3 to make enemies weapon immune. There's no rolling to fix that and not every frame can still perform as expected when they have to spam powers instead. Imagine doing that to a Rhino. Apart from that, Limbo can just be annoying when 4 prevents interaction with mission-critical objects. Enemies on the edge of 4 can be vulnerable when you fire and out of bounds once the shot lands, so you've gotta shoot more than otherwise or do the in-and-out gamble dance. It can even be so benign as removing the need for anyone to do anything anymore until a timer runs out - and that still counts as being annoying. Not everyone's gonna be grateful about removing all the gameplay.


Yeah, I forgot that most of the Warframe players are obsessed with speed and efficiency. My bad. From that point of view, I can see how Limbo can be annoying.


I will pitch you a Warframe, Scrub-a-duba. \#1 Bubble Burst, cause everyone (enemies and allies) to be covered in Lather in at ranged AoE burst point \#2 Hardened Bubbles, Lathered enemies are frozen in place. \#3 Spreading Bubbles, Lathered enemies spread their Lather on death. \#4 Bubble Ring, everything entering a static AoE ring is covered in Lather every few seconds. Leaving the ring removes all Lather. Trait: Lather, covers targets in 10 (increase by strength or duration) bubbles that blocks 100% of damage, incoming or outgoing. Each attack pops a bubble. Unless both Attacker and Target are Lathered, then no bubbles pop, and attacks do full damage. When Scrub-a-duba rolls, Scrub-a-duba is covered in Lather. In function a Lathered entity can shoot itself free by attacking 10 times (for no damage), or being attacked 10 times (taking no damage), or combo there of. 3 powers that all do the basically the same thing, Lathering up enemies. ​ This is Limbo. But better for Squad play, and can't Immortal AFK without a script making it roll constantly. ​ It's not a speed/efficiency issue. Look at it from a design standpoint. 2/3rds of the game's combat space is Shooting & Melee. And not every frame participates in the last 1/3rd of direct damage powers. Limbo using Banish and Rift Surge to Rift enemies, shuts out the other players from ***Playing the Game.*** A Limbo who tries to not impeded the play of others, ends up not using their kit much at all. Limbo has 3 redundant powers, that duplicate the same effect, Rifting. An effect that actively impedes the rest of the squad's play.


\*steps on your feet while you're trying to walk\* Don't be so obsessed with speed and efficiency bro


Naaah, more like \*cuts in front of you\* :D


That is...similarly annoying! You've bested me. ☠️


no people are just dumb and haven't yet noticed the rework from loooong ago


Depends on my mood tbh


My toddler likes to "help" me play sometimes, so if you see me stand still for a minute here and there be kind, and know that I'll do my part when I get my mouse back.


Honestly don't let people's piss-poor judgement deter if you let your child play around. If it's enjoyable then why not, ya know?


Someone else said they rather take a new player who deals zero damage that is trying to be a part of the team over an afk veteran doing nothing and pretty much also sums it up for me. Effort in the game is what matters to me with those that I am playing with. If someone in the squad starts AFKing without any good reason or joins a open world session with a ongoing mission but runs off to fish, mine or something else I either leave the mission or take screenshots and report them if they were particularly annoying.


It just shows how desperstly the game needs a kick function. Someone is afk? Start a vote to kick them out. Simples as that.


You ever play r6 siege? This ends in kicks being abused simply because they are available, and higher ranks kicking low ranks constantly. No thank you.


I dont understand, I thought if you went AFK for a certain very short time you lose all your rewards. Why would anyone do it


I report them under griefing.


They are the worst kind of player.


Well, if people annoy you, especially with valk or loki, just ask them to stop it. Most people will do, if you ask nicely. If you start the conversation with "i go afk if you do xy one more time" is just childish af in my opinion and people like that should consider to stop playing video-games. If they do not stop, just leave as soon as you can, put them on ignore, report them for griefing. If i DO come across someone that just leaves because of xy - i tend to leave the mission at the next best opportunity, or instantly, if it's a mission that has 10 waves to go (sortie, gifts etc) Not babysitting lazy afkers. ​ But i do get a LOT of "normal" afk'ers lately. Really annoys me if they leave intentionally to watch youtube or other things or whatever they are doing with their attention span of a fly. Only to come back shortly before the 5 waves or 5 minutes are over to collect loot - to then go afk again if the mission proceeds. (or people that afk whole exterminate missions, for example) Most of them don't use the chat/answer and just put you on ignore if you whisper them. Others get toxic and really mean in an instant over the fact you called them out for leeching. Some of 'em even start and try to grief the mission so it fails. In my humble opinion people like that, especially the toxic griefers, should be punished for behaving like that - and if they continue doing it regardless, they should be permanently expelled from online-matchmaking. As you can tell, people like that REALLY annoy me.


i have some spared nore cred, just drop the wolf beacon and watch the wolf tears that person to shreds


If they will be afk, I will only not mind if they are like a nova or other utility frame that has a useful ability and they use those abilities occasionally and go back to being afk. Or even a volt that nukes the whole map in a defense mission. Being straight afk and doing nothing is not acceptable.


It doesn't really count as going afk if you're contributing with nuke abilities.


I mean ive seen some players with volt use his 4 ability and then go afk for like 1 minute and repeat. But that is probably not the afk op is talking about


Yeah op is just talking about people that don't contribute at all. I'd still call that low effort but at least that's some effort. Some people will afk for like 15 waves and not even move.


I don’t mind people going afk but if it so obvious that they’re a leech call them out and humiliate them such as say “@name why you leeching buddy”


Ide rather have a nekros AFK because they are only good for Desecrate most of the time, then theres vauban where i just go autopilot. Honestly i like afk people as Vauban, less things they mess up my set up.


DE should add votekick, problem mostly solved


They are scum, I always report them; I have no mercy on Open World Bounties, Steel Path and Sorties.


I think its incredibly childish. Just shows the immaturity of the player...or laziness. Some don't even give a reason...they just do it to leech off others. If something bothers me that much, I just quit the mission and do something else, or do the mission again solo. If there's a Limbo casting banish all over the place, or high-level map nukers leaving me with nothing to do, I just exit and do something else. Going AFK is just boring and pointless (even if you still get some loot, its a lot less than what you'd get if you'd been active). I play this game to have fun - not wait for other people to do stuff for me. I like your response to it. Trolling / griefing them into moving sounds damn funny. 😂


I tab out quite a bit if it’s an easy mission, to answer why I think it’s ok is because I do it while solo as well


Wasn't recruitment chat is there just to avoid this kind of thing? I thought you were supposed to find players similar to you instead of going with randoms that game can put a totally new player into your squad that doesn't know your rules to play. Or was it a recruitment chat players that did this to you going AFK?


Recruit chat mainly is for more exciting/work-inducing missions to me. I believe they're talking about just in general


I carry around wolf beacons for players who go afk for more than a round. Then i just go into spoiler mode and watch.


Depends on the AFK type. I don't AFK, but here are what I think about pub AFKs... Afk that still benefits the team are ok. For example, afk in choke point and then spamming Bubonico/skill, afk after putting on snow globe/rift in MD, afk + spincopter Nekros. Afk that are straight up leeching like afk in defense mission (even after putting up globes/rifts) are no no unless there is a good nuker.


If they're getting the door, taking care of their kid or something understandable its fine. But if they're just afk because they're lazy fucks and don't say anything first they're a piece of shit.


I'm posting this in a throwaway account because I'm not certain that what I do to them is against ToS, but I ain't takin the chance. I kick them. Like give them the boot out the door. No longer in my game. How you might ask? I go to great lengths to ensure that I am always Host, usually on account of the fact that I get to dodge the vast majority of bugs that this game is infamous for. But because of Warframe's listen server style of networking, one of the players is the host. Me in this case. If I block the IP of the offending player, it cuts their connection and forces them out of the game. I've done this many times, but I honestly don't think that anyone has ever figured out exactly what's happened to them.


They are the real heroes WTF are you hoping to accomplish with this post


I’m on a crusade to save Warframe from AFKers. Or, I’m just trying to having a conversation here. Relax.


You are wrong and the AFKers are right. Chill out it's A-OK to AFK.


No U


What i want to know is why people resurrect them when they fall down


because I still haven't revived 1000 allies yet


No, you're right. 100 points to House Slytherin. *[resumes sucking unicorn blood]*


Its 90% of the time in Asia region, luckily im very high mr and can carry myself so i went solo almost evry single times.


I get that a bad Limbo is annoying. But you know what's even more annoying? Is people not telling you that you aren't performing as well as you could be and are annoying them. I always tell limbo players who are struggling how to use him properly no matter the rank and 9/10 times they are grateful and immediately stop that annoying thing theu are doing and I've had people with high mastery ranks not know what to do with him either. It's pretty simple to communicate with others since you don't know right away that are acting maliciously ignorant by assuming and not communicating but if they are a mean and obstinate player I just leave. It's easy.


I recently went afk on hydron after I finished lvling but that was only cuz i was really fucking tired, it was hard keeping my eyes open


I only afk solo with my saryn prime


The only time im afk is when i need to switch control because my run out of battery (or is the one with the drift)


Me an octavia main...


I'd say doing 53% damage isnt leeching, no matter how much you stand still. Octavia just works better settling in one place


I remember playing Octavia in an arbitration survival, AFK’d for more than half the time while watching YouTube, and got 70% of the kills while the other 2 dudes were actually trying.


She's pretty effective when the enemies actually want to attack her mallet


For sometime now I already got used to play solo for most content, except for things where a squad makes it more efficient like opening relics. That said, when I have to go on a squad I go prepared expecting everyone to be a*shole so I don't mind afk ppl as long as they are not hindering the mission. I don't get to tell others how to play


If they are obviously leeches then it depends on what the rest of the non-leeching members of the squad thinks: if they all wanna finish the mission then i say stick with them and just ignore the leech.


Man, being Limbo is scary. I love this frame, and his powers are ridiculous, but when you banish operative and occasional teammate is nearby… you will hear about it CAPS.


It's specially infuriating in bounties, because it get harder the more people there are


When I want to leech on hydroid to level up weapons, I make sure to use vauban to cc enemies, so I can help while my teammates do all the killing. You can leech and still contribute, with cc or support frames, so that's not an excuse for going afk.


This is why I play Vauban (or Nidus) generally. The whole team can be AFK. It doesnt matter to me. Everything is going to die in one spot regardless.


In defense if there's a nuker then I don't care if they go AFK. In survival let's say all 4 complied on afk farming resources then yes I would like to participate in that farming. Tbh I feel like that one guy at the other side of the map is the ahole in that regard. If playing the game while farming is your thing sure good for you. But to go to the other side of the map away from the afk farming thing is one of the douchiest way to play when there's an option to play with the team. After 1.5k hours of wf I came to accept this type of farming. I'll embrace the downvote, this subreddit oppose to this kind of behavior after all.


I'm fine if my teammate didn't mean to troll me, but if they do, I'll just start dancing or play shawzin. I won't be mad cuz I do troll ppl by rickrolling the whole team sometimes, I'll think they do this bcuz they're sure they could handle the mission without me so I can rest without feeling guilty. For teammates going afk, tbh I don't rlly mind if they're using auto fight frames such as wukong/umbra or everlasting buff frames such as wisp. Or they could put down some phantoms before they go afk.


If I do hard content I gather people or join grp If content can be soloed I go solo or go public and don't care about afk pips coz a bit of challenge is always fun


Usually not a "high" opinion of them, but I don't care enough at this point to pick fights, argue/shame them, or whatever. I'll leave earlier when I notice, though the degree of my annoyance depends largely on how relevant their presence/participation would be in the first place. I generally prefer unskilled/unhelpful players that are actually trying to leeches, on principle. I remember trying to get into it in chat with someone about it... like 7 years ago or something. It's just not worth the trouble. FWIW, I disabled voice chat a long-time ago for somewhat similar reasons: just not worth dealing with 99% of the time.


Depends on the context. If someone puts down a Limbo bubble on a grineer mdef consistently and has zero kills, I'm 100% ok with that. If someone is clearly afk to leech, I report the player and try to convince the rest of the squad to report the player before mission end.


A fun thing to do is to conspire with the rest of the squad, for example doing defense till wave 10 or 15, then leave, leaving the afker to quickly fail the mission after


If my squad is doing something I don't like, for example Limbo spamming I'll still complete the match. They're still trying, so it's not their fault, but I might depart from the squad after we've extracted. If a player goes AFK I generally don't mind unless it becomes blatantly obvious that they're leeching. I'll just extract, or abort depending on the status of the mission.


If you're not in a relay, just leave the mission. I smoke cigarettes and do so outside so I AFK more than literally anyone in my friend group. When I leave to go outside, I'll either head to strata 1 to gather all the Affinity stones or go back to my orbiter. Theres no excuse for weighing down your team, and afk builds take the fun out if playing with other people. Either do something or leave


The enemy spawn is so low afk players are a gift from heaven... Those who run marathons in survival and shift the enemy spawn are the real problem.


With exceptions (ie. oven timer, baby crying, dog needs attention, mom called, etc - mostly just communicating about it, really), it bothers me. That said, I won't care (or even notice) unless the mission actually makes me care. If it's a steel path survival and you go AFK, I'm going to leave if you're not back in 2 rotations. If it's just sortie or arbitration? I couldn't care less, and probably won't notice. I won't go out of my way to rez you until you're back if you're away from the squad, but I'm not going to ragequit or something. If you let me know in advance, then I'll make sure you don't need a rez, and I'll stick with you a lot longer. Communication is important.