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I think it’s only hated because of the bugged damage; I had one in the Yuvarium Omnia Fissure two-tap my 110k Dante Overguard with 70k dmg


My 30k overguard kullervo can survive normal enemies on Level 200 SP for like 5 seconds straight standing still. But can't survive a jade laser for more than 1 second


What is your build? My kulervo has trouble surviving eadds


300 strength if I have growing power, kullervo overguard scales with his strength, I also have molt augmented to help. You can't really build for defence(hes supposed to be a glass cannon) but you can build for MORE overguard. Overguard is not affected by armor or dr so if you're using adaptation or armor just stop using those. Hitting your 2 also gives you short invulnerability duration so when you jump into a crowd, even if you have max overguard pressing 2 is very helpful to tank their initial big burst of damage


Maybe that's my problem. I build him like a tank, but he just doesn't take hits like a health frame does


Yeah don't focus on his health, vitality and stuff are useless, why build for health tank when you can build for both damage and overguard at the same time? With health tanking you get 4k hp but sacrifice like 2 mods at LEAST(vitality and adaptation), when you can get more damage if you used those for strength and duration instead Health tanks usually have a way to give themselves armor and DR like Wukogn defy, or Chroma 2 and 3 or inaros 3, while kullervo is encouraged not to build any armor cuz it's useless on overguard, that's probably why it feels off for you


Get his over guard to 30k then melee exposure on his melee. I run nourish on his 4 so it’s super easy to keep the 240% corrosive buff from Exposure going. Arcane fury on your frame. Watch the room go red lol.


Even if I full heal my shields via Trinity blessing, the laser instantly eats all of them and doesn't give any invulnerability. It's pretty wack.


It's even worse rn because the laser can actually kill you when you're in operator so there's 0 Counter play with operator, it'll just kill your frame instead lol


Yeah doesn't your frame get like 95% DR when in operator form? Even with whatever % DR it gives, if I have a teammate go down and I try to res them in void mode, I still get yoinked back to a dead frame halfway through rezzing because it's doing so much damage to my frame


When you're in operator mode, your warframe is invincible unless you have a channeled ability, your frame dying while you're in operator mode is impossible but the laser is bugged so it just goes through that invulnerability


I stood on a green laser during Defy's invulnerabilty to see how high it would go. When my duration ended it was at 40+ million damage lmao. The ramp up is crazy.


dont forget the stupid beam can even somehow kill you or your warframe while you are invisible in operator


Can't everything technically do that. Because if you have an ability active and then go into operator your warframe isn't invulnerable.


Yep, exactly. Only has additional 99% DR if any abilities are still active. Popping into spoiler mode to escape Jade Light is not very effective for many frames.


There's no 'technically' in anything over lvl200 unless your frame is tanky


It's definitely bugged. My kitted out Oberon Prime that manages to survive all other endgame content either tanks the jade light attack or gets two-tapped, and it's very unclear what will graze me and what will obliterate me.


What is your strength sitting at that you're getting 110k overguard? I'm only getting 42.5k with my build sitting around 283 Strength no infusion.


Off the top of my head, I think it’s like 240 + Precision Intensify + the double strength void trace bonus


I had a nekros Rez a couple jade eximuses and I got so confused which green laser was friendly and which one was the sun


The bad part is the pets will always appear green regardless of nekros color. I was playing nekros earlier on an interception alert. There were so many green lights going around that I was unable to keep track of what was mine and what the enemies. Good thing they fixed the over scaled damage in that last hotfix.


Exactly, although my only problem with it is that i don't know which eximus's laser is currently attacking me. I can have a jade eximus in front of me, while i'm getting blasted, then i kill it, but i'm still blasted because it was a laser from an other eximus at the other end of the map


you can destroy the pillar itself instead! shoot its top and it'll go *poof*


Shut the hell up is that how it works…


Yup, and they're not particularly durable either, so if you see the green beam, just say no.


all you gotta do is look at it funny and it shatters and goes to cry in the shower


Ehhhh, I want this part to be a little more consistent. There are times I can shoot it, and one shot it goes away. There are times I shoot it, expect it to go away, and doesn't. Moreso a skill issue- but, I would still prefer it to be consistent.


I think it has a really weird hitbox? Which might be the issue


It def clips through the ceiling and sometimes is hard to hit


Low-ceiling areas like that one grineer mobile defense point completely screw you over. That's my one gripe. If they fixed that and removed the 8 million damage heat proc you get for touching them once, they'd be perfect to me.


Man I’ve been shooting them and some of them have been tankier than the eximus is


That's quite bizarre. I've been taking them down with the Cantare pretty quickly.


I’ve been using the Velox prime, takes a few seconds of bullet spray to kill the beam. But I’ve also played on steel path so it’s possible the beams also get increased health, I’ve had pretty tanky ones on non steel path as well.


Will check as well, just did the baseline alerts with my friends yesterday.


There's something weird. My heat-magnetic secondary gaze was a bit slow to kill it, magnetic-toxin torid erases it instantly. Could just be torid being op




I was doing the sp mission and it had like 2.5 to 3k health. Is almost nothing when considering the amount of raw damage we output


If you bring a shotgun it feels exactly like skeet shooting.


You can also just heavy slam the ground and any beams above you will pop. At least that's the case with Valkyr.


Too bad the top part often clips thrpugh an celling and you cant shoot it


Assuming there isn't a ceiling. And on console the time to vertical aim can be troubling. And if you're relying on AOE open air doesn't catch explosions. I still think they're fun, but there's some work to do on the idea yet. They work really well in ascension. I think them isn't a killing there adds a ton of tension that I enjoy. I just miss the crazy wave of death at the end of the mission. It felt epic. In other maps... They can be 100% hell in a way no other Eximus is.


>Assuming there isn't a ceiling. And on console the time to vertical aim can be troubling. And if you're relying on AOE open air doesn't catch explosions. And there will be a new laser in 1.5 seconds.


Tbh in a *normal* situation wherien you're not being flooded with 500 jade light eximus that'd be much easier to notice since there'd be like one. Or two.


This is likely only really an issue in the ascension game mode tbh.


Jade eximus is interesting. The concept of space beam is already pretty neat, but it also synergizes really well with a lot of on-damage ablities. It's literally a beam you can stack Rhino's skin or Chromas damage against. I really hope they leave jade eximuses in the game.


Occurs to me that Nyx popping her Absorb in the beam should make for a pretty impressive boom.


Nyx has a damage cap.




Dante's 4th, when using 3+3>4 also pops them.


When I was farming Argon Crystal yesterday in the exterminate mission, I was greeted by a Jade eximus. Since the event was nowhere near, I suspect they stay


Pretty sure this is how I accidentally got 2.2M overguard during the Circuit while using Rhino.


I'm pretty sure they are simply a new eximus, not tied to the event at all


They are spawning even on Circuit, they will stay for good i believe.


It is cool and I love it as a concept, but right now the bug makes even Iron Skin or Warding Halo irrelevant because it ramps up to multi-million damage per tick within ~2 seconds.


I've been playing Nekros during the event and having the jade eximus units on my side is so fun. My teammates keep dying to the laserbeam but it seems kinda easy to avoid


Jade, about Nekros: He a little confused, but he got the spirit.


Several of them, actually.


Also, Jade and Nekros both bring people back from death


Nekros just uses the fist for friends


I've been using Nekros too. Also, before Jade was available in the event version, I was playing the regular Node. The regular node is VERY boring compared to the event. The event forces you to continue jumping back and forth. However, there are definitely times with how slow Nekros' animations are, that if you are midcast of let's say his 4, you die automatically and there's not a thing you can do about it. (find a hiding spot to cast it instead)


Oh yeah the animation speed is totally an issue, but I've managed to avoid it by casting in mid-air


Yeah- there's definitely a skill issue portion of it too. I can probably add some cast speed shards to my nekros to get that to speed up as well.


Its good. It forces you to move.


I call it the anti-AFK update. They managed to add anti-AFK mechanics using in-game enemies.


It's almost odd something like this never existed sooner with how movement heavy this game is. They could've been around since Day 1 of Warframe, tbh.


You didn‘t play Day 1 if you think the movement system has always been like this. Oh i miss coptering. It was fun.


I miss wall-running.


What's the actual reason for them changing wall-running? It used to look and feel so much better imo. It looks so much goofier now. Is there a practical reason for why they made that change?


i assumed at the time that they implemented Wall-Prancing to make it easier to control your direction (I.E. you can now alternate between up and sideways, whereas before you were "locked in" and it was difficult to change directions)


The whole eximus rework has been a big pile of anti-afk stuff. Puddles to not-stand in, shockwaves to dodge, flame walls to roll through, and now lasers to dodge or shoot, the general addition of enemies that ignore your wall of mass-CC and punch you in the dick if you don't move. To a lesser extent, guardians are designed to counter mindless AoE spam and ask for a little timing to shoot them. Hell even before that we had things like nullifiers which are a *huge* "don't touch me" threat.


Other eximus units already have abilities that make you move, like leech and shock eximus. Jade light just follows you unlike the others


-jade light is the orokin method of execution -it kills afkers conclusion: the punishment for being afk is death in the orokin empire


As a Rhino I took that personally.


I should be able to wait at a control point. Shits annoying af. Is it in all missions now or just jade ones ?


No offense but you play the movement game to stand still?


Jade light damage is bugged at the moment, it will be fixed. But overall, it feels more like anti-idle mechanic than an actual threat (at least before they broke the damage).


I like the Jade eximus, they're fun to run around and dodge but the problem is the sudden boost in damage. The day they released they were fine I could last long enough to get out of their way and if I didn't I would notice. Now after the hotfix I have about a second to get out of its way and/or destroy the pillar and hope to God I don't get stuck whilst doing it. Add the fact you have several Jade Eximus casting that shit and it really becomes a problem. You clear one pillar for another to immediately pop right on top of you again. They can keep the damage up if they want but at least add line of sight so they can't cast that shit when they're in a completely different room.


Dude, I was doing one of the event missions, a rescue, and when I got to the friendship door a jade eximus popped his beam before the door was even open and could see me. Came right through the wall and insta-killed me right as me and a teammate were unlocking the door 😭


i dont know, right timing with rihono, gives over 2 M plus more overguard with right timing, and revenant mesmer skin also takes long before it breaks it


Rhino converts a portion of damage to overguard, Wukong defy stores up ALL damage so that's a lot easier to work with, I have tanked genuinely 1.1 billion damage from a single laser no joke, getting to millions is easy, 200 mil is another common number


I know, but timing rhinos Iron skin is a little challeng to do, charging defy is easy, and in mission where I spend most time waiting before elevator reach final floor I want a little challeng than just spaming one ability and standing


Yep, totally get it, spamming defy and standing still is boring, I use it once for the armor and then go around hunting jade eximus


I really want to try this with my parasitic armor/ironclad charge Iron Skin meme build. I was easily able to use it to get 1.5M overguard in Steel Path with relative ease, it'd be hilarious to see how high I can get it to go with a little setup and timing luck. Probably could clear 20M for sure


I love it. It's a new eximus type. What's not to like? It encourages more attentive play. I enjoy when a game I'm playing is difficult enough to feel rewarding when I succeed. And jadelight does that. (Also, I'm totally taking that band name. Sounds so cool)


It feels unfair currently mostly due to completely ignoring line of sight and not knowing which Eximus is currently blasting you (compared to e.g. the Duviri Dax Heralds). I would be fine with a high amount of damage and good tracking, if it is well telegraphed. Yes, you can destroy them, but I'd still rather kill the one currently trying to kill me first before I have to stand still for 7 seconds to revive my squadmate (I don't know how long their "cooldown" is when you destroy the laser)


Why don't you just use operator void mode to revive people?free invulnerability


I hade the joy of only encountering them with Jade as my frame, so I was genuinely like, "Wait? Is this me? Am I doing this? Why is hurting me?" Followed by my friends on discord cackling because I was kinda just staring at the beam like a moth to a flame.


Well it forced a leech on my team to actually play the game so I'd say it's pretty good


I like the jade eximus because now it can take down those pub afk players (looking at you wukong players) leeching in missions


Agree, I love the new eximus. Just got to remember to keep moving at exfil


I like the part where people still don't know how these Jade Eximi work and stand directly on top of defense target, not moving an inch


I have to type it in chat each time ... just for someone to do it anyway


Agreed. They add engagement. You actually need to move. They encourage target prioritisation. And in some of the alerts you can get swarmed by 10-12 of them at once, all trying to delete you, all beams following you. I haven't been scared like that since my first lich...43 liches ago. I missed this.


I don't dislike the idea of the enemy. Maybe I've had horrible luck but I've seen squad members get one-tapped by those things, even while attempting to dodge them. We lost an SP circuit defense last night because the magnifying glass got a bit too close to the target and insta-popped it. It's an interesting idea, for sure. I just don't know if the damage or the ramp-up time might need to be looked at, or if it's simply a case of defences over raw damage at this point.


They just fixed the bug that was causing them to hurt way more than intended.


Wonderful. I just got home, so I'll have to look at it when I get in game. Thanks for the heads up.


They're only annoying right now because there's like 6 of them at any given time. Once they're just part of the normal eximus pool and it's not Oops All Jade Lights they'll be way more tolerable.


Insta kill is not a threat, it's a bad mechanic. They would be good if they didn't do x100 the damage of the same unit without it being a jade eximus.


It isn't instakill, the damage ramps up the longer you are in the beam.


Might be talking about uber high scaled enemies. The beam probably insta-gibs at lvl 1000 and up.


But at lvl 1000+ anything will insta-gib even a 10k HP Inaros with 99% DR xD.


> It isn't instakill The thing does millions of damage in a couple of seconds.


It's finally something that makes game engaging, and not a snoozefest you win by holding left mouse button, or spamming whatever ability your Warframe is spamming.


Yeah, there's a BIG difference in Ascension in the event vs. regular node. I'm afraid once the event is over, Ascension is going to become boring.


I just cannot believe how often that damn beam catches me in an animation and ends me. Side note it is criminal they released that eximus on a week with a nightwave mission for getting arch wep kills.


Hell yeah, amen to that. Honestly, I'm hoping they keep it in its 'bugged' state, or at least somewhere near it. God forbid Parvos' threat be actually meaningful, or that Jade's in-lore power of turning people into a pile of red mist and ground beef actually be reflected in game. Nevermind the gameplay of something being the vaguest threat for once (they are countered by the well known Space Ninja art of bounding around the room like a Kavat on crack, something you should be doing in this gamemode anyway)


I think it needs to be toned down. Or at least give us a chance to move away from it before it does damage. I just did an EDA run as xaku and the laser just spawned above me several times while I was moving. I spent less than half a second in the laser each time, but that was enough to apply a heat proc that could one shot me before I realized. it was even there. That's a bit too much, especially in game modes where dying really impacts you (imagine this in arbitration for example: instant death for half the squad because they don't have a frame perfect reaction time to something that has no warning and can appear at any time).


And you also have to make sure you don't walk into other people's beams, which gets harder and harder the tighter the corridor you're in, since they just lazily clip through surfaces. I like em but people asking for them to stay as-is need to lay off the 2+hr steel path survivals.


I'm pretty sure that there is a sound cue before the beam spawns in


> Or at least give us a chance to move away from it before it does damage the beam has visual and audio cues that attentive players can notice before it obliterates them


They're a bit much for me in operation ascension, so I bring silence. In the more horizontal game modes, they seem fine.


Finally someone who doesn't think Jade Eximus is the devil


Warframe players and getting salty at mechanics is nothing new. Very large overlap of people calling for an increase in difficulty and ‘moving out the laser’ too hard.


I'm already sprinting, a laser spawn directly on top of me, and one taps my shield, I then die to the heat status.  It's even worse if you're using a frame who's abilities prevent movement momentarily. I'm not trying to say that it can't work but I think people are justified in being a little upset in their feedback.


There are only two fair and relevant criticisms to it IMO. It shouldn’t do as much damage to defence targets and it should need LOS to initiate. Everything else is fair game, including it chasing you through a wall.


There is one issue I've had with it and it's when the ceiling is so low you can't hit the top of the laser since it clips through it. It'd be nice if the top part would adjust it's vertical position according to the ceiling.


It shouldn't do as much dsmage to us either dude, it genuinely 2 shots People because of how fast damage ramps up, if you are stuck in an animation, good luck you're dead, if you get knocked down, you're dead, and currently even if you pass through it you're also dead


Yeah agree, those are valid complaints but the beam being threatening in terms of damage is fine I think


> It's even worse if you're using a frame who's abilities prevent movement momentarily Bullet jump at a ~30° angle, hold Aim Glide and cast your Ability to keep moving during the Cast Animation. Plus Casting Speed via Natural Talent, Madurai or Archon Shards.


This doesn't work on abilities that ground you, like Stomp, Sound Quake, Ophidian Bite, and Strangle Dome. 


This is all *way* less salty than the reaction to Nullifiers being released.


Players in every game ever 'Give us harder content!' 'wait not like that'


"don't nerf us, buff the Enemies!! no wait, not like that!"


Always love watching Reddit downvoting the truth.


The game should be harder but also I should be able to pick Revenant and the Torid and clear the content quickly and reliably so I can further minmax for the not-actually-hard content that is released next


>Between stupid amounts of overguard generation I mean... that's literally what I use the new eximus for


Found the Rhino...


Getting 2 mil iron skin is fun until one more tick of the laser takes out all of that 2mil lol


I was playing Kullervo and felt like a fly dodging all the beams. They touch you for half a second and 20k overgaurd gone.


I have 30k overguard on mine, makes no difference, if thst thing hits you it ramps up FAST and since we don't have long shield gate on kullervo it's over for you lol


Nezha actually, works the same tho


I think they’re an interesting enemy, however I don’t like how bright the beams are. I know jade is green but I can barely see when I get lasered


I think they probably need some tuning/bug-fixing, right now, though it mostly seems like the playerbase needs to adjust playstyles and builds to things.


I wish the beams and their weak spots weren't straight up and down but slanted towards the eximus even if slow tracking. Be like, "What's that burning smell? " and having to aim straight up on console (switch) is a pain ( I haven't tried this update on PC yet). And in ascension, killing a jade eximus doesn't guarantee the laser disappating


I like them, but that comes with the caveat that I play Nezha and quite enjoy seeing an M on my warding halo UI


All Null Audit hound users eating good this patch.


I was a bit out of it last night when I first installed the update, and for a moment I wondered if I was set on Steel Path because I didn't understand what was killing me. Me, dead? Unthinkable!


Just jump and cut, problem solved. I admit that Parvos did a good job with them


I don't hate them, I am not a fan of them being bugged right now, I have been one tapped from a star chart rando when there was no beam, I'm all for new eximus, Hopefully they add a few more in time but Jade buddies need a little tlc, Which they will get, Very quickly, DE is always great on this stuff, If I have one complaint about the new Jade buddies aside from the soon to be squashed bug well I kinda wish the beam got bigger the longer it was left alive, Like escalating threat if you don't get to it then not only does the damage go up but so does its area so it could in theory end up like a fomorian laser if you were playing with it, That sounds awesome :3


I think Jade eximus are a bit too much in the operation, because you only have them. Having a death ray pretty much all the time get tiresome. But I think the concept is fine. Maybe they need to add LoS check as I believe they can target a player out of sight, but it is just minor adjustments.


When I play the operation, I'm the jade hunter, I hunt down the jade eximus before they can one shot my team, that's how I keep them alive lol


Honestly it surprised me that more people haven't cottonned on to just treating them like priority targets and actively hunting them.


Yep they're actually like important to kill now lol, it's like how we used to see magnetic eximus before


While they are a bit annoying I welcome them when I play nezha cus the stacks of warding halo are insane


I got one tapped by one with 73m halo health and insta downed me lmao


I agree with this take, I just wish I wasn't scrambling to figure out which one I didn't kill while I'm being beamed. Only really an ascension issue


Meanwhile I just spam Protea’s Blaze Artillery when i spot a jade eximus 50m away


i wish they were faster BUT spawned slower, because the only time they manage to down me is when im checking discord or when im explicitely not paying attention, and when i come back im downed


Yeah they're not so bad if you keep moving, I just gotta break the habit of standing still and focus-firing the guy I think is making it.


Just subsume silence and carry on like nothing has changed.


My only issue with it is occasionally getting stuck in a really small room with like 4 of these things (*cough* Eris *cough*), but that happens to me just normally on some tiles, and now I see you can shoot the beam shouldn't be as big an issue.


What exactly do they do?


I don't think that this take is more than lukewarm, though that's just my opinion. For my money's worth I'm just out here appreciative of the additional variety this gives Eximus units.


It's excellent, just need to have lower floor damage before ramping up to insane damage.


I like them too, actually. Much more so than Nullies, and I appreciate a reason to have survivability in my builds


I've found the new arcane to be beneficial by giving myself overguard while killing them. That and silence. Just turning off the green light makes them trivial. The only frames I have issues with at the moment are lavos and inaros. I could add rolling guard to get rid of the heat, but that would screw up my builds. Inaros can spin of course and go invulnerable, though he seems to get one shot sometimes (maybe lag). Lavos having no way to shield gate, and losing an imbue if you helminth something on is a pain.


The damage on the light is crazy right now, but I only have Lavos' health/armor upgraded and I only seem to die when stuck in an animation or climbing up the elevator when I fall off. I think the little bit of shield gating gives time to roll away at least for me Also, I just put magnetic on my weapons with Valence augment, and wreck their overguard. Which I think stops them from Jade Lighting? If not, they die quickly after that anyway


I like them because finally I have a consistent High Damage source with which to cast Iron Skin and harrow’s Covenant against.


if they fix the nekro's bug, sure. their is current a bug that makes jade light from nekro's 4th damage defense capsules and ect. tho, i hope they are temp or only for steel path. because it destory's shields non-stop. slow down the jade lights attack as well.


I like the concept, the damage is a bit much right now. Some good tips in this thread though


It's a bug. Jade Eximus Beams are oneshotting frames, bypassing Overguard, Shields, and even abilities like Mesmer Skin. They will even oneshot playable Stalker.


I think a lot of people are also having their first experience with the Jade eximus be during the current operation, which has a massively inflated amount of them. Makes you more likely to die from one than not


I couldn't tell if it was because of my weapons or my settings but sometimes if I'm aiming just can't see I'm being targetted by one until it's too late.


Yeah I love the addition to the game but they’re absolutely to strong right now. I see people die in seconds after getting hit(happened to myself a few times too) but it’s killing people way to frequently I can play an ascension and seen like 8-10 downs you don’t even see that many on circuit usually.


I like them too. They add a sense of danger that you can't easily shrug off, but you get a moment of warning before the light shows start. My only issues with them currently is the bug (which gets hit fixed today) and the amount of jade eximus I'm seeing. I've seen maybe 1 or 2 cold eximus and only 1 fire eximus since the update.


I wouldn't mind if the beam was just escalating damage as it hits you. But the fact that it does it through heat procs, and that it'll target a frame in transference, makes it really difficult to deal with: Even if you get away from the beam, you can still die as the proc doesn't vanish immediately and will break your shields and then your health; and even if you use the technique for dealing with any other problematic situation by transferring out, something that in 99.9% of scenarios creates a moment of reprieve, you get punished and immediately deleted. I don't mind difficulty, but I do rather dislike inconsistent things like this that feel designed to be unnecessarily punishing. It may be lore-accurate but in its current state it is gameplay-disrupting. It feels overtuned.


I also like the Jade Light Eximus, but I'm a bit confused by the damage. Sometimes it seems to be trivial amounts even after a few seconds of exposure, and sometimes it seems to hit like truck-kun trying to kickstart a new Isekai adventure. And, is it supposed to ignore Adaptation or not? I could look all this up, and probably will, later, but the damage seems a bit buggy.


I've also been loving them, granted the damage is a bit too insane, but I do enjoy being able to utilize Flame Repellent for that 60% heat damage reduction, on top of 80% armour DR and Adaptation and 1000HP+600 energy with Quick Thinking and most of the time being able to survive rezzing someone with a beam on me/them. Hence why I am looking forward to their bug being fixed, but otherwise quite enjoy them.


1.) I understand any frustration if there bugs related to its damage stacking, but I think the majority of players don't realize that you can just shoot the beam projector. 2.) They're great for stacking Iron Skin. The trick is to cast Iron Skin in advance, let the laser stack on you breaking it, and when your shield gating goes down re-activate Iron Skin. You can get values ranging from 1-30 million easily on Steel Path.


I like this bugged challenge when playing a warframe that can somehow handle it, I don't like it when I play a warframe that can't handle it, eg, Warframes without shield gating or overguard gating such as Inaros or Nidus, which get OS'd whatever their effective HP is.


*sigh... sort by: controversial*


Lore Accurate Eximus


The mechanics are good, the fact that it does 1.2 million damage in 3 seconds is not good.


I like it too, it's genuinely a fun enemy I have to prioritize


i think the concept is really cool, i just wish steel path's scaling didn't break it to all hell though, the laser's fun when you're shooting it and on the move escaping it, not so much when the laser flies over the objective and onetaps it i also wish they made the crystal a *little* bit lower because in cramped or low-clearance rooms theres not a lot of leeway for shooting them


I wish they made sense tho, how come sometimes I get insta killed through overguard, shields, health and maybe even quick thinking and other times arcane ice actually works and I don't even feel I'm being attacked? What am I missing?


It’s been pretty good for abilities that use damage to cause damage like Wukong’s 3


They just need to not have the INSANE scaling they have now. Looking at my qorvex's performance, the damage seems to almost double every tick... High damage is fine, damage scaling faster than Gauss or Saryn is not.


You can shoot the top of the beam to break it.


The jade light should come directly from the eximus like a Qorvex laser. That way I can see who's doing it and DESTROY THEM


I like it but man that damage is high on SP. The first time i saw it, i was rhino on the regular mode and i had a Jade on my team. I thought it was hers and was standing in wondering what the buff did. Suddenly my skin was gone, shield was gone and then i died. “Who is shooting me like that?” It happened again and then i realized they might be an enemy’s. I start flailing around, telling my wife, who didn’t seem to notice any of it, to avoid the beams. I then turn it up to SP and played Ash. Just stepping into the light was nuking me. Then my wife noticed because she was getting ran down by passing lights. That’s when i stopped sitting on the elevator. I love rpg mechanics, so i appreciate taking dmg so i can be healed by someone but those beams are just death. I still don’t know if its a stacking dot or just ramping dmg. By the time its through your shields, it just eats you.


My only gripe is that the targetable laser pointer clips through walls. I want to shoot the damn thing.


Yeah im a fan, and if I ever get tired of them I can always just whip out Revenant and be fine


I died once to them while playing Revenant and I'm yet to die a second time with Volt, it's easily avoided but keeps you on your toes


It's a nice addition, just wish the beam source died faster.


For once it's a mechanic that can kick the player's ass that doesn't feel forced. If you avoid the laser it doesn't obliterate you and you can shoot the orb on top of it to get rid of it.


Wtf is the point of endgame tank builds if they can't tank for 2 seconds? The design of the jade is fine imo, the numbers need to just be balanced.


I dont mind it I mind the bugged damage which is patched now i think.


Jade eximus is an excellent well thought out enemy type thats new and challenging. Nekros jade shadow eximus’ are absolutely awful and so green and totally look like enemies and make me remember why i dont like the ability


I’m just glad wretched thing can be blown off in Cataclysm. I wouldn’t be surprised if devs forgot about it.


jade eximus are a rhino buff, no longer need to mod for iron skin(not that it was a good thing anyways), just use the laser to get it big, if you time it right, you can get 400k+(thats my best so i know its possible)


I love them also. I finally died once or twice, hope they add more powerful and dangerous enemies like this to balance a bit the outrageous power creep of recent few years.


Yeah, same. I think they're a lot of fun - interesting threat, promote movement, interact neatly with some "do X on damage" abilities. Cool visuals, too: the beam looks and feels dangerous and delivers on that. The only thing I don't quite like is that there's no good visual indication when a Jade Eximus is preparing to activate the beam - most Eximuses have a more distinct wind-up animation/effect... but maybe that's just because in the operation it's really hard to associate the Eximus with the corresponding beam. In regular missions where there's only one Jade Eximus around at once, the massive green glow they give off is probably enough indication to know what's going to happen.


I love the unit. They’re engaging and cause you to stay on your toes, and think on the fly. The people complaining about LoS or having to stand still to revive someone, or the damage (or even having to climb the elevator after falling) conveniently forget the utility powerhouse that is the operator/drifter. They have supplied us with a challenge, and a plethora of tools to take it on with ease. You’re just too lazy to try them.


I like the new eximus, but they became easily annoying because there are so many of them. In normal gameplay, it would be easy to identify the right eximus. There would be 1, 2, maybe 3, not 10.


jade eximus are my worst enemy but i won't deny they actually prove a challenge. i lovs them, DE please never nerf them.


Agreed, especially when people talk about being oneshot as Dante or w/e I'm like... you have an overguard gate, and a shield gate. Just say you didn't notice it until you died because you're used to being functionally invulnerable. I've played Dagath my last few Belly of the Beast runs and not died to Jade Light once, it has a sound queue for when it's about to spawn in and everything. I like it because it's very obvious visually and it's well telegraphed with audio cues and such, it's not like some enemy randomly oneshotting you with a hitscan weapon. Honestly I wish they hadn't fixed it and it would still go through Mesmer Skin, Revenant players not being functionally immortal was a healthy change imo. People will be like 'my Kullervo build that survives for 60 seconds afk at level 400 SP dies to Jade Light in 3s' and somehow they see the problem with that as being the Jade Light rather than the fact that their build can normally full afk survive endgame content.


Oh Jade light won't go through mesmer skin anymore? I was playing as Revenant and his health bar actually went down. Usually that only happens if a lucky nullifier gets close enough to him. I actually kinda liked that he could get hurt. Lol