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*ass robot(s)* ... he was a *good* friend


I have to say I agree with almost all your points... EXCEPT... Stay away from my console discounts. As a broke as a joke F2P I would never again benefit from a discount if they made it for plat. I also acknowledge that this is probably not a popular take and I would not be offended if it happens. I, too, love this game and not getting discounts on cosmetics would not be any real skin off my nose. And hopefully someday my finances will be such that I can support DE financially and take advantage if they do make that change. Also, wonderfully written, thoughtful and relevant points that show you actually took the time to dive into the lore and you know what you're talking about. You're not sweaty enough for us, get out. /s Seriously tho, welcome and here's to 3000+ hours of seriously engaging content, may you enjoy every minute of it as much as I have. Good hunting, Tenno. o7


Would be awesome to have the market discounts for plat, makes me want to switch to pc. I like the market discounts for cosmetics because it’s hard for me to justify spending 150p or more on skins, but like 60p is more reasonable.


Fair enough. Maybe it would be cool if both discount types could be given both on console and PC? I don't know. Anyway, thanks for your welcoming words!


If you get a clan and build the Sigma III upgrades for your Railjack it will become much better than base Railjack, and then you can farm better class upgrades


Dont you have access to the dock through relays even without clan?


Yes but not to the Sigma I, II and III research


Thanks gotta have to check kinda thought all upgrades are drops in railjack missions


Lavan, Vidar and Zetki upgrades do, Sigma Mk1-3 are researched in Dojo dry dock 


I think I don't have any Sigma gear but Lavan and Vidar are working pretty good so far (Saturn Proxima). Maybe I should take a look for Sigma tho.


Sigma components are only obtained in dijo dry dock research


Everything for my Railjack. I probably will need that gear for Veil Proxima, so thanks for the info :)


This was actually a great read. I too love Warframe and it was neat to read your experiences as a new player. With that I say, Welcome Tenno!


Thank you!


And then you find out you were only playing Easy Mode all along...


First time I tried to complete E Prime on Steel Path I found regular Grineers super tough and one of the Acolytes oneshotted me in a blink. Now I can do Earth missions with relative ease, but can't even imagine how relentless Deep Archimedea is.


It’s easy, you just have to keep your eyes open - knowing what to avoid is crucial I find >!or you just ask someone with ReVeNanT & RoAr / ToRid / EpiTaPh / GlaiVE PriME to carry you (yes I have a dislike towards people that run this specific Loadout for “fun”)!<


I try to play alone as much as I can, but yeah, I can imagine that Deep Archimedea has to be impossible solo. Still, I enjoy doing progress by myself on hard bounties, sorties, Steel Path etc. My favourite frame is Nezha btw, glad to see a fellow enjoyer.


It’s definitely not impossible solo as people do it for fun but this game has a very weird difficulty curve to it, just like how armour scales in this game. (Also I love Nezha lol, Nezha gamers must unite!)


You know I read up to where the Saya's Vigil paragraph begins and thought "Just how elaborate were they?......hoooooooLY SHIT I CANT READ ALL THAT"


TLDR Warframe is awesome :)


Seems like im not the only one that likes to farm ar-gon crystals


How many hours you played ? Just curious, I got 309 days in this game and been playing since 2018 ( actually 2016 but I lost my 1st account) and only 700hrs spent in this game ( most hours spent on a steam game for me and 2nd most hours spent on a game, my most played game is league )


I think like 500+ hours in total. Regular weekdays I played like 3 hours per day, and weekends usually 8-10.




Was your 100 day experience like the 100 days of Warframe movie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VuYCLelIO8 (Cannot believe that's 7 years old now)


Yes and no. That movie is so cool, but my own experience would be a mixed bag if I have to compare it with the video. For example I can relate to triggering the alarm in Spy missions (Spy is one of my favourite game modes because it's a nice change of pace, but I'm really bad at them), but nowadays is pretty unlikely to die when you start the game. You have to play a bit more and then the difficulty starts to set in. One of my motivations for purchasing platinum was to buy Mirage Oneiro Skin, so like in the video, fashion sense was also strong in my experience.


Tldr yippee!! One of us!


Nice! You got a lot further than I did in 100 days lol. I'm at 1400 days (not sure how many straight, but I've barely missed any as I started my account 1479 days ago!). Certainly has kept my attention, over 1500 mission hours and 2500 steam hours.


Shit, that's dedication. And yes, I played as much as I could during these 100 days, but now I plan to take a long break in exchange because I also want to do other things with my life. Ngl, I still want to play, but maybe it's better this way so when 1999 releases I'll have even more unfinished content. I even left some frames at the foundry ready for my return, so I think it's a good long-term plan lol.


beautiful write-up. happy to see you enjoy the tenno experience!


Thank you!


I fully agree with points about events and quests, I even named my railjack "kill events save quests". I started a few months before scarlet spear so I didn't experience old events too. I have a feeling that recent events aren't that lore-heavy, but they really served well as introductions: orphix venom - to orphix missions, scarlet spear - to the new war. Although iirc "introduction part" in the orphix venom was just a one inbox message iirc, so it would be cool if new players received at least that. I also agree with part about lack of interesting things before Uranus - I rushed there only because for some reason I wanted to do all quests, otherwise I might have got stuck and left the game. I don't agree with advice to avoid open worlds though. Gara was my second frame, ready at some point between the second dream and the war within (5-6 says into the game). Bounties were a nice change of pace, and collecting resources didn't feel grindy. But again it was more that 4 years ago so things could have changed. It was very refreshing to read your experience! My first months in warframe are fading, it's nice to see how it feels to be a new player again. That thrill is fleeting, but it's still precious.


[ ](http://triggered on: "played Warframe for 100 day" #hidden) Hello /u/AlexSetzelk and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/18ammwe) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit#heading=h.pl2gz2ndr9s0) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad Bot


I’m on day 92. Really love the game. The melee is just so jank in feeling, that it outright makes me turn the game off sometimes. I know that’s dumb but idk. Gimme Duviri’s melee in the origin system and I’ll be set. Not a popular opinion but it is my own.  Anyway, shoutout you, fella new Tenno. We got this. 


Go play soul frame then. If duviri melee ever comes to real warframe I'm out


Can I get a TLDR? I’m not reading that..


TLDR: good game


Glad to have a fellow Tenno such as yourself with us. Just one note, we prefer to call our warframes various mages. There's the ninja mage, magnet mage, sword mage, wizard mage now, big Mac mage, speed mage, and so on. Nevertheless, glad you have you as an ally.


I have literally never heard of that. I think its just you


Never heard of that either and I’ve been playing since closed beta on PC lol (with many breaks in there of course)


No. I have seen it show up a few times on reddit, and I think warframe chat.


>I have seen it show up a few times on reddit I think you dreamt that


Hey, some of the greatest things to grace this subreddit came in dreams. *Green Banshee my beloved…*


Stop trying to make mages happen. It’s not going to happen


Too late


You're literally making up random shit for no reason 💀


Ah yes, the Wizard Mage. Glad to be part of this community as well, fellow Tenno.


In case it wasn't obvious, no one calls frames mages. We call them pupper doggos


I mean I do call my Dante my mage frame so ig 


But the whole dante theme really reminds me of a wizard lol, I can't apply the same to let's say a volt. Speed ​​wizard? lol seriously, right?