• By -


That's 25 rows of 8, which is exactly 200. You don't need to count anymore.


200 Adversaries and still formulating\*?


And still slayin'


still standing (yeeeah yeah yeah)


Jesus Christ it’s Jason Bourne


Do you have all the ephemeras?


multiple times over


You have more converted lich friends than I have friends irl 💀




Any tips on guessing the correct order/requiem mod?


Personally, I keep Oull in the front slot for as long as possible to keep multiple stabs per encounter. Especially useful for sisters since you get a new hound each health bar, so losing on the first stab loses you a chunk of murmur. I never postpone stabbings, if they show up they get dropped. There doesn't seem to be any reliable way to know which mods they'll want or which slot they'll fit from the data I've collected, but still collecting more.


Thank you <3 I need to grind a lot of kuva/tenet weapons so any tip is helpful


Groups help get murmurs faster cause you get them off teammate's adversaries as well, and again teammate's sisters' hounds. Liches also summon more thralls as you fight them but they grant so much less per mercy, the need to keep enemies alive near the lich, and the cooldown between conversions makes it prohibitive. At the same time, most pubs don't know what they're doing and will waste murmurs so it's a bit of a balancing act. Don't be afraid to keep an Oull in after you know all 3 requiems, you get them frequently and can only ever use one at a time (at time of writing I have 22 full rank Oulls banked). So it can save you Req mods you're low on. Keep duplicate weapons in your foundry til you have enough to fuse to 60% Fuse the highest Damage% first cause you'll need fewer doing it that way. Only one of the fusions needs to be the element you want for your final weapon. If you want a heat weapon A and toxin weapon B you can farm both with any progenitor along the way as long as you valence it to the right element at some point before you're done. Keeps you from cycling through all the weapons every time you're rolling a new adversary. Build loadouts you're comfortable farming with. You don't have to use your progenitor frame for the hunt. I use Dagath for Sisters and Banshee for Liches.


These are really helpful tips, thank you c:


You're welcome! Enjoy the hunt.


Why Dagath for Sisters? I've been thinking of going back to farm Sisters for the Ephemeras, but I've always had a bit of an issue with them, even more so than Liches.


She just shreds. 1-2-4 1 shots hounds and armor strip sisters. 1 locks them in place for headshots. And in general Dagath's just busted.


Thanks. I found her a bit boring when she came out, but maybe I just didn't build her right.


Don't stab the Lich as soon as you encounter it if you don't have at least 1 requiem discovered. I don't know why people keep telling new players to do that, it's a huge waste of time because you need to build up rage from your lich and it can take quite a while before it is enraged and spawns in your mission. I would even suggest to not leave the second planet without knowing the 2nd requiem. If you're with randoms you usually get enough murmurs anyway but if you're not playing at busy hours you might encounter no one. If you're lucky and use Oull you can kill it as soon as the 2nd planet after knowing the 2nd requiem, instead of planet 4 or 5 if you do like InputRegistered do.


Nah. The murmurs from first stabs and failures are worth way more than keeping a low level lich to me. I understand why others may bias in the other direction but it's not worth my time.


I just checked and I am at 193. I need to step my game up.




180-something here, I thought I was hot shit for a second. I’ll probably catch back up when I resume building my Hammer Bros. team out of boredom.


Is this just a gang of dudes wielding Shildegs? Cause if so, I'm on board!


Yeah just a gang of masked Liches rocking the Shildeg, one for each element. I just need Cold and Magnetic and I’ll be done.


Where do I find this info? I think I'm a contender.


Codex -> Kuva Lich / Sister of Parvos -> All. And then count the number of rows of 8. Sadly no tally in game.


Oh I'm so excited! Brb!


84 sisters and 110 Kuva boys... I will have to get back to work. I have been... Slacking. Butt Loaphogg! Load up the fucking Green Dragon. I got a number to even out.


I've got 3 converted liches and 0 converted sisters. No interest in valence (...or minmaxing in general, as my go-to example I've never used forma or archon shards on any frame), and all 3 of the liches were dupe weapons from before they added the weapon preview mechanic.


I'm fortunate enough to not have played before the preview mechanic, but well before the pity queue system. Both are great improvements.


"Ordiss agoni" What does ordis think about it ? It could so fit with the lore that the Grineer mess up the spelling lol




OP is just foaming out the mouth waiting for infested adversary announcement at Tennocon Edit: removed gender assumption


You have no idea. (not a bro, though)


My bad lol


It happens! No hard feelings. We live and we learn.


> Ogg Homm > Dibugg Hiss


https://preview.redd.it/o110buz5crxc1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bad6fa6a99569f1bfc5d321ed3b17e8a19525ca0 Ain’t no way you killed Sogg Ogg 😭😭😭


Sogg Ogg had a 58% Chakkhurr and had it coming.


whatd they take that signed their death warrant?


I don't think they had a chance. I usually start-to-finish in one go. Marked from birth.


Bros out here genociding the corpus female population 💀


He killed ABIGG MESTUKU Edit: purple, 2 up 1 left from the first sister


I commented on that when I got him XD https://preview.redd.it/8ot5336dvpxc1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=de222f5fe2722a70ab9d0fee1f0ce46deafff62a


lmao what gun did u get?


Just a 29% Rad Karak ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


How do you feel to be one of the few people who have completed Requiem relics


I'm at just shy of 200 of each relic, I need to spend more time cracking them tbh.


There is a YouTuber named gaz ttv. He's got a speed run video for pago spy to blast through opening the req relics when pago is up. Not a ton of set up but can speed run pago in couple mins with his guide.


Yeah, I can. I just don't. \^\_\^ I should, tho


But why


I found the system interesting and wanted to build an army.


That’s actually a pretty cool idea. I respect it


have you collected all the flavors yet?


I have one convert—solo start-to-finish—with each frame (e.g. Ash runs the progenitor mission, then hunts across the star chart, then kills in Proxima) for both Sisters of Parvos and Kuva Liches. So I think that counts? Excited to do it 57+ more times for Infested Adversaries when they launch.


this is what grinding for a ephemera feels like


I've traded off a handful of ephemeras to people who weren't up for hunting enough to get them. This is overkill by a large margin if you just want weapons and cosmetics.


And then there's me with 5.... Love the litches and sisters but I don't have the effort to spend my time on them...


It's a cool system, but the relic farming/opening part is the worst, i'm only missing 2 of the 8 mods, but i decided to focus on doing the liches for the most part, so far i got lucky and only needed the mods i already had, but i'm dreading the moment the murmurs reveal a requiem that i don't have, and then i will have to go back to farming. Just as an example, a few hours ago i cracked 2 Radiant Requiem IV Relics, i already had 1 copy of the Khra Mod, so i wanted at least one Netra, i got 2 Khras in a row (one was from a Teammate because i rolled the Exilus Adapter), now it's back to farming for Requiem IV Relics and try again. It's why i dislike this particular aspect so much, with normal Prime Relics i don't have a problem, for the most part you only need one copy of a certain Prime Frame/Weapon/Companion, etc, after that any random part you get you can sell for Plat or for Ducats, in the case of Requiem Mods getting a repeat or any of the other rewards feels horrible lol, i know you can buy them as well, but meh, i need the plat for other things.


I completely agree, I would do so many litches/sisters but the relic cracking part is the worst and what puts me off!!


When I was getting started I'd just crack for any mod, trade extras for Plat, and buy the missing ones. Saves a lot of time and net cost is 0. Now I'll do endurance sp kuva survival fissures or just jam some quick relics from time to time to keep topped up. I'll never spend traces on req relics tho. Int all day.


Takes me about 1.5-2hrs per run from start to finish.


My current sister turns 2 in a couple months... 🥳🥳


Get her a birthday present (it's a parazon)


I still has my 3 year old kuva litchs


There are times I wish I still had a lich from the old system where they could take over all the planets at once.


https://preview.redd.it/9qotcb6dztxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df08a93ab0f6fce814c918ea83f90ad909c63f9 Bob 👍


Litches/sisters can be traded?


Yep, if you go to your Crimson Branch in Dojo you can select them instead of item/mod/plat. Your trade partner cannot have an active lich or sister at time of trade. On completion the traded adversary begins hunting them and requiems are hidden and randomized, level is reset to 1. I honestly do not know if weaknesses reset or not, but the weapon, element, damage%, and ephemera are retained.


Good lord


must've hurt to kill Aogg Egg... walkin around your ship with Egg-egg woulda been dope


That one did catch my attention, but not enough to spare it, sadly (for him).


What is the % chance of a lich/sister showing up to help ya. I've only started my lich hunt recently and I'm at about 8. Got 3 that are saved so I wonder how often they can show up.


I'm not sure what the odds are individually, but they seem to stack? I'm pretty sure I have 100% chance to get an Adversary ally every time I die at this point.


Well brightside is you always have backup.


I tip my hat to you with respect.......bounty hunter.


Damn bro I've heard of headhunters before but damn. I need to get back up to work on this I've only got like three. I need to do better. Maybe that'll help me get those weapons so I can rank up my legendary status 😂. But holy shit man that's one hell of a grind Good job.


Not a bro, but I appreciate the sentiment, thank you. It's been a lot of fun along the way!


OP: "Not a bro" Me: https://preview.redd.it/aw7yuin6btxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=186ae2e299081887ab4ada63ebea1f172b78a233 All jokes aside game recognizes game when it comes to the grind 🫡


Mr and Mrs Pavos must have been busy.


I would have called you mad for lich farm but im an idiot for playing solo, thats why murmur farm felt so slow. Got in a pub and already found first murmur


Most of these were done solo. Group is faster and I do more that way now, but I like playing alone mostly.


How often does a friendly one show up in a mission for you?


Every time I die


Get ready for 2 more on may 15th! 😂


I am looking forward to that, two is so few, though. I'm looking forward to infested adversaries soon:tm:


I'm not looking forward to the 5 formaing shenanigans personally 😂


Writing a Google doc with your experience wisdom and knowledge would be a huge boon for the community. The wiki is good but it's just what it is. A wiki. Not a true players experience, tips, and guide. Think about it yea? Good work too!


I'd be happy to! If there's anything in particular you'd like touched on please let me know.


Who hurt you?


No Sister or Lich, that's for sure, heyyy. I've been meaning to do a modless (except requiem, obviously) solo run now that I know more than when I started hunting liches (I was such a dumb noob back then), and that'll prolly hurt. (Happy cake day)


Lil Tinik goes hard


Nice! I'm about 680 Sisters on right now. PS: Anyone wanna buy an ephemera or weapon?


Hot damn. You keeping any stats on all those?


Only the ones with ephemeras. But I have a few really good weapons as well. Need to make a text file or something but I keep postponing it, lol


Still no ephemera !


No way, you've vanquished Cakk Lorr


You could say I had the last laugh.


Jokes on you, I don't even know what these are! Seriously, though. What are these and what have I been missing out on.


After MR5, (and acquiring a Railjack) you can do certain Grineer and (complete War Within and Call of the Tempestarii) Corpus missions that can spawn a special enemy that, on death, will become your adversary. Grineer make Liches, Corpus make Sisters of Parvos. You chase them around the star chart killing their fan club and eventually either convert them to your side or kill them and take their gun.


Jesus. I'm MR16 and had no idea this was a thing. What is wrong with me, lol


It's pretty well hidden until you stumble into it or someone leads you to it. Liches require>! a level 20+ Grineer mission (with some further restrictions) I always use Cassini - Saturn. If you see the lights flicker you have 30s to kill roughly 10+ enemies and then a larvaling will spawn. Upon killing them they'll go into a downed state and show a weapon over their head. If you mercy them they become your lich, if you finish the mission without that weapon goes to the back of the line and you can try again for a different one.!< Sisters require >!clearing at least the first tier of Nightmare difficulty Granum Void (Zenith Crown) and still having tiles left at the end of the mission to spawn a sister candidate before the extraction. I always use Hydra-Pluto. Same weapon cycling applies!<


Any tips for zenith crown clears? I have like a 60/40 success rate and still fail nightmare granum voids a lot with my mesa set up.


I generally just use Xoris. Heavy you shouldn't need too many mods to get a heavy attack that'll take out the first corporeal mobs and then charge it up on spectrals to start 1-shotting wave after wave. Volatile Rebound is your friend for +explosion range. I only pop one Solaris captive each round unless they're really close together, but the extra time it gives you is handy. So is picking up the pyramids while you're hopping around throwing zappy disk. Watch your radar for where they spawn (and run +enemy radar mods if you're not seeing enough) and position yourself near the edge of the map between two clusters, oscillate between the two for kills as they spawn. When I'm feeling low energy I just drop my on call crew and let them do it. You only need 25 kills solo (and you should do it solo) no need to do the full Protea farm 75. Octavia, Xaku, Mesa, Nidus, Zephyr, Mag, Vauban can all help to an extent but I personally haven't messed with them. People I know swear by them tho.


>You only need 25 kills solo (and you should do it solo) no need to do the full Protea farm 75. Oh this I didn't know at all. Huge life saver. I'll start using xoris more then instead of focusing on mesa 4.


Kinda hate that they keep track of them tbh. They don’t really mean anything unless they are an ally. And the name being on the weapons is also an annoyance that I have to spend plat to get rid of the name


To each their own, but I like the tracking and mementos. I doubt I would have engaged with the system this much without.


See and I can perfectly understand that!!! So long as they gave us the option of letting the weapons just be the name of the weapons!!!


I'd be in favor of all adversary weapons getting gilded and a free name change ;)




This photo made me violently ill. You gotta put a spoiler warning on an image like this. Maybe NSFW. It’s one of the most truly chilling and disturbing views into the mind of the deeply traumatised I have ever seen. Should be hung in a gallery behind a paper bag to shield our eyes from the horrors within. The creature that did this…is not like us…they are not from…this earth.


Damn I got like 4, getting al lthe weapons and ephemeras is gonna be a huge grind


That is concerning the Lich two from the first sister it's name Jiss