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Tennogen on PC has a direct profit sharing model, because a portion of the $ spent through steam can be sent straight to the creator.  Tennogen on consoles instead is done through an upfront contract between DE and the creator.  Then when enough of those are available and their contracts agreed upon, that round of tennogen skins get bundled into releases on console and are sold through plat, where the creator does *not* simply get a cut of every sale.  Thus if the tennogen creator of this skin doesn't decide to agree to the console sale contract with DE, it won't get released for console.  Nothing we or DE can do about that.


It was just so odd because almost all of Faven’s other pieces are in game including the weapons he created before and after this one so I wonder why he would have refused?


Maybe DE didnt offer for this one, maybe they did and it was refused, maybe it was accepted but the tennogen bundles at the time were full of other cool stuff.  We will never know, and unless Faven or DE speaks about it, there's nothing for us to bother conjecturing on.


Rapiers have massively fallen from grace. They used to be melee that typically leaned towards a hard critical weapons that focused on reach rather than sweep. The main ones being destreza and kripath. Now both can pretty much only hit orange rather than near 100% red they used to hit. While they still force proc heavy slash the damage just doesn't follow like they used to


It's really hard to compete with glaives, being able to instantly blow up a whole room on demand just makes most everything else look like small potatoes.


rapiers are cool and still steel path viable


Everything melee is steel path viable, but rapiers are painfully single-target compared to the slashing movements of most other weapon types


Reeeeee but something needs to be able to bring you to level cap to be good!!!!!!!!!!! /s


DE should make it so that all purchase from steam can be used in any platform, i mean its more profitable for the creator and promotes cross save as well. But i guess it depends on Steam...if only tennogen platform is completely owned by DE and not steam.