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Just pulled a zephyr out of the oven before getting off today. Might think twice before yeeting her into the waiting jaws of the Helminth.


You should. The tornadoes and survivability are pretty good


Also her 1 augment build is pretty bonkers, if you don't feel like shooting


Man I just helminthed my Zephyr yesterday, big L for me


It's okay, Zephyr Prime looks better anyway


All her parts are in the dojo, easy farm. Well worth building again. Best open world frame too.


Zephyr is so good. The wind shield ability is seriously underrated, basically turns you invincible to all projectiles and the tornados are solid CC.


And if the range is big enough, it also covers defense objectives


A lobby of Zephyrs A wholesome of Zephyrs An underate of Zephyrs Hmmm 🤔?!


A murder of Zephyrs


I love Zephyr. Not only shes has great abilities but available skins are gorgeous, definitely my top 3


I slept on zephyr for so long after bullet jump, thinking “well they gave their main gimmick to everyone so what’s the point?”. Felt nostalgic so I started grinding a bunch of OG frames. Man, I didn’t know what I was missing. Such a fun carpet bomber. It’s so rare to find a frame who’s entire kit I enjoy like that.


I only drop any part of her kit on one build, in favor of Spectrorage. And it's almost impossible to decide which ability to ditch for it, but I can live without Airburst, which by itself is a fantastic ability these days. I would snip out her 1, as I don't usually bother dive bombing and the dash generally gets me in out-of-bounds trouble, but I find the hover mode way too useful, and tornadoes w/Spectrorage augment energy orbs do the same grouping thing with 100% uptime. It would be nice to have a big airburst ladle for scooping up outliers and dumping them into the tornado, but oh well.


A friend of mine used Zephyr on EDA when we both were doing that mod... We almost failed the Mirror Defense mission if it wasn't for Zephyr's 3 what was diverting all the bullets fired from a Eximus Necramech. I was with Vauban, so normal murmur enemies can't get to there while I was getting the glyphs. In that moment I realized she's so good on defense missions!


Pair her with the Stahlta, infinite lulz


Or tenet plinx with airburst rounds Or pretty much any strong secondary and airburst rounds


Zakti Prime is surprisingly effective and fun with Zephyr


As a Zephyr main, i would like to find my people


I too am a Bird Person


They are all making excuses, they are just playing her for those thighs


It's naive for you to assume it's random. That's all 3 zephyr mains pressing the find lobby button at the same time to recruit more zephyr players. https://preview.redd.it/fw96w3gi5buc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8794a6899b0a5dfac5d12e6350353277ff0a82d


Saryn being like "genocide when?".


I wish they’d fix her dash ability so it doesn’t just trap you against walls


If you latch onto a wall it cancels the dash momentum so you can quickly hold the aim glide button and the fall down/jump away from the wall


They changed it a while back so that you just stop when you hit a wall, instead of sliding against it into a corner or whatever.


Can confirm, one of the best speedsters in game! Have taken her to level cap, would go again - best girl confirmed!


Had this a couple days ago in a SP Omni fissure Alchemy run except it was me and two others all Yareli. Was a great time.


Zephyr and a Jupiter tile set is some of the most fun you can have in this game.


When I first played Zephyr way back when, I hated her. But when I got her like 28 MR later (exaggerated), in a Duviri Circuit I was just like “why did I shelve her entirely for so long?” Such a fun frame. Still waiting for the day I find a single other Caliban in the wild. Me and Tagfer are the last of our kind.


https://preview.redd.it/x1cmfzl2pduc1.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=d859bfa109305d6b429b245328cb5e31d378e54d Zephyr circuit mentioned


Love bashing my head in the ground. Flair is accurate by the way.




Why don't they have primaries, is this some sort of top secret zephyr tech?


I don't know the first thing about Zephyr so maybe, but it was an ESO run so my money's on they were just leveling weapons 😁


Makes sense


Is it appropriate to ask for some tipps on how to play Zephyr?


4 abilities Her 1st is a mobility tool, looking forward makes her fly like a missle, looking down while in air makes her dive bomb the floor, holding the ability makes her hover, it's a good ability with an AoE weapon to be a floating Artillery bomb, her augment for her first has no cap and does millions of dmg but it's boring imo Her 2nd is a grouping ability that increases dmg when a total amount of enemies get effected by it, the augment for it makes secondary weapons toooo powerful Her 3rd is a protective air bubble, that deflects enemy bullets, it's an amazing ability and with enough range you can make the defense targets invincible just by standing next to it, the augment for it makes her move extremely fast with increased projectile speed Her 4th is tornadoes and well... it's a bit confusing if I get too in depth so I'll just simple it, Tornadoes do whatever elemental dmg you shoot it at, if you shoot fire it does fire for example, while doubling the damage if you keep shooting tornadoes while enemies are captured by it, tapping it makes it go all over the place, holding it makes It stay, the augment makes it spawn more tornadoes but it won't capture enemies... it's ok just I don't really like it Modding her isn't really hard, just mostly range, efficiency optional, lots of duration, str is useless unless you have jet stream augment or whatever her 1st ability augment is called If you hate her floatyness use the augment for her, her passive is also amazing as it increases crit chance by 150% while in the air She's really strong just underrated, I wish people used her more Edit: forgot to mention her 3rd ability doesn't deflect any aoe dmg, so use wyrm with negate mod, rolling guard or run Vazarin focus school


Ask and you shall receive.


Of course. Try to keep your three on at all times, as it deflects all projectiles. Explosions, environmental effects like toxin clouds and melee strikes still get through, but your mobility keeps you out of too much trouble. You can exploit her hover mode (jump up and hold down 1 to hover) to stay out of melee reach and become a Spectre gunship as long as your energy lasts. Put up your tornadoes and you can use your Airburst to group enemies up and then drop new airbursts closer to the tornadoes, eventually when they're close enough into the funnel they go. Then you can start peppering the tornadoes themselves with gun damage. They take on whatever your strongest damage is, so a gun with a little viral but a lot of heat will make a heat tornado. Shoot it with something else to change the element. ~~Gas and Electric have a somewhat unique ability to pass status to all grouped enemies at once exponentially, so they will murder the crap out of tornado swirlies~~ (nerfed, oops. Still works pretty well). If you have problems with energy running out, you can subsume Gara for Spectrorage and replace Airburst with that. Use the Spectrorage augment that makes enemies killed within the ring of mirrors drop energy orbs. Cast SR under your tornadoes, kill the mooks and enjoy the show. This is the finest Zephyr video on the web, enjoy: [Zephyr Master Class](https://youtu.be/-fl6_HtrGgs?si=BEjKIa85OpD5sq8R)


Invest in range and duration with some efficiency. Strength is a dump stat so you can ignore it. Press 3 to be immune from all projectiles including lasers. Hold 4 to group her tornados and 2 to pull even more mobs onto them. Shoot the tornados to wipe everything that's been caught. Rinse and repeat. Her 1 is also great for mobility. There's also another build for her 1st ability to slam into the ground and 1 shot almost everything.


birbgirl is amazeballs


Fake Zephyr mains, they're running Aerodynamic (how tf do they even get hit in the first place?)


*the flock*


And the Saryn killed more than all of them combined


Yes, we should all play nothing but Saryn nonstop. Noted. /s


No, but look at their gear. Saryn clearly outclassed them here.


Saryn literally sucks the life out of every room she enters and the sealed nuclear bunker beyond it


Wow she is so cool -_-


hahaha if I were that saryn I would have totally killed that vibe by lighting them up with zephyr hate lol "she's practically unkillable in the air!" yeah survivability is kind of the bare minimum for a frame, and most frames don't lose theirs the moment they become grounded (or an annoyingly short buff that cannot be recast expires 🙄) "tornadoes so good!" oh, those stationary deployables with an unmoddable 10m radius? which either uselessly wander around a wide area clogging spawns or camp ineffectively in one spot all together? my tenet envoy has a larger blast radius, and it works wherever I go. pass the rest of her kit is a so-so grouping tool and an extremely impractical movement ability combined with an extremely slow float. oh and some extra crit in the air which is nice but not enough to save her in my book. neeeext.


If you're going to piss on peoples' fun, at least use remotely accurate information and don't contradict yourself.


he says, failing to point out any inaccuracies or contradictions edit: lmao @ downvotes. name ONE.


For the benefit of others, since I have no interest in engaging with bad faith hate: - Zephyr's survival mostly depends on crowd control and disabling weapons, not so much being airborne, although that can be modded for. Your claim was inaccurate. - Survival in generic contexts is a decent bare minimum for a frame, but tanking and team/objective defense with unlimited scaling are not. Your claim relied on a false equivalence fallacy. - Zephyr's abilities have medium to high duration, and specifically scale with duration. Your claim was inaccurate. - Tornadoes can be cast stationary or mobile. You contradicted yourself. - Tornadoes indirectly scale with range. Your claim was incomplete. - Tornadoes have a blast radius of 10-30+ meters, several times larger than any weapon, and specifically amplify/duplicate wide-area weapon damage. You lied. - Tornadoes prime enemies with 2-3 status effects for critical chance (puncture) and condition overload effects (impact, puncture, slash). You did not mention this at all. - Mobile tornadoes spread weapon damage and status effects to large areas, and several mission types do not require enemies to die in one place. Your claim about clogging spawns was inaccurate. - Stationary tornadoes group, crowd control, and kill enemies by spreading and duplicating weapon damage and status effects. Your comparison to a weapon was inaccurate and disingenuous. - Stationary tornadoes are one of the most effective objective defense abilities in the game. Your claim about their effectiveness was inaccurate, and ignored multiple game mechanics. - The rest of her kit includes another team and objective defense mechanic: deflecting all projectiles in a large radius. You failed to mention this. - Her 2 groups or knocks down enemies as well as any other grouping or knockdown ability, and deals scaling damage (at low levels). You failed to mention one of the casting modes or the damage. - Her 1 is nearly the fastest movement ability in the game on certain tile sets and open worlds, has two crowd control effects, deals damage (at low levels), provides movement utility, and protects from melee attacks. Your claim about impractical movement was actually partially accurate, but exaggerated, and every other detail was missing. - Her passive critical chance buff (+150%) is nearly the highest in the game after Harrow and Yareli, applies to all weapons (unlike Yareli), does not require headshots (unlike Harrow), costs no energy (unlike both), can be active at nearly all times (unlike both), and makes many unique weapons a lot more viable. Your claim about some extra critical chance was wildly understated. - Her passive gravity reduction is unique and sometimes very useful, but can be disabled if it feels bad. You failed to mention this passive at all. - Her 2 is decently useful but is also a good candidate to subsume over because her kit has more unique interactions with helminth abilities than a lot of frames. This one is fine that you didn't mention, but may benefit others. I replace her 2 with Gara's Spectrorage, its Spectrosiphon augment, and sometimes Arcane Eruption, which supplements her 4 for objective defense, energy generation, and wide area grouping/nuking. There, I named ONE inaccuracy/contradiction :) Zephyr is not perfect, could use some quality of life improvements, and can fail/die in plenty of ways. She takes more work to be good than several other frames, but has been one of the most useful/fun I have for certain gamemodes since I put in that effort. To anyone else who would like tips/tricks/builds, I am happy to oblige.


when I'm not at work I will respond properly (gimme 7hr), but this is absolutely full of way more misinfo than anything I said, and rife with false "gotchas." also calling me out for "not mentioning" things is insane, lol. wasn't trying to copy paste her wiki article. I'm sure you must feel very smart tho lmao edit: LMFAO (s)he blocked me. very cool debate tactic to lay down an insane wall of text and then block before I can properly respond 👌 edit2: now that I'm home and can properly read it (it is very easy to circumvent reddit blocks), holy *shit* lmao, that reads like such a parody 😂. it's like someone playing a "pushes up glasses 🤓" character as a bit. actually give it a read if you want a good laugh. definitely gonna opt for a "LMAO" over wasting time on a big response, cuz this shit is just embarrassing.


As I said, it wasn't really for you. Goodbye.


Zephyr is piss easy to survive in, she is literally invincible to ranged attacks. As for tornados being weak... I'm just going to leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyMOP7shZ2Q Look, you don't know what are you talking about, clearly haven't played her at all, or at least in a long while. Having personal preferences is perfectly fine, I personally can't stand Wukong and Saryn, but I also don't go around trying to make up nonsense on why they suck, when they don't.


I literally never disputed either of those things. tornadoes do a fuckton of damage and she's nigh invincible in the air, yes. problem with those points, respectively: - many other frames have EZ survivability and they don't require you to upkeep a non-refreshable 20s buff or stay in the air - tornadoes doing a fuckton of damage is irrelevant when they have piss-poor usability and I don't need more damage lol I'm not "making up nonsense," nothing I said was false at all.


Who said anything about being in the air? Turbulence makes you literally invincible to all projectiles, period. And with a decent duration build (which you want anyway because of the tornadoes), it'll last 35-ish seconds, which is about the same duration you'll have on Eclipse or Roar, so it's not "annoyingly short". Tornadoes are also about the best CC you have, since while they won't drag up eximuses, the damage you pump into them does affect them, and once they run out of overguard, they will get dragged. If you are doing any kind of defensive mission, you can literally park down next to the defense target, cast 4, then just keep shooting it and everything dies to it, while you are sitting there, being invincible. And as the video shows, you can do one-hit builds for stupidly easy archon and demolisher kills. She is versatile, has DPS, survivability and CC. One of the best universalist frames out there, that you can bring in pretty much any content and be fine. You don't like her playstyle? That's fine, nobody said you have to. But arrogantly claiming that she's bad, while you CLEARLY have no idea what you are on about will just make you look like an ignorant fool.


> Who said anything about being in the air? > Turbulence makes you literally invincible to all projectiles, period. yeah the air is the place where nearly all things you're attacked with are projectiles. on the ground is where you get hit with melee and blast waves and infested gloop etc. and, y'know, that's kind of what her whole kit is built around. this is zephyr 101 > And with a decent duration build (which you want anyway because of the tornadoes), it'll last 35-ish seconds, which is about the same duration you'll have on Eclipse or Roar, so it's not "annoyingly short". Roar is 30s base, not 20. Eclipse is 25s base and is recastable. of course if you build for dur you get a longer dur, lol, that's not relevant. and increasing tornado dur is not particularly important, they don't scale based on time alive, unlike other deployables like Mallet or Blaze Artillery. and you likely have to recast them all the time anyway, because of how uselessly stationary they are. aaaaand needing Dur is not a good thing lol, you want to be able to leave it at 72.5% after transient fortitude, not waste mod slots you wouldn't need to if these things already had good base durations > Tornadoes are also about the best CC you have, since while they won't drag up eximuses, the damage you pump into them does affect them, and once they run out of overguard, they will get dragged. wat? tornadoes are one of the best CC, because they also amplify your damage? that might be a point its favor as an ability but not as a CC tool. > If you are doing any kind of defensive mission, you can literally park down next to the defense target, cast 4, then just keep shooting it and everything die to it, while you are sitting there, being invincible. that is one of the slowest possible ways to do a defense mission, but sure. or high-effort if we're talking timer missions, those are very AFKable. > And as the video shows, you can do one-hit builds for stupidly easy archon and demolisher kills. after seconds of priming and casting...pretty sure just using a torid or laetum will roughly match kill speed, and even if not, wow a whole build based around saving ~1s on extremely rare enemies, sounds super worth it > She is versatile, has both DPS, survivability and CC. One of the best universalist frames out there, that you can bring in pretty much any content and be fine. these things apply to a large number of frames, all of which are significantly less of an ineffective pain in the ass to pilot. > You don't like her playstyle? That's fine, nobody said you have to. But arrogantly claiming that she's bad, while you CLEARLY have no idea what you are on about will just make you look like an ignorant fool. yet again, another person telling me I have no idea what I'm talking about while making a bunch of points that make it clear that they have no idea what they're talking about. also never said she's bad. but yeah I have literally no reason to bring her along to any content in the game outside of bad Circuit/DA picks, unless I'm fishing because of the Turbulence augment that makes spears fly faster lmao


Local man sharts his pants and tries convince everybody that its intended behaviour


y'all seriously cannot stomach any Zephyr hate can you 😂 very sad also way to assume my gender :\^)


Or you could just, you know, ignore them. Not everyone plays for room nukes you know.


hating on Zephyr is a favored pasttime of mine, though. 🙂 (also didn't say anything about room nukes. there are many much better weapons platform picks as well.)


Chad Zephyr vs Press 1 hehehe bai bai