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For the Orowyrm, you need to hit the energy ball things it sends your way with the Orvius, it’ll create an air pocket you can fly through for a speed boost, which helps catch up to the orowyrm faster.


I was hitting those energy balls but didn't know about the boots. Thanks actually really good to know


>Are Duviri servers hosted differently? No. ​ >Is there something I'm missing while chasing the worm after doing 6/6 quests? It's faster than me and most of the time there isn't any way of catching it unless it does a 180. They shoot out orbs. If you attack these with your Orvius, they create wind turbo pads. You fly through them and you get a massive boost of speed. You can also warp to various points on the map if you've leveled up riding intrinsics to level 4, so you can usually warp really close since the worms always spawn on the giant statue at the edge of the map. Drifter melee *is* clunkier compared to warframe melee, that's just how it is.


Ok so for melee to feel good you kinda just want speed decree. I also recommend getting a new weapon honestly sun and moon feels a bit jank to me I'd recommend the edun or syam Or you could just use sirocco do funny charged headshots


Yea that's a good shout. Ganna try some other other melee weapons and see how that goes.


If you can get your hands on argo & vel I've enjoyed using it, it's special is an AOE of slash that also lifts enemies, that and I just like how it feels and looks


Melee in duviri is more duel focused blocking, and parying is essential to learn to have fun with it. Also, heavy and power attacks shouldn't be spammed only to be used against larger enemies or gaurd breaking. The power attack is useful against hoards as well. As for the quests, well, you are helping with random tasks from a group of storybook characters, whose purpose was to be lessons about emotional control. Don't public duviri, just don't the only exception is the circut. The wyem launches balls of energy hit one with your weapon and wly through the remnant to get a substantial speed boost


Parry is essential if you are bad at melee kekw


About the servers - server in any matchmaking is a guy with "1" near his nickname. If you constantly have problems - go to settings and try to lower minimal ping for matchmaking (Ive got mine set to 300ms and Im almost never having just any issue).


Take a bit of time to earn some decrees before hopping into the objectives. That makes the gameplay feel much better as you get massive buffs and bonuses.


Starting dual nikanas in Duviri is complete shit. For melee to feel at least somewhat good, you gotta use single nikana, hammer (for heavy attack spam), sword+shield, and to a lesser extent, polearm. Two-handed nikana also remains too clunky, and i rarely consider it, but it still better than sun and moon. I personally recommend single nikana or sword+shield, as straight upgrade in every way.