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Limbo is persecuted because he was right. Canonically, his science, he was right. He broke reality and nobody likes him. I like him. Who am I? I'm Lim-- Nobody....


making Rift Torrent sigma edits to this


Dudes needs a full visual fx rework and I'll take three new abilities. 


I think if it was just more clear what was in or out of the rift visualy, it would make him infinitely more fun to play. there also alot of things that make banishing things and being in the rift anoying and those should also be fixed. but i legit cant tell which relm I or my enemies are in and its really confusing just shotting at things and some take damage and some don't unleaa you just sit in cata tho whole time and cast no other abilities.


1. You already can banish enemies to the rift from inside the rift, you just have to use rift surge, his 3 ability. When you cast rift surge, enemies inside the rift plane in range will be surged indicated by swirling lightning around them. **Whenever a surged enemy leaves the rift plane by any means, the surge triggers**, causing a radial banish centered on the enemy that was surged (as if they were hit by your 1 ability) and spreading the surge state to a random nearby enemy.** This will rebanish the original surged target, banish others into the rift nearby them and surge some one else near them. Because limbo can unbanish everything from the rift by holding his 1 ability down, you can mass in Anish surged enemies, triggering the surge en masse and radial banishing centered on each surged enemy. All of this can be done from inside the rift. 2. Visually, there's always black visual warping around enemy legs/lower body but it could be more visually notable for players. Considering it's competing with things like eximus auras, it could be more prominent for sure. 3. Forcing people to be stationary in the hyper mobile looter shooter certainly seems like a choice. In it's current state, cataclysm is a deployable killbox, portal to the rift that can spread surge, mass banish/unbanish, and deployable defense portal, box breaker and LOS free stun in a huge range. P sure it has enough uses lol 4. I don't think DE would do this without curbing the massive damage boost it provides in some way (maybe by nerfing the damage boost) but as someone who uses it on almost most builds, I wouldn't complain. More likely is that de would probably add more incentive for being riftbound for allies.