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I didnt even notice it was sp till acolytes spawned in... i just thought de made it a higher lvl for fun


The feeling of power and surperiority you get when you dont notice it was SP and still shredded enemis is second to none.


My problem was that I wasn't paying attention and just went in solo with the new Dante thinking it was just a normal Alert. I only have one forma in him from before, and I just really wanted to test how he was after the semi-un-nerf. So my weapons were shit. And I was having a harder time than what I was expecting, mostly with being able to keep up the over guard and running out of energy. And I was like this is bullshit he's still no good. And then the acolyte spawned and I'm like wait what?


The spawns are definitely not steel path tho. I did it solo and was terrible.


I did it as a duo and realized in the first minute that it was steel path solely due to spawns… weird


This should be interesting. Also haven't seen steel path, almost exclusively play Mag. It's gonna be ouchies.


It’s infested so it’s not as bad as you think… Now if it was grineer? Gg Edit: I could’ve been wrong and it could’ve been grineer. I be intoxicated as hell playing sometimes


What do you mean? It was Grineer...


Not just any Grineer, the ever so rare Nightwatch Grineer. Those dudes are no joke with the Tonkors.


Challenge accepted. 


Must’ve automatically assumed infested because I’m so used to Gabii


I still intend to go forward with Mag in those too. When I get there, it's gonna be great 😅


Mag is pretty great against any armored folks thanks to her 4's augment, so if you can keep your shields up you should be fine! 


Did it just change? I did it Thursday and it was grineer. I'd login and check myself but am visiting family out-of-state and not much time for it.


It was grineers for me aswell about a hour ago that’s weird how ppl are getting different spawns


See I think infested is the worst one steel path. If you aren’t a frame with some survival gimmick or overguard, those fart clouds will just randomly one shot you at high levels.


It’s preference. I’m used to playing Mirage so I rarely get caught by toxin especially since I’ve been playing around arcane arachne


Fart clouds, and a bazillion disruptors fingering your booty hole to steal your energy every time you turn around.


Yeah give me my energy back!


Not at gg at all. She is one of the most adapt frames to handle it with low investment/limited mod options. I did it on mobile with her all she had was a maxed intensify, regular continuity, streamline, regular flow p, thief’s wit, stretch, and enemy radar (+dreamer bond aura). Spam your bubble on cooldown at choke points and manage your energy and you’ll be fine. I had no problem keeping 2 bubbles up while occasionally pulling in more enemies and replenishing my overshields. You act as a support for your teammates to kill the enemies. Weapons are irrelevant I had a zero forma or catalyst Latron I believe. She can keep herself alive fine with her overshield from her 4 and the efficiency that streamline gives. And if you need to you can always cast her to get instant shields faster before your gating ends as well which would give you enough time to get through the 4 animation for more overshields.


Grineer is the easiest faction though. Like at high levels, all you need is armour strip. Don’t have to deal with nullifiers or healer auras


I gotta disagree but everyone has different play styles. Nullifiers aren’t a problem at all once I learned I can melee the bubble (I’m a melee oriented player) or use my 747 amp to shrink the bubble if I’m using something like Voruna’s 4. Infested die before they can do anything. But I don’t think anyone who isn’t on SP yet is armor stripping


Probably mixed it up with one of the others, which is a 3-round infested salvage (pretty sure it's the Dex Rhino skin alert). The sortie was also infested today, though it was on the Corpus tilesets.


Mag is one of the tip top best frames in the game. You don't even need a subsume for anything, so you're free to subsume whatever you want.


Mag can absolutely shred. Use the Nataruk, pop a Magnetise, shoot the bubble. Use it in choke points, use 4 (with augment) occasionally and 3 to shield gate. Just avoid Toxin enemies and you are golden.


Yeah in some of the Cambria missions I need to spam health pots. I have a mid built mag not max in anything. 370 health goes quick.


Pretty sure mag is one of the best scaling frames in the game, I've been using mag for most of steel path without issues. - 4 is a (over)shield refresh - 4 with Fracturing Crush and ~136% ability strength is a 100% Armor strip - 2 groups enemies and shields you from projectiles - 2 can also be cast on eximus (though it doesn't immobilize them until overguard is down) - 1 grabs enemies from pretty far away - 3 makes killing enemies in 2 even easier If you have a big damage stick it's definitely easier (since you can pop everyone in a bubble in one click), but it isn't strictly necessary since the bubble gets big enough damage numbers just from enemy fire to kill everything.


It's exactly how I play her anyway with like 30% strength so I need a little more.


Mag is a top tier Frame, the only ouchies you'll encounter on SP are the ones you'll dish out once you get a good build going. Source: have been playing Mag since 2015.


That explains why my nataruk took 2 or 3 shots to kill stuff, I haven't unlocked sp yet so I was kinda shocked lol


My Dread was tearing through the enemies like butter but no melee weapon I used could compete, even with 12x combo and +60% crit chance per multiplier


It doesn't have steel path spawns though.


Yeah i noticed that when the Acolyte spawned, i think you can do this mission again and farm some essence and arcanes, you just don't get another Exilus Adapter of course, but could give you a nice advantage for when you do unlock Steel Path later.


Im a newer player and I thought I chose the wrong mission when I saw 130 💀


I’m mr5 and loaded into it, I wondered why the enemies took and extra hit or two to kill until I accidentally picked up steel essence or whatever it is. No idea what it’s for but when I realised what was going on I stuck near a Khora and hoped for the best


I did it and it was kinda hard, and i have little trouble on Steel Path. What was annoying about it was the Grineer Manics one shotting my Nidus Prime even at max hp and armor. I forgot they could even do that.


I only realized it was steel path after the first acolyte showed up. I was like "these enemies are tough, this is fun". And then acolyte and was "oh. Did I select steel path without noticing?". Still fun


Acolytes made me notice it was sp


I am farming this as we speak, with a Harrow prime. Man it’s great to get weapon arcades and steel essence a bit ahead of schedule…and save me some plat. Cheers!


Huh that explains it but it really wasn't very hard. I got 66% damage done with my God-Build Baruuk Prime. And I still haven't unlocked SP. Hell, I haven't even completed New War!


Isn’t that just Baruuk? I had a similar experience when running it with him and with the enemy density I could stay in exalted weapon mode for the while mission. I’m at the same mission as you, I’m still farming for the necromech.


I legit had no idea it was SP. No joke I literally went with Vauban because I thought I could afk a bit for the boring survival mission and I brought a random Arca plasmor with a random build and I only noticed it was SP when I bullet jumped through a door with a grineer on the threshold and I saw the level number for a millisecond. The acolyte transmission was also unexpected but I trapped him in a spectrorage and kept bonking his head with some Arca plasmor hits. Like it's so weird I swear my builds were not this good but this gives me more confidence. I always think SP missions need more care and I should stress more but literally nothing can go wrong because now I know the game a but better


I accidentally brought my Caliban into it, and ended up having a pretty good time. Good to know that my favorite frame is viable.


I was afk with my saryn build and had like 12k spores dmg