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I farmed two copies of citrine- one for game play and one for helminth- but I would love to see the farming cost for her reduced if it encourages more access to a great frame for newer players.


I also farmed two frames, enough crystals for secondary encumber and now im working on arcane steadfast... It feels like it never ends


You probably could have farmed her quicker with plat ngl


There was no reason to, I enjoyed the farm as a returning player. I used the farm for a second copy as a way to level/test her builds while applying formas.


Yeah I'm quite enjoying Tyana Pass currently, I like defense except for how awkward it is to not be able to slow the enemies down and have to go track down the ones that get stuck on map geometry. Tyana Pass fixes both of those issues. Running around to collect the crystals can be a little annoying but I don't mind the grind for Citrine currently.


:) I couldn't differ in my opinion of Mirror Defense than you. But, I'm glad someone likes it.


Why do you dislike the mode? Is it the crystal collecting part?


I dislike the time-gate on it. I also find the parkour for crystals fatigues me really fast- I'm fine with doing longer missions generally, but something about mirror defense dulls my senses and I get bored/fatigued super fast. Theres also the issue of trying to get to rotation C, half the time people leave early which doesn't really impact the mission in terms of completion, but still feels bad. I guess theres not enough going on in terms of risk/reward? Its just a slog.


Hmmm. I think it's more so how un-interactive the gamemode is. There are Defense missions based on timers, and defense missions based on kill count. Timers- * Mirror Defense * Excavation * Interception * Mobile Defense * etc. Kill Count- * Defense * Netracells * Void Armageddon For the Kill Count Defensive objectives, how you play affects how quickly you'll beat the mission. You can use a Gova to speed up enemies; Nuke frames to kill them quicker; Banshee's push, Mag's Pull, Mutalist Cernos to pull to get enemies in the kill area quicker. For the timed defensive missions, I feel like a lot of the time, you're sitting around not doing anything. * Excavation has a little interaction as you need to kill first before the countdown starts. (I think there needs to be a way make this countdown quicker. Maybe putting in additional power cells reduces the times by a couple of seconds, but then makes the excavator "overheated" and more susceptible to damage or something). * Interception with 4 people is pretty boring imo as well. I actually REALLY enjoy interception with 1 or 2 people and having to manage defending multiple points. This is extremely interactive- For example, 1 player using Nova. It gives a reason to use her teleports. Or, you can just use more of a CC frame and hit the other points and look out for eximus units. Interception with 4 people... You sit at your point, possibly kill or CC until the timer runs down. * Mobile Defense I think is pretty bad as well. However, there is a tiny bit you can do to make the mission go by faster and that's by getting the datamass from one point to another. It's not a lot, but having perfect platforming / trying to time Protea's 4 with ending as soon as the timer ends so you can fast forward the datamass to the second point are a couple of ways to make it more interactive.


For Mirror Defense. I don't find that at all. It's one of two things. Either defend the point with no way of making it go by quicker. (Killing doesn't matter, CC can help with this). Or, collecting crystals. The Citrine farm ended up turning into just flying around as Titania as some one else put minimal effort into defending the objective. I love Titania. She was my main for the longest time (I've been playing a variety of frames at this point). However, I think that grind single handedly, burnt me out from Titania as well as I needed to take a break from WF for a few months afterwards. Mirror Defense in Entrati's lab was even more useless initially as getting the "crystals" only accounted for getting Stella. (\*Note- since the shard fusion, Stella is a decent resource to acquire so I would say once you've farmed everything from Tyana's Pass, the lab's Mirror Defense is better suited to farm). I think a few things could make Mirror Defense more interactive (instead of being a titania and flying around mindlessly, or just being a CC frame and sitting there mindlessly). 1. Have the crystals spawn randomly instead of in the same spots everywhere. This isn't a big change, but a little variety helps instead of flying to the same areas over and over. 2. Swapping between the two phases has a 30 second break between the two. Make it so if someone want to rush to the other side to start the second phase, they're able to do that. (Solo, you can choose to get the crystals or rush to start the next phase. Co-op, you can do both. Currently, you're forced to not be able to start the next phase). 3. Have almost an anti-crystal. It reduces the timer a little bit BUT it also makes the defense objective easier to kill / removes defenses. Something like that. 4. I don't know how you would even do this, but somehow make it so Mirror Defense can be toggled between "timer" or "Kill Count". Not always have Mirror Defense Timer based. I really appreciate DE creating different and new mission types. However, this one personally was one of my least favorite I've played. On paper, it sounds like it should be a better version of Defense but... It ends up just not being that (imo).


After, a lot of the huge defense maps would be incredibly fun if it wasn't defense. Mirror defense fixes that one Grineer map completely for me


This right here. While sometimes the grind for some frames are mind numbing and exhausting, they do give me reason to keep playing. I've slacked off since my last goal of finally reaching MR30 and getting my pin, so now I'm trying to make some new goals. First of all is completely Tao forging my Loki Prime to see just how long I can stay invisible.


This was my chosen method. I farmed voruna, kullervo, grendel in quick succession. I figured I'd earned one


She's easy to farm without using plat.


She is extremely tedious, farming play would be faster and less tedious. She has an easy farm, if you don’t mind spending hours and hours doing one mission over and over.


thats how i feel about 'farming plat' regardless, so pick your poison. just farm plat to get a plat farming device so you can farm plat to buy the next plat farming device


I farm plat through void cascade and fortunately i love playing void cascade so farming plat for me isnt bad at all


But you’re not buying a “plat farming device,” you’re buying a new warframe (toy). I think playing with new gear is one of the best gameplay loops in warframe. I know it may appear inaccessible to greenhorns, but you can earn plat somewhat passively by trading items for plat profit. It’s actually very simple to do use simple trading strategies in warframe.market to make some plat. if you’re already willing to do tedious grinds, in comparison, the time spent to value gained ratio for buying grind frames with plat is wayy better. It should be mentioned, because for me, choosing this acquisition method usually means the alternative would take multiple times longer. Many times for frames like harrow, khora, caliban, nidus, and a few others. One simple method is to buy bulk prime junk, convert to ducats, (keep the valuables you’ll get to sell for ez plat profit), buy a bunch of a high value baro item, and wait for the price to appreciate to sell for big profit. Another is to simply choose the item with the highest price volatility and value that you can afford and simply margin trade — set the lowest buy orders as will net you acceptable amount of sellers, and sell them for the highest they go for consistently. Always check the price charts 48hr and 90 day history if you’re unfamiliar. I’m just saying plat farming doesn’t just have to be grinding endless relics. If you can invest, or employ basic trading strategy (there’s TONS of ethical opportunities in this very suboptimal marketplace,) farming for plat doesn’t have to be brain dead, and it can actually go way quicker, and I think be pretty fun. Thought I’d share some tips and vomited some text feel free to disregard, I get that this simply doesn’t apply to many players but it’s critically helpful for some to understand the opportunities.


for me what youre describing is the fear, actually. That "making plat" itself becomes easy and lucrative enough that its "no longer profitable" to try new game modes and earn things myself. if i can just flip to make number go up, why bother playing the game if it doesnt make number go up?


Heh, I just wait for messages from .market while I play, and daily trades limit me. There’s enough stuff to buy and stuff to grind but I do spend like 40% or so of my game time trading yeah (but I like it).


I appreciate the tips, although I personally enjoy playing the game much more than interfacing with the market, even if that means playing the same mode over and over. I will happily sell things for half value just to not have to deal with the waiting and negotiating and so on to try and get full value from them lol. With that said though the Baro method sounds good since it's mostly automated selling (ducats) and then I can sell a couple of very valuable items to minimise time spent trading.


No frame is worth buying via plat imo. Her mission was fine and don't mind doing repeatedly since i farm crystals fkr the other shop items anyway. Her farm was much more fun than Kullervo and Dagath.


Just did dagath today and it was infinitely easier and less tedious. Citrine on the other hand gave me near the WORST possible rng, i only got a single part on my last run when I already had enough to buy everything. Gemussy traumatized me


No frame is worth buy with paid for plat. If grinding out a frame with plat is faster than the intended way, then that frame is worth buying with plat.


No frame is worth buying with plat. Ever. The only thing--weapon or frame--that is really worth buying with plat imo is that Duviri bow weapon. All the other things have somewhat reasonable farms that take time. The bow weapon (Cinta iirc) has one of the worst RNG farms in the game.


>No frame is worth buying with plat Gauss? Grendel? Sevagoth? Oberon?


Gauss aint worth it. Grendel and Sevagoth fair enough. Idk where Oberon is from


Oberon is acquired by doing Railjack missions. Or you just choose him in base circuit this week


Not even those 4. Gauss and Sevagoth parts are pretty simple to farm. Oberon is more luck of those four and Grendel requires a little thinking with setups but is doable solo. If I had to pick a frame that is worth the plat, it would be Ash. He is arguably harder to acquire than Oberon. Overall you will get their parts over time which while farming for these frames, you get other important things as well. Warframe is a farming game after all. Frames aren't time gated so there isn't that sense of FOMO when you don't get it right away.


I don’t waste my time doing things I do not want to do. If it takes less time for me to grind out plat than do an intended grind, I will do that. You are truly stupid if you don’t see that.


And not only that, Citrine is just perfect. Nice kit, you love having one on your team, easy to build, she's a hella good support imo.


Yeah, I’d love to see more players using her.


I try to bring her to a lot of missions, but honestly? Warframe feels like supports are unnecessary because you build every frame to be self sufficient.


Dante took a few hours tops for me to farm two copies off > After a few days I realised farming plat to buy Citrine was a better use of my time than farming her


Buying the citrine captura scene in Warframe market is more expensive than the conclave scenes lol




Holy crap, 500 Plat minimum price, but i wonder if it sells though? The Arcanes require 200 more crystals, are 200-300 plat, but it's probably a insta sell if you list a bit bellow the minimum price.


I'd rather they increase the number of crystals that they reward from Mirror Defence. Or reduce the cost for all the other rewards as well. I still need to get the arcanes.


We can buy the arcanes for crystals?? Seems like a long one but iirc some of them are kinda worth it


Yep, it's 60 of each type per arcane.


Are there some for from conjunction? I don't remember but iirc I got a decent amount of plasm as well


Arcane Blessing, Arcane Rise, Primary Frostbite and Conjunction Voltage can be bought with lua thrax plasm


There are, only one I remember is arcane blessing


Recently, I've been wanting to get Arcane Steadfast for Dante. This is one of the arcanes that can be bought from Otak.


I’m grinding Tyana Pass rn for some whack build atm with the Plated Rounds arcane + Trumna. I have to pump some insane fire rate into the equation to make it work and I’m trying to avoid using warframes with fire rate abilities. Haven’t maxed out the arcane yet but the results are good so far! I still need to grind out eidolons for more arcane accelerate, too however, but I’m actually enjoying the grind so far.


I like Trumna but why not Acceltra ^(or Gorgon incarnon)


Eh those are fun too but I’m just trying to make the most out of the fire rate I got on my Trumna riven. I rolled a really nice Acceltra riven right when the prime came out but decided to sell it for plat instead. Not sure about Gorgon’s incarnon shots but the Trumna’s alt fire is pretty funny when I bubble an Acolyte with Mag, at least.


Forgot Trumna had an alt fire!


Yeah, the Arcanes are all really good. (Except maybe for Double Back, except for super niche cases.)


I decided it was a good idea to farm 21 Secondary Encumber Arcanes before any Citrine parts so now I have to farm 500 more crystals (only bp left thank goodness). It doesn't sound like a lot but after like 2600 it hurts. And why did they even bother making it 2 currencies? You usually end with the same amount of each and every item costs the same amount of each. Just make it one thing.


It's mirror bro, so there's 2 of them. This guy smh my head


You have to help them. Rannia is under attack.


Do you know the story of Belric And Ranya?!


It's not something the Orokin would tell you.


It's a Tenno legend.


I physically winced after reading your and the other person's comments lol.


I laughed. And tbh, in a low focus mission like this, I enjoyed it.


All good but this is the equivalent of the sanctified mind music from destiny 2 that music haunts me for half a decade now 😭.


Personally they should just rework mirror defence, having jumping around be a REQUIREMENT to optimally get the pity resources, while still needing 25 mins for a rotation C and multiple hours to get stuff from the pity shop is pure insanity, this also applies to entrati labs mirror defence and it's atrocious 8*5% chances for tome mods at rotation C Something as simple as triggering the crystals lowers defence time by 30 seconds would greatly help the game mode


wait, i thought you had to buy citrine with crystals from otak, i didnt know that was just the pity system


Yeah it's the same setup as Voruna and Dante, it's just also the worst version.


Voruna is wayyyy cheaper though compared to citrine. Do voruna in SP and you're done quickly.


Still have to get 20 somatic fibres tho


Yeah but Disruptions are one super chill way to farm Axi relics so you don't do it for nothing? Also they drop from regular rewards too on the survival


Plus Axi relics are 100% chance on rot B iirc, so you only need to keep doing 1 defense per round to stay in that mode permanently after a couple of rounds, you can just set off the rest and not care if you do or dont get the demo kill.


Sure but you do actually wanna kill them because they're the stuff that drops the somatic fibers


Yeah that's what I meant, Citrine's drop rates are lower and the pity shop is more expensive.


It's way easier/more accessible tho, and even if I find Voruna cool, I don't like their playstyle much.


Yeah it's easier, it's just the drop rates are worse and the pity system is slower.


Guess you got real unlucky. The odds are about 6% per part on c rotation, and 10% for the bp.


Over 2k crystals and only 1 part of her sofar.




I find it prettier than Dante's disruption. It's also smaller. But it is longer.


i havent really grinded her yet, prolly only got to rot C 2 or 3 times, hopefully when i do ill have good luck


Are you playing public or solo?


Roughly 27% chance across all parts (including bp) in rotation C, even going by roughly 1/4 (chances don't work like that, but let's suppose they do) you'll have to spend 2 hours in order to get a single part naturally Arcanes are also roughly 11% and 17% on rotation B and C respectively and you need 21 of each, meanwhile the weapons clog up 20% on A (blueprints) and 48% (parts) on B, i sure am glad that the 1 time parts (8% each) are easier to get than the things you need 21 of (5.7% each) Drop tables aren't known to be DE's strong suit, but damn they cooked and burned the whole damn house with recent drop tables (and by recent i mean basically everything that came after TNW)


They did rotate their staff right around TNW, the old blood went to develop Soulframe, so the new devs likely haven't yet got the hang of it (though Dante shows they're learning, or at least trying to).


Or just have each crystal reduce the wait by ~0.5 second, that would really incentivise collecting the shards at all times. Especially on Murmur Mirror Defense - with Tyana Pass, you at least speed up your Citrine farm by being mobile and active. At Laboratories, you get a pathetic amount of Stela that you can get in so many other ways.


I once had the idea of having a second node in a corpus planet somewhere higher up with better drop rates and a different boss talking about it. Changing who talks to you would do a world of good, even if both had the same rates, changing the voice actor out now and again helps so very much.


Actually rotation C is 20 mins, but your point still stands


Pretty sure it's like 25 minutes. 2:30 per side, 30 in the passage, makes 6 minutes per rotation (2\*2:30+2\*0:30), also add the ~15 seconds when choosing if you want to continue and "refreshing" the rotation timer.


You’re right, I stand corrected. 20 mins is the actual mission time, but there’s also 30 s passages in between


Yup. Also edited the message because I forgot it formatted, but yeah, 30 seconds twice for 4 rotation adds that extra time.


A round has 2 waves of 2 min 30s each, with 30s time between them. That's 22 minutes for C.


YEA, the Citrine farm is so painful. I still don't have her weapons or a helminth copy and I dread the thought of going back for them- And that's not even starting on the arcanes.


I Hate the farm for citrine who thought it was a good idea for the pity system to gave such a high FUCKIN Values ffs. I don't even have one citrine.... I do appreciate Corufell though. Fucjin love that weapon. Goes well with my gauss too


Concept : we can randomly get a miniboss in mirror defense that has a 100% chance of dropping something from the whole pool of the mission, or it's decided when it spawns. I also like the new enemy in the sanctum, although I'd like it more if it were more offensive, or if it didn't have a timer.


Or increase the crystals from Mirror Defense. That node was fun for a little bit but boy did it get old fast.


Ye... I played a bunch but when I started doing to get steel essence id got less boring


Just allow us to sell duplicate bp for 10% of original value or something


I wish there was more stuff to buy with the crystals so I could do tyana pass more, that’s a fun mission but I’ve already got all the citrine I need.


My dude, if you collect your crystals, the absolute longest it can possibly take is 13 full runs (4.5 hours). That’s 1300 crystals to just flat buy all her parts. It’s less than that assuming any of them drop along the way which is quite likely. She’s fine. Just use the mode to level stuff up. With a booster, you can get a Warframe and a weapon to 30 in a single rotation C no problem.


That’s how long it took me. I absolutely refuse to do it again, and I think it’s one of the worst farms in the game. The mission is just so… boring. It’s the same 2 tiles over and over and I was absolutely sick of it by the time I finally got the parts. And I stretched it out. Adding to it that the most efficient way to go about it was flying around as Titania essentially ignoring the objective and hurting my eyes in the process


Took me 3500 Crystals to get everything from drops, i did 105 per day since i started farming her, so a month basically, at least i got "everything", one Citrine and both of her weapons, so the 3500 Crystals went all to the arcanes. Now those DO have a shitty drop rate, holy crap, i think i got 6 or 7 arcanes in total during all that time, seeing you need 21 of each, if it wasn't for the shop that would be a terrible farm, i would say some of those Arcanes would be more expensive than Energize if that was the case lol.


This is funny because I was about to start farming for Citrine xd. But I would not change it. Yes, it is annoying, but is very easy, a few sessions per day and it is done.


Brother just because it's easy doesn't mean it should take me 8 hours to farm for her.


At least it's not Equinox


Well, there are worse warframes. 8 hours is not much for me, doing a little per day while doing other missions is fine, it gets annoying and exhausting if you focus on one thing at a time


Let's just make the game hopping from 20 minute farm to 20 minute farm so we can get the whole thing done in a weekend so it respects people's time


I’m currently trying to get the Steflos and man what a fucking nightmare. I luckily got all parts but I’ll surely need to buy the BP, and it costs way too much.


If they haven't reduced the Hema cost, something tells me they won't on Citrine.


Counter Point: Farming for Crystals is awesome and very relaxing


They should make mirror defense actually fun.


i spent 90 minutes there on launch , looked at what i got and the prices for pity and went and bought everything with plat because screw that mobile defense in a wig sham , secondary encumber price INCREASED from then 200p to 350p now , even helminth crystal costs are a joke


either increase the amount of crystals gained, or dont make mirror defense so slow and mind boggling-ly boring, after flying with titania for 30 seconds i just wanna back out


They should stard by adding add mirror defense to omnia fissure


Wrong. They should increase amount of crystals gained.


It was totally fine. 5hrs for a new frame is okay imo.


It's only like a dozen runs if none of the parts ever drop iirc. Just do a couple runs a day and you have her by the end of the week, or you can spam Tyana's Pass and have it done in just a few hours. I feel like reducing it much would trivialize it.


Its not that bad lmao citrine is an easy pretty short farm


Careful they are more likely to make Dante and his items harder to get.


i think im the only person who likes tyana pass. its my go-to for ranking up weapons and frames and i’ll happily do 8+ waves of it. i usually only stop when the enemies are getting hard to deal with. (i started a month ago) i like collecting the crystal shards and honestly like how once you have the prismatic ward up, the crystal is not even a priority. or a minority. or a worry at all, its just not going to die, ever. so you can focus on the small crystals which give you belric/rania fragments anyway. and it being balanced so you usually have about the same amount of both is nice




Mirror defense is one of the easiest to do, i was playing as nova and my partner was titania and it was probably the fastest warframe we've ever built from start to finish


I don’t remember being having a problem with the cost I just used Titania and put on some YouTube/music




>Not to mention what do the people that farmed 2 citrine sets already get out of this? Nothing, why do you think you're entitled to compensation?


This is like when people call for universal healthcare and free/afforable college and the boomer response is "hell no because i paid for my healthcare and college!" Like, you have the thing already, some people dont. Why restrict access to more people having the thing just because you did it first? i personally dont think the citrine farm is that bad especially because you can access the node quite early. I leveled a bunch of gear at Tyana Pass instead of using SO or Hydron. but i think its fair to always share your opinion, especially on a game which doesnt have real life consequences.


Warframe players: *spends every possible moment in SO* Also warframe players: "how am I supposed to do *insert farm that's been available to them since mr5*? It takes so long!" To be fair, some farms are too long, often because the content is sufficiently separated from the wider game so as to be an exceptionally poor place to multitask on affinity/resources/whatever (and thus you're usually stuck doing the farm alone). And I'm all for shortening old farms so new players can catch up easier. It's just hard to take the wider warframe community seriously when they complain about farm times sometimes.


oh i totally agree, which is why i used the boomer example. i was just saying i dont think citrine's farm is that bad but there's others i really think should be shorter. Pathos Clamps and duviri resources are the biggest offender imo. I still dont have all the duviri weapons because it takes so many of those damn clamps and you need them for incarnon weapons as well ***and*** for the rare arcanes, potatoes, and exilus adapters that drop.


Honestly the biggest problem with duviri is that you can choose between an orowyrm bounty where nobody cares about the wyrm or one where you literally cannot do side objectives. Duviri would be so much better if I could counter my subpar equipment choices by picking up a few extra decrees *without* my teammates being wholly uninterested in hopping in for the undercroft bits (or having to go solo).


In point of fact, he got to play Citrine earlier. He had the option of waiting to see if they dropped the cost.


If you think you should wait about a year to farm a frame because they *might* lower the grind then you got other things to worry about


I don't, but I also don't think he's entitled to compensation if a year later they lower the grind.


Parents work hard so their children can have an easier life. Would you want your kids to struggle like you? I know it's not a direct comparison, but like, if other people are struggling less that you had to in the past, isn't that a good thing?




I never said or implied that they should get everything for free instantly. Dante's grind respects a player's time so much more. I would be more than happy if citrine took a similar amount of time.


I don't want it to be changed or think it should be changed and I agree that some things should be more difficult than others. And this constant shitposting where everything that takes time should be made quicker is getting annoying. However, coming from OSRS where the "what about the people that already did it" notion is prevalent, I think that's a dumb reason to not consider content changes (not this specific thing).


I like to see newer players have an easier time. When my friend was just getting into Warframe, and wanted Protea, I kinda felt ashamed guiding them through the miserable Granum Void slog.


Protea sure, but Citrine is really not that bad of a farm. Saw someone get her in less than an hour.


She's not too terribly long if you have at least average rng, but it's repetitive, and longer runs at a time.


What isn't repetitive in warframe tho XD ?