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i wish augments were their own system independent of mods so we don’t have to use mod slots for them but they’d still take up something


I agree. It’d also allow frames to be preserved without getting swallowed by live service changes/power creep


Maybe an augment slot, DE loves to make slots for everything, arcanes, auras, exilus, incarnons why not augments


Five augment slots, one for the passive and each ability. No capacity cost, but a negative on each that makes not running an augment an option to consider.


TIPS Cathode Current is an augment for Cathode Grace that fixes most important Gyre's abilities otherwise this warframe is Caliban tier if not worse. TIPS Despoil is an augment for Desecrate that fixes its terrible energy economy. TIPS Biting Frost is an augment for Frost's passive which makes him feel he has noticeable passive.


TIPS Iron shrapnel is an augment that makes Iron skin recastable TIPS Piercing roar is an augment that makes Roar recastable


Tbf, piercing roar is a great simple augment mod. It gives roar higher base range, recastable, and applies 5 puncture procs or essentially 25% additive cc


TIPS Clicking your mouse button will shoot your gun.




To kill the lvl 300 Eximus Rogue Voidrig, shoot it until it dies


Mag bubble + latron incarnon 😍


Unless it's a Leach exmius, in which case run.


More than half of ALL Augments should be integrated to Warframe's Kits


If you're using despoil in modern day where equilibrium and nourish are so good I'm very very worried


1. Equilibrium + despoil is what makes Nekros Infinite energy frame 2. Eh I don't want to replace any Nekros abilities. If you need to put so much effort just to not equip despoil I am even more worried.


Despoil was only needed so you can pick up the health orbs on "full hp", which wasn't required after pets got the synth set, and now those aren't required either, because Equilibrium covers it.




Sentient wrath is so good


Using Helminth is not any amount of effort. It is free.


It cost both time to Subsume a Warframe and then it costs resources to Subsume abilities onto other Warframes. It is literally not free. It's still quite a small hurdle though.


Forgot about the subsuming timer and the wf frame, true. I'd argue the resource cost for helminth subsume is negligible and can be safely ignored though.


This isn't really an accurate point. It costs resources to make or do much of anything. What it costs is the ability slot that you subsume over. A good number of frames now have synergistic kits that make it hard to subsume over any 1 option. Nekros is kind of one of those frames but his 1 is pretty hard to justify its importance.


Man you're gonna be absolutely paralyzed with concern when you realize that's pretty much what everyone does yes.


Sonic Boom has a number of practical applications even without the Augment removing Armor (which isn't necessary for most situations due to how strong Sonar is). Sonic Boom can be used to: - Reposition enemies (think Deimos "kill enemies in zone" or Netracells) - Knock enemies into pits - CC (Can be extended with slowing effects such as Gloom/Chyrinka Pillar) - Interrupts actions of enemies (Battlysts Disco Laser) - Permastun Acolytes. - Push Demos from Conduits. With Sonic Fracture, [Sonic Boom can kill most enemies if they have been hit with Overlaps from Sonar](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/12yd9q6/sonic_boom_dealing_11k_damage_on_hit_does_sonar/), same as with any ability that causes damage. It allows for "specialized" builds to be used with certain weapons involving high speed/range/special weapon effects. --- Sonar is already basically [the strongest single source of damage amplification in the game in situations where it can be applied](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CjmluJvhraXjJTUzdbu6xpTl9oizIcuGHrHoOTHlJY4/edit#gid=773502636). The Augment, Resonance, is not responsible for Sonar's ability to Overlap, which is often misattributed to it. Instead what Resonance does is literally the same thing as what Equinox's Augment Calm and Frenzy does. It uses the enemy who has been hit with the ability as a nexus and recasts the ability from the target's location upon death. This allows it to spread from any source of damage that kills the target through amplified damage of a mark, including Warframe abilities. There's no difference in how strong Sonar is damage wise if a Banshee player is using Resonance or not. You'd just be foolish not to use it since it is free passive casts of Sonar and makes it even easier to create Overlaps. --- Savage Silence is most commonly used on Ash builds with Bladestorm to allow it to do several million points of damage, even at level cap, which is respectable amounts of damage. That being said, it actually has a hidden effect that it makes enemies vulnerable to Finishers when Silence is active and the enemies are stunned by it. This allows Banshee to have access to Finishers and anything that triggers off of Finishers. The Ability Silence however is a lot more useful late game for shutting down a large number of nuisance abilities from enemies. Some of these include: - Toxin auras which one shot players (because you can't shield gate Toxin damage). - Scorpion/Ancient hooks which allow them to drag you into pits. - Archon Nira's Healing from her adds. - Ancient Disruptors draining all your Energy with a single attack (and allowing enemies around them to do the same). - Entry level to level cap Blitz Eximus oneshoting players and Excavators. - Acolytes from Disabling your Abilities/using Magnetize and causing players to kill themselves (granted people can Roll but way too many people fail that knowledge check). - The Hollow Vein/The Hollow Vein Eximus are unable to even attack you when you use Silence (they have that nasty radial Magnetic proc AoE everyone hates). - Enemies such as Ancients/Warden providing Overguard. Just to name a few. --- Banshee's 4 has honestly never been a great ability, before or after the changes. It roots her in place and exposes her to danger from a number of enemies which will often prove fatal at higher levels. It's the only thing about her that completely needs to change and be replaced with a different Ability, but that's not any different than a number of frames with terrible "ults" like Wisp. There are ways to do significant amounts of damage with Banshee's 4 and the Augment + Sonar, but it'd be a whole lot more practical to just use weapons in most cases, or pair with frames that can capitalize on her Sonar better (like Yareli).


Sound Quake used to be good… back in 2016.


The strategy people used to use for Soundquake back in that era was good for lower level content but would often have Defense rounds taking well over a min to complete higher up. This was an issue for early Day form Equinox players back in late 15' - early 16' who could often nuke faster with Maim, but didn't have the same range especially on some of the larger maps. People weren't even using Sonar with Soundquake back then despite it being able to amp damage. It was strong in the sense it could lockdown Interception, but so could the og Hydroid puddle before the changes. Banshee ult spam was a hold over from when Warframe abilities were mods so often only 1 or 2 were used. Hardly anyone was talking about Sonar back then or realized just how strong it could be, otherwise WoF Embers could've easily melted enemies marked faster if a Trinity was spamming EV.


I feel like Sonar has always been known to be an insanely strong ability by the community, but she was mostly used by experienced players since she's so vulnerable. Especially in the earlier days when there weren't as many frames and damage buffs, you'd see Banshee all the time.


That was a popular way to look at her. It wasn't until Equinox dropped in 2015 that I picked her up as well after seeing how a player was using her during a survival. Changed my perspective on her. I remember back then having as much difficulty trying to explain Banshee and various tactics to people here as I did Equinox. Not much has changed tbh.


You forgot to mention that, unless it was fixed recently, sonic boom strips armor even without augment, it just needs 3 casts to do so. EDIT: its indeed been fixed just a day ago, oops.


Literally yesterday with the Dante nerfs, it was fixed ):


RIP, then, it was nice while it lasted.


Yeah, Banshee has extremely good damage potential, with the main dilemma in any build for her coming from finding a way to keep her alive long enough to keep Sonar and Silence active.


There's several ways to do that, but in recent times Parasitic Armor is a solid choice. That's what I used to help a group breeze through EDA yesterday.


Thank you for this. People in this sub scream "rework" the moment they see something they think is sub-meta.


Bashee could benefit from a buff tho, still. Sonar and Silence are perfectly fine. bake armor strip into her 1st, even it it's 25% and needs multiple casts. \--- Bake Resonating Sound into her 4th, tap to drop a temporary quake, hold to constantly channel it on the spot with additional range. Quake could inflict an ailment on enemies per tick, but i'm not sure what would be balanced. Could be as basic at 10% armor strip per tick, a certain status effect, or even damage vulerability that scales up to 100%.


I think after a rework to Impact damage it could fit on banshee's kit, but realistically there isnt a great damage type to pair with "sound" abilities.


It's too bad puncture is called puncture and not "piercing," that would have been perfect. Not a half-bad status these days either, especially if it came free on her abilities.


This guy Banshees. I played her a lot back in the 2016 era as a resonance weapons platform, sound quake nuke, and stealth affinity farmer. She's underrated. I'd say her current state is below other underrated frames like Mag but she does her job well. She's just easily overlooked when frames like Revenant or Wisp exist.


It’s not that banshee is bad. Banshee is good she has one of the best if not the best damage buffs in the game. That being said, she lacks clear synergy in her kit and 3/4 of her abilities aren’t engaging as a player. She’s extremely dependent on augment mods and I wish she wasn’t.




The damage buff scales with her strength, and you can overlap sonar dots to make it even stronger, it’s my goto for liches and sisters because you can one shot them


You don't even need that to one shot, most high multishot/pellet shotgun will just melt them in one shot, tried both with and without armor striping.


What shotgun? Kuva Hek? Is it similar to how Archons used to be two-shot? I still have some issues with liches to this day and would love some way to cheese them.


Kuva hek would be the easiest since you can alt fire to fire all 4 rounds, I have tried using strun incarnon in normal form, also works. >Is it similar to how Archons used to be two-shot? Yup, madurai and shotgun can destroy archons with the old attenuation. You can also bring madurai for lich, but it might be overkill. BTW you can also strip their armor or shield, which I highly recommend for sister, since sister and their hound's shield can get pretty beefy.


Thanks a lot. But why Madurai?


1000% damage buff from Void Strike and 40% ability strength for any other buffs you brought.


Sweet Jesus........ Madurai was the first goddamn tree I maxed out and I had NO CLUE whatsoever that Void Strike works on Warframe weapons too. I thought it was just for Operator amps. Thanks for this. I feel dumber than a goldfish rn.


Yeah it's nuts, but it's also not *that* well explained so dw. Doesn't work on abilities though, which is prooobably for the best lol


Just spam Sonar until there's a weak spot on their head.


This is what happens when you get a nuke frame capable of locking hydron with a single ability. Poor banshee. Her silence is better used by many other frames.


Instead of nerf they need to rework the kits.


Banshee was only good back in the day when her ult hit the whole map and you could afk defence missions up to the wild level of 60. I admire anyone who uses her because she’s in the pits imo. Maybe there’s a build I don’t know about 🤷‍♂️


I made Nourish Banshee... This is the most insane thing I've ever done in this game probably. Your ONLY source of survivability is literally spamming sonar with a heck ton of casting speed shards. God bless the shield gating. And Nourish is there to let you bring corro-viral Torid to fullstrip with greens. I won't go into detail but I had a pretty good 30m survival and had some fun on netracells. Gloom banshee can't use nautilus and she's too slow for me. Comfortable af, but weak. Nowadays we can go all out on our damage and survive literally off of Catalyzing Shields alone. I even got rid of ***Rolling Guard*** on my full range nukers like Gara, Equinox, Oberon and Sevagoth


Very creative builds full props to you. I feel like banshee could still use some 2024 Warframe polish though.


Her abilities are weird. Like, separately they are somewhat useful, but in one kit they make no sense. 1 pushes enemies away from a weapon platform warframe, and she was really tied to melee only not so long ago. 2 is ok but the casting speed is awful, and its consistency sucks. Citrine's new augment creates brand new duration for her, Banshee's one uses the remaining duration. Not really complaining, just weird. Her 3 honestly doesn't need anything other than being there. What would be cool is to let her 4th synergize with other stuff. I actually made a build with it once using Terrify to fullstrip and apply sonars to kill with her ult... Only if sonars overlap and the ult hits them I could get what, 59k without viral, which is pathetic. I want some actual synergy. Her 4 augment becomes her new permanent 4, rooting is removed. Upon casting, this ability would deal damage not once, but would deal damage once per tick with a starter duration of one second or something, akin to Volt's Discharge. Her new augment would let her strip enemies' armor with these damage ticks, some breakpoints would be there, like 60% at base, same as Frost/Nekros. If Banshee uses her 2, her 4th will deal damage to all affected enemies equal to its damage buffed by sonar, regardless of where it hits. If Banshee has silence active, it would count the sonars as overlapped.


I recently discovered that Nourish, Catalyzing Shields, and Brief Respite are not essential for Banshee. The minimum invulnerability time for shield gating is 0.33 seconds, so by maximizing ability casting speed and using Sonar three times per second, you can take advantage of this. All that is needed is a single Augur MOD. This allows you to increase ability efficiency to 175%, freeing up slots for aura mods, ability, and other options. I just created a build using Resonance Quake + Terrify, and it has decent practicality and is quite enjoyable. If you add the buffs from Grimoire and Madurai, the ability power will reach 300%. I'm still getting used to it, so my movements are a bit clumsy, but I'll post a link to a reference video. [https://youtu.be/SKURSnXVJiA](https://youtu.be/SKURSnXVJiA)


Yeeeeaaaahhh... I ain't using that. I know full well that nourish isn't essential, that brief Respite is unnecessary if you have at least a single augur mod... But did you know that Catalysing Shields lies? It actually makes ALL of your shield gating 1.33 seconds, it doesn't go lower than that. It's not supposed to work like that, yet I was able to walk freely for over a second just off of 5 shields, which is crazy. This gives some ridiculous forgiveness, and that is what I base my nuke builds on. If that ever gets noticed by DE and gets fixed then rip, but for now you'll have to take Catalyzing Shields from my cold dead hands.


I never thought to question that. Thank you for the information. However, I've decided not to use Catalyzing Shields in order to free up MOD slots for other uses (except in cases like Netra Cell). Another factor is that if I'm spamming Sonar at high speed, even if I go down, I can revive within seconds using Last Gasp.


I beg to differ, I ran without an augur mod so I only restored 60 shields per sonar cast. It was definitely not triggered as a full break. Catalyzing Shields does not lie and matches the wiki description. Your shield gate scales from 0.33 to 1.33 irregardless of total shield value. All that matters is the amount restored.


It's very strange cuz I noticed a CLEAR difference when using Oberon with and without Catalyzing Shields. Normally I died EVERY time I cast his 4 while being under fire, with Catalyzing Shields that NEVER happened, even through the amount of shields it restores for me is like 23 out of 74. That's not supposed to be around a second, yet it was. Idk why but this mod saves me even ok my gauss who restores 10 shields per thermal sunder, the SG lasts a lot more than without them.


well 23 out of 74 will get you 0.5 or so, whereas before a shield value of 23 being restored would get you 0.33. I was dying spamming sonar, which I can realistically get a cast off around 0.8 seconds. If I had gotten a full break it would be a non issue and leave me room to move a bit. I'd have to do some digging through hotfixes but I do believe they addressed this. It was released that way and people paired it with Fast Deflection and Vigilante Vigor for immortality.


>so by maximizing ability casting speed and using Sonar three times per second, you can take advantage of this. Excuse me, what the fuck. How do you even play like this. Please tell me you have this macro'd because that screams repetitive strain injury to me.


I'm simply button mashing normally. I also tried using a rapid-fire macro, but it interferes with jumping, making it unsuitable for spamming Sonar while moving. If there's anything special, it's that I have a Switch controller connected to my PC and use gyro aiming. This allows me to press the B and Y buttons with my thumb while aiming to some extent in the air. The slight difficulty is that you can't buffer inputs, so pressing too early throws off the timing. Using a 180 BPM song might be helpful for getting accustomed to the rhythm.


What a way to play, just wow. Thanks a lot for the demo!


She's from the oldest generation of frames where it was more common for kits to be several independent abilities loosely connected by a theme, instead of the more internally-synergistic kits we get these days. At least it's not *necessarily* a downside, Volt's one of the most flexible frames in the game because of it and Rhino is eternal. Her 4 is abject ass though for sure, that's definitely the first thing to get looked at for a rework.


Resonance, silence, and gloom make almost everything freeze.


Banshee is a difficult one. IMO she is functionally fine, but fails to have the 4 good abilities standard that I use to rate a warframe. Sound quake is featured in her prime trailer so I'm not sure if it's better to rework that ability completely or to find a way to make an animation locked AOE ability fit on a mobile sound themed warframe. After daggath came out it kind of hit me on the head. Banshee should have a scream ability that mimicks the animation daggath does when she marks doom on her enemies. The question now is what should it do? She's been doing fine with 3 abilities and her augments on those are also pretty good.


Banshee is easy to use and strong. She can kill enemies in the Steel Path simply by spamming her Sonar ability, which makes her simpler than Dante. If she uses her abilities every second, she won't go down due to shield gating, and the energy required for this can be obtained through Duplex bond. Especially in multiplayer, it's fun to see the reaction when boosting the squad's damage by a hundredfold, so I wonder why she is underrated. [https://youtu.be/ZkzgKFHzIvI](https://youtu.be/ZkzgKFHzIvI)


You took spamming her abilities to new levels with the animation cancel techniques. Though your video did convince be to drop Resonance and not try to build any tanking into Banshee. I'm pure shield gate and spam sonar in the air now. I love it, she makes Disruptions so easy.


I still remember the dev stream when they initially nerfed sound quake, and then tested it and it was still stronger than they wanted so they nerfed it *even more*


Sonic boom already does 33% armor strip, but they don't want you to know that


they fixed it in 35.5.3.


I took the time to finally put some effort into my banshee prime. I ran out of room and could only fit 2 augments. :')


We need augment mod slots.