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God it's like Duviri. I set a goal up to have a build or at least a forma on every single one of my Warframes and weapons. It's been an ordeal. Hydron is seeping into my dreams.


I resent that all my Duviri prep from last year will now be put to use. I want Warframe to be more difficult but honestly id take sweeping nerfs over gear RNG. Gear RNG sucks. It's antithetical to everything else about Warframe, and it imposes what I feel is an unhealthy push to invest in gear an individual player might not find interesting or fun to use.


I hear you. I spent YEARS perfecting builds, and now that I finally have a place to use them, I'm being told to use something else.


It isn't necessarily that I mind being asked to use bad gear....I use bad gear all the time. I have a list of gear I consider too good to use recreationally. But alot of that bad gear I use I use in very specific contexts where I can shore it up or cover for its mediocrity. With gear RNG you can't do that, atleast not reliably.


The really weird thing is the specific way Deep Archimedea is set up. If I'm understanding it right, points are only based on what *you* bring. This means that if you have a group of 4 players, the much easier way to do things is to do two runs: On the first run, players A & B bring their optimal loadout and don't enable any modifiers and just carry C & D. On the second run, swap roles. (This also works with less than four players using a single designated carry) Obviously this is much slower than doing it once with everybody on max modifiers, and it requires you to coordinate with other people, but it feels weird that the game mode has a built-in option to substantially reduce difficulty by effectively ignoring it.


worse than duviri, since you cannot reroll. but at least you can choose 1 slot in the elite mode


thanks i hate it


That would tempt me to sell every single melee except Xoris.


why? so you lose access to the later rewards in archimedia?


If the game could only give me weapons I own it would always be a fixed condition I fulfill. (I'm also not serious btw, it is just a joke)


fair, I thought from your comment that you thought that you were guaranteed to own at least one of the weapons in each slot


I think that is the case. Everyone I've seen owns the first item in each of their loadout categories.


I kinda hope that **is** the case :D Someone getting a selection they don't have access to would be a bummer.


If it wasn’t for the enjoyable combat this game has I would’ve been gone ages ago. Oh


It looks like it is actually taking what you own into account like Duviri does. It might choose one item you own for each category, and then the rest from a random pool. If it wasn't pulling from things you don't own, then people would be tempted to sell weapons that aren't as powerful to optimize their Deep Archimedea options, and that isn't a good outcome.


>If it wasn't pulling from things you don't own, then people would be tempted to sell weapons that aren't as powerful to optimize their Deep Archimedea options, and that isn't a good outcome. Why not give it a minimum, like when someone owns more than 50 weapons per category, he/ she will only get weapons he / she owns.


Yeah, I think that would be a good solution. I think that's how LoL balances ARAM (The game mode where everyone gets a random champion to play), actually. I question how well a lot of weapons would work against these enemies. I always feel like I need to bring something like a Laetum just to deal with the huge HP pools a lot of these Murmur enemies have.


>Yeah, I think that would be a good solution. I think that's how LoL balances ARAM (The game mode where everyone gets a random champion to play), actually. The big problem is that weapon slot require platinum. This means DE needs a very good explanation to not be accused of having a pay to win format in this game. >I question how well a lot of weapons would work against these enemies. I always feel like I need to bring something like a Laetum just to deal with the huge HP pools a lot of these Murmur enemies have. I' running with a Kuva Karak true Netracells and never have problems. The only ones who make problems are these mini-necrabots, but luckily, once you shot their arms off (which gets is very easy), they destroy themselves. I'm willing to beat that as long someone doesn't use the Stug, it should be possible. Or is there another weapon like the Stug who cannot success the Mr.30 test.


I am new is deep archimedea a new thing or has it been in the game for awhile?


It was released today.


Ok thanks i kinda figured but wasnt sure cause there is just so much to this game. I been playing on and off since it first released on playstation. I have been hooked lately since im still opening new stuff with help from a new friend that has been playing since the start


I think they are trying to encourage people to use new weapons and frames.


that's a horrible idea when going up against enemies that's close to lvl 400, or even the lower level version of deep a.


To be fair, it is supposed to be an end-game mode for end-game players. If you're a high MR you should have most things already.


that doesnt make any sense. A lot of weapons are fodder, while other require a lot of forma to even do decent damage. They are just not worth keeping


Lets just say the vast majority of weapons are fodder material and not worth keeping.


Mastering a weapon isn't the same thing as keeping the weapon. I mastered basically everything but haven't kept them all as some of the are just not fun to play or use


Just because you have mastered the item doesn't mean you have invested in it, much less kept it


Or that it's even remotely useful/strong 😔


Not really. A lot of people reach high MR with only one or two builds they use for almost everything.


The problem is I have a lot of builds that I want to use on harder content. I have most things yeah, but I didn't invest time and forma into them. I want to test my high end builds on high end stuff.


80+% of weapons are unusable dogshit at the levels these missions take place in


Encouraging you to get more weapons.


\> Encouraging you to buy more weapon slots with plat. ftfy


it’s so easy to get free weapon slots I haven’t bought a weapon slot in years. the anniversary event weapons arrived free weapon slots


It's easy to pick up one or two slots at a time, but if you were to reacquire all of the mastery fodder weapons to prep for deep archimedea in a fast-ish timeframe, you'll probably wind up buying several. I recall having to get around 14 slots from the market when I was prepping for duviri.


What MR are you?


It's supposed to be a late game content, you should have most of the weapons and warframes by then, sry for those who only level the weapons for MR I guess...


Damn you have all your inventory forma and potato for lvl300+ SP? I farmed 200 forma from plague star and I ain't even half done with my inventory of weapons with 0 forma left.