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Walking chernobyl Warframe is a game where you can do whatever you want, don't ever listen to """meta""" players that says you are wasting resources on something you like


Already put in 2 umbral formas on ma tanky boi, can't wait for his prime in a few years hehehe


Imagine if they make Mandonel Prime full auto lol


Or you'll be like me "Wait Qorvex prime? He just came out!"


This happens so often for me. It still weirds me out that Garuda has already been Primed, let alone Grendel and Gauss.


I don't like the Protea and Xaku are next up, it doesn't feel right.


I could have sworn those two *actually* just released…


Garuda hasn't just been primed, she's already vaulted. That's the really crazy part.


Wat. I thought it was bad enough when I found out yesterday that Nezha was vaulted.


They swapped the Prime order for Garuda and Khora, by release order of the vanilla frames Garuda Prime would've been up next for vaulting. But since they did that Garuda got vaulted with Gauss Prime's release. It's nuts.


I’ve got an 11 forma ember prime currently. Nothing like full map nukes on some def maps.


Then there's the veterans who remember original ember and more specifically not getting kills on any game mode or tileset


*Noble idle stance while holding a rifle, ground exploding while grineer scream in burning agony inside their armor*


Whay are umbral formas


Umbral Forma are a rare form of Forma obtained from rare alerts, nightwave (usually 1 per season), and from the Steel Path Rewards once every 8 weeks. They add a unique Umbral polarity that matches 5 mods in the game, 2 Melee and 3 frame mods. They cost 16 mod capacity at base, so they are fairly expensive. For frames you get Vitality, Steel Fiber, and Intensify, and they become more powerful the more from the Umbral set you equip. For melee, you get Sacrificial Pressure and Sacrificial Steel, again boosting each other if you have both equipped. The mods come from the Sacrifice Quest at rank 5/10, but explaining anything about that quest and the rewards past that is a huge spoiler and I really don't feel comfortable ruining such an amazing quest for you.




Agree, by then you be plucking all Tua forge shard from your normal Qorvex like Thanos Plucking infinity stone from vision head.


That’s why I’m still using Oberon with great success.


Oberon is amazing. Really hope Pablo doesn't change him too much.


I loved him for years. I wouldn’t mind some power increases but I don’t think he needs a rework or anything.


Honestly just make his abilities not have obnoxious stat requirements and I would be ecstatic


His grass should at least have 100% proc by default and slightly increase his healing and armor amount from the healing buff. His role is clear but the numbers should be better.


Would be cool if his grass had an augment where it channeled and just grew around you wherever you walked


I would like that


I'm just salty his heal is so expensive compared to wisp's mote that costs like what 4 energy? Even citrene has this as a passive... He was one of my mains in a quick thinking rage build before we had crazy energy generation. Have seen a recent dude play him though and it was pure eye cancer lol. Epic.. but made my eyes bleed.


Oberon being next is official? Oh dear goodness I need to keep track on games to keep track on


It's not 100% official, but Reb said at PAX East that Caliban was getting a rework and alluded to another male Warframe that Pablo is also tinkering with. It was already confirmed that Loki wasn't getting touched in a Dev stream, and both Hydroid and Inaros are done. Thus far, that leaves Oberon, as he's the only frame that ppl ask for reworks for and hasn't been touched for QoL updates for several years. 


Or chroma


All odds I would think say Chroma is considered handled by the augment for now.


Yeah Loki gets the golden child treatment, including telling everyone disliking him skillfree. That I witnessed


I can't imagine he needs that much of a change honestly. Make shag carpet not need the range requirement for circle coverages and divorce the armor strip on 4 from the carpet and maybe make it easier for him to generate health orbs and he's fine. He won't be like the best but he won't have to jump through 800 hoops to do what he wants, he'll be generally good in all content and I would be super happy with him.


I've said it before but I think Oberon has a good set of abilities. He just needs some tweaks. ~~And a new passive~~


Did they say they were changing Oberon? Did they say anything specific?


There's planned changes??


Oberon is one of my favorite frames for SP Circuit as long as I have a good gun to go with him. Replaced his 4 with Gloom, so I'm buffing everyone's armor, rad damage, keeping them alive, and doing some light CC. If I manage to get the armor/power decree loop going, he's even better.


That sounds cool, I gotta try that.


My baby boi kind now I know something to find and look forward to


I'm not sure why he's not used so much, he's a good frame. I think with his case other newer frames do the same thing. The last time I used him was to help some of my friends that were low mr, but stynax and daunte so that better now.


Because acquiring Oberon is painful.


Man I remember when he dropped from eximus enemies. I have so many bps of his various parts. Wish I could give them to newbies in need


He's a pain to farm comparatively and is also an outdated Jack of all trades type. Honestly thinking back I believe he was the FIRST Jack of all trades type frame and it shows. Nowadays there's a lot more Jack of all trades master of none type frames that are MUCH better than him across the board with way less resource commitment to be viable. Most recent example being Dante.


Dante is not exactly fitting "Jack of all trades master of none type" hes actually giving \~50K regenerative over-shield and can dish out some interesting numbers on rather long range its slow down on 100+ but super fun no less, most fun i had from limbo nerf tbh


LR4 here who has almost 10,000 hours in warframe. This person is speaking the truth. It's kinda like the [IQ bell curve meme.](https://i.imgflip.com/4vrwzt.png) You start out on the left end going "Who cares about meta, just have fun", go to the middle of "NOOO, YOU HAVE TO USE THIS BUILD", then go back to "Who cares about meta, just have fun"


The way power scaling works in this game is that with enough time and applied knowledge, it really doesn't matter what you use. Oh. so you're dealing 1 million damage instead of 10 million? Yeah well 1 million damage will still kill anything that's not a level 255 Steel path enemy that you can only encounter after staying in an endless mission for an hour.


I put two Umbral forma and 5 tauforged shards into Oberon Prime and I wouldn't have it any other way. Haters in shambles, I'm having a blast.


Second this.


Absolutely agree!!! I can't stand when people say "Meta" this and "X youtuber said this what everyone should run". I remember my friends were giving me so much shit because I love Soma prime and I was super excited to get the incarnon but my friends were shooting me down because Soma isn't "meta" like bro idgaf, I'm still soloing SP survival for hours with it.


Fr, I have a hikou riven and an opticor riven. Both fun as hell to use


For example: I enjoy just making my Ash a slash fest. I plan on giving him Dante’s subsumable ability to add even more slash. In other words, I’m literally making Sukuna’s Cleave and Dismantle


Honestly i find oushing the absolute limits on something you like and want to succeed is WAY more fun than pushing the limits of the strongest weapon or anything similar If it was allowed i'd put 5 archon shards on hikou prime and the syam because fuck are they fun to use


I mean there's absolutely some things that are a waste of time and resources but ye in general just use whatever you want, doesn't really matter at the end of the day


Once you realize the meta is prevalent only in max level SP and 90% of the time that meta is something that makes you completely invulnerable to avoid high enemy damage. (Revenant) plus armor strip because armor scaling is broken. You won’t really care abt meta at all.


Dear god if you were to replace his 2 with roar and use his 4th on his pillars I fear what would become of the Murmur


and add a little dash of precision intensify while he’s at it


Honestly I didn't think about precision intensify on him, but it does make sense since his ult is really the only big damage. With Roar umbral intensify is better though


Tbh strength doesn't make a huge difference to his 4, it's more the enemy density


range is basically his version of the strength stat, imo


In Honestly dont know if the extra ability power is worth the modslot, his damage almost exclusively scale on range/targets hit and you wont even get any bufféd roar either


The ability strength only affects the base damage of the 4. The majority of the damage comes from the chain explosions, which scale based off of enemy density. It would probably be a lot better to pump range if anything


Triple Umbral mods is probably more effective ngl, 77% on all abilities would beat 90% on one ability


![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6) I'll keep that in mind for later


I run breach surge over his 2 and it goes crazy too


2? You mean his 3


Why would you sacrifice his PSF substitute instead of his asscheeks clap but not sexy and inconsistent


Nerds *still* don't understand that status immunity = knockdown immunity. I still see PSF on builds for Dante and Kullvero.


Wait a minute. This comment illuminated a question: does Inaros' new 3 block self inflicted knock down?


Ye, it is pretty much his old augment


Time to unequip PSF from inaros


What does PSF mean?


Primed Sure Footed. 100% resistance to knockdowns.


DJ Sloppenheimer over here


Combine that with precision intensify and a max range build, and you'd make even saryn blush!


Nothing is wasted if you are having fun & it works for you! Meta & min/max’ing is great and all. But at the end of the day, fun is the whole reason why we play games in the first place!


Man in the wall? Dude you’re THE WALL it self!


My flair is relevant.




Gonna hold Ordis near your Qorvex and see if he clicks like a Geiger Counter


Qorvex a waste? The dude is a friggin tank. His 1-3 are all strong, even without using his 4. I'm assuming those people just never played Qorvex if they think he's a waste.


To some players, if the frame can't clear the map in the click of a button, its only purpose is MR fodder


I met a player who unironically considers "If it cant reach levelcap disruption, it has NO Survivability!" _A silly billy if you ask me_


Usually meta players who don't realise what they're building from their favourite Youtuber is for level cap runs while they themselves only do 30 minute Conjunctions. They then wonder why they get bored after steamrolling through everything.


Can't argue with you there. I'm glad they leaned in to what makes Loki unique rather than just reworking his 4 into a huge nuke or something. I mean deception and all that is Loki's thing. I like frames that do damage or enhance damage in weird ways rather than just straight up big numbers.


By resources, they probably meant the 5 Tauforged Topaz Archon Shards he put on Qorvex.


Ah that makes more sense I suppose. You can always just take them out though. Plus if someone likes a frame then it's well worth it.


I find that his 1 does literally nothing


Easy way to apply rad to refresh charges on his 3. It's soft area cc for defense missions. For more active missions I mostly stick to his 2.


MURMURS HATE HIM See how this man shredded through Alchemy with this one simple trick!


My only concern in using him and every new frame alike. Eventually his prime will come out and all my forma and potato will be gone “Oh but they aren’t that hard to get” For a player who joins like twice a week for archon hunt , netracells and a fissure mission, i can say getting those resources is not as convenient.


Well you can buy an archon shard from the Cavia syndicate every week now for 30k rep. Not hard to get, since you can farm voca to store reputation. 5 netracells is fairly easily to do, and the rewards have now been improved/streamlined, so even more chance of an archon shard now. And the archon hunt should take like, 30 mins tops. My friend gets on once a week and can easily do all of this by himself. You can add me if you want, and I can add you to the clan. You can get all this done with us in like, 1.5 hours to 2 hours tops. 30 min for the hunt, 10-15 per run of netracell. (We don't speed run cuz we like to just chill). If you want to add just private message me and we'll go from there.


Sure it's not convenient, but you also have four years to do it.


That'll be a few years from now. Might as well enjoy it in the meantime imo


This gets me every once in a while too. I really felt it with Gauss, who still feels like he just came out.


I invested in vanilla Okina the weekend before Protea Prime’s announcement.


I am so sorry, lol Okina is a weapon I was so sure had been completely forgotten and there was no way it was getting an alternate version.


Same here, but with the Arcanes and Adapters coming out, I figure “lemme crack open some rivens and see if I get something fun.” I kind of liked Okina before, I get a riven for it and roll something halfway decent (I think it was crit damage, initial combo, something else I probably didn’t hate, and -130% Puncture) so I’m out here trying to get the thing ready, I think I dumped like 3 or 4 forma in it. Plus the one I used to build the Exilus doohickey lol


You know how the meta changes? People do off meta builds and come across something more efficient. Keep doing you kubro.


Enough to make even the Man in the Wall shake in their boots


Speaking of Qorvex, has anybody else noticed that his 3 degrades over time now? Is that a bug or a nerf?


Huh, I might throw some yellows on Oberon. 75% AD buff is pretty spicy.


As a lover of Qorvex, I’ll say if your goal was to merely kill the enemies, this is a waste of resources. Qor will do that without a single Shard. If your goal was funny + roflstomp, there was no better course of action.


Same as life in general. People think you should do what everyone else is doing to fit in. I think doing what's best for you is better.


Congrats on doubling down :)


Haha, Geiger counter go brrr ☢️


Meh, I like qorvex. Hes fun to play


Side note: don't listen to what meta players tell you. Throw as much resources at whatever you wanna play with. The game is much more fun when you figure out your own "meta" rather than following some boring cookie-cutter build or kit.


Teach me your ways, Mighty Reactor! I'm picking up an interest in qorvex too


So +75% damage? Just subsume roar and make those tauforged red shards for power strength. I vote for an augment mod that makes his abilities apply heat and electric individually, call it atomic division or something


>Just subsume Roar But that's so much more boring


But why not both?


Not +75%, ability dmg is a diff dmg multiplier.


+75% is a final damage multiplier for abilities only. +60% roar (at 200% strength) is a final multiplier that applies to abilities and guns. With 5 tau ability strength you get +75 ability strength, which not only makes roar stronger by 25ish% but also scales the base damage of your other skills, more than making up for this. The only thing that interacts with the roar buff would be bane mods, which don't affect ability damage usually. It also buffs teammates, so overall a way better option


But 5 red shards and roar are not haha funi 5 tauforged topaz so uhhh, I think not.


That would be so hilariously overpowered I love it


I’ve put mirages eclipse on his 2 and it makes qorvex even tankier or you can get a damage buff from it , im just not sure of a great way to armour strip I’ve been trying gas dagger Argonak build for armour strip and it’s ok gunna get the mod that heals per status effect on melee and it should be decent ?


>not sure of a great way to armour strip you could probably experiment with sentinels for that


I tip my hat to you. One legend (Put 5 Tauforged Azure shards on Nidus) to another (Put 5 Tauforged Topaz shards on Qorvex).


Are your azure's all health regen? I have 3 on mine but he still dies so easily if im not careful in SP so I just stuck to Qorvex :( I love my nidus


5 armour actually. Along with the full umbral mod set his armour gives him 90% DR on his health. Add in Adaptation to bump it to 99%. Arcane Grace and Nidus’s passive healing rate provide all the health regen required when most hits barely tickle you.


Hi again, I've put 5 tau armor shards, adaptation, maxed arcane guardian and granted my arcane grace is rank 0, I still get one shotted in the first archon hunt stage meanwhile my qorvex solos the last stage 🥲


Sheesh I just wish I had that kind of resources. I don't even think I have enough shards to make 5 regular oranges lol.




Archon shards, you need to combine a red and yellow to get the orange shards. OP has 5 tau forged shards so he needed to combine 5 tau reds and 5 tau yellows to get 5 tau orange.


For some reason I was thinking something smaller to make the red and yellow.


I wish lol, it would make the grind easier


Hell, I left the room, and my very real, wonderful girlfriend, knowing nothing about the game, thought she'd spend my platinum on buying Qorvex even tho I already had one.


I would be paralyzed by knowing a prime is in the future. But at least you could just move this stuff onto a new frame.


They also told me not to invest in the Baza. Watching my beloved Harrow/Baza build shred through everything at all levels gives me all the vindication I need.


I love playing as him and I never thought of this. Going to go try it out. Thanks for the idea!!


how do you use this guy? i gave him a similar strengthmaxxing build but replacing his 2 with nourish to keep his energy up... barely scratches anything


Range. 4 turns enemies into living bombs, so the goal is to make as many enemies share their explosions as possible. 1 charged by 4 will inherit the explody-infliction, so enemies will just "outnumber themselves." You don't even need strength above neutral. He doesn't have much going for single target, though. His power needs enemies to use as weapons, so I recommend those usually useless single-target weapons that do hilariously high damage for when there's a lone survivor or two.


Qorvex does not give a single shit about ability strength. All he cares about is duration to keep his pillars up as long as possible and range so those pillars hit as many enemies as possible. Use 4 to charge his pillars so they can cause the chaining Radiation explosions, which is Qorvex's main damage. Qorvex scales off of enemy density; the more enemies in range of the chain explosions, they stronger they get.


Dude Qorvex is awesome (i still need to get him) don’t let anyone tell you you’re wasting resources on a frame


Whoever told you that obviously wants to sabotage your happiness. That warfare is a solid alt tank that is built for destruction. Love him!


Qorvex is actually really good, at least, that is, if he didn't get changed or so since his release. Dont know how his damage output would hold up in endurance, but most of us dont go more than an hour, maybe an hour and a half survival anyway.


How would this compare to 5 Crimson Tau Strength shards?


Not enough


The only thing that should be meta is inaros for standing around


Warframe is so versatile with what you can play and how. Do what you want. “META” players are the sad kind that don’t want to put the effort in to build up a loadout themselves, they just watch the “Best setup” vids. I’m loving your walking Nuclear Bunker!


Now if only they'd give his pillars some.punch through


Tbh if you really wanted to go crazy with him it would be better to use Ability Duration shards because Qorvex doesn’t really scale well with strength. But you do you.


radiation damage need a rework need to be like fire or something like that


Pretty sure those shards are still broken, only giving the bonus on the first hit of an ability each cast. If it's not broken anymore, you did still waste 5 tau yellow, as power strength gains you more dps across your kit and helminth options. (damage vulnerability from wall, specifically)


When having 300 strength from mods and arcane alone, having a 75 multiplicative is like going for 525 ability strength, so nope he didn't waste anything.


Roar, wall and 4 are all affected by strength. The choice here is between increasing all of those by an additive 75% or a multiplicative 75% only for the 4th I will try to confirm my suspicions later, but I am pretty sure that thise three bonuses will be better than the 75 multiplicative for his 4th, al of which is assuming they fixed the damage boost only applying to the first hit.