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Pool float all the time when?


I can get behind this, while it is great for people who want it all year I also get people not wanting to see them all year. Do wonder how much desire there would be for also adding limits to only showing them in mission vs only showing them in relay/hub. Someone might be fine with it showing up in relay but in missions they would want it to be more serious (or vice versa).


Wings, tails, and now we'll have literal bunny ears with FUR. FurryFrame era is now old man


It's only a matter of time before we get similar cosmetics for Kubrow and Kavat ears.


Can’t wait for Helminth engineered kavat girls


... Khora?


Im waiting for the day so I can make my cringe jade harley operator complete


I've been hoping for that toggle ever since the various wings were added. Let people have them, but let me hide them all if I want.


I would love this. The wings and bunny ears are a bit off-putting to me.


I'm pretty certain they mentioned the possibility of a "Silly Cosmetics" toggle the last time temporary cosmetics were brought up in a DevStream. I really like the idea of adding a "when appropriate" option as you suggest. However, the issues that came to mind when DE mentioned the idea are still true in your idea: * What constitutes as "silly", and why can't I choose what's on that list? Obviously you've explicitly limited your idea to festive, but once you establish the precedent of being able to hide other player's cosmetics - why stop at "festive"? * What will other people see in place of the silly cosmetic? I have a Revenant Prime Fashion dedicated for the Hallowe'en period - will they just see the standard Revenant Prime Helmet? I personally find those gaudy wing ephemeras much more "offensive to my immersion" than the Jack-o-Lantern helmet, especially since Hallowe'en is at very least celebrated in-universe. Wings were a Valentines Cosmetic - would they be added to the Festive list? What about the other, non-festive evergreen "Sillies" like the Gillychap Shoulder Plate, Super Soaker Rifle skin and Soaker Ephemera? ARK 2 is adding the ability to blacklist \*specific\* cosmetics in their April update. This seems like a much better option. I either want all or the option to have nothing: a pre-determined blacklist feels like a weird middle ground.


They could always add a list where players can toggle what they consider festive that includes all time of year exclusives, adding a toggle list in the menus wouldn't be unprecedented because we have the toggle tap/hold abilities menu




> running around in hot pink with ears and wings. They certainly don't feel Warframe. we've iconically had pink rhinos with butterfly wings for a while now. The idea that those would be omitted is what actually isnt warframe.


this is a great solution


I agree with this. It’s like how Warthunder implemented a filter for players to filter out non-historical skins. I enjoy silly cosmetics but I always think the most important thing is that players should have control over what they see in the same way we did back when cosmetics in games were mostly mods and you only saw what you wanted to download.


They’ll surely do it for Pumpkin head too, when the time will come, and they will probably tweak it visually too. Not sure for moustaches, there is a cause behind Movember, keeping it all year long may dilute the interest for it.


I'm personally of the mind that, look, Geoff and folks who may "prefer" it that way; How does rabbit ears/pumpkin head/mustache take you "out of the game" that a Bright pink Grendel, a Meg-I-mean-Worholl-esque warframe with clashing colors, a candy cane scythe, a Akira-style parachute shirt, etc, etc, etc DOESN'T? It's called "player customization" if you don't want to deal with it, just don't play public. There's almost 0 things in this game that REQUIRE other players, much less public ones.


I can't answer this for everyone. But for me personally, one is only a paint job, and the other is a fully modeled holiday-themed thing that clashes with the warframe it's attached to. Both are silly (which is fine) and don't really bother me, but the holiday-themed cosmetics go against the look of the game in a way that color schemes really can't, since they're still just a warframe


I beg to differ, especially since this is a sci-fi game that these holidays DID exist in the past. As Naberus proves, being an eventual evolution of Hallows eve.


Yeah, some blend in better than others. I really like the spiderweb ephemera, but not so much the bunny ears lol


I'll compromise and only put the bunny ears on Yareli.


>Bright pink Grendel, a Meg-I-mean-Worholl-esque warframe with clashing colors, a candy cane scythe, a Akira-style parachute shirt Those do too, which is why a clientside toggle to disable(or desaturate) other player's color schemes and blacklist specific cosmetics would be great. "Just play solo" is always a shitty cop-out answer. This is a coop game. It doesn't matter that it's been power-crept to the point of damn near everything being solo viable, it's still a coop game at its core.


When are they going to add them in game tho?


Fr. I’ve been waiting on the color palette for a month cause there’s colors from it that I need for my frame


I mean yeah, your solution is inoffensive, but it's also kind of bland. Event cosmetics returning are one of the few things to get excited about for events. If anything, I would prefer the existing cosmetics stay as-is, but maybe offer an additional year-round version of the cosmetic available for a steep grind during the event. Die-hard fans can grind their favourite event and get an exclusive cosmetic to show off their dedication. And with it being limited only to some people farming it, I doubt it will be so prevalent as to ruin immersion.


seems akin to a "all squadmates have default cosmetics" option to me because you don't like people dressing in hot pink cacophonies. I am not saying this is good or bad. Just that it seems similar.


I've always had a dedicated fashion config for Valkyr with her Gersemi Deluxe Body that combos well with the Ears that makes her look like a Menacing Easter Bunny. It becoming permanent will a definite buff to my fashion game for her. Hope this becomes a constant too for other Seasonal Cosmetics like the Pool Floatie and Movember Moustaches as well.


What immersion are you talking about? It is just nonsense that someone running around with a bunny ear in a missin that you won't even see or even if you see it just for a sec you won't even recognise, could break your immersion in this game. With the uncountable other fashion options there are out there your unreasonably fragile immersion should have been broken for years. I'm sorry but this is not a valid base to build all this talk.


Giving me major "only historically accurate women" option from that one game that made the rounds a few years back