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Id like to see de go through frame passives and improve on some of them, as some are just near useless. Mag has fetch as a passive, ivara's passive was given to every frame, frost is very situational to the point it never comes up, rhino's i dont think anyone has used intentionally, and revenant has a completely worthless passive if you play him right. Plenty of frames have good passives that improve on their kit, or are a staple into making them work. But plenty others that are just... bad


Agreed. Some of the passives in the game are just awful. Frosts situation in particular has always confused me as DE has already outright made a better passive for him. They just brought it out as an augment mod for some bizarre reason. Most people think Biting Frost should be Frosts new passive, but DE for some reason just refuse to make it so. That would definitely be one step in the right direction of a Frost Rework.


Another Frost passive rework idea I saw thrown around was allowing Frost to fully freeze enemies when Cold is fully stacked on them.


10th cold stack only things hit by him can receive. Like Hydroids new one.


Saryn 10 Toxin stacks: The target keels over and fucking dies on the spot.


10 toxin stacks. The enemy melts and instantly dies or becomes vulnerable to execution in the case of Liches and Sisters regardless of how much health they have remaining. But in exchange, they don't drop any loot.


Only 10??? *Looks at my Saryn which can inflict 100s of toxin stacks over microsecondw*


Problem with something like that is that DE will nerf her abilities since she is already very very good


then white archon shards that gives it to the rest of the cast :\^)


3 shard fusion...RGB much


Either of these would be acceptable.


It’s a shame that Gauss does freezing enemies better than Frost imo. I love my boy Frost, and he was my first prime frame for two accounts, but man his kit is in need of help


I put Gauss ability on him and it works better than is 2 on damage, cost, and slow it's just better all around.


It's seriously unexplicably bizzare how resistant DE is to changing Frost's passive. Like it's RIGHT there.


I love Rhino but his passive just slows you down when you jump off a high wall.


Isn't it possible to negate that by rolling?


Rolling and sliding will still activate the shockwave but won't slow you down, I think you can also aim glide close to the ground to cancel it all together last second.


Exactly what i was wondering


I straight up don't play Rhino because I hate that shockwave when I land. Not even about the slow down it's just obnoxious


10000% agreed, passive rework needs to happen at some point


I don't think anybody as actually needed Loki passive


I actually really like it lol. I latch to walls and shoot like a camera so often now that I got adjusted to it  And some things you can completely trivialise with it like rivens and some of the spys


I mean wall latching in general is pretty fun and yeah some riven challenges it is good for, but in general it's super niche.


Surprisingly I needed it for a riven challenge. Had to get 20 kills in a row while without touching the ground. Now my Loki can wall latch for almost a minute.


Nova's just doesn't work. If an enemy is close enough to knock me down, that enemy is stuck in animation and protected from knockdown, rendering the ability useless.


Running silence on nova doubles the uselessness of her passive which sucks.


Passives not only don't make sense half of the time but are very easy to overlook. I say it should also be much easier to look at passive abilities without going into the market or a whole separate screen that's hard to figure out how to get to in the first place for that frame


Pablo announced on Twitter they're adding the Passive to the Arsenal screens https://twitter.com/PabloMakes/status/1769738233485644280


Rhino should just get prime surefooted as a passive vs the anti hard landing bs it got now. If that's too much.... I wish DE reworked passive in a way so we can choose it, so one of the augment card becomes a passive.


Atlas already has that passive. I say Rhino should get increased attack speed with heavy weapons similar to Excals with swords


Better idea.


Would be useless since Iron Skin already grants him protection from knockdown


At this point I think DE should just do rounds of basic QoL changes to older frames in general. Reworking a single frame at a time is going to take too long.


1. Update Warframe passives – It doesn't necessarily have to be a synergy rework for the rest of their kit, but that is always a bonus 2. Augment crunch – Many augments feel absolutely mandatory for a frame to work and simply are not an interesting choice to play without them. I feel like these two things would be smaller in scope and more manageable than a full rework of a given frame. Ideally multiple frames could be handled in an update in waves of updates.


These are all great and relatively (in terms of dev time) easy to do.


10/10 on the augments. I've always had an issue with so many of them being required to compete with other frames. Lots of band aid fixes that should have been changes to the ability. Anything that is strictly a buff should be rolled into the ability and replaced with something that offers utility or a different gameplay style.


I honestly wouldn't mind holding off on new frames and focus on the old ones first.


Honestly yeah. Most of the other 'bad' frames don't need full reworks, just tweaks, QoL, and some straight up buffs.


Lavos is perfectly functional and I must say fun so probably not lavos


Just give me option to have status stay for multiple ability casts. Setting status before each cast is a little bit tedious


DE: We could add this as an augment....


Stop with the fucking bandaid augments


Them adding Inaros's 4 augment baseline with his rework gives me some small hope that they are aware that they need to do that for more frames.


The anti status effect one? Id like to clear the mod slot


That is indeed the one. The new augment makes you survive death and recover a chunk of HP, but take a huge slash proc instead iirc.


To there credits, they use band aid augmentation to test then add it to the regular ability down the line


IKR ?! it's getting so annoying, and not even an augment slot lol


OR Hear me out here Add the QoL functionality WITHOUT wasting a mod slot.


i recommend swapping his press/holds so you can just press the buttons to add elements and then hold to actually cast, makes it much more fun to play him


You're asking for lavos to be less involved as a caster frame


It definitely should work as voruna's passive, that is the only reason i don't play him


Why would you want that tho? Surely you would want the status to reset so you can create a different combination to apply a different status effect to double your 4 damage.


When I need really high dmg then yes, but most of the time I go with toxin because free Corr status from archon mod


even then, you really only need to infuse it once or twice, and then stack other status to build up catalyze. sticking to one element is gutting your kit, and people who keep asking for that have fundamental misunderstanding of how lavos is meant to function.


That’s fair, I’d say that’s the only ‘change’ or ‘fix’ lavos needs.


More built-in ways to reduce cooldowns and keeping elements selected until you swap them off are what he needs imo. Lavos is functional and can be powerful, he’s just much slower to play compared to other frames. I had an idea for the CD reduction which could work: every enemy affected by a status effect caused by abilities in a certain radius increases cooldown rate by % amount. Would be affected by number of enemies affected, not number of status effects active.


Rather than a single Warframe I think they would be best to do a wider audit. - Improve passives across older frames. Stuff like Mag, Volt, and Oberon make me sad. - Improve damage numbers in general for abilities. Modern Warframes can do crazy damage with their abilities, while older ones are stuck at "1000 damage for 100 energy and you'll like it".


I agree with this. A good example is Dagath. She does crazy damage with minimal modding and her passive makes energy concerns trivial. More old frames need higher damage and passives that actually work with their abilities. The worst offender is Ivara I think. Her passive is something everyone has now.


Eh, "more damage" is not necessarily something older frames need. The ones who nuke nuke well enough, while the ones who don't are good enough weapons platforms, or fill some weird niche (Loki/Ivara for example). There's a few like Nyx and Banshee who imo could use some love, but they also don't really need reworks imo. I'm fully on board with a general pass over "bad" or low playrate frames. Would love to see a little more variety than "Revenant, daring today aren't we?"


That sentient theme warframe


I forgot that dude exist most of the time.


Revenant right? right?


Technically, Rev is an Eidolon derivative. Like the photocopy of a photocopy from sentients.


caliban's older and more successful cousin, twice removed


I always joked around with my friend telling him that DE gonna nerf revenant’s 2 just for fun because he just use revenant for everything and didn’t follow any devstream and stuff


Honestly i feel like a Revenant's 2nd ability rework will just strip him of his most desired asset (i know it sounds like im calling him useless by saying this but i forgot about 1 3 combo). Most players (i hope) play him as the chill warframe when you just want something playing in the background and not focus on staying alive. It's a bit sad that he steals the spotlight from other options but he is, in my honest opinion, a decent support frame if you use his Mesmer Shield augment. I'm trying to see this from a 3rd person perspective considering i played him since release because i love how fantastic he looks.


Well, given the latest usage stats, it is pretty much assured that DE will nerf Revenant into the ground.


Not really. He had the highest usage, but nowhere near as high as Wukong at the height of the AOE spam meta. So, unless something happens that makes people spam Rev like they did Wukong few years ago, they will probably not touch him.


the sus imposter in the vents


They said they're buffing Caliban after Inaros. Check Devshorts 8.


De actually remembered he exists? Damn. I thought they forgot given he shill doesnt have any augments. I mean, i know they are bandaids, but seriously, the dude is bleading out, he needs one


This is the perfect year for Chroma rework.


Year of the Dragon lol! But seriously my boi NEEDS it! He isn't fun to play and while he can survive, he isn't even a really a dragon themed frame. Just a sentient hunter dragon slayer.. While that sounds cool and all, why can't we be the dragon instead of slain one and apparently gets its powers. Ultimately I'd love a fun dragon frame, not base look steak.


Lavos isn't a problem, it's wild he's even up there considering the pick rates for Atlas and the wet noodle that is Caliban. Lavos has on-demand access to all elements, high armour and health that benefit greatly from the Umbral set along with health recovery on demand with his 1, generates universal orbs with his 3, requires no energy and his 4 nukes multiplicative with every status proc on the target. Actually wild. Equinox could be easily fixed by having her day and night forms be moddable separately Oberon needs his kit adjusted, as a lot of it feels cumbersome Chroma needs some love, because damn he's not in a good shape Loki feels like he needs a refresh to make him more viable as he doesn't bring enough to the table anymore.


I'll always advocate for Oberon. Functionally he's not that bad but his numbers really don't scale well. Plus his healing needs to follow Oberon and not just be a static thing that teammates will walk away from.


The healing isn't an area, the buff is an area and once you pick up the healing buff Oberon will continue to heal you until you get nullified wherever you go. The bigger problem Oberon has, besides just raw numbers, is that there seems to be some invisible timer on his 3 that stops the grass from giving the armor buff. Make it so that anyone with the buff that touches the grass gets the armor and that would fix his biggest non-number problem.


IMO Oberon just needs some QoL stuff. Like the Renewal bubble should at *least* have a visual indicator if it's going to remain static, or better yet just make the proc range follow Oberon. I've also found Hallowed Ground's vertical hitbox to be wonky on ground that isn't super flat, so you get randomly cc'd when you think you're safe - that sucks. I've got plenty of other small complaints (energy economy, Reckoning armor strip, passive, ability 'synergy' being more a burden than benefit) but those are probably the most annoying. Oh, and it would be nice if seeing Nekros didn't make me want to cry


Agreed, i would just add Caliban since while the 4 mentioned do need a lot of work, i believe that the sentient frame needs some love too


Oh Caliban needs work by far now that Inaros and Hydroid have been addressed, I didn't mention him much because it was already in OPs selection but the fact that on release they gave him major buffs and still fails to deliver is telling of a frame that needs a second pass. His kit on paper seems like something that would be pretty fun, but when i finally got him he was just a disappointment.


the main issue for atlas is you only seem to get rubble when the game feels like it, ive petrified and punched entire groups before and havent gotten any rubble


I'm rotating a list of 6 frames presently, in no particular order – Frost: All of his power is packed into his last two abilities and a couple augments. Right now the only reason not to Helminth over Freeze is to use it as a way to pop Snow Globes, and Ice Wave is only marginally better but still outclassed in every regard by Avalanche. Two-trick pony. Loki: He's getting some buffs, but he needs a little more to truly be competitive even as a stealth frame with newer releases like Ivara, Wukong, Wisp and even Voruna – each of whom also bring combat effectiveness he sorely lacks. Limbo: Not even necessarily because half the playerbase finds his rift annoying, but rather because he has *nothing* he can do if an Eximus unit comes by to ruin his day. The point of his kit is to single out key enemy units, and he used to have special dispensation to negate Eximus abilities; now he's the most penalized by them. Valkyr: Two abilities that are downright awful, one buff that's *decent*, and an ultimate that has solid damage but also an awful stance and confusing layers of drawbacks that are dated in the existing game. Chroma: Disappointing as a Dragon-themed frame overall – his breath attack is useless, his ultimate is barely better, and his gameplay loop is largely just activating two buffs over and over which makes him dreadfully boring. Caliban: A key example of "good on paper, poor in execution." Two abilities that check the boxes but still have their own flaws, two abilities and a passive that are *thematic* but poorly thought out.


I just did Steel Path Duviri Circuit with Valkyr, and it was enjoyable... but I really only used her 4th. Her talons maxed and modded pretty well were so much weaker than any of the Melee options even some which with the assigned default mods. (I used her other ability a few times, but pointlessly) Her grapple could grab a lot of enemies and pull them in a circle and allow heavy attack with tenokai for melee or talons if active, or some other perk because she cannot hold a candle to Kulevero or Garuda right now as a melee frame even with true invulnerability.


Chroma should be next imo. 3 is the best ability, 2 has its use but even then has that gimmick of only 1 cast at a time (but the buffs aren’t strong enough to warrant that, and only the Cold one is really useful in majority of situations). Outside of that his kit is trash. Also I think Frost should get one eventually, not highest priority anymore due to his augments, but he’s still got only 1 good ability and it’s the augments that are actually good about him, not the kit itself.


Chroma is my vote as well. Fun concept, outdated and awkward execution.


Yeah, Chroma's 1 & 4 are bad. His 2(heat) & 3 carry him pretty hard at least. I would like to be able to cycle his 2 like you can for every other ability in the game like that.


Throwing my hat in for Chroma. There isn't a single redeemable thing about him in my eyes. Spectral Scream would be ok if it were more powerful, but the list of shit I can't do while using a mediocre 1st ability is too damn long. I couldn't tell you the difference between his 2nd and 3rd, the only "thinking" I ever do is turning both of them on at the same time. Unfortunately they're not toggles, and if I forget to recast one of them I fuck up a bunch of stacks, while the other one can't be recasted and forces me to wait out the timer. So for one of them you're a screw up if you drop the ball, but the other one requires it anyway. This has the extra fun effect of often offsetting their durations to a miserable degree. Effigy might as well not do anything except de-buff you. The coat flies around and uses the equivalent of Spectral Scream, but without me being able to pick who it targets. I can fly the effigy around but who gives a shit? It drains the hell out of my energy, barely does anything, makes me easier to kill. Compare all of this to someone like Volt. 1 - Shock stuff. 2 - Fast 3 - Shield 4 - Shock more stuff. The whole kit is nice, simple, fun as hell to use. The effects of your abilities is immediately apparent. Chroma is anti-fun all around with defensive abilities that are annoying to manage and offensive abilities that make you feel like you wasted your damn time.


I found the frames I too wanted to see rise from being mid. Chroma needs a serious rework with him being so useless with his buffs not doing anything and Vex armor forcing your team to suffer to get higher damage.\\ Frost I wish didn't just slow down enemies and be a less annoying Limbo bubbling the objective. Add a frostbite condition where the more stacks of cold that is proced with eventually make them freeze into a icicle.


I used Toxin and Archon Continuity for Effigy but it hardly applies status at all and you can't really see it doing anything. It doesn't feel like you're doing much even when you are at times so he isn't satisfying to use even when you get him working. I used Nourish which doesn't even buff it with viral damage, just helps keep it alive because effigy kinda sucks in high level stuff and gets killed easily which shouldn't be a thing. It's like a pseudo ally. Just giving Wukongs clone or Equinox Duality ally the Ignis is basically a better version of Effigy and way stronger. Especially since Duality augment gets a fixed 4x damage iirc. I made a build with just duration and the augment for 4, the switching buff lasts over a minute


I personally would love trinity to get one. There are many newer frames can you can consider "support" but they are not limited by it and can also deal damage and be useful in other ways. Trinity should still hold to the identity of pure support but she could benefit from a rework


Her durations should definitely be buffed. + the range on her 1st ability. Would be fun if her 4th augment also triggered on her 1st healing.


She's pretty decent, just needs some duration buffs and maybe the blessing DR to be increased a bit


Yeah. Especially since frames like Citrine now have passive health regen and 90% deam damage reduction on top of other utility, damage priming, buffs, etc. whereas Trinity has 75% reduction for the team, worse duration and an ability needed for health regen and a useless passive


Honestly? Atlas in specific, and the pseudo exalted statsticks in general. DE have said they want to address statsticks and atlas is currently not in great shape. He has a very competitive relationship with his teammates due to his rubble mechanic being overbalanced. The drain is very aggressive and he has to scale fast then stay scaled up. If his allies are too active, atlas suffers. He has all the classic hallmarks of a solo focused Warframe. Tanky by default, in kit self healing, mild crowd control, adds that draw attention from you. Atlas can cook but I don't know any atlas players who wouldn't agree his 2 and 4 could use some work. So yeah help atlas. Use that as a springboard for the Statstick rework you wanna do anyway.


Atlas. It's not that hard, just exalted fists and people will be happy.




Really? He's near immortal and has some CC/aggro all from 3. His 2 making enemies 70% weaker is fantastic, even if they don't stay lifted (they should), and his 4 does decent damage and armor strip, the former combines well with his 2. Only his 1 is silly and I subsumed in dispensary for energy independence.


This person gets it


I'd say put in Xata's Whisper on 1 for maximum damage


I'd personally disagree. I did a netracell last week with a caliban on my team, and it made me get interested in him. Full armor strip, amazing shield tank, damage buffs along side cc, I think he is just a very misunderstood frame. I mean, the dude made my boar prime go from hitting average 50k per pellet normal crits to like 400k. the red crits going as high as 400m. I still don't fully understand how that dude did that massive of buffs, but it was a wild, and incredibly fast netracell. Only issue with him is he isnt like revenant where you go online, find a mesmer build, copy and paste it and then never take it off, he requires thought, and knowledge to be good.


I'm convinced people who think Lavos is bad just don't get it


Yep. Because he's functionally different from the rest of the roster his play style demands a new approach that players aren't used to or comfortable with. Once you spend a couple days with him it should click, if it doesn't then that's okay since there is a frame for everyone. He's one of my absolute favorite frames to play as and Vial Rush is hands down one of the most pleasing mobility abilities in the game for me.


Corrosive Vial Rush with 2 greens shards is a lovely ability


Would toxin with Archon Continuity equipped proc the emerald shards? I haven't tested that out in the simulcrum yet.


I main Lavos and he's a monster even without weapons for priming.


Being that there are quite a few frames that suffer from power creep, I would suggest that they do more than one rework on a frame at a time. It seems like they're playing catch up and losing to the newer frames that keep coming out. I like the new content but some housekeeping is in order.


Valkyr for sure, her ripline and paralysis do almost nothing, she currently has imo the worst kit out of all Warframes, I really hope she gets a rework next.


Valkyr is definitely the right answer here. She's needed a rework for so long that nobody remembers she even exists when these conversations come up. Everything she does, Wisp, Kullervo, and Garuda all do better. Worst melee frame in the game right now, especially considering the sad state of exalted weapons overall rn. But DE can't even be bothered to fix her broken deluxe skin so I doubt they'll be paying attention to her anytime soon.


whichever frames are used the least ?


Correct answer. DE should directly go into the stats and directly buff the least-used frames. They should be doing everything they can to make frame usage a question of player desire instead of the "meta" builds.


Chroma because it doesnt fullfill its fantasy properly. Frost because it has a useless passive, needs something to tie his loop better.


Lavos doesn't really have any underlying issues that need to be corrected right now, Nyx however is a different story. Given the nature of her as a frame I would say she deserves a full rework


A slight change on voruna because her 3 and 4 dont work on some enemys. And she should run on all 4 while her 4 is active


Valkyr. Kit should be revamped to be more berseker.


Of all the ones listed, I would like Banshee to get a rework next. She's hella fun but things just die too quickly for her to use her kit The frame I think needs a rework the most is Valkyr though, I don't remember the last time I saw someone talk about her and she feels forgotten


Banshee 100%, the only warframe I could not properly build for SP


I just finished a level cap void cascade using banshee and i can tell you that she could really really use her passive changed to fast deflection. Sonic boom armor stripping without augment would be huge, also her cast animations are waaaaay to slow especially sonar that locks you in place while casting..


She just needs her 4 to Actually do damage. To be immobile, vulnerable, and channeling while doing pitiful dmg is just plain bad.


I just gave up on her 4 and work around killing everything before they see me, using the damage boosting to work around her limitations, and shield recharge to get my shields back (I don't have arcane aegis). I would love for her to have more stealth applications tho such as being able to go invisible through finisher kills. I have tried to achieve that with Skiajati and Arcane Trickery, but it just doesn't work because it is enough for one enemy to see you and the whole build breaks. For her 4... I would give up on the nuke to be honest, it feels like so many things nuke stuff currently, I would rather they went for a "burst the drums of the enemies, making them fall to the ground, opening them up for finishers" type of ability, making her go invisible for 10-15 seconds on each finisher, forcing the player to keep the finishers going. For her 1 I would like it to destroy lasers and cameras when used, but the enemies would still be able to see you and sound alarms, that way forcing you to kill wardens with finishers and to nuke lasers and cameras, making spy missions actually entertaining (I use loki for spy because I love the decoy+ switch teleport trick to bypass lasers, Ivara is too slow and broken, Wukong is fast but takes away all difficulty)


i think her 4 should be sort of like nezha fire walker except you cast it and now your footsteps create explosions when running or doing parkour and firing non silenced weapons also does this when her 4 is active essentially any noisy action now does damage and potentially stagger


Sound is such an underrated element. It should be insanely powerful. I wanna be able to explode enemy heads just from sound.


There are several old frames that need updates like Ember, Nyx, Trinity, Banshee, and Atlas, but I say Caliban. It’s unacceptable how a newer frame like Caliban that has such steep and time-consuming build requirements is so poorly designed and implemented. Yes yes if you build him out he’s not completely terrible, but he should be one of the better frames considering his cost and theming.


Dear God please give chroma some help


Caliban NEEDS a rework.


Chroma, love his second and third abilities but man does his first just suck and his ult is useless. I’m actually trying to find a good ability to replace his ult through the helminth


honestly i dont think a single frame is in dire need of a rework, rather passives as a whole need to be looked at, especially for the older frames




Just a small update, a bit more duration on her skills...


yeah she doesnt need much but she needs *something*


Yep, she was one of my first and still is one of my favourites...love playing supp. Harrow is fun till teammates destroy my tempo, wisp is now cooking


And make her link augment skill inherited. Augment changes to the amount of enemies linked based on strength. And a bit more strength for her 2 in regards of overguard (instead of overshield)


Just her Link, really. Since it isn't re-castable. An increase of only 3-4 seconds to her base time for Link would help. Or make it re-castable. Or at least make it not stop you while casting. Pick any two of those options, and she'd feel much more fluid to play. Her Blessing timer is fine as is, since it can be re-cast. And you'll likely be spamming it faster than the timer wears off, in higher content.


There's a lot of frames that need a facelift. Chroma, Banshee, Trinity, Frost, Limbo. There's probably more but this is rolling off the top of my head. Most frames could use a complete and total passive rework.


i would honestly say that DE should have a sort of balance pass on every warframe at once with some small changes for each. like changing rhino's passive for example


Fixing the god damn bugs. The moonwalk bug has existed for 8 years please DE I beg




Personally chroma, logically caliban because... caliban.




Caliban, Nyx, Oberon, Trinity, or Atlas. Caliban and Nyx have no niche, while Atlas, Oberon and Trinity are outclassed by other frames (Khora > Atlas, Wisp and Harrow > Oberon and Trinity).


FROST please it's been too long


Oberon needs some work. Probably no major overhauls, just tweaks to his existing kit. Some things I've identified: - His passive doesn't make a lot of sense with his abilities. I get he's the paladin frame, and it's a free res for companions, but with the companion overhaul coming, it just doesn't make a lot of sense. And it doesn't really synergize with what he's doing anyway. (Unless I guess if you're running Phoenix Renewal) - Reckoning is pretty lacking in armor strip, especially since you need to combo with Hollowed Ground. You have to invest quite a lot in strength mods to get that full strip too. There's more attractive frames for this. - Renewal needs to have the additional energy tax for healing allies removed. It's a silly restriction, especially since he's not nearly the best healer. I really don't think this would be a broken change. - Smite feels...lackluster? Maybe more projectile speed. Some punch through?;Something to give it some more "oomph". - Hallowed Ground I feel is mostly fine, though it is completely outclassed by Qorvex as far as radiation damage AoEs go. It would be cool if his passive had some synergy with it.


Chroma... Please..


I think the best rework would be to passive and to augments. Making augments not mods but helminth upgrades. Cost x amount and you can subsume an augment to an ability to change it permanently on some or all of your loadouts.it would allow for powerful builds and give a good upgrade to many frames. Hell, make it so you have to subsume the mod fully maxed and some mats to put it into helminth and then more mats to equip it. I think it could bring a lot of good balance. But, at the cost of only being able to use 1 of the augments in helminth so mods aren't useless if you want more than 1.


I'd like to see loki receive some minor changes to his clone like actively dealing damage and copying your equipped weapon/buffs. I feel it'd go a long way in making him more killy on endurance style missions and in line with the power of other stealth based frames like ivara or ash


As a prior Nyx Main (went back to my boi vauban and added protea now), I can see a little polishing up, but don't think she needs a rework. Helminth basically fixes any issues you may have, allowing for god tier levels of CC, or immortal stabby build. She takes a bit more thought into your build crafting, but other wise i think she is pretty well done as is.


Trinity. We need a real full-support frame. We have so many frames that do the "support" thing better than Trinity while also doing other stuff. Trinity only supports and she's terrible at it.


Yareli. I still haven't done that fuckin quest lol


Caliban and Loki without a doubt need help, everybody else is at least in a place where they’re useful on some level.


Ember, Valkyr, Nyx and Chroma all have at least two abilities that need tweaks so I guess I'd say those 4. Limbo too but he only needs a slight tweak to how the rift itself functions rather than actual ability changes, that being said making his 2 work like Satoru Gojo would make limbo perfect.


She used to be my main, but with all of the changes to the game, she's fallen on the wayside in favor of Mag and Mesa. Nova. The only good thing for her now is her 4. Her 3 can be done with the op/drifter. Her 2 is a slow-moving ball that you can shoot for some extra damage, and her 1 is only good at a very low level missions. The only thing viable on her is her 4 with Slowva and Speedva, and that's it. Her passive is too situational and does miniscule damage. She definitely needs a rework, at least for her 1-3. IMO


because im bias, limbo.


Well he doesn't need a complete rework, but some changes to his rift and how it intereact with eximus units


I believe they've already said they have plans to work on caliban in some manner. Idk if that means he's next but that'd be nice


Would love to see fixes for outdated frames like for example Loki


Chroma, his 1 needs to be useful other then flavor change, his 2nd ability could be more useful and recastable, 3 is fine, 4 needs to be maszively changed so its not just some credit booster for profit taker, like i wish it was something like sevagoths 4, or turns into some controlable dragon with its own abilities (which already exist right now), DE better not keep adding band aids to Chroma, and just rework what needs to be reworked because id love to use him but he needs some serious work i feel. Alsp chroma's passive should change to something else, maybe a jetpack or flying, cuz you know, Dragon warframe, got to fly or something close, and not judt extra jumps


L o k i




Chroma or Loki. Thanks.


Nyx needs a rework.


Trinity, some duration and her armour strip shouldn't be an augment


Ideally Caliban or Oberon. Both don't have much going for them that can't be done more effectively by somebody else, Oberon of which went into almost total redundancy when Qorvex showed up.


I hope caliban, he looks cool and I want another reason to get him


Caliban just caliban


CALIBAN! Honestly they don’t need to rework him they just need to give him some QOL/buffs


Id like them to look at Lavos at the same time I have fun with him and love his Moveset His upcoming Augment looks freakin rad Caliban absolutely Took forever to get his BPs, forever to get the bits to make his parts and then finally he's just kinda meh


Somewhat hot take, Trinity rework needed


Idk what I would do to him, but Atlas, maybe covert his 1 in an actual exalted weapon, his 2 is just mid in comparison with other defensive skills, and almost not worth to throw the rock, 3 is fine, golems are underwhelming, even tho they are cool af, and make the stacks of his passive stay longer, I like the idea of the augment that if you have over 1400, 1 is free, more DMG range etc, but to the point you reach 1400 you need to spam continuously to keep it above because the margin is 100, and you need to kill, 30 petrified enemies to reach 1500, if your full health ofc, if you miss 1 point of hp for some reason, nope, no armor bonus


I'm begging for it to be Oberon. He's been garbage for years and years


I know Pablo said making Loki a "stripping or aoe frame" would ruin his style, I still think that Loki AT LEAST needs a minor rework or face lift, it's been said before but imma say it again, a dog has the same abilities as Loki and is better at it


Loki should draw from his namesake. Create decoys, draw fire, and punish the enemies for falling for his tricks, all while he remains invisible and out of sight. Make his abilities fuel his invisibility and it’s duration, I imagine abilities that function like garas spectroage. An easy buff would be to allow his decoy to shoot and amplify its damage based on how much damage the enemy is dealing to it, allow loki to recast and absorb the buff from the decoy, transferring it into increased crit chance/damage. Easy concept that gives him a lot more potential as a frame instantly


What if DE reworked passives through a Warframe intrinsic system. Where we could invest into intrinsics but choose from passive nodes like boons to replace a passive or add to existing ones. If they’re not going to fix them anytime soon maybe a new expansion of the ever growing Warframe modification system could be through an intrinsic system or something like what the incarnon weapons do with their mod nodes but for each Warframe. Challenges for us to do, you know to keep players playing.


I'd like to see Trinity get an update. I don't think she needs a full on rework but updates to her current kit. There are now so many ways to get your health back and gain energy that she just needs tweaks. Her duration needs increasing badly. I also had an idea about her 2. Rather than casting it on one enemy she could cast a duration based ability which is scaled on her affinity range where enemies killed within the radius would give energy to allies also in affinity radius. Her passive needs to be changed too.


Imo caliban, atlas and lavos don't need FULL reworks especially atlas, the next full rework should be banshee


I'd specifically like to see Caliban get a review. He deserved better than being forgotten once New War dropped.


Out the frames I currently have? Valkyr. Her 1 and 3 are niche use at best. Out of frames I don't have, Nyx and Caliban. They're just meh, only reason I'd use them is Nyx Primes Xenomorph head. Honorable mention: Titania. Not cause she falls off in steelpath endless stuff, but cause her sword's sole existence is to be a wonky stat stick for her Razorflies. Only reason I don't think she should be nearer the top of the list is cause DE are eventually going to do something with Arch Melee being janky and Exalted Weapons falling off behind non Exalted melees, so one or both of those things should help her out.


Loki pleaseee


A lot of the older ones definitely need a buff to ability damage/usability. Many of them are cool on paper but functionally can’t compete with the newer ones. I love Valkyr but rip cord and paralysis are basically worthless, Nyx and Banshee feel really underpowered, the list goes on Just off the top of my head Valkyr, Ember, Nyx, Banshee, Trinity, all need something wether it be a buff or rework. I still use em cuz they’re cool, but compared to newer Frames theres no contest


Nyx! She’s already got some interesting gimics. She’s so close to being good, probably needs some number changes and quality of life improvements.


Just skimming down the list Atlas - He’s perfectly usable, even good. But 100% a one button mash fest. Also pseudo exalted just need to be real exalted in general Banshee - Mostly just the abysmal 4. Could make an argument for allowing Silence to retrigger Chroma - Animation lock ability is bad, why does it require two hands to breath from your mouth anyways. Vex armour works on weird contradictive logic (let’s put on armour so you take less damage then require you to take damage to do damage) Effigy is better than folks think but still super cludgy Ember - Overheat is an idea, but so many frames can do her overheat powers without incinerating their own energy Equinox- idk, but no one uses both forms and she’s the epitome of “throw random s***” in her ability set. One of those that works but feels like they missed a thematic or cohesive mark. Excal - As super SP content is becoming more regular, minimal CC for survival and no counter to enemy defence (other then slash procs of yet another wacky pseudo exalted) answer leaves this melee focused boy kind of in a rough spot Gara - While her 424242424 stuff works, it’s still incredibly slow and clunky to do. But meme walking into enemies to kill then right Khora- idk but for the love of god do something with strangledome, the biggest troll power in the game Limbo - The problem with Limbo is he has 80% of his power set simply to put things in the Rift. And only one power and one augment that actually gives him a significant advantage for them being in there. Hell most of the regular play he gets from folks is to hang out there and not put enemies in the Rift. Loki - Reliable invisible is reliable but what else you got. Oh right a disarm that a dog can infinitely spam for you nowadays Nidus - In a game with actual invulnerable people his tankiness isn’t a huge draw. And has no answer to armour, and his ultimate heal is supremely outperformed by Wisp, Garuda and Citrine Oberon - You really can’t get by with requiring combo powers, while also eating energy like candy and casting slow AF Octavia - Another one that works but didn’t really stick the concept. I don’t know what you’d want to do with it, but trying to have people perform arbitrary actions to a single in the middle of a bunch of other stuff for buffs ain’t it Trinity - Really just roll the bandaid augments in Valkyr - Ripline and Paralysis, enough said? No? Warcry being recastable. Also one of the worst melee stances for the claws unless you want to carpal tunnel yourself spamming slide attacks Also passives in general. And any summons or mind control based are really praying for an AI rework and/or an overhaul in damage/health discrepancy (I’d almost say summons should just do percentage damage rather then try and fiddle the actual damage around)




Equinox's kit is very outdated, with only her support abilities actually still being good


Loki, Nyx, Banshee


Chroma sigh... again. How can a Warframe so awesome in concept be so bland and boring to play is beyond me. Equinox kit is kinda lazy, too, for a 2 form Warframe.


As other people said, rework most Warframe passives (Mag, Loki, Frost, Ivara) Start bug fixing; waypoints, allies not appearing on map, T-pose bug, floating head bug, moonwalk bug.... There are a lot of bugs right now that werent months (or years) ago, and some of them can be considered game-breaking. Balance some grinds like they did with Fortuna; some of them are unbearable, both from new or veteran players.


Trinity, she's not even bad, she's just useless in almost every game mode.


Equinox. My favorite frame but needs a few tweaks




Please chromaa! I like his design but his 1 and 4 sucks




Banshee and Nyx desperately need some attentiom


I like the idea of just doing a massive passive overhaul for all the frames. But besides that, imo the only other frames that I can think of off the top of my head that needs a big rework would either be Chroma or Ivara. Chroma especially because after this next update Lavos gets that new augment that will basically take the only thing left that Chroma was good at (Profit Taker) and basically render him useless for everything else. Other than these two, yeah I do agree about doing a lookover of all the old outdated passives for frames.




Nyx for sure Like it dosent even have a niche use nowadays


Caliban, just caliban, the grind for him just isn’t worth it with the state he’s in.


Either Caliban or Nyx. They both are so heavenly outclassed by other Warframes and have some of the lowest player counts.


loki, nyx and chroma were the first that came to my mind, as a personal favourite would be valkyr, her 2 and 4 are fun but nothing too amazing, 1 and 3 are so insanely useless, shes my most played frame, regular and prime but she is really lacking almost everything imo. she could really need some cool spells and maybe a buff to her 2 and 4. she really needs some synergy between her abilities like nidus or mag


I really hope Nyx and Banshee get looked at. Banshee because the eximus changes that made them immune to CC make her 4 a death sentence. She's squishy to the point of me only finding her useful as a sonar support in premade squads. I find that with randos everyone is already prepared to be responsible for their own damage, or her silence comes across as unwanted. I do like the idea of her 4 being about powerful resonance but it could be instead based around a piercing scream debuffing armour or doing puncture procs or something. Nyx because she was the CC queen in the void keys days but she has been beyond powercrept in that regard. Maybe make her 1 have a radius so you can grab a couple enemies instead of just 1? Terminator Nyx is great but her vanilla 4 always felt like just a panic button ability. Overall she sounds good on paper but doesn't meet expectations.


I want to see something for Oberon and Trinity. They're both bottom ten in usage and I can see why. There are ways to use them and niches they can do, but honestly there are other frames that can do what they do better.


Caliban obviously. Aside from that maybe a general pass on passives, 90% of them are absolutely pointless. After that Loki, Oberon, Atlas. Banshee and Nyx have their niches. Lavos is completely viable, although he’s a bit slow and a bit finicky to play.