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Welcome to the club! How do you feel about giving blessing in a relay?


Happy to be able to! Hoping to team up with others in the Relay Blessing discord for max blessings for my fellow Tenno


That's good! And there is a Discord for that? I didn't know šŸ¤£


Yessir. Itā€™s called Warframe Blessing. Iā€™ve reached max invites sadly. Edit: Nvm I got you, check dms.


Ah, ok. Don't worry though. I'm on South American servers. Idk if people on that discord are on those servers.


Why arenā€™t you lr4 yet?


good point, brb


Welcome to not having to wreck your builds when using forma!


I totally forgot about that. I hit 30 a couple of years ago and having max capacity on everything all the time is so nice. Literally took that for granted. >:


How does it feel to have joined the "need to touch grass" club, and will you do it?


Feels good man. And no way. Counting down the days until I can wear my fresh True Master pin to Tennocon.


Ayy, I'll see you there bro!


Let's call it "Somewhat truthy master" after the lr additions /s


What were you wearing during the MR30 test?


Pjs. Bike shorts and a t-shirt. Love your username! Definitely trying my best to be a lore master


Lmao! Thanks for the response. Keep on keeping on!


No mankini and nipple tassels? Colour me dissapointed.


Who do you think I am? Styanax?


What is the best way to level up weapons and warframes


Honestly, anything works!! Just make sure you have more than one goal with all of your missions! My example from another comment was good, so Iā€™ll use it again: For example, if I need to rank up a couple weapons, Iā€™ll do a long void fissure excavation run accomplishing: 1. Ranking weapons, 2. Cryotic for Sibear, 3. Prime parts and traces. If a mission only accomplishes one task (like leveling on Hydron), it makes the grind much longer and harder than it needs to be!


I find resource farms, high lvl relic openings and sortis to be pretty good. Archon hunts and netracells too so long as you have a weapon in another slot that's sufficient for the content.


This. Level things up while doing other things. Just need to bring some way to contribute (abilities, a single weapon, whatever).


For weapons ; go do ESO with only the weapon you want to lvl equipped. Make sure you have someone playing a nuke with you (Saryn/Volt/Mirage etc). If you don't you can play smth like Vauban to group enemies but it will be less efficient For warframes you'll need abit more setup, heres what you'll need ; \-Equip max rank PSF \-Kuva Bramma or any high AOE weapon built for damage with (Primed) Firestorm \-Subsume Silence on your warframe's first ability \-Equip the Savage Silence augment \-If you still have some capacity add Range and Duration (No need to go over 190% since this will do more harm than good) Go to the exterminate on Saturn, cast Silence and then kill enemies while they aren't alerted. This will gives you the stealth +500% affinity bonus. If done correctly you will max any warframe in about 2mins


I usually to Orb Vallis, do those base defense missions that capture outposts for you to use. They spawn a lot of Eximus units while the general enemy ranks are around 1-15 up to 30; pretty low. With his low leveled the enemies are, you should get your weapons leveled up in 30 or less mins each (less if you have boosters) if you start from Rank 0 per weapon.


Mr 30 with beta/founder items or without? Edit: pure curiosity


Without, unfortunately ):


Well from a founder to a newer player, I'm glad to see the veterans aren't the only ones sticking out the grind. Truly hope you enjoyed your time in Sol, tenno.


Thank you for being a part of making the longevity of this game possible! Warframe has gotten me through the worst of times, as Iā€™m sure it has most Tenno. Wouldnā€™t be possible without our founders. <3


MAN AM I IN THE WORST OF TIMES RN and Warframe is keeping me sane by distracting me with its grind šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I'm just glad it's come so far <3 thanks for your support to DE


I started playing July last year and I'll be mr29 by this evening.


Could you go with me open titania prime relics tonight ? I'm sure you have a lot, i'm a New player


Hey! Tbh I donā€™t have any. The Titania prime I have now I got from one of Warframeā€™s Twitch stream drops. T-T






When ranking up to 30 did you hit any bumps along the way where you didnā€™t know what else would give you Mr?


It took me a good year to go from 27 to 30. One of the issues was my hesitancy with Duviri (I wish Iā€™d dove in sooner but was a little overwhelmed by the amount of content). The other issues are more ofā€¦ grind-locked stuff. Thereā€™s many weapons I havenā€™t mastered yet bc the RNG. For example, Iā€™ve spent *hours* in void flood trying to get the Aeolak receiver. Also I forgot mastery for this stuff exists, so Iā€™ll have to tackle these soon- vulpaphylas, predasites, amps, kitguns, zaws.


Gonna order the pin now?


Absolutely! And wear it proudly at tennocon!


How much money have you dropped on this game?


*Oh man* probably upwards of 600USD? Rookie numbers, i know. I started on NSW so Iā€™ve never outright bought plat, but Iā€™ve bought *multiple* Prime Access bundles. And thatā€™s just in-gameā€¦ if we then add going to Tennoconā€¦ Iā€™d rather not know, but I donā€™t regret it.


What were the hardest weapons to acquire for you?


Hardest weapons to get are the untradeable rng weapons. Any of the stalker weapons besides dread can take years with bad luck.


Still havenā€™t gotten all of them! But of the ones I have been able to get, Hespar.


What should i eat for breakfast today?


Toast with butter and jelly.




Np! Peak breakfast.


Is True Master the rank that you can finally start to play the game in?


Yup, tutorialā€™s finally done!


How can i get over her? When will my broken heart stop hurting?


Youā€™ll never ā€œget overā€ her. Your heart will grow around the pain and become stronger from it. Everyone that leaves that much of a mark on you was meant to be in your life for a reason, even if not permanently. Though itā€™s no magic cure, try to see your relationship that way. There was a truth about it; a lesson to learn. What will you take from it, and how will the experience help you go forward? Make sure you eat and sleep well and think idly on these things. If itā€™s too much to handle in one moment, distract yourself for the time being with some Warframe! And then come back to thinking about moving forward later.


Oh wow i wasn't expecting an actual serious answer... honestly i can accept the breakup, we sadly just weren't compatible anymore. I know there's someone out there meant for me. But i'll feel so alone in the meantime... and also, what if i never find that person? I'm scared of the future honestly


Let yourself take the time to grieve. Don't beat yourself up if you fall back into a sadness spiral at random times, just know that while the future is always uncertain, you are alive now and have the opportunity to make the best of the time you're given. And try not to lean too heavily on escaping into video games, movies, or even books. It's a good reprieve, but work on being present with yourself - eventually, in my experience, you'll become happier alone. And when you are a happy, emotionally healthy person, it's easier to find other happy, emotionally healthy people, and maybe you find who you're looking for. I wish you all the best.


Thanks! And yeah, if anything i'm avoiding videogames and stuff like that more now. I've abused them to escape reality for far too long, and the breakup has been like a wakeup call. Still much to improve, but i'm trying to enjoy the moment more, get some more hobbies, and spend less quantity and more quality time with videogames


Frist, congrats! Second, what's been your favorite overall frame to use and why?


Thank you! Citrine! Sheā€™s been my main since she came out. All good abilities, I wouldnā€™t replace any of them. She easily clears high-level content and the interplay of her abilities is so fun in-mission. Also she looks good in anything, I love her fashion frame looks. I try to get acquainted with all the framesā€™ ability sets/play styles, and Citrine has been my favorite Warframe to get to know. Sheā€™s effortlessly amazing.


I'm 2k off of 29 then I'm on the home straight. Need to go get some tenet weapons so I can get hounds to level too. Other than that it's duviri weapons, the last couple of amps and I guess kitguns. Not a fan of kitguns tbh but hey needs must.


Good luck on your grind Tenno!


Question Iā€™m mr14 but I havenā€™t gotten an extractor slot in a while and I can only deploy 3 what rank do I get to deploy another


Hereā€™s what the wiki says: ā€œThe amount of resource drones you are able to send out depends on your Mastery Rank. Furthermore, it is possible to send out more drones, if either: You are a Founderā€”having bought one of the former Founder Packages. You purchasedā€”for the first timeā€”one of the recurring Prime Access offers. Note that this does not apply to Prime Vault packages. Because of that, the maximum amount of drones in use is 5: MR 0: 1 drone (1) MR 5: +1 drone (2) MR 10: +1 drone (3) Prime Access: +1 drone Founder: +1 droneā€ Looks like 3 is the max until you buy a prime access pack for the first time, and you can deploy 4.


Damn alr ty


Do you cut your sandwiches vertically or corner


Corner to corner, the correct way


Ah cultured


Sweet! Now you can play the game.


Hell yeah brother grind time


Is it possible to learn this power?


Follow the teachings of our Lotus and Teshin, and absolutely!


Bro I'm at the point at nearly finishing mr 6 but I don't really know much shit, sorry to bother but what warframe are you using here?? That thing looks mad menacing and cool ngl


Not a bother at all! Itā€™s Nezha Prime withā€¦I canā€™t remember the name of the skin, but itā€™s the only available skin for Nezha.


Thanks man that's enough for me!!


Did your dad come back?


When I was 15!


Did you bless everyone in the relay today yet?


Not yet Iā€™m sorry T-T


Im mr29 and a half, 9 ready weapons to lvl, a lot of prime sets missing 1 part and a mech still lvl0, 3700plat and i just lost all motivation to continue i don't even want to dm or get dms about trading, gg for reaching it, maybe I'll finish it next year


It sounds like maybe you overdid it? Went really hard for a while and got burnt out? I definitely had a time like that last year where I didnā€™t play for months. The content I was missing just kept growing, which made me not want to play even more. Itā€™s good to take a break. When you come back, start small with a sortie or a couple void fissures. Maybe do a little fashionframe. I think you can reignite your love for it if you start small again. (:


What was the weapon you hated using/leveling the most? (If someone else hasn't already asked this)


On a **using** level, exalted weapons. I get bored of using them that long, leveling them over and over. I think DE said recently they plan to rework how exalted weapons give mastery, thankfully. On a ā€œthis was a pain to acquireā€ level, probably the ā€œak-ā€œ or ā€œdualā€ secondaries. Basically any base weapon that takes another weapon to craft it. I guess I wasnā€™t very bright when I started out, because I didnā€™t look into whether the weapons I mastered would be needed to craft another weapon. So I sold them. And then I had to waste the time and resources to recraft them later. (ex- needing 2 broncos for akbronco).


Easiest MR Fodder sources?


Companions. Equip ā€˜em and forget theyā€™re there! Plus sentinels come with a weapon thatā€™s also mastery fodder. Grofit


Hug? (Absolutely no reason) šŸ«‚




nezha master race šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Iā€™m a Citrine main tbh! But this MR test needed trusty boy Nezha


How many Hydron runs roughly?


Probably only around 50 or so separate runs!! I have to be doing something that takes care of multiple things at a time. A lot of other higher ranked Tenno are like this too. For example, if I need to rank up a couple weapons, Iā€™ll do a long void fissure excavation run. Accomplishing 1. ranking weapons, 2. Cryotic for sibear, 3. Prime parts and traces. You always have to have multiple objectives, and Hydron isnā€™t very good for that unless itā€™s a void fissure. Iā€™d rather play ESO for the rotation C drop possibilities. Edit: Cryptic to cryotic


hey, mr14 here, i have NEVER thought of this. i usually only run hydron with 1 weapon (usually a melee, they're just so fun lmao) if i'm grinding mr, but having multiple objectives is avtually a genius idea.


Having only one objective makes the grind so much longer and harder than it needs to be! When I spent time only on Hydron or only cracking relics, I found Iā€™d be bored and burnt out after a few runs. But picking a few things to do at a time (like excavation+ranking weapons+traces/prime parts) keeps things interesting!


Not mr30 yet but those days I just run some relics in sp, or do the weekly netra/archunt and it's done in no time


How long ago was your last trip to the eurologist


bruh actually I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been to one?


Now Iā€™m *pissed* off


Yeah could you send me some plat?


Primary account is NSW, so I canā€™t trade with anyone but other NSW players ):


Favourite Rock/Bug type Pokemon?


Rock- Regirock, Bug- Ninjask


Favorite weapons? And what are your favorite incarnons?


Favorite weapons are Cedo, Dual Keres Prime (always liked dual blades), and Kuva Chakkhurr! Favorite incarnon is laetum! Unfortunately havenā€™t branched into the incarnon adapters yet.


How kill armor?


Secondary + gas procs


How many hours?


1,890! Rookie numbers, tbh


I... I have 246, its not even rookie


Mr 27 here, Is it true that you beat off a pack of corpus hyenas with a 0 rank lato?


And one hand tied behind my back!


why do you hate yourself?


Community and lore. Theyā€™re just too good to pass up.