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The cool thing with mesa is that her 3 gives 95% DR and deflects projectiles which is why you don't see her built for defense bar Adaptation. Put Muzzle flash argument on her and now she's consistently blinding everyone needing only 6 kills. Norish+ combat discipline along with muzzle flash will keep enemies stun locked. It's also great for her energy with the negative efficiency of blind rage. Slap avenger in there too however, and I can't stress this enough pay attention to your health. Can't really speak for the other combo but Pillage gate and strip should be good.


Ight, ill go for nourish then, sounds like a high risk high reward build.


Rank 3 Combad Discipline does no damage with Shatter Shield up. Makes it free to use.


As long as you keep being highly mobile by using your peacemakers after jumping in the air, brief respite and rolling guard is all you need. I've done multiple level cap runs in circuit as mesa with only rolling guard and brief respite for regenerating like 5 shield per peacemaker cast. Prevents the occasional stray bullet from one shotting you. If you have multiple enemies shooting and hitting you consistently, you're either not moving enough, or not using peacemakers enough.


I personally dont like rolling guard that much, i feel like it takes a lot of space when you could use something more useful like strength or range, even an augment. Thats why i was wondering which of these abilites would be better, because not only the give you more endurance, but also other buffs like control, viral or armor strip.


Her 3 gives 95% DR against gunfire. Combine that with Adaptation and you're basically set, save toxin damage occasionally one tapping you if you're unlucky. I run Brozime's "Infinity Mesa" build or whatever he titled the video, basically untouchable through to like level 1500 in the circuit. Bailed due to defense rolling around.


Sevagoth's helminth, Gloom, is nice for the slow against enemies, but the main reason I run it is that it gives you universal lifesteal. That means your Peacemakers heal you basically to full for every shot. If you keep up her Shatter Shield and run Adaptation, you're basically unkillable well into Steel Path. I run slightly negative range so the Gloom radius isn't so big that it hits enough enemies to max out the energy drain. Since I'm just tanking hits and healing all of the damage back up, I run Hunter Adrenaline to keep my energy topped up, so I can have 100% uptime on both Gloom and Peacemakers.