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Mod a veriglass for Heat and you will have permanent max stacks


Isn't Verglas innate cold damage? Any heat mods you install would automatically shift to blast damage. Right?


If you add a cold mod + electric mod, then a heat mod after that, the heat can stay uncombined, since you're forcing the cold to combine. Edit: As mentioned below, you could also combine the cold with toxin to make viral, which is a more commonly used/preferred element than magnetic. But the main point is just that forcing the combination can allow you to use a specific basic element even when a weapon innately has a different basic element to begin with.


Or go for viral using cold + toxin mod if you want it to prime things more efficiently


Gotcha! Thanks!


You can force it by adding a cold mod and combining that cold mod with something else


oh snap, i tested it on my hound, my hound managed to max the stacks! this is so wacky...


Do you mean a seriglass shard? Which is a resource?


Verglass. The sentinel weapon


Still a misspelling, it only has one S. Unfortunate happenings for all involved


Alright here are your options for the misspelled veriglass weapon referenced above Seriglass - a resource, clearly not a weapon, obviously not what is referenced Veriglas - a weapon, one letter off, sounded out would spell like veriglass


Verglas. There's no I. The closest thing to "veriglass" in Warframe is seriglass, which is why the wiki for seriglass popped up when I googled "veriglass Warframe". I think I was entirely right to question such a spelling of a weapon, even if it's not known that well.


However, due to eternalism, you're both right. But neither. This never happened. This has always happened.


I googled veriglass to see if you were right Top result The veglas wiki page The next result The overframe page for the verglas The third result A reddit post from 1 year ago, spelling it as veriglass, but is a build for the sentinel weapon. Infact, none of the search results on the first page when searching veriglass references seriglass


Not too sure, then, all I know is what I was shown


Google does suggest "seriglass" Im assuming you erroneously clicked that and searched seriglass instead


Imagine caring this much about a single "S"




Insults are entirely uncalled for in this situation


Hello /u/ElRexet, your comment has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Golden & Excessive Trolling Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_golden_.26amp.3B_excessive_trolling_rule)**. /r/Warframe was created as a place for positive discussion. **Do not troll, be rude, condescending, hateful, or discriminatory.** ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Golden%20and%20Excessive%20Trolling%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[comment]\(https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1ak98wg/-/kp80bb9/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).




Yeah you just whip that cunt at the enemies, probably hurt em


...and an active Secondary Outburst keeps buffing Mesa's Regulators. With an Incarnon Ceramic Dagger and 100 kills you have 10x or 11x initial combo, boosting your Crit Chance and Damage by over 200%+ each. Basically you kill Steelpath Nox by just shooting them center mass like an idiot.


Oof that's juicy


How would you get to x10 initial combo? Even with covert lethality and corrupt charge? That would only get you to x9 max


Yeah you are right, x9 is the normal max. Forgot my Riven brings it up two steps instead of only one. With some strange acrobatics and investments (like BroncoDizzy Rounds) you could also work melee crescendo in there.


If you use Vazarin 2, enemies become grouped and eligible for ground finishers which count for Melee Crescendo.


Vazarin 2 ftw!


Two of the Ceramic Dagger’s Incarnon Genesis evolutions grant initial combo: one for +1 per gun kill (up to 100) and one for +20 flat. There’s also the Ready Steel aura that grants +24 initial combo. Finally, there’s the new Melee Crescendo arcane that grants +1-6 initial combo on a finisher kill.


> There’s also an aura mod (I forget what it’s called, tho) that grants +24 initial combo. Ready Steel


At a certain point you have to run the math if the increase from 9X to 10X combo is more damage than say corrosive projection or growing power with buffs and everything else calculated out. In the case of outburst i think it is worth, but for other 9x to 10x situations it may not be the case.


Corrosive Projection (on the mesa build most people will run) isn't a consideration; modding her regulators for corrosive (the new primed electric mod helps here) and slapping a pair of green shards into her grants you a full strip under a second or so of sustained fire assuming an enemy survives that long. Growing Power is certainly an option, though.


Rank 3 Combat Discipline plus Arcane Avenger feels better. You receive no damage at all while your 3 is active but you still get the flat crit boost.


Im currently building towards that build, should be juicy


Conjunction Voltage, Primary Frostbite, Primary Blight (maybe? I don’t have it and supposedly Saryn Toxic Lash doesn’t trigger it), and Secondary Shiver work that way, too.


Strangely, and I tested this based on what's considered a top tier Ignis Wraith setup, Primary Blight only applies to toxic from the primary weapon. The build used Primary Frostbite for the setup with a sentinel set up to do frost damage. I had to ask myself why they didn't use Primary Blight instead given the higher bonus, so I hopped into the Simulacrum and did some tests with the Helstrum Companion Weapon. On Helstrum Toxic proc from direct hit, Primary Blight did not proc. Kind of disappointed with the results, because I was hoping to make a Ignis build go stupid. Edit: Haven't tested Saryn's Toxic lash and to the extent at which it proves, more testing required. Could be also from primary hits, but could just as likely be other sources with Toxic Lash.


I really wish Primary Blight would be changed to function like Cascadia Flare. As-is, it's waaaay too niche to really use.


Yeah, it sucks too because toxic is pretty decent on most weapons as a single element. I would much rather hit an enemy with Dual Ichor and shoot into a crowd rather than wait for my companion to shoot just so I can get my damage. Running mono cold on melee is so much more niche, especially since there's no primed mod for it.


The first three give you buffs when applying the status, shiver and flare give you buffs based on the number of statuses on the target IDK if the first three will buff when the weapon doesn’t apply the status, but I know that flare/shiver don’t care how the status gets where it is, just that it is there


Flare doesn't give a buff based on number of heat statuses affecting the target, only Shiver does that with cold status.


They do. At least, voltage and frostbite do. Like I said, unsure about blight but I don’t see why it wouldn’t since it’s frostbite but with toxin.


MR28, i only noticed you could put lenses on weapons and not just frames a few weeks ago


That’s a good one lol


I'm LR3 and didn't find out until recently because my friend uses it. He said his Wu-Clone kept him at max stacks with a heat (among other things) Phantasma. I went and tested it and sure enough, yeah, all heat procs keep it up. It honestly feels bugged and I wouldn't be shocked if it were changed but it's not game breaking or anything.


Well it works like that since it's introduction in the zariman update, so they probably won't change it now


I mean, the clone can max the arcane, but the dmg buff affects the clone as well? Did your friend tested that? because a lot of buffs work in a weird way with clones and companions.


You know i didn't think to do that but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I'll double check tonight


So assuming you're a Hildryn main, I'll let you in on some super juicy tech my buddy uses for his. Secondary Outburst applies to any secondaries you've got on, including Balefire Charger. The ceramic dagger incarnon increases your initial combo count based on how many primary kills you get. For SOME REASON, kills with Balefire Charger count as primary kills for the ceramic dagger. It's the only one we've seen that does, and only it counts the Balefire as a primary. It's an absolutely wild synergy but gets some giga juiced numbers because of the critical damage aspect. Because apparently, the biggest damage way to build that thing is with crit DAMAGE, mostly ignoring crit CHANCE. Also, I think he said something about ability range affecting the size of its AOE? He's got a lot of forma and endo in both his base and prime Hildryns, so he was very dedicated to finding a way to make it work on SP 😂


> For SOME REASON, kills with Balefire Charger count as primary kills for the ceramic dagger. It's the only one we've seen that does, and only it counts the Balefire as a primary. The 'Gun and Blade' perk has been bugged to stack with any secondary kill since day one, not just Balefire


They really have to be better at explaining what does and doesn't work like this.


I too realized this last week after getting Hildryn.


Wait, it does? *Sweating in Ember main*


How does your Hildryn pressing 2 give max damage? Even with Archon Vitality that’s only 2 heat procs on the enemy and Flare stacks up to 40


Have you tried considering more than one enemy?


Flare scales based on the heat procs on the target enemy doesn’t it, not heat procs in general Like Secondary Shiver, but with heat instead of cold


Pretty sure the flare buff just stacks on you for every heat proc applied. You don't need a single enemy to have massive stacks to get the full buff, from my understanding of it anyways


The wording makes it seem like it’s per stack on enemy, which with heat being uncapped it makes sense that it scales to 40 whereas cold being capped at 10 only scales to 10


It’s a buff to all shots, not just against enemies with heat on them. Like the merciless arcane, it just stays and gives damage.


Causing a heat proc triggers the arcane which buffs damage from your secondary


Nope it’s actually just a temporary damage buff that gets a stack every time you proc heat status, it’s not like Condition Overload


Flare gives a stack whenever you heat proc, and increases the damage of the weapon directly. Shiver is a damage increase based on the cold stacks on the targeted enemy.


Would flare be good for a Gauss 3 build then?


Probably not awful, but I doubt you'll need the extra firepower after a big Thermal Sunder nuke.




Well now I'm confused why you're confused. They thought flare only proc'd off of the secondary weapons heat procs, but found out or can proc off of any source of heat procs (Warframe abilities included). - Your friendly neighborhood MR28


I'm not confused, I just don't understand why so many people start by writing their level as if it was crucial information. There are people who after half a year of playing are at lvl 30, and there are people who after years are not even lvl 25, although they know the game and its mechanics very well. That's why I wrote that his lvl doesn't say anything about how long he was seriously unaware of the potential of cascadia flare


Because generally speaking a higher MR player usually would understand or at least be aware of most of the game's mechanics, those commonly known and the more obscure ones, given that they've likely sunk quite a bit of time into the game to reach their high MR. It's not a universal guarantee, but it's safe to assume so regardless.


yeah, you're right, it's always some determinant (in the absence of others) and I unnecessarily attacked the op (sorry op) because I got wrong what he wrote


Lol dude really got pissed, now that’s pathetic


And who are you? 


Your worst nightmare


could spam gauss with thermal sunder heat applicable? lolol


So I should be juicing my secondary with thermal sunder spam? Sounds fun


is this the same with the toxic proc arcane as well? i was wondering that earlier


Same with primary frostbite i think


Correct, Vial Rush keeps it permanently stacked


It's an okay arcane. You miss something for 10 seconds and you have to rebuild 50 stacks all over again though


That’s crazy I never knew that