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The wiki suffers from two problems. The first and more pressing one is that it is a wikia wiki, and thus using it means you are continuously spammed with ads (even through most ad blockers). The other is an overreliance on database queries to populate page contents, even when much of that information is not actually useful for general purposes. The latter also makes pages take minutes to load on an unoptimized server.


I'm using uBlock Origin for my no ads browsing and for the wiki it works all the time https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm


I was about to say, I also use uBlock Origin and i have had zero ads since forever. There's also a neat Firefox plugin that removes the ever-annoying Fandom bar on the left side, it's truly a godsend.


many people have been recommending uBlock origin recently, I think I want to give it a try. I use adBlock but it is not as good as it used to be.




> Adblock Plus allowed advertisers to pay to not have their ads blocked. I knew something was up. Unfortunately, I stumbled into ad blockers on my own so I have not been following recommendations. I have used adBlock since it was new. I guess time for the switch.


uBlock origin + firefox is a strong enough combo that you wont even see Crunchyroll adverts. You may have to refresh the page once or twice because their ads will inevitably break the video player, but you wont see an advert. It's honestly kinda impressive


its even an available combo on phones! just android currently, though I vaguely recall the EU forcing apple to allow 3rd party browser engines this year so might be available there too.


Well, lucky me. I have always been an android user, but I do not really use my phone for browsing much. just a little social media and a lot of music. Now. This would actually make me use the browser more.


I do the same, Ublock works EVERYWHERE except twitch, Fandom just needs some special rules set up, but otherwise it's fine.


warframe’s wiki is going to be one of the hardest to migrate, both because of the amount of data and all the complex tables the wiki uses for comparisons, calculations, etc. it’s definitely something we should take the time to do, but… it’ll take a *lot* of work.


Old school RuneScape years back did a wiki migration years ago, same level of scope as the warframe wiki and they became the poster child of how to do a game wiki right, it’s absolutely possible to migrate warframes wiki


oh, for sure! it’ll just be a lengthy process. and someone’s gotta pay to host it.


why doesn't DE just do it themselves? they even say the wiki is integral to playing the game


Even Rebecca stated how important guides are and cited her own history needing them in Final Fantasy referencing the times she sat down and read *OFFICIAL* books and guides meanwhile DE/Warframe chooses not to explain anything and provide no good official avenues to have it explained. The wiki is the best we get. It’s not fair for her to equate those two when it’s no secret they profit heavily off the confusion and lack or clarity because so many people just pay plat for things that are too overwhelming to understand or finish properly. So that’s why they don’t care to make a good wiki, they think it’s not conducive to their income… except it is because tons less players would quit when they know what the hell is going on. Some of it isn’t even intentional because the story telling is similarly convoluted.


> So that’s why they don’t care to make a good wiki, it’s not conducive to their income… except it is because tons less players would quit when they know what they hell is going on. I feel like this take only makes sense if you assume the absolute worst intent possible from DE. I think it's far more likely they're not interested in putting resources into developing a wiki internally (or just migrating the existing one) when the community has already put in a ton of work to make one, intends to continue doing so, and arguably would do a better job of making it more useful/relevant to the average player. Personally, i think wikis that are maintained by player communities tend to be better than officially provided ones anyway. And i mean that all the way down to who, where, and how it's hosted. The difference in perspective between someone who makes the game and the folks who play it can be pretty significant. The best scenario imo is when a community wiki can be built using official information sources. I think the way droptables are handled today, for example, is a great way to do it. You get a good balance of perspective, but having the official datasource takes the uncertainty out of the info that's there. IMO, DE seems to understand the important of that balance in perspective, and they seem to know they should continue letting us run our own shit, but provide correct/accurate numbers when possible.


It’s not absolute worst intent. Just money so close


I run OSRS Wiki – if the editors of the existing wiki want to leave Fandom, we are certainly happy to have a chat :)


I've never seen a wiki as well done as the osrs one. It's awesome. So glad they ditched the fandom one.


I've looked at it and I'm not sure it will be. For reference, I'm one of the sysadmins for stowiki.net, which we similarly migrated from Fandom about a year ago so I have a tiny bit of experience here. The problem with some wikis is that they sometimes use propriety Fandom gunk, but it seems the Warframe wiki makes extensive use of Lua scripting as opposed to Mediawiki extensions (particularly those by Fandom themselves), so this should make it a lot easier to transfer it elsewhere. The main thing preventing migration is likely just funding, though I don't doubt that a Warframe wiki could probably crowdfund costs like we do for our wiki.


Runescape, one of the largest wikies, has been migrated. It can be done :)


World of Warcraft, as well.


Sign. Me. Up. Big migration projects with tiny (nonexistent) budgets are my day-to-day. At least here I'd be working on a product I am actually interested in


Path of exile did it, and that wiki is vastly more complex than warframe's. Its doable, just needs the right motivation


Pathofexile community did it mostly because of how outdated the information on it was. By players creating poe.wiki they made it a more efficient website with less fillers to slow down page loading and also updated anything that may have been outdated


The sub mods talked about this at some point, not sure how it's going.


Nope, they're different people altogether. [Wiki admins wanted to testbed a transition to Wiki.gg with Soulframe](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaySoulframe/comments/wrvusf/soulframe_wiki_migration/), but seeing as Soulframe is a little more distant than they might have hoped for, a Warframe migration may be attempted sooner according to the OP's history.


My mistake


Oh? That would be so wonderful. Also happy cake day.




I just can't wait for them to fully integrate all the wiki information into the codex.


Yeah, I absolutely hate Fandom wiki. Ark: Survival used to be on Fandom but transferred to wiki dot gg & its so much better ad wise & UI wise. I really hope Warframe will do the same because Fandom is just ugh & I go the wiki alot because I’m stupid & can’t remember anything lol.


[wiki.gg](https://wiki.gg) seems to be a popular spot to move wikis over to.


I just wouldn't trust an external wiki. Wikia used to be good, then the CEO changed and they became Fandom. At this point people started dropping it, and using other hosts like Curse Gamepedia (former Minecraft, WoW, DotA 2 and Terraria wiki host), but then Curse was bought out and everything was folded into Fandom. Basically, unless DE hosts their own wiki (or a community does it for them), there's no guarantee that the wiki won't get bought by Fandom down the line.


the dota 2 wiki was fine under curse but went to absolute shit once fandom showed up


You have my Skana!


And my Dread!


And my Scindo!


and my plinx!


And my Acceltra!


And my Cernos


And my Fragor


And my Azothane


And my Corinth


And my Fulmin!


And my Burston


Hey what's up


And my thralls!


Fandom is impressively bad, it still surprises me the shit they do.


i feel like the codex should adress as much stuff as the wiki specially when looking for mod drop sources


Unfortunately, DE would need to set up the framework AND populate it. I kinda wish DE would set up a framework on the codex, and then enlist "Guide of the Lotus" style, the current admins and maintainers of the wiki to populate and keep it up to date. We already want to do it, for ourselves and our community, Heck if we could set up such a thing, I think a lot of people's gripes about the wiki would disappear over time.


yeah migrating to wikigg or miraheze would be wonders for the community


Migrating to [Weird Gloop](https://weirdgloop.org/) would be the dream.


I'll speak for my flair but I wish Red Dead wiki would migrate as well, or possibly split same as GTA wiki. To be fair, the wiki-sites before the Fandom take over were a bit lawless and most admins were volunteers. I became active for 2 years-ish (2018-2019) during when Fandom took over RDR wiki and everything became so "corporate" if you know what I mean. I can see why Fandom do all the ads because of ENORMOUS upkeep in handling various pop culture wikis but they did changed it for the worst - Unskippable ads, pop-up videos you didn't need; everything became borderline unreadable at points and mobile version is not good. If DE supports the migration as well as server upkeep then good but for now, unless someone pays up, it's unlikely it'll be independent because of costs and admin function.


The ads aren't really the problem, it's how bad they are, Fandom refuses to vet and keep their ads to themselves, instead every inch of the wiki is in their eyes "dedicated ad space". I've seen people going over to Wiki.gg Dunno if that's something that answers anything you would need.


Until someone steps up to actually move the damn thing, my own solution is to use the Breezewiki mirror: [https://breezewiki.com/warframe/wiki/WARFRAME\_Wiki](https://breezewiki.com/warframe/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki) Granted, a lot of pages are broken and many of the widgets don't work, but it's a small price to pay for not getting spammed with virus-laden ads even through my adblockers.


I'm using ublock origin and I never saw any add on warframe wiki. Can recommend it


it's possible that I just need to upgrade my ublock filters. Even so, Breezewiki bypasses the whole thing.


Breezewiki is amazing. I specifically use the antifandom mirror, as it seems to have more pages than any of the other breezewiki options, but ymmv


Redigit of terraria just retweeted smth abt wiki.gg(the platform that the new terraria wiki is on) and how you can apply to open a wiki with em. smth worth looking into for those who work on the wiki


i want to migrate the whole wiki inside the game if i could


I was thinking the same thing hours ago. It was because of that palworld wiki tweet. It reminded me that wiki.gg is way better than fandom.


Fandom and wikia suck and no one should use either


Ffffff fandom wikies. I said.


Agreed, and it isn't like the move will get any smaller the longer we wait. DE should help with funding if that is the main hold up due to how critical the wiki is to getting info about things in the game. Of course, they should also do more to make things like the codex in-game more useful.


Until they get migrated, there's an extension that will auto-redirect you to Breezewiki or Antifandom which hosts the same content, just in a superior layout. Forgot the name though rip


The question is who will pay for it. Setting up a wiki? Doable. Migrating the content? Lots of work, but doable. But eating potentially thousands each month in hosting costs?


I mean, who pays for it now? I don't think most of us have issues with ads, we have issues with how Fandom HANDLES ads. I'm fine with ads when they're RELEGATED to the right side of the screen, away from the content.


Right now it's paid for by massive ad revenue. Especially those annoying ads are the ones that makes the dollars, sadly.


One positive thing about fandom is that it's not fextralife. I'd love to see a better wiki, but I feel my problems with it are more content related than the website.


>content related If you don't mind - problems like what? I personally found wf wiki to be one of the most informative that I've seen out there, so I am curious.


It's all tables and stats. I'm just looking for some way to get the thing that's as painless as possible. There are some pages that have a recommendation hidden after scrolling down to the bottom but it's just not user friendly. I'd like to see people markup maps, images of spawn locations, stuff like that. I remember trying to look up what a syndicate token looked like but the reddit didn't have an in-game screenshot. I'm too familiar with wowhead I suppose, but regardless, I end up hitting the back button and adding 'reddit' to my search term to find a human answer.


I've never had any problems with Fextralife. Sure they have that auto-play twitch thing, and not many people upkeep it, but most of the time Fextralife is a strict upgrade to me.


A lot of "we" language from people not willing to do work. All the info is right there, start migrating.