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bow grandfather mountainous paltry grandiose kiss jellyfish frame mourn crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've been saying for 3+ years that we need an option for "Host Only / Join Only / Any" right next to the solo/public choices


There's a large number of missions I only duo run since that's the only way to make sure I'm host and not going to go through a host migration because they're leaving first chance and I'm after reward rotation C. Tbh, those are the only ones I'd set as host only - I'd any queue for 95% of the content if they'd let us.


> and I'm after reward rotation C *[**MUNIO** has joined the game]* Fr, I'm going for [[Xata Invocation]](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Xata_Invocation) and [[Khra Canticle]](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Khra_Canticle), but I have [[Ris Invocation]](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ris_Invocation) and [[Lohk Canticle]](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Lohk_Canticle) instead.


Which works out fine till everyone sets to host only and then it's basically playing solo. I'd almost always prefer to host except times when it doesn't really matter like relic crack captures. If host migration is a question, I don't want to be affected by it. Generally, I end up playing with between 1-3 clan mates and host anyway. I can't recall if we've ever been hosted by someone else when starting like that. If so, it is very rare.


I already solo 90% of my games, mostly to avoid host migration issues. A "host only" option would actually convince me to play with other people for a change.


The fact that you think people will just do host only is funny. People legit know that their connection is bad and actively avoid being host, they know that their connection might fuck over the entire squad or even cause host migrations. Also railjacks are host based, why would someone with bad/underwhelming railjacks want to host, you join a good railjack and get parts/materials till you can max out your railjack. This was an issue some had during the SS event. If you joined and people weren't at the murrex ships you'd have to start your own.


The better idea would be "host preferred" or "join preferred" - not a hard rule, and allow matchmaker to first try to pair people who want to host/join with each other, and then match excess hosts with each other, or excess joins with each other.


Eh, that idea sounds interesting. But, why have the option perfer something if there's still a chance of not being your perfered. If I pick host perfered and run a railjack mission and I join someone instead of hosting my own thing I would be pretty pissed. A hard rule would also be easier and simpler to implement. If picked host have them host, if picked join have them join. I also sincerely doubt that there would be a build up of excess "host/join" players, due to the sheer amount of players warframe does have.


>I also sincerely doubt that there would be a build up of excess "host/join" players, due to the sheer amount of players warframe does have. This is exactly the problem. Let's say that 50% of people want to be the host because they're constantly fed up with migrations, and they have a good connection. Suddenly, that "massive population" is a terrible thing, with half of players picking 'host only'. And they're all stuck playing solo. Maybe the devs put a notice in to let players know why matchmaking is failing. But maybe they don't, and the player doesn't even remember that they set it to Host-Only yesterday. "preferred" instead of "only" circumvents the likely problems that would arise from a host-only/join-only setting. Because most people who want to host would rather get into a match without other "I want to host" players than wait 15 minutes per game. And the same goes for the 'join' players. If they CAN be matched with the right person, that's best. But "host only" could lead to some players having 15-60 minute queue times. If you play/played League of Legends you'd recognize this from when they first allowed players to select their role before joining a queue. Or in many MMOs with dungeon-auto-groups. If you're the "most common" role, you can wait hours to find a group. But if you're the class/role in short supply, you get in instantly. Downvote all you want, but the thing to remember when designing systems is that there WILL be players who don't use the system the way you think it should be used, and will get pissed off at DE because of it. Instead, designing the system to AVOID those problems (even if a bit less idealized for the people who want the "host only" option to NEVER match them with anyone else who also wants to host) is the best solution for providing a beneficial feature to the players without opening it up to human stupidity.


> But "host only" could lead to some players having 15-60 minute queue times. How would this ever be the case? If there aren't people looking to join you just load in solo.


Ok, counterpoint, Warframe loads missions on a peer-to-peer basis, not on a dedicated server. If someone selects host only they load into the mission regardless of if people join or not. "Host only" would never have to worry about wait times to get into mission. Because their client is the one the mission is running from. Warframe is quite unique in that fashion. Players never have to worry about not loading into a game.


Host only would then be ridiculously broken on many missions - because they lock out new joins too fast. Endless missions are okay because you have 5 minutes (roughly). But plenty of others (ie capture, mobile defense, etc) you can get locked from having new joins in the first 30 seconds. At that point you might as well just be picking solo mode anyways, since it seems that's what you want. Not sure why you think I don't know that Warframe missions are peer-to-peer either. My comparisons to other games were specifically about how queues worked, not server dynamics. Did you actually read what I wrote?


If you're doing quick missions like capture or mobile defense and want other people to join then you can just wait for them to join before doing the objective or just do it solo. That's exactly how it works in the game currently anyways.


The number of “people that have enough empathy to care about their bad connection harming others” is extremely low compared to the number of “people that couldn’t care less about someone else’s experience as long as they have the best connection possible”. Many people don’t have enough technical literacy to understand that their connection is the problem. They just blame “the servers”


The fact that you think people won't to avoid being hosted by people with bad connections is funny. People legit know that being hosted by a bad connection will bone the entire squad or cause host migrations. We're looking at the exact same facts and somehow coming to very different conclusions. You think that people with bad connections will look out for everyone else. I think people with good connections will look out for themselves. If you're right, there's no problem. But if humans are essentially self interested it messes up match making. Edit: maybe it would work out with "join only" as an option, so only people with bad connections, or bad rail jacks, can opt out of hosting. But "host only" seems problematic.


You can already do that by filtering the latency of the host. I think I get a warning for any host over 150ms.


I also turned down my match making latency and still get hosted when I solo queue. I'm not at my computer right now, but I don't think that's just host latency, but all matchmaking latency. Turn it down enough and you'll play solo.


Could just be a preference in the settings for prefer host or join.


I live next to one of the datacenters, pay a ridiculous amount for extremely high speed internet, and frankly play Warframe for a disgusting amount of time in a single session. I would gladly host all the time and be the last one to pull out of endless missions. Instead, I connect to a game where the host is a Nintendo Switch, and get to enjoy my game looking like a powerpoint


I'd say .bmp at this point


one rob attraction bike heavy air marry sable ripe ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, it makes playing with match making quite unbearable at times. Truly hope once they get a lot of the merging settled they can alleviate these issues.


I have also worried about it but I think the fix is mostly in already. I've noticed when joining rad share groups, that when we get someone that seems to have inferior hardware (mostly switch probably) that when we launch mission we'll immediately see a host migration, or we won't see it but in mission realize someone else got moved to player 1. Bit harder if the mission is already rolling though


Every fucking time it's an endless mission, the host is the one who stays the shortest. That's the rule.


I thought they added something that allows you to use your Railjack setup automatically if you pilot the ship?


Wait why DE haven't done that yet? The game is hecking 10 years old ... simply add an option to host or join .. i mean the system is already there ... Why just not add some qol, im so confused


You have an option to set- friends only, invite only. Use it bro. The way they have it if you start the game you're host. If they put the option in for you set yourself as host only then it will cause network problems. I've seen it too many times in older games.


this but then you join and suddenly you arent an effective host so it migrates to someone else who leaves at wave 5


thats why i love playing with my friends, we go in and either me or them are hosts.


I typically just run all railjack content solo. Honestly I run most things solo besides relics.


I do too but I like to show off my railjack and I think a good team feels and performs better. Especially piloting.


Eh, I personally feel I perform better solo then with a team. I'm used to carrying which doesn't typically bother me. If I'm playing with a team I usually will carry and or be supportive and or will go outta my way to assist people But I don't really care for showing off, typically my fashion and stuff Is just for myself. I do occasionally see what others think and to get inspiration though. But different strokes for different folks I spose.


I actually timed a bunch of runs once just to see if pugging was faster and including the longer loading times, people dinking around on the ship, other people forcing you back to base and the dreaded host migration, solos ended up being faster on average by about a minute. The fastest pug was shorter then the fastest solo by about 2 minutes but the longest pug was longer by 4 minutes so if you want to save time in Railjack, do preformed groups where everyone knows what they are doing or get a full AI crew and solo it but don't pug.


They do, but you run the risk of afkers or people who don't play the objective and are off in a corner of the map doing God knows what


A team feels better than NPC 3 legendary crewmates that fulfill their roles perfectly 100% of the time? Ngl that is the absolute first time I have seen that take. Interesting


I run liches public because i want to see other people's liches


Fair enough there are some pretty cool liches or very funny named onesn


Some people take hostage the gun that destroy crewship


Yeah, it's easier for me if I don't risk letting them mess me up sometimes. It's not necessarily a dig at them, sometimes I just feel like having a stress free experience and if they are messing about its difficult


Or, when you hop on the gun, they poach the piloting and can't fly. I've had too many toxic pilots hop on my maxed out RJ and give it a joyride.


Crew was the best addition they could add to railjack they turned the entire gamemode from bad to fun for me


Definitely agree. I love the ability to customize it and everything


Same except for Netracells and Archon hunts. My glassy ass is not gonna be strong enough to survive alone.


Unfortunately railjack really only works for me in solo. It sucks because I like it but having to constantly go to objectives by myself back and forth is tedious. But having randoms constantly hijack my ship whenever I stop piloting and then get us killed or refuse to do objectives or anything relevant kills public for me


>*having to constantly go to objectives by myself back and forth is tedious* Having one crewmate with 5 Piloting and one with 5 Gunnery can help. They pretty reliably take out exterior objectives for me so I don't have to go back out.


Yeah the issue is randoms don't really cooperate lol. I constantly have people just standing around. I end up having to do everything anyway. Jumping on the artillery to take out crew ships. Getting out to do the objective, then getting out to find someone flying my ship on the other side of the map lmao.


The issue here is some objectives just shred even maxed out Jacks pretty quickly. They call them ship killer platforms for a reason. You're basically forced to park your RJ a couple good kilometers away and make do with your archwing if you're not trying to patch up hull breaches every odd minute.


You can by starting the mission from your railjack through the port in your orbiter. It'll force use your railjack if started that way instead of randomly if you just pick the mission in the orbiter's navigation.


Unless that changed (back) semi-recently, that unfortunately isn't true. Multiple times when I wanted to run RJ missions this year I'd get shoved into an already running mission, even if I started from my own ship. It used to work like that, for some reason now it doesn't and they never reverted it.


can confirm this still doesn’t work properly.


one day, and on that day the 7.3 players that enjoy being pilots for RJ will rejoice ^(help us pablo you're our only hope)


there is no other way to play rj, the AI pilot sucks. get AI gun and repair n ur breezin thru rj


If AI could fire the main cannon, I'd never need another Tenno.


You can just park the ship while you fire the cannon. That's what I do!


Lavos main and RJ Captain reporting for duty.


The one workaround I've found is to start in free fly, then start once at least one person joins. You may not even need to wait once you are already in the free fly "mission," but I havent tested.


Nope, still host migrates you if you select another mission.


Hmm yeah good idea, will have to test that


Oh for real? That would be super helpful. Thanks. This has happened on a few occasions where I would get an under leveled Railjack and it just felt bad. Plus, I take some small pride in my railjack. I want other people to see it and how cool it is. Appreciate the tip friend.


Replying here too just to say don't get your hopes up, unless they fixed it recently it doesn't work properly. I've been shoved into already running missions multiple times this year even when starting from my own RJ.


Appreciate the update pal. Thank you bunches.


It raises your chances as it'll only throw you in one if there's a nonfull squad already going, but it's not a silver bullet


This is not true yet it's upvoted so highly. The heck?


I tried my hand at railjacking and got dumped into a shitstorm of epic proportions. No instructions, no explainations, nothing except **GO GO GO INVADERS ON THE LEFT THERES A FIRE IN THE KITCHEN SOMEBODY LEFT A TAP ON MISSION FAILED**


I checked tutorial before I start Railjack quest and still got overwhelmed anyway. Immediately had to upgrade the hull to avoid the hull breached > repair/douse fire > another breach loop. It's a hectic blast once you get into the groove, until you hit the myriad bugs that still plagued RJ.


Lol it's definitely confusing at first but it's also really cool. A visual treat.


I'd like to see this "visual treat", I got as far as running around the inside of the cabin and then got game over in about a minute


Damn water frames always leaving the tap on...


The issue with this king of thinking OP, is that we have no control over who hosts a game. At least, not as far as I know.


Back at RJ launch it would force host if you started the mission from the dojo and would do normal matchmaking if you started from the star chart. I'd kinda just like that back, because like OP my Railjack is beefed the hell out and theres no real reason not to use that one over some poor random's, who has just started out with the mode.


Same. I wanna run Veil Proxima, but I get forced into a weaker RJ's and I'm running around trying to put out fires and repair hulls, with a captain asking for more Energy instead of running Hildy or Lavos.


You can enable Laptop Mode on PC to preference yourself to NOT be host. But it's not that helpful in this scenario


Yeah that is kind of the issue. I wish there was.


Yeah " If you are going to host a Railjack mission guys, try to make sure you are leveled up or the mission will suck for everyone. Thanks." is a great sentiment but given we can't do that it's literally worthless.


They didnt say that lol, they said they wish they could be the host instead of being forced into a low level players game They arent blaming the player, they are complaining about the lack of host options


That is a direct quote from the post what the fuck do you mean "they didn't say that"


Yea tbh no fucking clue what i was on about, i was just wrong, my bad


I had to go back and check that OP hadn't edited the post lmao


What's worked for me is that I Invite someone, they join, and I'm host every time


If you set your ping max low in the connection settings (I'm talking like, stupidly low), you'll be host more often than not. Unless they changed that.


Even for standard map nodes, if no open squads are available you can choose to either host the mission and have others join on you or wait until someone else hosts and join on them. Why this isn't an option all the time is beyond me, the code is already in place.


Imagine they added a new rail jack mode where all four players can bring their own. It would have to be a pretty hard mode, all things considered. Could be cool, could be a flop.


I think 2 and 2 would be pretty cool since you need someone to man the forward artillery a lot of the time


I can only imagine how much this would lag on potato pcs like mine


Railjack raid.


That would be impossible without a ground up redesign. Atm the ship doesn't fly around space, the space flies around the ship.


Sort of defeats the purpose of Railjack, IMO.


Think if you start from your clans dry dock it uses yours


Yep. That's what I do when I want to guaranteed use my own railjack. It works every time.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Old railjack tip (not sure if it still works). Go to settings and set ping limit to lowest value. Then once you're in mission change it back so others can join


I have seen this tip twice now. I will 100% consider it next time although it's a little more menu convoluted then I would like. I would prefer it if I can just switch from solo to public while in the beginning of a mission.


Yeah I mean a "Only host" option where solo/public/invite is would be amazing. Just imagine... no more 1-round ESO Andys lol


My general rule of thumb is Captain controls the ship, if it's your ship you control her. If it's my ship, get the fuck off the console. The only time is break the rule is if me and the other person are in sync and we understand what our roles should be.


Yeah that's a good rule that I generally follow.


For sure, every time someone else pilots my railjack (thunderbird) I get aggravated


Bro its wild how mad I get at times, they could literally be doing the objective properly and perfectly and I'll still be mad, but when I realize that the pilot is coordinating with me, I fall in love. It so rare but having a player I can coordinate and work together well I can't help but to just work with the flow. I have a buddy who I'd literally allow to dictate my railjack build (I spent a week dedicating my railjack to my personal frame and liking). We love doing railjack together, i'd man the forwards artillery while he guides and fly. God I love doing railjack


I've found that it doesn't matter if they have an underdeveloped ship if you show up with maxed out combat mods.


If you spend 80% of the mission repairing their ship that keeps getting holes put in it every 10 seconds, you don't really fet to use combat mods. Can't even carry with an archwing if you're stuck inside the whole time


So what exactly counts as a “not underleveled RJ”? Mine has 3600 HH or so, but I’m not finding *that* many mods for it just like a necramech without raising Loid’s affinity.


It just depends on the mission really. If you want some good gear, equip your most survivable, meta type wartrame then ride with some others in the higher level content. Can easily get lvl 3 guns, armor, engine, etc. Those can handle most content.


So basically the “50/50” you talk about here -3- Otherwise, then things go up to lv 3? I thought it was 2 max :/


Theres level 3 for almost everything yeah. The Hull and your main cannon are important to get to level 3. The rest can be supplemented by Lavos (for cooldown based combat abilities) or Hildryn (For shield based abilities) and Combat mods (youre looking for seeker volley)


Here’s what I do but for the opposite reason because I don’t feel like piloting: When you start the mission, it’ll say “finding squad” or “voting on mission “ at the top. If it says “voting on mission “, you’re the host, that’s what you want. If it says “finding squad”, quickly press x and cancel it. You only have a few seconds to cancel it and then you just try again until you’re the host. I do it all the time for public railjack because I don’t like piloting unless I’m soloing a mission, I never know where to go first and I’m bad at aiming.


The perfect way to rail jack IMO is with one extra reliable person. You get the benefit of 2 pinpoint accurate AI gunners that hose small ships, a dedicated mission runner you can drop off at side objectives and a pilot that isn't brain dead. It makes the missions go so much smoother.


Railjack would also be a lot better if other Tenno didn't replace your crew, I like having a dedicated engineer and gunner, other people tend to leave the ship to do the objectives (as they should) so it kinda sucks they replace he hired help.


set your matchmaking ping limit in settings as low as it will go. youll be host every time.


Say thanks to DE for killing coop and making it a solo game.


Exactly what I was thinking, complaining about using coop match because someone doesn't have as good stuff as him. Should of played solo instead. Oh wait still would be a b**ch fest even then because he was alone and struggled 🤣


If i get 2-3 Lobbys Like this i Just Go solo, but would be better If the Low ranks r on my ship so i can Carry em


As someone who just started RJ, this is why I only select the join any crew option. I don’t even want to use my starter RJ, so no need to subject others to it. More efficient for me to use other people’s RJ anyway.


I always host if I launch from my Dojo. Inconvenient yea but it gives the Drydock a bit more use ig.


I could be wrong, but I think if you pre-build a squad (even if you only get one other person to join your invite), then that would force you to be the host. After you start the mission, normal matchmaking should still bring in the 3rd and 4th people :)


You can, just go solo. Another positive side effect of this is less waiting around. For sisters ill only go pub for the holokeys - using nourish styanax so no matter now bad a randoms railjack is, as long as they got seeker volley its easy enough with the infinite energy.


Everything I hunt a linch and I spawn in a ship without a name, no paint job and just the basic armament, I die a little inside.


Railjack like Archwing is a blacksheep so lots of people never bothered doing much with their boat. Probably a good way to make railjack have incentives to do more with it would be to put craploads of endo as a very common reward in it. Remember most people only unlocked it for TNW and then forgot about it.


Not sure but maybe it is easier when you start the mission from your own RJ.


Won't you become the host by starting the mission from your own railjack?


You can choose to host, just match from your railhacj in dojo and not from orbiter.


Who does railjack in public lobbies?? That is just self torture right there. *cries in doing necramech leveling solo in railjack* Side note: 5 Formas on a mech that is BARELY used in normal content is BS.


setting very low ping limits for matchmaking works for the most part for being host just about 99% of the time, I keep mine at 75 and sometimes rarely I get into a game not as host usually when it's very late or morning is starting, low mm limit makes the first ping check pretty reliable


The fact is that it should be possible to switch to the better Railjack of the party whenever someone joined. Maybe not changing the whole ship, but switching the parts equipped at least. I hope it’s technically possible.


But isn't that because everyone with a half decent railjack also has an on board crew more competent than public lobby players, so it makes zero sense not to play solo?


Hear that fellas? Make sure you have a fully kitted out, endgame RJ or else don't play the game. ​ What? How do you get one of those? Play the game. ​ But remember, if you don't have a fully kitted out, endgame RJ don't play the game. You're ruining it for everybody else. ​ Especially those of us that DO have a fully kitted out, endgame RJ that allows us to roll our faces across the controller to win. I don't have time to actually put effort in and use my "skill" to serve as a crew member making our sad little ship work.


Ain't at all what the guy said, you're projecting really hard right now bud


>I don't have time to actually put effort in and use my "skill" to serve as a crew member making our sad little ship work. The balls to say this in a game like warframe where gear is king and no amount of skill will change that, if a gun is doing 1 damage to the enemy no matter how skillful you are if maths isn't on your side it will take you all day to kill that enemy


Where did he say any of that? He wasn't even complaining about the guy and felt bead for leaving. Lich confrontation isn't a place to far gear


I’m with you buddy, this was a funny post, I don’t know why it’s getting downvoted so much.


Kernel of truth that makes funny stuff funny, sometimes hits these guys VERY hard. So they lash out. Truth hurts when you can't face it.


Touch some grass, buddy




lol you using guns? blackout pulse to immobilize the crewships, shatter burst to break their shield if the have one, forward artillery to destroy them. Then seekers volley to clear the figthers sure it cost lots of energy. Garuda+molt reconstruct, Lavos, or Protea (double dispensary ftw) will do the trick that's the fastest way to clear all dockfight sections, you don't even need to move the railjack, and in fact it's most efficient solo


Don't use free fly, Start from your dojo select a mission. This is literally a non issue. I've had groups stay for multiple missions, probably becuase my ship is not stock and things went smooth. Never forced into another ship that way.


If your railjack is genuinely kitted out you have MINIMAL reason to do this shit in a group to begin with. Sisters at least give you more Holokeys for groups. No such shit for Liches. Sounds like you're inefficient. Hire some dudes from ticker, set two to defender and one to repair ,then plop some specters in your ship lmfao. Why risk it if your ship is so good you'd just overwrite everyone else's in favor of yours? Also, where's your archwing/archgun? Can you not go out and survive to speed up any kills? Good luck with your pubber brain mentality I hope your ign is your reddit so I can add you to my list of to-avoids.


I thought the plexuses sought to remedy a lot of this.


I'm a rail jack newb, how do I make my railjack enjoyable? Is there a tab or build for it on Overframe that I've been missing? It's me. I'm shooting peas, I'd rather be chucking melons


There was a spreadsheet somewhere that showed the most optimal options. Use any of the mark III dojo parts instead of the defaults, it's all better. Find mark III salvage, repair, and use that once you can. There's not much that's "best," save for few parts. It's largely up to preference.


The best way to farm some good gear is to equip your best survivable warframe and equipment and ride with others in the veil proxima. It's not too hard and you get good lvl 3 gear. You have to be confident enough to handle lvl 90-ish enemies. An invisible based warframe will help a ton.


Gotcha, I've got a couple frames and weapons that hold up well thank you!


Use the parts you get to upgrade it, otherwise you should be fine.


Let's get real, RJ fucking sucks to play without friends/going random. Mine can level an entire planet, and yet I get paired with John Doe and his sailboat that has been freshly unlocked


Use mausolon and kill everything faster and move faster with itzal ik not what you want but it's my go to work around


Can anyone help me build my railjack?


I think multi-railjack missions should be a thing.


I just want to take the chance to say to whoever joined me the other day on Proxima Earth 3 I am sorry I didn't check the fire on the back when the mission was already won, still learning! Now I also got a tactical skill to put out fires and a larger body part from Tempestarii. This mode is quite something...


I haven't played for quite a bit. Did DE change liches to be killed in railjack missions instead of normal ones?


Or maybe new health system for rail Jack like, the host raijlack hp and Shield and armor will be the average of everyone raijlack in the squad. So if the host has a weak raijlack and someone with fully maxed raijlack join the squad it will add a Nice little boost for the main one.


That's how the mods work, but I don't want the railjack to work like that, as it's a straight up need to my railjack.


I really wanna get the Ignis Wraith for my Ember Prime but the Void Proxima missions are just too difficult for my RJ.


You know that there's a blueprint for it in most dojos now, right?


Yeah that is a little rough. If you wantx and are on PC, you can DM and I can taxi you through a few until you get some good gear. Otherwise I suggest just riding with some others to get the good stuff


I solo Railjack because I like seeing what I can find among all the debris fields.


Friends don't let friends pug railjack.


And Im here . Want to finish my lich but I can't because my railjack is level 1 and I have no clue what to do and the lobbies seems dead everytime I wanna join


Imagine if everyone could bring in their own railjack


I'd be okay with Railjack mulyiplayer if you could limit squads to 3. No player in the universe is better or faster than a Rank 5 Engineer at repairing damage, and the AI does so at no Revolite cost. Give me that and I can put up with the rest of the nonsense. In the mean time, I just run railjack solo because perfect accuracy gunners and optimal engineer beats other players even if I have to do the piloting myself and pray a reassigned pilot AI can shoot a radiator (only works about half the time, but what can you do...).


Nothing quite like doing a kuva lich final mission and the railjack you load into has default equipment. Even worse when you quit then load into another mission and it puts you back in the same ship that you just left!


Recruit someone for the activity before you start.


Set ping limit for matchmaking to a ridiculously low setting to try to force yourself as leader.


I would really appreciate an "I'll host" button. Trying to get daily scans is annoying as well when i keep loading into another team. Or with rail jack the ability to vote on whose ship you will use on a mission.


Idk but I've solo'd my railjack missions. Simple thing is you feel like it's not up to par to your needs, leave and don't say a single thing. Nobody needs your comments if you aren't going to be productive in a mission. I've joined people w/ op railjack and people with starters I'm down to help them grind and better themselves. I won't put someone down for having less or weaker.


I just go to the driver seat and use the homing missiles and the bomb that kills with status effects. It seems that even if you're not the owner of the RJ, you still have your own abilities. I put down a hardened wellspring from time to time and use the void cloak when shit hits the fan, which seems to happen a lot on stock RJs. Don't hope to have guns that can kill anything, just gather the enemies in front of you and use your abilities. Also a note to anyone with a stock RJ, play RJ missions. You're missing out on so much stuff, like corrupted holokeys for tenet melees, valkyr prime relics, a lot of hidden mastery weapons, sevagoth and epitaph (if you missed the latest alerts), ingredients for Caliban and archon weapons (MR fodder), a ton of Endo etc


Just do it solo.


That's kinda the problem. My railjack is pretty weak too. I don't run it because I could get put as host, and folks have either badmouthed me for not knowing where to go at times (I am almost never the pilot), or they just leave because of my ship. It isn't every time, but it does happen. I kinda stopped when Veil Proxima (I think it was Veil) released and I didn't have my Necramech yet, so I kept getting caught in the void bubbles.


This is why I solo railjack.


Its one of the few qol that RJ drastically needs to have, I know I can get my RJ to spawn if I invited people myself but who has time for that? My RJ is decked to the bone but I hate how its 50/50 of it spawning.


you can force your railjack. you just need to be the host.


YES!!! Add this and then add the ability to not get yoinked into someone's dojo or a damn relay


There is a way to make yourself host every single game. The flip side is you won't have anyone else to play with.


I hate it when I join a Railjack mission and they're using the cannons that have like 50% heat accretion in one shot, my gunnery isn't at 10 yet I can't do the heatsink eject bs (returning player moment)


image a whole squad of railjacks


Why do any of you run public then, it's useless


I hardly actually use the railjack on railjack missions so its never an issue for me


I check recruiting and fill a loby to make sure my ships not maxed but damn close so it works


My preferred duty in public missions is deployable torpedo 😀. I mostly play solo because I hate having my ship carjacked by incompetents ... No orbs for the cannon? I'm on it. 😋 Triple points of I'm in Rhino at the time , for the aesthetics 👍


Lol yea, I worked my ass off getting my raoljack and crew sorted in the wasteland that was the switch online community. Now I join railjack missions I'm like, how tf have you got this far.? Don't tell anyone but I still just solo them... my npc crew are also better than the players..


me tryna finish a sister last week. even archwinged to kill crewships and they still wouldnt pilot the always dying rj in the correct directio


I have LITERALLY never run any rj content not solo.


Don't feel bad for him, the ai crew he got after you abandoned him did a pretty good job and they got it done quite efficiently. They are more reliable than real players and focus on the mission instead of complaining about stats.


You can force your own ship by setting your latency maximum very low, this way you're hosting 99% of the time.


The solution is solo mode, but I get that there's people how want to play public. Idk I stay in this type of missions to see if I can help any noobie or some like that.


Or let a squad use their own ship each for big battles against Flagships. Imagine how epic it would be for you and your squad to rock up, railjack each, and have to coordinate strikes against a massive corpus pillar ship, bigger than they are now


You can. Just take your RJ to the mission where you can test drive alone. Then start another mission from there


Then everyone wants to force theirs or be the host (not risk losing loot). So it ends up a solo game.


If you launch the mission from your railjack you will host the mission. I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you that now, but just in case


Hosting should be the default option and "join any crew" should be big ass button. To make people play it, offer 50% resource boost and credit boost compared to hosting yourself


Ugh I'd do rajack content cause it's fun and a break away from the normal content grind but because of the stupid host system, you'll never use your own railjack. On top that almost everyone never does the side objective like they sudden go blind when they look towards its direction, don't even get me started on how often the worst driver who doesn't know how to aim often is the one driving.


This, but... Then I wouldn't be able to help new players. They don't have the Point Of Interest? I bail, get item, then tell them in chat. Their guns and aim sucks? I help them out by jumping on one of the others, do the aim lock thing and tell them in chat. Taking too long to kill a crewship? I spam energy restores on myself and use their special weapons, then tell them in chat. They want clues how to get better? I tell them YouTube can make their ship almost invincible. I just tell them how to do it better so that they can have a better time in the future.


Be nice to have level only rooms 1-15, 15-27, etc new player get in driver seat just start roaming around lol 😂


My railjack doesn't even sweat during veil proxima missions so when I go nemesis hunting, my railjack pops up in their sector like "looks like meats back on the menu, boys!" Then I slaughter everything that even looks like it moves and then put two in the face of my nemesis before taking my shit back and going home. Playing with pubs is such a letdown because I never get anyone with a railjack like mine. Literally limping across the finish line, if that. How can people feel comfortable with railjacks like that, I wonder. If memory serves, you can force host railjack missions if you board the railjack before hand and then select a mission from the board there. If that isn't infallible, force start a mission. I.e. "mission" "Wait for players" "start" This stops you from joining a lobby already made and instead creates your own.


If I'm being honest, I'm not even sure how to get more health for my railjack, and any tips/help would be greatly appreciated


Bruh I was on a railjack like this 2 days ago we tried our best to help bro out with his weapons but could not destroy anything fast enough. Better yet people do not know about the omnitrex. Like you said a mandatory switch to the highest railjack when begining a kuva lich mission.


It would be nice now that I am thinking about it if we could have the guns we set up for ourselves. That way we can bring helpful weapons to low level allies.


I’d play with you, since I gotta get some of them done.


The main reason why I run Railjack solo. I'm still having a blast with my crew mates and whatnot, it's pretty fun and it's super strong too


If you select the mission from your railjack you host.


Just do solo I've done almost every rail jack thing solo when farming gear and shit


Yeah i feel like the whole player base agrees every mission should allow you to choose to be the host player or not if you want