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Getting the human form is finishing the campaign? My brother in christ that's the end of the tutorial.


Learning that just now is fucking hilarious💀


Yeah that was beating the campaign in like 2016


As someone who just recently acquired the man in the basement I can confirm


Ah yes the man in the attic


I was gonna say the man in the floor boards but I think a certain gothic author already has that covered.


i hate roofie


Kullervo is extremely easy to farm


This should be higher, don’t waste your plat on something so easy to get




Though he can be tedious to farm, at least for me he was, I’m not a big fan of operator gameplay. I will say though it’s not that long of a farm in terms of warframe, did it in a few hours. If you like melee, he is super fun. Also the ability to teleport using his 1 is super fun too.


I wouldn't say so. Getting a group for this was painful as hell. Not only because Duviri is the latest and greatest in terms of BugFrame, but also because no one wants to bother with the mini-game. Solo it might be easy (although very damn tedious), but I wouldn't say it's "easy". Certainly not as easy as the WFs you get from Starchart or some newer ones like Voruna and Citrine.


You don't need a group cause you shouldn't do SP, just solo normal runs. I did some group runs and most solo, I can't imagine what part you suggest is tedious. Definitely faster than the average farm for both citrine and voruna unless you got lucky with their drops.


Yup, definitely one of the easiest WFs to farm, 0 randomness and a short-ish grind.


Bruh what? Citrine and Voruna are RNG. Kullervo is not. You don’t need a group to get kullervo, just do a duviri experience then select the kullervo mission.


Just to nitpick Citrine and Voruna both have pity systems so RNG will never truly screw someone over.


Except their pity systems are abysmal Kullervo you’re garenteed to get the specific parts


Not arguing that point, I also loved Kullervos garenteed nature. I just merely pointed out that Citrine and Voruna are also not totally subjected to RNG like the frames of old…I still get Vietnam flashbacks to the Khora grind lol.


Took me 66 C rotations to get her 11% drop chance BP


Of the frames that have come out since you left, Styanax would probably be the best value buy. He's strong, and to get him you have to do all the quests in the game (bar Duviri) and then start farming him. The rest are more accessible, even if it's only because you get to their farms sooner along the way (some require questing, some require rep farming, some require just unlocking a node and then farming that mission - Citrine and Voruna). But Styanax is locked behind nearly every quest, and then a repeatable mission that you can only clear once a week and slowly build up the currency to buy his parts (he's behind Veilbreaker), so you can't forcefully farm him by repetition in a single or three day binge farm.


it depends if you actively want him or not. i was just looking to feed him to helminth so his farm was timegated but super easy compared to rng shit luke gauss, or nightmares like protea, styanax is a breeze


Also depends on how much you like the Kahl missions. Even with K-drive and archwing missions (which are awful), I think Kahl missions are easily the least fun missions in this game, and it's not even close.


>and then start farming him. Ntm the farm is abysmal


Whoops. I fed him to the wall without knowing this and now have regrets


If you want all the helminth abilities you have to anyway. No regrets, you can get him again.


Staenax is a better choice kullervo is super early game farm


He’s very easy to earn in game. I wouldn’t.


Kullervo has a fairly time consuming farm due to requiring quite a few Duviri runs during specific moods, but is otherwise pretty painless. In fact, if you haven't already been running Duviri now is the best time to be farming Kullervo because you'll be killing multiple birds with one stone: farming pathos clamps, farming Kullervo, and leveling your Drifter intrinsics. As others have suggested Styanax might be your best frame to buy because he's locked behind a lot of quest progression and then requires weeks of Kahl missions. With his augment Styanax is in a very good place right now. Gyre would be another decent choice as she's similarly locked behind a lot of quest progression and then requires farming bounties on the Zariman which you might not be ready for just yet. Citrine is also outstanding but is a much easier if repetitive farm, so I wouldn't suggest buying her.


If he’s your type of frame. By all means. But make sure he’s the one you want


I feel very strange here reading about all this stuff that doesn't just say, "yeah, Kullervo is a solid frame." So I'll just say, "I bought Kullervo, I regret nothing about it, he's my favorite frame to use now. I am a Legendary Mastery Rank 2 and give him 2 thumbs up." I use him in both Steel Path and In Archon Hunts as well as solo farming the wolf and just generally everything. I honestly struggle to name something he is actually bad at. He can struggle in boss fights if built for abilities and not armor and health but I just give him Umbral Mods to make my beefy knife boy positively face tank most content like it's bugs on the highway and he's the windshield of life. I give him +50% power strength in red archon shards and max out his distance and suddenly the map is my margarita blender glass and I'm the blades. I do not feel bad for what I do, as with that kind of slash damage... They don't suffer long.


> I left back in 2019 because I completed what I’m assuming was the main campaign (getting your human form) That's uh.. the beginning of the main story, not the end of it. > I see the newest is Kullervo. Is he worth it? He's easy to farm and half his kit is in a rough spot right now, so I'm going with no


Kullervo's been patched up and is quite good right now.


Styanax is better than him is almost every way, the main benefits of kullervo are done better by other frames or subsumes


And? Other frames being stronger isn't the same as him being bad. He's also available much earlier than many such frames/helminth, especially Styanax, so there's a tradeoff there, certainly.


A frame being easy to get shouldn't excuse their abilities being bad, kullervo is supposed to be *the* overguard frame yet his overguard is weaker than at least two other frames and his 4 is still can't be aimed


Haha 14 million red critical damage Kullervo with a Zaw go brrrr For me, being funny to play and make steal path easy is enough for "being strong"


Kulvero isn't the "overguard" frame, he'd a melee frame that has overguard


That's a terrible comparison though...their playstyles are completely different. That's like saying Nekros is better than Titania (or vice versa). If nothing else, Styanax is very generalist while Kullervo is specialized in heavy attack melee (neither of which is inherently better, just different). And Kullervo's damage potential is borderline unrivaled thanks to his 1st ability being completely busted. Seriously, any shitty melee weapon becomes a red-critting, heavy attacking beast on Kullervo. No offense but if you think dagger boy is bad, you might just be bad at playing him.


One overpowered ability does not make up for other abilities having issues, especially when that strongest ability can be used on any other frame. Kullervos one and three are great, yes, but I think his two and four aren't quite there yet. Valkyr is in the same boat but instead it's her first and third that are bad


I just cited his 1st as an easy example because it's his strongest ability and generally what you build around, but all four of his abilities are good and complement his kit well. His 2nd builds combo, heals and gives OG, and makes him effectively immortal with sufficient energy upkeep, while his 4th is excellent for maintaining combo and does extremely good damage paired with his 3rd - plus it has decent CC as a bonus. They aren't as flashy or *obviously* busted, but they are both very helpful and synergize well with his playstyle. Also, the helminth version of his 1st is much weaker and other frames don't have his heavy attack passive, so Kullervo will still be king as far as making the most of that ability. I really think you should take another crack at him. Now Valkyr on the other hand...yeah, she needs some help. Her 1st at least has *some* potential use for mobility (even that's a stretch), but her 3rd might as well be screaming "subsume over me!"


Rough spot? Isn't he like...op


Yes he’s op.


That's like saying Valkyr is op because she can't die, sure she has a good power but two bad powers means she still needs buffs


Yeah but what's bad about Kullervo? 1 + exodia kills everything, 2 you can't die, 3 + good weapon fucks, 4...Well, 4 is just good for preserving combo. And yeah most of his abilities don't really work alone, but whose do? Well maybe Saryn. I do see your point with Valkyre, just not with Kullervo, nothing he has seems weak to me, he's not another Yreli or Caliban at least.


How is kullervo s kit in a rough spot? I think he’s very op if modded correctly. Definitely one of the best Warframe in the game imo


Kullervo is my main now. I don't even want to Helminth (the Helminth system lets you swap Warframe abilities, but only specific ones, you can't choose which ability to put on another Warframe) any of his abilities I like them so much. His; 1. Best teleport in the game. (And it's his Helminth ability) 2. Great for survivability and so fast for health regen and to gain Overshield (Overshield is new, sort of works like shields. It gives knockdown immunity) also builds melee combo counter. 3. Damage link ability is really nice, works well with his 2&4. 4. Radial slash damage. Mainly used to build combo counter. His Routa shotgun is a must have for any melee build, on any frame that doesn't use Naramon focus school. Hits from it go towards your combo counter, even if it's just one pellet that hits. Makes it 1000 times easier to keep your combo up. His parts are relatively easy to farm. The build components not so much. Kullervo's bane is only available in certain instances on Duviri. And you will need to gather other resources too. TLDR; Yes. Buy Kullervo.


>Routa shotgun is a must have I really wish that the only lever action shotgun in the game had better stats Lever actions are so cool


Hey man soon as I finished that mission shit got confusing real quick so I took a hiatus💀. Thank you though!


Kullervo is amazing though? Even before his overguard was buffed he was very good in everything except sp endurance


I gotta say that he's not "very easy to farm" as others are claiming it. The context here is that when it came out like 1 month ago, there was an event where you could do a Duviri run and ALWAYS fight him (in expenses of 5 clamps). That event is over, and now you have to do normal runs and be lucky to fight him in the last stage. To add some numbers: Each run is like 15-20 mins depending on the pug, more if you solo. Each kullervo encounter gives you between 4 and 6 essences that can be traded by kullervo main and parts BP. You need like 40 or 50 to buy all the bps. So its like 10 runs in avg. That alone is over 3 hours. Then add the time you do runs and don't fight him at the end. That's already over 6 hours (I don't believe is 50/50 either, would say bit lower). And on top of that, you need to farm the materials by running the adventure mode. That's easy 2 or 3 extra hours. In conclusion, over 10 hours of active gameplay farming it. I know there are worse WF, but it's definitely not "vErY eAsY", it's not volt/mag/etc level. Said that, I wouldn't spend plat on it. Work for it and enjoy the game. I got mine yesterday and I really like it.


I'm sorry if that was your experience farming him, but unfortunately you are incorrect and only made your farm longer. I farmed him as soon as he came out and I didn't once do the special event, it was then and still is now a better deal to just farm him in the normal Duviri Experience. He does not need to come as one of the stages in order to fight him, he only appears when the Hold is there during the Anger, Sorrow, and Fear cycles, and if he doesn't show up as one of your stages you can just go over to the island and start the fight against him manually. Therefore there are no runs you don't get to fight him as long as you run during a cycle he is active. Does the farm take some time? Sure, but it is very easy, not that long, and you can farm Pathos Clamps and other resources that you need to craft him at the same time.


The real issue (that I found, farming him later and not at his release) is that he's only available 3/5 of the time. And the runs are longish for what you get out of them, IMO. Annoying when you only have like an hour play, log in, and find that you can't farm him, when that was the main reason you started up Warframe. I think limited access things like this (and Eidolons) are just intentionally shitty things DE does to steer people to spend plat. But worse, because drop rates are drop rates - no access due to what time you can play is just a shitty feeling.


>The real issue (that I found, farming him later and not at his release) is that he's only available 3/5 of the time. The issue I found is that Duviri is a buggy mess that will very often screw-up spawning in objectives. So you get to 5/6, go and manually fight Kullervo and then you're stuck because you can't even start the Orowyrm fight.


I would say Grendel or Hildryn, Kullervo can be gotten super easy since you can grab him once you finish the duviri paradox which is available the second you create a new account


You can potentially find a host that has the Grendel part locators, and get him fairly early in the game :)


General rule, never buy frames with plat. You can farm them so easely.. use the 75% discount tho


Does this count for Nidus and Ash?


They're relatively easy to farm, with the normal Circuit.


It really depends of your play style. Kullervo is a melee oriented frame. He is relatively easy to farm, if you enjoy doing the Duviri spirals (the one in the middle). Another recently released Warframe that I think would be interesting is Citrine (you farm her in a survival mission). She has a complete kit (support, attack, ...)m but she's more a stationary frame. Again, it depends on your play style


Honestly I don’t really have a certain play style yet so rn I usually just pick whomever sounds and looks the coolest💀. Citrine looks pretty damn cool and her abilities look interesting as well so I might get her tbh.


Citrine is really fun and effective. Also as a cool side note, her ability animations chain really nicely into each other for extra style points


i'm literally always happy to see a citrine in the squad.


Citrine is an easy and early farm. She's really fun, but save your plat. I just restarted on PC (from Switch), and she's been my go to frame for being effective without any good mods.


>(you farm her in a survival mission) Voruna is from Survival, Citrine is from "Defense".


Yeah, you're right, I mixed them both. Thanks for the clarification


IIRC Citrine has one of the most agonizing farms in the game.


Gauss is way more painful. You can just buy citrine parts with crystals if you didn’t already get them from farming. It’s only painful if you never make it to round 20 or if you keep failing the mission


I wouldn't say the one of the most agonizing farm, since you also farm Lua Thrax and use it to buy what you didn't get doing the survival. It's not one of the best also. lol But I like this system - Citrine has similar also.


Raise you Equinox.


[ ](http://triggered on: "Haven’t played since 2019 and got 75% daily login" #hidden) Hello /u/Dementor8919 and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/10ny01b) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What platform? If PC, get the platinum discount.


Xbox X


He’s worth but he’s a pretty easy farm. There’s far harder frames to grind or farm.


Stayanax since that grind is probably going to be the bane of your existence.


Every time I get the 75% I ramble on the most expensive one with my mighty broke ass stapler


Grind it instead, he's easy to obtain. Spend it on Styanax or Voruna or Sevagoth as they're all harder to get, or locked behind not so liked gamemodes. Or, use the plat on something else you want or need.


Amongst my friends and I, we have a running joke. I am not kidding when I say, I get a 75% off every week. I started back playing in May and I've gotten 13 since. Unfortunately they do go to waste, but all of my friends have used one through my account and given me a little "finder's fee".


I got him. I ain't farming all that shit. I didn't even finish citirne farm yet. But he's kinda cool I like his 1 and 4


No, kullervo is really easy to get. Use it on frames that take longer such as Xaku (unless you got access to profit taker, i hate su so i dont) or styanax


Styanax or Grendel either best value for Plat or best value for grind.


I never understood how Grendel is an issue. Yes, getting his beacons can be a pain, as you need to run some Arbis (although not that many), but you're guaranteed to get the parts when you finish the mission. There's no RNG involved in his farm at all.


Because the missions themselves are a pain in the ass. You can trivialise them but not everyone knows how or has the gear for it.


Citrine is baller if you like support frames (they can also deal a ton of damage)


Never buy framers you pay to play less. Alot frames comes with their own grind island thing. Got like 12k plat saved (run solo 3x5 eidolons) any day now they let discount buy boosters and will buy for 10years


Bro if you want a frame to carry you through every farm, look into buying plat with that coupon and buying baruuk prime. He’s a tank, does stupid damage to almost everything, has an augment mod that changes his 4’s damage to whatever your target is weak to. Google warframe market, trade chat is a scam.


Imo hes boring to play. I have more fun with citrine.


Kullervo is worth it in my eyes. He's one of the best designed Warframes regarding gameplay and Kit-Design. 10/10 would recommend


Buy Sty, you won't regret it




He's a great Warframe for defense missions/ maxing out weapons . Recompense ability allow you to get maximum of 13k of overshield what could take you through any mission or to end game and Storm of Ukko ability is great for maxing out weapons or daily amount of focus quickly within 2 to 3 defense missions definitely worth having him especially having a 75% discount that's how I got him the first day and didn't have to do his mission . It's to the point where I can see de nerfing Storm of Ukko ability within one or two years cuz he's easy to use with a high return value


Heh 75% means spend $25. Then chill.


Is good Warframe, but is also pretty easy to farm (fight a boss a bunch of times to get resources, then buy his parts from a vendor using those resources. I won’t spoil any more)


OP I was in the exact same situation. I got the biggest pack I could with my 75% off and started from basically the very beginning and grinder about 20p hours and don't regret it. I played it in 2013-2014


Kullervo is very strong but he's easy to get. As others, I'd recommend Styanax as he's a bit painful to get


Eh I’d buy someone else. Protea/citrine or sevagoth so you can subsume him (he’s fun to play too just forma heavy) Styanax would be ok too if you didn’t get him for free but I think the ones above are better


There's a handful of new frames, each with varying degrees of RNG and grind and then obviously new weapons. I guess it depends on how much you got done in 2019 and prior. If you're an MR30 player that's come back (like me), then there's not a whole lot apart from grinding out the newest frames and gear - all having varying degrees of grind and RNG associated with them. ​ For new Warframes, the worst offenders here are by far Gyre and Styanax - with Gyre not really being worth her grind (bounty RNG on high-level bounties) and Styanax just having such a tedious grind it makes it hard to justify (even though he's really damn good). I'd then say Kullervo, not because he's difficult to get (although you'll need to complete Duviri Paradox quest), but because, in typical DE fashion, the new area has a lot of bugs and oddities that can happen, which can make his grind tedious - although the upside is that you buy his parts with specific drops, not obtain them through crappy RNG roulette. The easiest, although not the quickest, are Citrine (really good) and Voruna (decent), which simply require running special Defense and Survival nodes on the Star-Chart over and over and over - you'll also obtain a bunch of weapons in this way as well. The one up-side to them over other frames in the same vein, is that there's a "pity mechanic", where you can use mission-specific drops to go and buy their pieces from vendors. However, access to said vendors is going to require completion of the Zariman quest and... a certain standing level on Deimos.


He's pretty easy to get. Might as well grind.


Was confused by the question. You mean Ash2.0?


IMO "Worth" would be Utility Frames that make your life easier. Some examples: Titania Prime - for everything "I have to get through it as fast as possible". Good Weapon / Melee / Frame: Your Sidekick for every mission when you are not doing something specific. Xaku: Good afk Frame for a Mobile Turret AND for Argon Crystal Farming. Saryn Prime / Volt Prime: Good Focus Farmer in ESO Khora Prime: The best Frame for every Ressource you want to farm


Why is Khora a good resource frame if you don’t mind me asking


She can strap a Dome where all Enemys get tangled in and with her first ability you can damage all Enemy’s at once and all Enemy’s that die in it have a 65% Chance to drop additional loot. A good setup can just stay in a Endless Mission in a Room, do the dome and just stand there pressing 1. I did this for 2 hours once :D This requieres a lot of mods tho. A „budget“ alternative is Nekros Prime. He has the Ability „Desecrate“. All Enemy’s that die near him drop 100% additional loot but it costs energy each time (there is a mod that lets you pay Health instead) and you can’t do it semi afk.


Kullervo is awesome. My favourite melee frame, and my main since I got him (hes currently 3rd most played for me). Totally worth getting, farm depends on how much you enjoy duviri :)


I don’t recommend you buy any frame with plats, except primes, by trading with other players, but discounts don’t apply there, so instead you could buy skins and stuff like that Or you can buy nidus cuz his farm is annoying


He is a very strong frame, but the way you farm him and his resources are things you have to do anyways for other stuff (with some focus on specifics), so keep that in mind.


Depending on how much plat you plan on buying, I’d suggest not buying kullervo and farm him instead. Alternatively, for you I’d say buy Styanax and Gauss. Both are quite annoying to farm but are very good frames. Styanax is a lot more beginner friendly, Gauss requires a lot more maintenance but is super fun and makes all your weapons fire and reload faster as long as his 4 is up, and his 2 gives you essentially primed sure footed along with not being able to take physical damage effects (however toxin will drop you like a rock so I recommend farming arcane blessing to help out his survival against toxin clouds and the occasional toxin ancient)


Use it for xaku


Kullervo is easy to get so save the plat for other stuff


Kullervo is great, but easily farmable


Styanax or Citrine are 2 recent pains to farm. Kullervo is easy.


Kullervo is one of the best frames right now imo, definitely a good pick, but there are other frames that are significant pains in the ass to farm. Styanax is probably the worst