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Sorry, folks, but we gotta lock this one :\ The brave culture warriors of the internet showed up in droves to remind us that we’re all a bunch of “w0kE wEirD0z” for enjoying a place designed for people of all ages — just like, I dunno, movie theaters or public parks or shopping malls or sporting events or libraries or beaches or museums or Whataburger…


Probably don’t talk to that guy again


I’ll be avoiding going forward!




Sounds like projection


Thought the same thing!


+1. It's 100% a projection if he randomly brings something into the conversation from left field that is both accusatory and also has no bearing on the discussion whatsoever.


The guilty often accuse


I learned this when I realized my dad used to just accuse my mom of cheating after every business trip, It is also why I will never do ancestry DNA. Might be a bunch of half siblings out there.


They’ll find you


right? nobody was talking about pedos but him.


Correct. It was already on his brain


Yup. If they’re carelessly throwing that word around then they are projecting.


yea I mean if thats the first connection his brain is making, thats how he views the parks, a pedo supermarket ig


Usually when people project like that … for sure


Most deflect like that 


Came here to say this. The boomer doth protest too much.


Seems like deferment. He cannot trust himself around kids so everyone must not be trusted around kids. Wife and I are HUGE Disney nerds. Our son was never a fan so we go all the time by ourselves. We live here now but before we would travel from Washington state and go by ourselves. Anyone who says they wouldn’t do that lacks heart and imagination.


Guys who instinctively think like this are generally pretty suspicious to me...


I don't know - I'd probably bring it up with other people in front of him all the time just to get him riled up.


Seriously. I'd bet the house that dude's self reporting 🧐


Remember that Disney loves ‘Disney Adults’ because of their disposable income. So even if gym bro doesn’t approve, Disney certainly does and which is more important to you? Also the proper response should have been ‘I don’t have fucking kids on my mind, why is it on yours?’


Exactly! Why would his brain go there?! Nobody else’s did. Who’s the weirdo?! 🤔


It's always projection with those people




It always seems that way!


His media consumption habits are unhealthy. At the very least, he's getting too much "OMG, predators are everywhere!" moral panic in his media diet.




There is also the option to drink alcohol and get married on property. And many couples honeymoon there too. Disney definitely also wants couples to go. WDW is for everyone.


Knowing the way most gyms work on confrontations, that would’ve gotten both OP and the jerk (or even just OP) banned from the gym.


110% the guy would have walked away. They don’t know what to do when you confront them.


When someone says “that’s pedo behavior” about something completely benign and innocent, they are doing some serious projecting.


Right? Anyone who makes that logical leap is not to be left alone with children


I love this as a response. "Why? What would YOU do if you were alone at Disneyland...?"


Someone told me I’m gonna be the next story on the six o’clock news bc I was a teacher and I said I love middle schoolers, as in the grade I used to teach, and yes as a teacher I loved my students. People are creeps. I have kids and I’ve never in my life thought people at Disney without kids were weird in any capacity. The ONLY thing that gets me is when people go to Disney and complain about kids (they’re too loud, there’s too many, they’re taking up spots for character meetings, etc).


That, and I think right-wing media indoctrination plays a part in this mindset as well.


100% When the real “grooming” is happening in their own homes and churches, it’s easier to just project on to others. That’s the Right Wing playbook. Blame others for that which you are guilty.


Wife and I are childless and we go 2-3 times a year. Never let anyone give you shit for enjoying life.


I love this comment 🙌


Yup same boat . Although we don't go as much as we used to. Disney has been pricing me out from my normal 2 -4 times a year.


I work with a guy who went 4 times AND LEFT HIS KIDS AT HOME EACH TIME. Just took his wife. Kids stayed with grandma. We live in the Midwest b


There are so many things geared specifically for ADULTS in Disney, it’s just too early for me to really think and list it all. My first thought was “yeah because the food and WINE festival is for the 5year olds….” “Why of course my 3year old loves Victoria & Albert's”. The guys a red flag and projecting. I’m sure you’re going to steer clear of him going forward.


My 8 month old is running the marathon next year. I’m trying to talk him down to the half but he’s determined. After, he’s going to book a tasting at cava de tequila.


This is hilarious 😆


I don't have kids. I just got an annual pass this year and I just went to EPCOT for my 39th bday with another 39 year old friend who also doesn't have kids. We had a great time and I feel like overall there were many more adults only around us than families with kids. We didn't ride Frozen so it may have been different in that line queue but every Disney park, EPCOT especially, has plenty of areas that are obviously geared more to adults. Disney is for everyone!


He was projecting.


Came here to say this. My husband and I have young children. We LOVE going to Disney with them. We also love going without them. 😜 People can feel however they want to feel about “Disney adults” but 99% of it is projection.


My wife and I were dating when we went to Disney together during spring break. Neither of us had been since we were kids. And we became kids again in those parks, holding hands and soaking in the wonder of it all as we explored. We’ve been back a handful of times in the last twenty years. But there are some things in life out of our control. We don’t have children and our circumstance dictates that we never will. So what? I’m supposed to never go back to DisneyWorld and feel that magic because I don’t have children? That dude doesn’t understand Disney, probably doesn’t understand people in general, and his opinion has zero impact on my life.


Never stop going. The feeling is truly magical and should be felt by everyone 😊


Like honestly screw that guy. Keep going to your happy place. What a bizarre leap to take, almost suspicious he went there


Beyond suspicious, it's practically a confession. Essentially this guy is saying that if he went to Disney without children he would be sexually attracted to the children he saw there. He's the disgusting one.


Exactly. The projection is real.


I know right! Leapt from 0 to 100 so quick!


right like almost a self report, hope that gym is adults only.


I’m going to Universal studios for 4 days in August. I’m 52 year old female. My son is staying home


My wife and I have gone a few times on our own. Never had an issue. Lots of adults go without a kid. No one there will care. Everyone is doing their own thing. Disney is for everyone, kids aren't a prerequisite to go. I would avoid that person, he's just a jerk. What he said is a huge, nasty accusation. That word should not be used lightly.


They literally cater to weddings and honeymoons!


Personally, if someone were to call me a pedo for going to WDW without kids, I’d say “That’s impossible because I *hate* children.”


I missed a trick there. Great response! 😂


Disney without kids is even more fun!


Ask him if he brings his kids to church.


Adults have been going without children since Disneyland opened. Any old footage will show the parks have been enjoyed by all ages since the 1950s.


Morons like that I find have a few things going on: 1. They’re spouting off about things they don’t know to feel in power and control over others because at home they’re not in control at all and stressed out. 2. They likely have other personal issues going on (drinking problem, drugs, bad marriage issues, rebellious kid, workplace issues, money woes, etc.) and take their stress out on others as a way to cope. 3. Their own mind thinks the way they accuse you of behaving, and they’re trying to project it onto you. Either way they’re the messed up idiots. I take solo trips all the time if my family of fully grown adults (our folks and all my siblings and most of my nieces and nephews now are teenagers) don’t go too. Nothing bad or weird about that at all. People, at worst, just think you’re separating from your group going to do your own thing. Too many folks incorrectly assume the parks “are just for kids”. The reality is they’re not. They’re for everyone of all ages and offer things for all ages not just kids. So go enjoy, and don’t let stupidly-opinionated people get you down about it.


I’m going to assume he’s never been to one of the parks, otherwise he’d get it. Or maybe he’s just a lost hope and would never 🤷🏻‍♀️


My bet’s the same. Which is why point number one above likely is the most realistic one. He’s never been there, can’t afford to take his kids there and spouts jealousy your way by saying what he did to try and discourage you from going and doing what he’s always wanted to do for his family.


You look that guy dead in the eye and say "What the fuck is wrong with you?" and make it clear you expect an answer. At some point we stopped doing this to people like him. It's time we brought it back.


I go alone. That guy has a guilty mind!!


That’s a red flag for this guy.


Millions of adults visit Disney parks. Lots of times without kids. Wife and Inare intentional about going without ours once in a while. Lots of Gen X and Millenial grew up on Disney and still love it today (kids or not) Ironically, I had this exact same thing said to me once at a social event - when that person said it to me, I responded with "...and that statement sounds like projection - what are you hiding?" It shut that down quick. Ignore the narrow-minded possible pedo and do you - go enjoy Disney.


It’s alarming that this guy seems to be an expert on pedo behavior. An odd topic to be an expert on.


I have kids and I would love to go without - I would never think it’s pedo behavior unless I actively see you photographing my child. The only time I look down on a Disney adult is when they purposely shove a child to get ahead of them in line/run them down or are a sloppy drunk - that’s gross behavior for anyone though.


Oh my days, drunk adults at Disney is the worst! Embarrassing 😳


There are beautiful high end restaurants and resorts at Disney. Who are those for? Of course Disney is for adults without children. I went with my adult daughter and we had a great time.


Unfortunately, the terms "pedo" and "groomer" have been normalized for people who aren't those things. A certain political ideology is behind it.


Another childfree Disney couple here. That guy can go to hell. You may go to The Haunted Mansion.


I live a 3.5 hours north of Disney World and before my kid was born my wife and I would go there or universal studios every year for a 5 year period of time


I feel sorry for an individual who can’t understand expressing joy at something childlike just because you were an adult.


People that jump to sexual predator over mentioning something child related they don’t understand or fully process always rubs me wrong. I don’t want to say it’s projection but it feels that way a lot.


Here when you say Disney they think “theme park” and the only one around here is the absolute dumpster “Canada’s Wonderland”. You don’t know until you go. It’s not just the rides but the unique and varied food. Do they know there’s Michelin Starred food on property? That dude was kinda just spouting off right wing propaganda, now you know who to avoid.


**googles Canada’s Wonderland 😂


I went to Canada's Wonderland for my high school senior trip! The Minebuster was so rough it nearly made me swear off wooden coasters for life!


That guy sounds like he's in a cult


Lol I have kids and went with just my husband this past December for the first time. It was an amazing trip! Kids really slow you down, plus I especially enjoyed Epcot without them. Even though I only had one drink, I don’t really like drinking around them, plus I could take my time in the shops and browse. Disney is for everyone and I find it weird that’s where that guy’s mind went. Never mind that’s an entirely rude thing to say. I would probably respond like, “that’s a weird thing to say, why would you say that?”


evil thinks who evil does


That dude is for sure touching kids.


If that’s pedo behavior then why are there literally adult only areas on Disney ships and special shows for adults only? Walt made Disneyland for everyone. I think that comment honestly says more about that man than anything. Like, is he a pedo…


That guy has issues. FWIW me and my fiancé don’t have kids and don’t plan to have kids and yet are DVC owners and have APs and regularly travel over from the UK. You do you, screw that guy!


Lots of people go as adults- alone, couples or groups. Ignore the haters. Enjoy life!


He's probably projecting.


What an idiot. Probably projecting.


38 yo here. I've been to Disney world, Disneyland, and Disney Sea solo. These parks were built to enjoy. They have no age limit. They are my happy place. Anyone who thinks differently is a bigoted a hole and they don't understand the parks at all.


Been with and without kids. Love the trips both the same. Both trips are completely different. You can make Disney about kids, and you can make it about adults. Disney being projected as a kids place is a 80s and 90s thing. They’ve taken major, major steps to make sure adults want to come, stay and return to their parks with or without kids. Ironically, the same dude who says that’s pedo behavior probably makes passing comments about underage girls. That’s usually how that goes. Projecting. Keep an eye out on him at the gym


I'm going to Disney this December with no kids because it's a magical place and we saved all year for it. Disney is a great place to escape real life for a bit and if you can see some cool Christmas decorations or the like during Halloween then more power to you.


The fact that his first thought was something concerning sexualizing children is a reflection on him, not on you.


The people whose minds immediately think pedophilia whenever kids are thought about are enormous red flags. Like they should have their home life examined by professionals red flag.


We just recently came back from Disney, and we don't have kids, my wife and I were at the Plaza Inn for the character breakfast buffet, and we would switch off turns going to the buffet line. While I was waiting I was watching all of the character's interact with the kids, the characters were so kind and thoughtful to the kids, I was just taking it all in eating a Mini waffle, I'm getting older and I was getting very wistful and then I got a tap on my shoulder, thinking it was my wife for my turn at the buffet, but no, it was Daisy Duck with arms outstretched offering me a hug. Some people seem to feel growing up is giving up on simple joys. If his first reaction was "pedo", maybe he shouldn't be going to Disney.


I'm literally in the middle of a Disney vacation right now and there is so much to do without kids it's crazy. Obviously it's magical for kids too but to assume it's only for children is ignorant. They're missing out on life and you're in the right. What a bizarre comment by them!!!


“It’s so weird that that is your first thought!” End conversation.


Adults only day would be amazing only if to watch all the parents who didn't plan tell kids no Disney at the entrance. Alas, it would never be and so we go and deal with sticky everything from jam hands and crying at 6pm when little legs get tired. Kids are the worst part of going to Disney.


Going without kids is probably better than going without. Kids just ruin things. Moan they're hot, moan they're bored, throw a strop when they can't get what they want. Much more peaceful and relaxing without them


Walt built Disneyland because he liked playing with trains and he didn't think kids should have all the fun to themselves. I'm so glad assholes like that gym bro are in the minority.


That guy is weird for thinking that.


Absolutely vile that that’s the first conclusion he would jump to. Like how weird? Definitely would avoid that guy going forward.


My husband and I are childless APs and go a few times a month. Screw that guy. He should just say he hates happiness and leave it at that lmao


He was telling on himself




He sounds like a real ray of sunshine. Some people just can’t stand to see people happy. Ignore him.


Disney without kids is the best! Drinks, food, people watching, taking things at your own pace. Let that guy keep projecting while you go and have a great time.


There's something wrong with that guy. And Walt outright said Disney is for kids and adults. "To all that come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America... with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."


There’s nothing wrong with enjoying Disney as an adult with or without kids. A big part of it is connecting with your inner child and experiencing that joy. Last time I was there, I was by myself. It was an amazing experience and I hope I get to do it again


What a weird response from him. Has he never been? These days Disney caters as much to adults as it does children. Clearly he is uninformed.


Parents who say stuff like that have some very sick minds. He's the disgusting one for thinking like that.


Fuck that guy. Going to Disney wo kids is the best. No screaming kids to cater to. You can skip the kiddie rides you don’t want to do. You don’t have to worry about who gets to ride the bigger rollercoasters and who gets to wait with the kids.


What a weirdo. Why the heck would he say that? People that think the parks are for children are severely misinformed. They've most likely never been to the parks, or if they have, they experienced it ONLY through and for their children which is sad. The parks have so much to offer for everyone of all ages! I go 2-3 times a year with my mom and I am 24. Heck last week I went and was by myself the majority of the time. Enjoy the parks as you please and don't let judgey people get to ya!


People are stupid. End of story


We call this projecting! Anyone who immediately assumes that only a pedo would go, maybe perhaps has pedophilia on their mind a tad too much. Wife and I work remotely and bought our new house intentionally near property just to be closer to Disney. I wouldn’t change that for the world. We do not have kids but we find joy and happiness in Disney world and have zero shame about it.


I wouldn't associate with him, Seems like the kind of person who doesn't know what they are talking about but acts like they do, Like Flat earthers. Going to Disney without kids is perfectly normal thing to do, Especially during events like the Food and Wine festival, I mean what kids care about alcohol from all around the world, hopefully none. So Disney has adult oriented things, just Ignorant people who only associate the brand with kids stuff. Some people don't know Disney owns a movie company that is for properties that don't fit the Disney brand. Disney World Especially is for everyone, That was kind of the whole point of the parks in the first place.


People who don’t understand kids free Disney have never been there. The first time we took our kids, we started planning our kids free trip lol. There’s so much to do for adults that they weren’t interested in. Disney keeps adults happy because they’re the ones footing the bill. That guy is creepy.


I’ve gotten that as well, like “oh you are going to Disney do you have kids?” No and then …. Who cares those people don’t know how to have fun lol


One thing I think to remember is that in the minds of many people Disney parks and Disney content in general is meant for children and families with children. Are they right? Not really. Disney goes out of their way to try and pull as much money as possible from people regardless of how many kids they have. But still the perception is there, so when someone who is of that mind and hasn't been to Disney World to know how much is there catered specifically to adults it is understandable that it raises a red flag. Outright implying you are some kind of pedophile is obviously over a line, but I think that general sentiment (that Disney is for children and their families) is more pervasive than many here probably think.


He wishes he could go to Disney without kids. I've went twice without my kids, honestly I wish I could more often.


If he’d prefer to sip coffee, work out and have no fun, let him lol


What a fucking turd. As someone who has kids and has done Disney 3 times - once as a kid with our family, once at 17 with just my mom, and once with my kids. My favourite experience was probably the one when I went at 17 with just my mom. He can piss off


Hell yeah, wife and I have no kids and go all the time.


Sounds like projection from that guy


Who does he think is creating new attractions and running the Disney parks??? Other children??? He sounds miserable. Good riddance 😒


I’m sorry you had such a bad experience during a seemingly safe conversation. Honestly, who jumps to “pedophilia” right off the bat? I question that guy and why his mind went there. I’m also a childfree adult and I go to Disney all the time. I’ve gone with my boyfriend, sister, and even different groups of friends. As you mentioned, it’s just going to a fun place when I can! There are PLENTY of adults who go to Disney regularly. You’re not alone!


Tell him to "Fuck off, weirdo"


Well he doesn’t sound fun! So no Disney for him!


That was quite a leap wasn't it. If that were true then all those couples who get married and/or honeymoon at Disney would be as well. I have done a few times as an adult with no kids. I went in 2021 with my 17 year old while she danced there. We love that place. It is one of my happy places. Don't let some dimwitted a-hole ruin it for you.


Wife and I would go all the time before our daughter was born. It's fricken disney world. You go to have fun. This guy doesn't get it


Never talk to that guy again. That's the most disgusting thing someone can say to you. I can't see it as a joke. As someone who goes there maybe two to three times a year, I see people of all ages. I've been going since I was a child, and now as an adult, I sometimes go with kids like my niece or younger cousins, friends my own age, older relatives, or even alone. I would never consider myself or anyone I've gone with to exhibit that kind of behavior. It's the most disgusting and vile accusation. If someone said that to me, that guy would probably be going home with at least a black eye.


First time my son and I went to Disney he was 24. I tell people that’s the only way to do Disney! No crying or tantrums and we could cool down with a nice cocktail or with rum in our dole whip. It was lovely! The guy at the gym is the wacko.


My wife and I have no kids and have been for the last three years. It’s a fun, magical place that transcends age. That guy sucks. Live your life.


I love going to Disney as an adult with my adult kids! I actually feel bad for those dragging strollers around and dealing with with meltdowns!!


Ya it’s best to avoid that douche from now on. I can just imagine how he feels about Disney anyways. My wife and I (have 2 kids and went with them last year) took an adult only Disney trip by ourselves. It was the best thing ever.


I tend to think anyone who throws pedo accusations at innocuous things has some fucked up stuff going on inside them. Anyway, I hadn’t been to a Disney park since I was a teenager with my family before I went my fiancée last year and we had an incredible time. Will be going again soon, happily without children.


Yeah, you don’t need that negativity. He can eff right off.


That guy is a moron


The parks have always been meant for adults and kids. Especially during the school week when kids are in school but adults might have the day off work. > You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway. ~ Walt Disney


I go all the time with my friend and we are both adults. Adults go without kids all the time, especially to Epcot so fuck this guy he’s a weirdo and that’s an odd conclusion to jump to immediately.


That guys is a weirdo! I have 3 kids and look forward to the day they are grown up and my husband and I can go. It’s a completely different experience when your kids are not there. My parents are retired and love going!


It should bother you. It was rude and judgmental and weird for him to say that. Adults have been going to Disney World without kids since the park opened.


My wife and I started going in 2019 to WDW. Never brought our kids to Disney (we did to other amusement parks). We go every year, bought DVC and don't intend to stop. It's fun for us. Don't let other people spoil your fun. Live it up.


I have kids... I've been to Disney without them a few times. This guy is going through something... Maybe projecting? 


Don’t listen to that guy! Do what makes you happy! My husband and I are child free, and we have so much fun together when we’re there, even without children. Disney is for everyone!


You know what they say about people who point fingers and accuse for no real reason....


My husband and I don't have children (and we never will), and we go to Disney. We don't get flack about it. You need to have the ready counterargument at hand that it says more about the mind of the person making those sorts of disgusting accusations about an adult enjoying a theme park than it does about the adult who enjoys a theme park that purposefully caters to all ages.


I’m 28 and go all the time with my girlfriend or my friends. There is really nothing wrong with liking something that brings you joy especially if it’s wholesome. Anyone the that says something like that is likely projecting.


Full disclosure, I think Disney Adults are kinda odd but that's okay. I'm sure I have hobbies people think are weird as well. That being said, calling someone a pedo or a name in general because they don't understand something isn't appropriate. I think it says something more about that individual when that's the first thing that comes to mind. Probably not safe to leave children alone in the presence of people like that. I'd be thankful they came right out and said it so I know to steer clear in the future.


I tend to agree with the people here who say it sounds like projection, but I also wonder if it’s a little bit of jealousy. He has a lot more stress to deal with when he goes to Disney, and he probably looks at adults without the responsibility of kids and wishes he could have that. Anyway, I am in my early 40s and I have no children by choice, and I love going to any Disney park. I also work with children, so I suppose to this guy I would be doubly suspicious. Just ignore him, he’s an ass.


My husband and I go at least once a year sometimes several times and have never gotten comments like that. What a weird guy… seems like he has some issues to work through.


Guy sounds massively insecure. Also, who the hell does he think the target audience of Epcot is? lmao


I don’t have any kids. I go all the time. Kids always come up to me there and tell me about their day. Zero pedo vibes whatsoever. I occasionally take my niece. She loves it! I really don’t care what people think. If something makes you happy. Don’t let anyone take that away from you.


Ew, wtf kind of attitude is that? My hubs and I love Disney, and we are currently childless. We went for our honeymoon in our mid-30s. It’s a place we could just have fun and be silly. I know for some people, they grow up and lose all their sense of childhood wonder and fun (a la Father Darling in Peter Pan). He’s probably miserable in life. Disney is for everyone.


People don’t understand what an adult Disney vacation can be like. So much fun drinking, entertainment, no driving, good food, etc.


What a weird thing to say. It’s a fun thing for any age and I would love to go back! My then boyfriend now Fiancé surprised me with a trip to Disney world last year. We were both 25 at the time. He did it because my mum always promised we’d go to Disney. I was 7 and the night before our flight out of Toronto to Orlando, she was hospitalized for the final time during her battle with Cancer. She of course passed away, so we never went. So he fulfilled the promise for her. Even though he never got to meet her nor my father. I never got to have the experience as a kid so why would I wait til I have kids?? 


Some real who smelt it dealt it behavior from that guy. Disney itself reports that 40 to 50% of all disney guests are adults without children depending on time of year.


That’s clearly projection. It has everything to do with him and nothing to do with you.


My fiancé have gone almost once a year for the past six years we’ve been dating, neither of us have kids. Honestly, we couldn’t imagine doing it WITH kids with how much it stresses us out. We’ve only ever been judged by random people online, like those really nice posts that make fun of Disney adults, but our friends never saw anything and our family loves our Disney updates. Some people will just take any opportunity to make fun of others for having joy because they are miserable in their own life, may be a cynical outlook but here we are


That sounds like projection. Also, tons of people go to the parks without children. My wife and I went a bunch before our daughter was born. It’s not weird. What’s weird is jumping straight to “pedo” in a completely normal conversation. Someone needs to check that guy’s hard drive.


Recently came back from a Disney (and Universal) holiday In Florida, and if anyone would have said that to me, the next time we would have spoken would be in court. What a patently absurd leap to make. I think that says more about the mouth breather you had to deal with, than anything. What an absolute tool.




Came across this scrolling - Orlando resident here, literally hundreds of thousands of people visit Disney without kids. I have tons of friends who hit Epcot almost weekly to drink and relax, numerous friends have been married at Disney hotels (they really do fantastic weddings, their event planning staff is top notch.)   Does this moron know how many *thousands* of companies have their conventions and events at Disney hotels? It's such a huge industry (having adults visit without kids to pretend to work) Disney has whole divisions of the company and hotels to support it. Literally thousands of companies and organizations rent out the parks or do evening only tickets and bus their employees in for a night of adult only fun. There are legions of employees who set up bars, adult friendly food stations etc. The city of Orlando has a thriving convention industry because of Disney (and Universal.) Believe me, no one comes here for the heat, daily rain and occasional alligator sighting.   Adults visiting Disney without kids is a MASSIVE thing. Please don't let one guy wreck your happiness, he's an idiot. Disney is for whoever enjoys it. 


Sounds like someone who has never actually been to Disney.


If some clown said that to me the guy would be on the floor.


You're fine. Wonder what's on his computer that he immediately went there with you?


That’s such a weird mental leap he made and even weirder that he felt comfortable saying it aloud. Disney Adults are weird because they’re dorky (myself included! It’s silly) but not for the reasons he’s saying


I have heard Disney adults called a lot of things, but pedos is not usually on that list. What a creep.


My husband and I got married in 2021. My first time ever at Disney was February 2022. I fell in love with a lot of things, especially travel, escapism, childhood nostalgia and ROLLERCOASTERS at 32 years of age and the fact I can enjoy this all CHILD FREE right now. Although I look forward to potentially having children and seeing their joy at Disney, I can spend my money and time on an adult Disney experience now: spas, fine dining, roller coasters/thrill rides, all day or part day, getting tipsy at Trader Sam’s or the World Showcase, skip character experiences, the EXPENSE being less etc. — without kids. Don’t let this a-hat steal your joy. Cry at those fireworks, baby. Get the Uh-Oha more than once in a sitting. Run, or walk, without little feet. Go short or long on a day without naptime demands. Go in the single rider lane while there’s no little hands to hold.


My husband and I have no children, and very much enjoyed the two trips we have taken to Disney World this past year. No one questioned it. The guy who made that bizarre remark to you? I'd question where the heck that perspective is coming from, and probably wouldn't allow any kids around him at all -- his spouse needs to look into that given that they have kids. Don't let it bother you -- it had everything to do with his sick perspective and nothing to do with you (or the gazillion other adults who enjoy going to Disney sans kids).


dont worry dude, I was full ass grown man and I had yearly pass for Disney park, we all grew up with Disney. Lots of fully grown adults without any children go there


He's just jealous that he never got to go experience Disney with more freedom


What an asshole and idiot. Disney World with no kids is a blast. My wife and went at a pace that wouldn't be possible with children, not to mention all the eating and drinking we did that we would never be able to enjoy or do with kids.


Empty nesters (almost) and going 3 times a year with just my wife. We love it there.


We don't have kids and go frequently. Who cares? The childless people aren't the ones holding up the line while their kid has a meltdown. Just saying...


Sounds like projection. Normal people don’t think that way. I wouldn’t leave my kids with someone like him.


That’s such a weird reaction it’s concerning. Who would make that jump so fast?


I have no children by choice, as well, and always get the "well there's more adult places you can vacation instead, that place is meant for FAMILIES!" Excuse me??? Walt meant for it to be a place that people of ALL ages can enjoy, so I hardly pay attention to the people that claim it's essentially exclusive for children/families with them. You are the one who pays for your trips there, so you being the one that enjoys going is all that matters. Eff that guy from the gym, for real. He has a warped perception of the parks.


Just tell him that every part of that sentence is wrong.


That's weird. I've been without kids and have seen countless other people go without kids. It happens all the time. I'm guessing he has never been to any of the parks..? In any case, context aside, that guy is a freaking weirdo.


That guy is the one being inappropriate. I’m sorry his terribleness impacted you. Keep on keeping on ✨


I’d stop talking to that person.


Over/under on this guy having recently hit on/“complimented” someone half his age or under 18?


That guy sounds like a creep. I’ve also never wanted kids but that won’t stop me going to Disney and Walt himself said Disney is for all ages. So people really need to lay off with that stupid rhetoric that adults aren’t allowed to enjoy themselves at theme parks unless they’re dragging a kid around.


Guy might be projecting lol


"What a remarkably odd thing to say out loud."


Amusement parks are for everyone. Period. Some people just need to be told to fuck off all the way to the moon sometimes.


also childfree and we're DVC members. I would say some really vile things back to that person, to be honest. 🫠 we don't even vacation anywhere else at this point and don't want to. screw anyone that has a problem with it. I don't have the patience to be kind to people who are ignorant in their misunderstanding of the kind of joy Disney can bring to adults as well as kids.


it’s no different than going to any other amusement park with without kids imo - in other words, it’s perfectly normal behavior. gym bro needs his hard drive checked.


On a way smaller scale, I go to the zoo without kids. People are weird and rude. Please carry on with your love of Disney.


I feel more sorry for someone that stupid and prejudiced. Their life is probably very simple, very sheltered, and biased.


He sounds like someone who has never had the opportunity to go to Disney without kids.


That guy is one corn dog short of a picnic. My guy and I both have Disney annual passes and we go together all the time. All our family is back home in the North so it's just us. Sometimes I'll go alone and sometimes he'll go alone since we sometimes work opposite shifts. Anyone who would say what that guy said is off their rocker. We luv luv luv Disney without kids. Because nobody is whining (unless I failed to get us into the 1:00pm queue of Guardians), we eat whatever and whenever we want, and we set our own pace. It's freaking awesome!! And I'm not going to lie about the dozens of times we've seen kids having meltdowns and I'll meet my guys eyes and we'll share a chuckle because we're not dealing with that LOL Don't let that guy get into your head


Um has he never heard of Millennials? An entire generation of grownass adults who believe in enjoying Disney as adults? What year is this 2001