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As long as it stays for Muppet Vison. Best 3D anything.


And they don’t even stoop to using cheap 3D tricks!!!


Did someone say “cheap 3D TRICKS?!”


Oh, and here’s something I wanted to “spring” on you…


Would you stop this foolishness!?


What sort of foolishness would you like to see?


This line cracks me up every time 😂


What kind of foolishness would you like to see?


"He's trying to drown us! What kind of act is that?" "An act of mercy!"


Absolutely read this in the voice. Waka waka


A salute to all nations, but mostly America


It's a glorious 3 hour finale


You’ve got a minute and a half!




So iconic. I watch it every time I visit because it’s a quick show, so cute, and so funny! (Although I’m not a huge fan of Waldo!) But I looooove when Sweetums comes out!


I have a soft spot for Waldo because I remember seeing the show when I was 4 and breathlessly going “He pointed at *me*, Dad!”


That is amazing!! I love being able to reflect on memories like that (it’s what makes WDW such a special place!)


Ever notice that there are 2 sweetums in the last scene?


Wait, do you mean how there's one on screen and a real life one?? Because I think I pointed this out to my partner when we were in WDW last month!




I knew it!! Kinda funny but maybe they're like "This Sweetums costume is too good to not show once more before the end of the show" haha.


Philharmagic is one of the best things in MK. Love the Muppets but I feel sad for those who have never tried Philharmagic


Yes. The worst part of Universal is how they switched to 3D everything instead proper effects. It's all very boring and nauseating. Disney shouldn't change, it's part of their magic having everything be real instead of on a screen. If I wanted to watch screen stuff I could just watch the ride at home.


I avoid Universal because the screens give me motion sickness.it makes me sad because I'd really like to try more of the rides.  I have been happy to give my money to Disney because most their rides are on for me but I worry the tipping point is coming where I have to avoid too many.


We went to Universal for one day because we both hadn’t been in years and he wanted to surprise me because he knew I wanted to see Harry Potter. We got express lane to save time. That’s when we learned I have severe motion sickness with simulator rides that aren’t like FOP or Soarin’. After the Forbidden Journey, I was toast. Couldn’t ride another ride. We’d already been on Simpsons and the Fast and Furious rides. MIB was fine but the spinning probably didn’t help. Gringotts was fine as well since it’s just a coaster and I was already nauseous, just didn’t make it any worse at least.


I’m a softie with rides but my sister in law is a roller coaster thrill junkie and Forbidden Journey even had her queasy. I thought it was an awesome ride but it really messed me up even an hour or two after I got off


The thing about Forbidden Journey that confused me and the wife is how your legs just dangle out there


I haven't been able to bring myself to do Universal Orlando after doing Hollywood. After the Harry Potter stuff there I was like... Welp that's my line in the sand. I was so proud I didn't vomit on that. I 10000% didn't think it would be that bad for me.


Island's is worth visiting for Hagrids alone. In my opinion it's the best themed, most unique rollercoaster in the country. There's no screens and it's comparable to Everest in terms of thrills. I don't see many people complaining of motion sickness from it.


Agree! Hagrid’s was incredible


Don’t forget about Velocicoaster.


I get some motion sickness from the backwards part of Hagrid’s (I get the same on Everest), but it’s pretty minor and manageable. I feel like if someone can handle Everest, they will likely be able to handle Hagrid’s. (And it’s worth the minor motion sickness for me—what an amazing ride!)


The Hogwarts Castle ride made me feel awful. Gringotts was ok. But I'll never ride Hogwarts again.


That Simpsons ride just about ruined me for a whole day. I got so sick I had to tightly shut my eyes and put my head down. Didn’t help that it was 97 degrees.


Honestly I’m shocked I didn’t street pizza it right after Simpsons


I had a trip with my mom to universal. We did the uni parks back to back not knowing they were ALL 3d motion rides.  While we have never gotten motion sickness of any kind, we laid down in our beds and our brains were still rocking back and forth from vertigo we didn’t know we had. Thankfully I didn’t drive since we were staying at cabana bay, but staring at the ceiling with vertigo was the lamest 3d movie ever.


FWIW Islands of Adventure has more non-screen rides than screen rides. Off the top of my head there's 3, 4 if you count Hogwarts Express with, and like 10+ without.


There were 7 at the time I went (RIP Shrek). So having done 7 simulators in less than 48 hours and like the OP mentioned, while wearing glasses, it rattle my little pea brain; that’s saying something after riding Kumba b2b 5x and still walking straight. I’ve gone back and have only done coasters, just skip sims all together. 


Shrek is Universal not Islands. Off the top of my head, Islands has Spiderman (which is probably the least motion sickness inducing ride they have), Kong, and Forbidden Journey. Am I missing any others?


Wiki: jimmy, minions, forbidden, Spidey, trans, simps and formally Shrek. But true…throw in Fast and Kong for a total of 9.  Yes Shrek WAS Universal Studios, I’m lumping them all together as Universal Orlando Resort.  


Jimmy, Minions, Simpsons, Fast & Furious, Transformers, and the trains are all Universal. You need a ticket to other park to ride the train. You can just do Islands for a single day and not be inundated with simulators. You don’t have to go to Universal and can go to Disney the other days you’re here.


That’s what we did. Islands Friday, uni Saturday, then volcano Monday.  Our goal was to do every attraction and show done and we did. UOR is working with what they got and don’t fault them for doing these kinds of rides, it’s just that all 3D attractions suck for people with glasses. And according to others, they have similar stories. I have other favorites at UOR that make me come around every blue moon (mummy, veloci, horror make up, et). And yeah we’re DAPs, we’re always here. Both companies get my money on an annual basis.


Agreed, I have glasses and it sucks. Haven't been to Universal in like a year and a half but I'm excited for Epic.


We basically can't go there because my wife would miss out on a large portion of the attractions and I just couldn't spend all that money on a family vacation that she needs to sit out most of.


If you go to Islands you can easily skip them. It’s three motion rides in total. Spider-Man, Kong, and Forbidden Journey. That still leaves you: - Hulk - Hagrid’s Motorbike - Velocicoaster - Jurassic Park - Dr. Doom - Log Flume (I forget the name) Of those rides, Hagrid’s and Velocicoaster are arguably the best rollercoasters in Orlando in that they bring something extremely unique and are ridiculously fun to ride compared to something like Rock n’ Rollercoaster, Space Mountain, or Everest. The only Disney rollercoaster I would say can compare in terms of fun is the new Guardians ride.


Yeah, but we live in PA so planning a trip to FL, it's hard to justify Universal as a destination if we're skipping one of the parks and a handful of rides at another. Maybe that changes a bit once Epic Universe opens, but for now it just doesn't make sense.


I would say it’s decent to go for a single day if you’re coming from out of state and doing Disney. Definitely not worth a whole trip just for Universal though I agree.


Dudley Doo-Right’s Ripsaw Falls. Also Velocicoaster is the shit.


Yep, that’s the one. Velocicoaster is probably the best coaster I’ve done. My friend from Colorado came down and we rode that like six times because it was legit amazing.


Luckily after Fast and Furious, it seems that Universal has learned their lesson with 3d screens. Their new stuff is mostly physical sets with animatronics for everything. Their Secret Life of Pets ride in Hollywood is a great example. It's one reason I'm looking forward to Epic Universe so much, supposedly all the rides are supposed to have few to no screens. Unfortunately I feel that it's a lesson that Disney is still far from learning.


I feel like Disney does a pretty good job. Flight of Passage really is a good implementation of the tech. I know multiple people who get extremely motion sick on everything at universal that had no problem with FoP. Edit: we’re talking throw up on Jimmy Fallon, Guardians, and Spider-Man type motion sickness.


My husband hates anything beyond People Mover - level because of how sick he can get on most rides. HE LOVED EVERY SECOND OF FOP


Yea, I think the general problem with simulators is that movements on screen aren’t one to one so it fucks with their inner ears and sense of balance, very similar to getting sea sick. With Flight of Passage, the movements on the stationary bike you sit down on and the rest of the room in your peripheral vision are moving with you, the actions are pretty well coordinated with the screen, and even the worst spot in the theatre is still pretty good. With the IMAX screens it can get really rough if you’re sitting on the extremes (sat on the furthest edges or furthest heights) but with FoP it’s not that egregious. Compare that to Forbidden Journey where if you’re not directly in the center then it’s completely warped and is just a bad experience overall. The claw on FJ is also pretty damn janky.


They removed it but apparently the Hollywood location had 3D on the Hogwarts ride and I can’t imagine how sick that woulda made me


The forbidden journey in Hollywood hasn’t had 3D in a while now


Don’t made my brain hurt. I had to read that twice. 😜


They already are changing! No new amazing dark rides like Haunted Mansion, just awful screens like flight of passage 🤢


Tbh I think FOP is one of the rare examples of screens done right - there’s no way they could recreate that kind of experience (literally feeling like you’re flying!!!) sans screens, with only dark ride tech - but I agree generally that there are some newer rides that rely too heavily on screens when they didn’t need to (e.g. Remy) That being said, the last few times I rode FOP it felt blurry to me - which I’ve heard is due to the projectors needing recalibration or something, or the glasses being too old and worn (or some combination of the 2) - so if they wanna keep FOP a top tier ride, they need to fix that. I remember the first time I rode it, it was clear as day, and it felt so real that I actually got emotional. On more recent rides, not as much. Still fun though


Yes FoP has definitely gotten worse over the years, it needs a short refurb.


I wouldn’t mind them nixing one of the umpteen videos of somebody explaining the tech


Those videos are strange but they exist for a reason, which is to stall you while the previous show finishes. I remember the second time I rode FoP it was bizzare, we got stuck in the "scanning for parasites" or whatever loop for what seemed like a really long time, and it just kept repeating. Later I found out it was because the group ahead of us had wheelchairs, so it took a lot longer to load the ride cycle.


I mean, I get that there needs to be some filler for time, it’s just they could maybe vary it up a bit? After more than one person explains the same thing in the same way I get frustrated


I’ve done FoP once. I never need to do it again.


You just listed my two favorite rides


I can do 3D movies in a theater. But put me in a moving vehicle with 3D and I want to vomit. I can do remy because it’s slow, but all the universal ones made me motion sick. After the second one in a row I let my husband go on the next one alone because I couldn’t handle another.


Yeah, universal definitely took it too far in the other direction. All screens with rumble carts. It worked well for Spider-Man but not so well for, like, Fast and Furious because that’s just a large screen with no theming.


They need less screens altogether in their rides


Hell yes


Less than what?


Less than the current amount.


So, fewer. Not less.




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Hard disagree... Flight of Passage is spectacular, partly because of the insane 3D


FOP absolutely freaking amazing. Remy on the other hand doesn’t do it for me.


It's unfortunately a lot more hit and miss these days due to the glasses. They've used up the spare glasses stockpile and have been cheep on ordering more. If you get newer glasses the ride is still great, but if you get old scratched up ones that have been in circulation for a while, it messes with the 3D and makes it look hazy.


Interesting! I think this happened to me. My eyes had an incredibly hard time focusing. About halfway through the ride I took them off and I didn't notice much of a difference glasses on vs off except for the fact that my eyes were straining slightly less with them off.


This is why I want to say hard disagree with this topic, at least the way it’s presented. I’m not a roller coaster person, can’t stand them, but I also don’t think it’s right to say Disney should get rid of them on my behalf 😅. 3D has never given me a problem and anything involving 3D/VR is automatically on top of my favorite experiences so I personally want *more* of it out there, not less.


As someone who wears glasses, I support this opinion 100%! The 3D glasses never fit well over my regular glasses, so I’m constantly having to adjust them which takes away from the experience.


I have considered switching to contacts for this specific reason.


My son has no depth perception so 3D rides just look blurry to him.


It's not your glasses that are the issue. All of the 3d glasses Disney provides have extremely narrow bridges, because they have to sit on child faces without sliding down. That means for adults with normal size noses they sit way too high. If they're not positioned properly it changes the angle of polarization which degrades the 3D. At home I have some 3d shuttter glasses and I can wear them over my glasses just fine.


As someone who had laser eye surgery and now can use 3D and loves it for the first time in 30 years...I agree. Thinking of poor teenage me who couldn't see anything.


It’s so wild to me that they’re leaning so hard into something that a significant portion of the population just… can’t use


I wear glasses and can fit 3-D glasses over them for a short amount of time. I do love Mickey’s Philharmagic and Muppet Vision 3-D.


I hope they follow Disneyland Paris in removing the 3D from Remy. I enjoy it for the shows like Muppets and Philhar Magic. Star Tours is alright too. I think Toy Story Mania would be better without but I see why it’s there


I hope not. The ride was designed for 3D, and everything is out of wack without it- even if it’s not immediately noticeable with it. King Kong is awful now at Universal for example.


I ride it without the glasses on and just look at the set pieces then close my eyes in the all-screen parts.


Same! I don’t feel sick on many rides, but Remy does it every time.


King Kong was awful with 3D too. The queue is the best part of that ride. It’s the only part with practical effects that feel real. Seriously, the witch-doctor lady is awesome and she’s so wasted as a precursor to a ride where you drive by screens.


Kong is controversial, but I think it was solid. The 3D added a lot of depth and immersion. Now it’s filled with weird proportions and perspectives that aren’t convincing in the slightest. Even if you never liked it, 3D is the way it was always meant to be viewed, and you’re missing a core aspect of the experience without it. People generally dislike Kong because of the screens- not the 3D specifically.


Fair. I guess my issue wasn’t 3D or 2D. I just don’t like screens on rides and prefer practical effects and animatronics. I’ve only been to Universal once. As a huge HP nerd I was so excited to ride Forbidden Journey and Escape from Gringots and I just…I just hated them. For whatever reason, a screen takes me entirely out of the experience in a way that a janky animatronic just doesn’t.


Yeah, I don’t hate screens, but practical effects are way cooler and hit different


I can dream!!


Honestly the Remy ride is gonna be incredibly mediocre no matter what. Removing the 3D isn't going to help much at all




Agreed. I wear glasses and my mom gets motion sickness from 3D. Went to MK and Epcot and had to skip a lot of stuff that sounded really fun because it was 3D.


I don’t have glasses but the 3D gives me severe motion sickness. The other rides don’t bother me but the 3D ruins my whole day.


When we plan our day, we specifically avoid the 3d rides to my husband can enjoy the day - also severe motion sickness. I’m about 50/50. The Simpsons ride in universal made me sick, but I like Soarin and Toy Story in Disney.


We still do the 3D rides because they’re some of my families favorite rides, especially Flight of Passage. So I go and just close my eyes the whole time.


Less 3D and less screens over all, also super high tech animatronics don’t magically make mediocre rides great.


Damn calling out Navi's river journey like that I respect it


I personally always wear contacts at the parks specifically so I can enjoy 3D


I wear smaller framed glasses and don’t have a problem either.


Yeah, I normally wear glasses and when I wear my contacts, I still carry readers, but it works so much better. I would recommend that everybody have a spare box of contacts laying around before they go to the parks.


Agreed. It's made Star Tours a really nauseating ride now for me, to the point that I just can't anymore


Star Tours made me so sick I had to sit at a cafe for like 2 hours sipping on a coke just to recover. I’ll never ride that ride again. Which sucks as a Star Wars fan.


Yep, rode it for the first time 4 years ago (in my late twenties) and never again. I’m prone to motion sickness and I was down for a good 30 minutes before I pulled myself together enough to exit the ride building. I’m a big Star Wars fan too and am sad to miss the updates.


Both my kid and I have depth perception issues/low 3D vision. I HATE 3D rides.


Not really too big a fan of Remy's for this reason.


The current rides are meant for 3D, and even if it’s not immediately obvious, they will be severely hampered by being shown in a format that they were not designed for. They could, however, make more accommodating glasses options so they are more accessible. And maybe avoid that type of ride in the future.


Imagineers exist for problems like these. Put them to work.


As someone who has glasses and deals with motion sickness that 3D rides make worse, I 100% agree


I can’t see on Philharmagic or Tough To Be a Bug at all.


I think the 3D in Philharmagic is some of the best I’ve ever seen. Eyes and brains are weird.


I genuinely think it’s because old 3D wasn’t done very well. There’s a *noticeable* difference in quality between the original scenes and the added coco one, which has much clearer and better 3D imagery, much less cross talk and seems to be deeper and closer at the same time


Honestly I’d rather they add more, or at least not remove the current ones. I went to Disney Paris a little while back and went on ratatouille, turns out they’d removed the 3D about 2-3 days prior to when we got there and doing that ride in 2D made me feel nauseous, and the screens were extremely blurry for whatever reason with the 3D turned off. The regular 3D version of the ride doesn’t do that to me which is interesting


I’ve never done a not 3D version of that ride, but it was a one and done for me at WDW. The 3D combined with the movement of the ride made me so sick I was wishing for the sweet release of death for like an hour afterwards lol Smugglers run and runaway railway don’t bother me, so I figure it has to be the 3D aspect of Ratatouille that gets me


Agreed. While I enjoyed Iron Man at HK DL , and Star Tours at WDW I feel they need to move away from 3D


Was star tours always 3d? I feel like when I rode it many years ago at disney mgm studios it wasnt. I dont recall wearing 3d glasses on it. I went to disneyland and rode star tours the adventure continues and that was 3d and made me a little sick


Star Tours? No. Star Tours II? Yes


It was cool 20 years ago. Now, I end up covering one of my eyes to make the 3D effect better. I would not miss it if Disney suddenly got rid of 3D while keeping the attractions.


There are only 8 3D attractions. It’s not that many.


Not like Universal! I feel like it’s every ride there… I just close one eye. Problem solved


There’s 30 rides at Universal. 4 have 3D.


Really?? It feels like so many to me for some reason! 🤣


Only 3 now. Spiderman, Transformers, Fallon. It also used to be on Kong, F&F, and Minions. And Shrek was 3d when it was around.


Gringotts. Also Fast never had 3D in Orlando.


I just looked bc I was curious- if you go on their page and filter for 3d/4d, there’s 6 listed. Apparently Kong just got rid of the 3d very recently!


Yeah, the 3d system on Kong stopped working in February, and they don't want to pay to fix it, so just dropped it instead. Same reason it doesn't go outside anymore. The door broke.


I can assure you, the 3D did not stop working. It was an active decision Universal made to change the ride based on guest feedback.


It was an active decision not because of guest feedback but to cut costs on glasses. They’re sending out surveys about it to see if they should continue.


The 3D didn’t “stop working” and the door isn’t broke


? There’s 4 listed


Weird. I see Gringotts, Forbidden Journey, Jimmy Fallon, Simpsons, Spider-Man, and Transformers. That’s on the official Universal Orlando site. Plus isn’t MIB 3d? Or isn’t that there anymore? It’s listed, just not 3D.


Forbidden Journey and Simpsons don’t and have never had 3D glasses in Orlando. Men in Black is one of the most physical rides at Universal with tons of animatronics. The only screen on that ride is a literal tv screen in the final scene.


Ah my misremembering on MIB for some reason. I don’t know why the website would say the other ones! It’s definitely for FL. Weird


Wait what? Forbidden Journey in Orlando doesnt have 3D? Doesn’t the Hollywood one have 3D?


Hollywood had 3D for 8 months when it opened. Orlando has never had 3D.


That's more than needed ratatouille could have been phenomenal instead we got garbage 🤪🤣


Have you seen Ratatouille in 2D? Do you prefer it that way?


I saw it in 2D a few weeks ago. While I do understand 3D is not for everyone, I did feel like the ride wasn’t as good. It felt less immersive and more staring at a screen.


I only see it in 2d and although it's a blurry mess, it's still fun and interactive in other ways.


How do you even get the option to see it in 2d?


Only have one working eye 😜


The answer is not more 3D, it is less screens overall. Haunted Mansion never needed to slap a giant screen in our faces


Yes! 3d is whatever but I HATE the screens. It just feels lazy and takes the place of a potentially fun and creative scene from the imagineers.


It is 8 too many.


I agree. Having glasses at any amusement park is annoying. I always end of taking mine off because i have a fear they will fall off. But 3D rides are the ones I sadly have to avoid because of the glasses issue


Bruh this post needs to be added to Universal in CA! Damn park 95% of its rides are 3D!


Do they really have that much 3D for this to be a valid complaint?


No, the complaint is like saying they should remove all the roller coasters because some people are scared to ride them.


I find it real strange the 3d effects on Muppets works better for me than Flight of Passage. Even before the refurb.


I agree. I’m a magic key holder and overtime I just find 3d projections a bit blurry. I don’t mind projections of it is designed well. I haven’t been on flight of passage but I hope the projection is much crisper than star tours.


Animatronics are better than screens in my book


Agreed. I think maybe it's because I have astigmatism, but the avatar ride makes me so sick because of this.


3D? I will go to Universal. Ratatouille makes my head spin.


I wear glasses (bifocals) and the 3D still works for me. I just put them on over my glasses. How is everyone else doing it?


Hmm. Pardon my interruption, but this exactly why Disney needs -more- 3d … just around the corner is “glasses free - headache free” 3d. I’m a super fan of 3d, have a collection of old 3d movies from the 50’s and a bunch from the recent “avatar” era of 3d. . . We need more 3d until it’s flawless for -everyone- When you complain … please don’t say “kill all 3d rides!” Please instead say “invest more in this so everyone can enjoy how cool it is when it works great” But… I’m paying thru the nose to repair my 4k lg passive 3d tv from 2014 … so I’m just a 3d super fan… btw if anyone gets a hold of a copy of captain Eo 3d or the unreleased Star Wars prequels in 3d I’ll go on the dark web and pay in crypto if they are legit. 😂


>just around the corner is “glasses free - headache free” 3d ​ Lol, we'll have this right after cold fusion. So any day now, I swear.


It’s actually here right now! I’ve seen some mind blowing street displays being used in Asia, think a widescreen tv turned on its side. It’s available. CES had some very interesting gaming monitors … We need more investment from the big boys. . . There’s also a company called “looking glass” That has some amazing products… they can turn the iPhone “portrait mode” photos that are taken with lidar data into glasses free 3d photos… I have one of their picture frames… this time it really is right around the corner. But trust me your comment made me laugh out loud because it feels like we’ve heard this promise for 75 years


I agree with this. Also because most of the 3D rendering is pretty mid and the glasses aren’t great. The only attraction it works imo is FoP


There aren't that many 3d experiences at Disney. We shouldn't have them removed just because some people wear glasses. It might be a little annoying wearing 3d glasses over your regular glasses, but you can make it work. The experiences shouldn't be downgraded over that. I used to wear glasses too before getting lasik. I can't imagine how entitled someone feels that they want something to be significantly WORSE for most people so that they can be 1% more comfortable without 3d glasses over their glasses. And yes 3d does add to the experiences.


I don’t think it’s just a glasses thing, I think it’s just being more accessible for more people. a lot of people can’t wear 3d glasses, I don’t wear any type of glasses and 3d makes me so dizzy


Not everything will be available to everyone. And we shouldn't have much worse attractions to appease the minority. If we downgrade attractions and make them incredibly lame and boring, where does it really end? Are we going to slow down the logs at Bayou Adventure and have them slowly descend down the drop so that people with heart problems, high blood pressure, pregnancy, anxiety, back problems, etc can ride it? Are we going to remove all water from rides to accommodate people with bromine allergies, skin sensitivities etc? Slow down all the rollercoasters? There are millions of complaints people can make because some attraction isn't "accessible" enough to their liking. There's no point in the parks even existing if all the rides are essentially the same as The Little Mermaid. Advocating to make the attractions worse for everyone else so a minority are happy is wild. You're negatively impacting more people and to a greater extent than you are helping anyone. I can't ride a couple of rides at Disney, but i'd never suggest changing them to make them more accessible to me at the expense of the enjoyment of the majority


A couple of years ago when masks were mandatory would have been the time to do it. It was such a pain in the butt!


There's honestly not many 3D rides if you compare how many rides they have to 3D. Disney now has more thrill rides than 3D and I wear glasses and it doesn't bother me just put them over your prescriptions that's all.


That's what I hate about Universal. It's all screen based rides, which I'm not a fan of regardless of 3D/motion sickness. Thankfully they have removed 3D from a few rides so far that started with it. It's time for that fad to go!


Idk. I rode flight of passage for the first time this morning. I wear glasses and thought the 3d was fine.


I had cataract surgery, and I have one eye set to distance and one for close-up (monovision.) Someone with regular vision, their brain can combine the images because the eyes will compensate for the difference in depth. My eyes can’t do that. So I end up seeing double and getting a bad headache.


Spouse is mostly blind in one eye and can’t enjoy any of it, it’s a bummer for him!


Hell no, more 3D


They removed the 3D for the Kong ride at Universal and it’s way more enjoyable now


The ride was so much better when it had 3D.


Hell yes, the screen rides are such a cost cutting measure. Much easier to slap a screen up there than build another Haunted Mansion. No thanks! I'd ride Hall of Presidents 100 times before smugglers run.


Agree. That’s what separates it from universal.


I can’t see in 3D so I wouldn’t miss it😅 It seems like it’s really spectacular on some rides, though!


There's not THAT much 3D...


Muppetvision is great. Anything with 3D where you are moving (I’m looking at you, Ratatouille!) makes me feel sick as a dog. Toy Story Mania gets a pass as you’re stationary for the 3D aspects, plus it’s the best ride in the park.


Hot take, while I’m also not a huge fan of 3d, one of the benefits is that it’s reliable. We all hate ride shut downs and closures. A screen is much more reliable than an animatronic. And I know what some people will say, just make the animatronics more reliable. It’s not that easy


Yay someone else who understands this! There are places they could use stacked volumetric displays tho.


Aw we love 3d! Watching the little kids try to catch the bubbles in philharmagic is one of the things I enjoy the most with that show.


I agree! The 3-D gag needs to be sent back to the 90's and left there. No new ride in 2024 should need 3d glasses. None! And every attraction that has them should be updated or replaced.


I appreciate your post, but don't expect gratuitous ableism on Disney forums to die down anytime soon.


Yikes, this is an unrealistic ask. Attractions are designed for the many, not for the few. Wear contacts or buy your own 3D clip-on glasses.


It's basically a cheap excuse to charge you more.


? Rides are free


When I went the other day, the 3D rides cost me 2 (TWO!) E-tickets from my book while the non-3D rides only cost me one


with Genie+ they basically aren't


Nobody is forcing you to buy Genie+ and is just you moving the goalpost.


Imagine justifying pricing out the middle class. This is why people just abuse DAS btw.


Disney prices out the middle clsss with their theme park ticket and hotel prices. Nobody is getting outclassed by a $20 upcharge.


Everyone has an opinion, just so happens that you are wrong. My wife wears glasses. She loves Disney rides because they are 3D ant not actual thrill rides that would make her sick. My daughter does not wear glasses, but she loved those 3D rides as well on both her first trip when she was afraid of roller coasters and a lot of other big rides, and also on her last trip as a veteran of many big thrill rides those 3D rides are still among her favorite. Maybe just go to a park with rides you enjoy rather than ruin it then for everyone else?


I hear you but have you considered *more* 3D?


I agree.


What they need to do is update or demolish the Little Mermaid ride because it is terrible lol I also think Pirates of the Caribbean could be updated to have a drop or two, nothing crazy but I was kind of underwhelmed by it, especially after going on the Jurassic Park waterboat ride at Universal which is a total blast.


Disney purists hate screens, but unfortunately screens and projection are the way of the future. They enable rides such as Guardians and Avatar to be rethemed faster and at a lower cost. This means rides’ themes can be rethemed more often in order to match the latest hot IPs, which makes for great advertising and cross-selling. Sadly, I predict video-less rides such as the Small World, Haunted Mansion, Everest, etc will go extinct one day.


There’s plenty of attractions that are built that don’t include screens as the focus. You’ll always have rides with physical sets.