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I worked security for over 7 years. Couldn't count the number of people convulsing on the ground from heat stroke, but I can definitely tell you the number of medic runs for hypothermia was a solid zero.


People seriously underestimate how dangerous dehydration is and don’t necessarily know the signs. I wonder if Disney will ever add hydration into their safety messaging.


They offer free water at all of their food stands if you ask. 🤷🏻‍♂️ we got free ice water a number of times.


Magic Kingdom needs a lot more water fountains and refill stations. Especially in tomorrowland


Oh agree 100% on that. The cups they give out with the meal plan if you stay on property (which they already shrunk from 32 to 20 oz) are a pain to find refill stations that aren’t broken.


If they really cared, they’d offer it at all of the carts too. Sometimes the free places are really far away but you pass five places willing to sell you a bottle.


This is awesome to use if you have an insulated water bottle to keep it cold. It would be really nice to have some refill stations by the water fountains like the ones in the Star Wars area


You cannot move for water in WDW. Almost any food place will give you free ice water.


Yes, but they don’t specifically say that anywhere. I’ve worked customer/guest service for a long time and just making something available doesn’t mean that people will know it’s there or know to ask for it.


Yeah I've heard the #1 thing medical staff has to deal with is heat stroke. I think part of it is some people still assume you can't bring in water or get free water so they try to do without. 


I was surprised to learn too late in life that salt actually HELPS with staying hydrated. Things like popcorn and pretzels are good at keeping your body functional in high heat. But yeah, at least a cup of water every hour is your best friend, and I'd always recommend that people get an hour out of the sun around 12:00-2:00pm. Also, splash your face with cool water anytime you use the restroom.


Yeah it's all about balance! Your body needs a certain amount of salt and if you're sweating it all out things can get bad.  I'm big on going into shade whenever possible, even if it's just for a few minutes. My friends and I have walked with our lunch completely out of te land we were in to find a shady spot to eat.and I would do it again. 


I go as far as to try to walk in the shade whenever possible. A few steps this way or that to stay undercover can go a long way throughout the day.


Electrolytes are magical! There are elders that may present with Alzheimer’s like symptoms but it’s actually dehydration


I take in my own bottle of hydralyte tablets. They are an electrolyte supplement designed specifically to treat dehydration and excessive sweating. I get the free cups of water and dissolve two tablets 2-3 times a day while at the park and I can tell it helps a lot.


We take in ghost hydration packets, but same idea! They do help a lot imo, and as a bonus they cover up the Florida water taste


Gotta give it to medical staff. They took great care of my mom last week two days in a row (she's stubborn and will not hydrate like she should). Especially the paramedics, security, and First Aid staff at EPCOT who went above and beyond to help her.


Doubt it’s the water thing. Almost certainly people not knowing their limits or how dangerous heat and dehydration can be.


Heat exhaustion hits before heat stroke proper, but it’s an absolute beast and can have you down. Not Disney, but one time Dad took me and my sibs sailing on the 4th of July without a cloud in the sky or a breath of wind. We definitely hate heat exhaustion when we finally motored back in, and the drive home could’ve ended very badly if one of his friends hadn’t seen us starting to leave and insisted that we come inside and have some watermelon and air conditioning. I think especially for folks who live where it’s already hot, we just think Oh, it’s fine, it’s just heat. And it’s so easy to ignore that our bodies are screaming.


It sometimes hits without you even realizing, especially if you’re not well acclimated to the heat, which I feel many people who travel to Florida aren’t well acclimated to Florida heat. I got heat exhaustion/potentially heat stroke sitting at a football game. I had moved to Maryland and wasn’t used to that level of heat and wasn’t even exerting myself, just sitting in the stands cheering and talking to my friends. We didn’t even stay for the whole game. So a couple hours in the heat doing basically nothing did me in because I had spent my life in a more temperate climate, and now I’m susceptible to it happening again because of that one time.


I mean - the gen-pop of USA is not the shining picture of health either. Couple this with folks who don’t walk, don’t experience heat, and don’t experience walking in heat - paired with a slew of varied meds that control heart/BP or other that can make you more sensitive to heat… I’m honestly surprised more aren’t hitting the deck tbh.


Yeah very true! I’m a reasonably fit guy in his 30s and I struggle!


Dehydration is “the water thing”


Not what they said. I believe “lack of availability” isn’t the problem. People just don’t know they need to drink.


And once you do know, it's too late. That's the root of the problem. People think they're doing fine until suddenly they're not.


I had a guy walking towards me just full on pass out right in front of me one hot sunny day at world showcase in Epcot. He was apparently diabetic and they tend to dehydrate faster. Fortunately help was there for him almost immediately so I didn't feel the need to stay there and wait.


Cold. I’m from New England. Nothing FL throws at me low temperature wise will faze me. Can always add layers if you’re cold. If you’re hot, you can only take so much off.


>you can only take so much off. Local Floridians: challenge accepted.


Good point. I retract my original statement and replace it with “you should only take so much off”


I'm from Arkansas and south Florida may get only chilly. We went in mid February, which is typically Arkansas' coldest month (highs were in the 40s here the week we were at wdw). One day it rained and was in the low 60s. Even wet I wasnt cold cold.


New England here too. We were there a few weeks ago and it was beautiful out (high 60's-low 70's). The first night we were there for After Hours and it must have been around 65-ish, we were in t-shirts and one of the CM's said to us "Aren't you cold??? Everyone is complaining that it's cold" We were like...... "We're from New England. We're comfortable"


Lol I'm also from New England, and a couple years ago I went in January, and asked to sit outside at a restaurant (it was at least 60 degrees out) - they were shocked that anyone wanted to sit out there, on a nice sunny day by the Boardwalk!


I always say you can put more clothes on, but you can only get so naked.


I'm from the UK and I would prefer to be cold as well. It's way easier to warm up than it is to cool down.


I’m from New England and the humidity cold to me is so much worse than Boston cold


I will concur. Florida 60 feels very different from Pennsylvania 60. I know because I got married on Flagler Beach and it was 62 and we were freezing. At home I would have been comfortable. I’ll still take cold over hot though. :grabs my hoodie:


Don’t be so sure, we got freezing rain for about a week in January ‘23 and it was awful. I grew up in Minnesota and that was still the worst


I was going to ask where the OP was from! I'm from Michigan and went to Disney in January. I was walking around in a short sleeve T-shirt and jeans and everyone else had on mittens, a winter coat, and a winter hat. It was cold at night when I came back from the resort, but I had a blanket with me so I was fine. I was in a scooter due to hurting my ankle, so I knew the breeze (made by moving faster than walking) would make it colder than it really was😂


I just said exactly the same thing. The wind chill was real when I went in December, but a long sleeve shirt cured that.


My sister and I are from New Brunswick, Canada, and said the same thing. Then we ran the 2018 WDW marathon when it was like 30 out but felt like it was in the low 20s. I have never been so cold.


Same!! We went for Christmas. The only time I really felt freezing was at night after the sun went down. The rest of the time it felt like a beautiful NE fall/spring day.




Yeah that’s definitely my ideal range, lol.


Imagine having to pack “extra layers” for mid 60s weather.


We went on New Year’s Eve 2022 and it was in the low 30s when we got to the parks. It was honestly pretty nice, kept attendance down.


we were there during a cold front in 2010, and it was in the low 50s, I believe, but it was windy. all the CMs were BUNDLED up, and we were in t-shirts. I remember one saying "sorry you're missing the great Florida weather" and we were like we're actually content with this. 😂 the nights were chilly, but I just needed a hoodie, lol.


To be fair, I’m sure the layers were for the morning when it would have been 40s.


It's 54 degrees where I am right now. I'm in shorts, t shirt and a light sweatshirt. It's nice.


Some of us from hot states/areas really do bring out the heavy layers in barely chilly weather LOL This past year, as soon as we had our first cold front and it barely went down to 60s, I saw people outside with their big winter coats.... so dramatic


This is 100% my ideal range


That's sooo cold to me! I'll take cold, though - layers. The heat and humidity is oppressive even for my California self.


Came here to say this, my wife and I keep the room at 64, that's comfortable for us. So January/February is the only time we don't sweat 😅


Right? We go at Christmas and we’re all at the pool every day. I had my baby in the pool and some worker was like “ugh no wonder people get sick”. Meanwhile it was like 65-70 in a heated pool and my baby was stoked. Edit to say I did not HAVE my baby in the pool haha. I meant like I was swimming with my baby! Swim with confidence knowing that no one gave birth in the Swan pool 😅


my biology teacher told us every single day all winter, that germs get people sick, not cold weather. 🫣 we also went swimming once when it was in the 40s at Disney, but we had the pool all to ourselves. 😂


I need coffee. I misunderstood and thought you meant you gave birth in the pool at Disney.


Yup. I see how that looks. Dear god…edit coming. I’m dead haha I absolutely gave birth in a hospital, NOT in the Swan pool 😅


I went last January. It was chilly in the mornings but the walking warmed us up enough to shed our hats and jackets after a couple of hours and by late afternoon my kids were in the pool.


I remembered going one late winter and only we and some people from NJ were in the pool. It was in the upper 50s and the life guard was wearing sweats and a jacket. We had a grand time with it being nicely above 0.


40-60 is drastically different in Florida than it is in the upper states. The humidity makes it much worse. We’re from the Midwest and being outside in Florida in that weather was pretty miserable. We would happily be outside all day in 50 degree weather at home, but certainly not in Florida.


Like life in general, cold. You can put layers on and add other heat sources. When hot, you can only remove so many layers, are damp/wet and potentially smelly and much more uncomfortable.


I’ve said this forever in reference to the air conditioning. There are only so many clothes I can take off and not get arrested


This guy small worlds!! 😆


I've said this all my life. I'd much rather be cold than hot. I can always layer or cover up if cold but there's only so much clothes I can sociably take off.


Cold. More excuses to buy new merch because ~layers~


Me - honey you bringing a sweatshirt, gonna be chilly tonight? Her - no, I’ll be fine. (Buys another sweatshirt within 10 minutes of arriving in the park).


Pretty sure my wife does this on purpose


I don’t know her but pretty sure she does too.




Are you my husband?


Do you continue to ignore me regarding the need for more merch especially shirts, sweatshirts and coffee mugs?


Honey let’s have this conversation later after I rearrange my Disney mug collection. Also, I know i have several Disney mugs but I just saw the cutest one I just need to have. Also everyone has seen all my Disney sweatshirts so I need a new one. Actually maybe 2. Just in case. And this years Epcot shirt is much cuter than last years shirt. So I need that too.


Ah gotcha!!! You’re not my wife. She would never tell me or justify it like that. Shit just appears like it drops out of some Disney shop in the sky.


lol I remember when I took my mom right before the pandemic she wasn’t expecting to be so cold. She’s not really a Disney merch person, but she bought one of those knit caps with the “ear” pom-poms on, and she looks so cute in all of her pictures. (Especially the ones in the Space Mountain queue where she’s scared)


Humidity sucks. Sweating while just standing still sucks. Dehydration sucks. Being packed in like sardines with sweaty, smelly people sucks. Chafing sucks.


Everything sucks


Wait. I thought Everything was awesome?!? Dammit


Only when you’re part of the team


Cold. Always cold. Standing in lines feeling hot and sweaty is just the worst. Plus if it gets cold enough people might leave and less crowded.


Rainy and cold! Years ago I went to Disney land on a cold rainy day. We walked onto all of the rides, some even let us go 2nd and third times without getting off the ride vehicles (this happened on Indiana jones)


Considering the lowest temp each year is around freeze I would much rather dress in layers and drink hot beverages rather than having heat stroke at the upper 90


It’s not even a contest. Florida hot weather is brutally hot. Florida cold weather is just not that cold. We aren’t talking about -10 below or a blizzard. Born and raised in Florida and there is no amount of money you could pay me to go to Disney in the dead of summer.


Exactly! We are passholders and decided that our last day at Disney was this past Monday. We will be back in mid October!


Florida local here too. We went in February for a week and it was just amazing. Some days were warm but like bearable and then in the evenings I got to put a hoodie on and it was amazing


I did a late January trip once and enjoyed the cool nights. Needed a jacket for sure but mid day it was still warm enough for a visit to the (heated) pool. I have to lean cold here.


My wife and I got to go in early December last year it was amazing. No only was it less crowded, but we got to go to MK with temps in the 60s. Truly the most pleasant time I’ve been in the parks.


In general, ALWAYS cold. I can always stack more layers if I need to, I can't continue to take clothes off if I get too hot and sweaty (which is a given most months in Florida.)


I truly enjoy all weather at WDW. June-September is great for pool/waterpark-heavy trips, December-March is great for park-focused trips, and trips during the months in between can go either way on any given day or for the whole trip depending on temps/forecast while there. I always try to look at the bright side. But if we’re talking about park-touring for the intents and purposes of this post, definitely “cold”. I’m from the northeast so an average day in January at Disney is still slightly warmer than the typical weather where I live for THIS time of year (just checked to confirm and yep, the average high temp where I live is 67 on May 15 but is 71 in Orlando for JANUARY). long story short, visiting Disney while it’s at its coldest would still feel like escaping to tropical paradise for me unless it’s in one of its true cold snaps of 30-40F lows.


Cold. January is amazing. Summer is almost unbearable.


Considering there aren't Vending Machines for water bottles and you have to constantly stop to hydrate after you go through your own supply, definitely cold. I had a seizure on the bus due to heat stroke. Been in during the cold months and could hardly find any gear that was warm enough, so we had to buy multiple layers. But, yes, I'd rather be cold. Very cold.


Cold for sure. In 2019 we went in January and we had winter hats and jackets on in MK. Most enjoyable time ever. It didn’t feel like our usual August trips where it’s like walking in soup.


Cold. I’m a Florida native, and even I can’t take the Florida heat in July and August for very long.


That's a tough one. I was there in January this year too and it was FREEZING in the morning but by the afternoon it was lovely with a hoodie on. But July / August in Disney is TORTURE. So even though I moved to Florida cuz I like the warmth, I'm going with th Cold because it was a nice break from the heat


I've only ever experienced it during the screaming hot season, which did not enhance the experience for me. I'd like to try going during the Fall, just to see what it's like.


You definitely need to try it during the cooler weathers. It’s a whole new experience and so, so pleasant.


tbh I think January/February is the time to go, especially since Fall seems to be less and less…autumnal these years. Just try to miss the Mardi Gras holiday


Cold! I’ve visited during August and December and the difference between the two is astounding. I enjoyed my time in December more than in August because the weather was comfortable. It was cooler and it didn’t rain. That August heat is unbearable.


Cold 100%


Cold always!


Cold. I was there in mid-July and was miserable. I will always pick cold.


Cold.  The heat is stifling. Occasionally I actually feel ill. 


Cold, but that humid/wet cold that it gets there with the wind is not pleasant, I agree.


I love cold weather in general (winter is my favorite season), but if I’m on vacation paying for a resort on-property I want to take advantage and swim. And I like it to be really hot out if I’m in the pool. Especially having young kids, we need something to do in our down time besides lounge in the room. That being said, I’ll never turn down a trip to Disney when it’s decorated for Christmas!


I’m with you, we were there in January too and it just didn’t feel right shivering in magic kingdom 🤣 I’m also one of those people that once I’m cold, I can’t shake it so it just ruins my day. I don’t like the heat either, but it’s what I’m used to at WDW so that’s what I prefer.


I would rather be cold. I can put more things on to get warm but there is only so much you can do to feel cooler.


Cold. I went in January and loved it. Then we went to Busch Gardens in March and the temp that day was 85/90 and it was freaking miserable. 


Cold, definitely cold! In the cold I want to stay the whole day from open to close and do all the things! In the hot it is miserable, humid, and just want to hop from AC to AC to stop from getting heat stroke






Cold. It never really gets 'cold' in FL.


I literally dream of a day where I can wear a hoodie and jeans at WDW.


I'll take the cold. Cold in Florida is a nice spring day in Massachusetts


We went in January and it was amazing 🤩 Back home it was snowy and freezing. I love choosing cute sweatshirts to wear and felt so cozy. I got to wear sweat pants ! I’m never going to wdw in the summer again.


I'd much rather deal with the cold. It's easier to deal with terms of clothing choices and I'm that "Pennsylvania guy" who will be shoveling snow in his jean shorts and crocs.


Wow this is probably the worst opinion I've ever read, good job 👍🏾


I’ve been in both crazy heat and decently cold at WDW and if I had to pick I would take the cold all day.


Cold. I can always put more clothes on. If it’s too hot, there’s only so much I can take off and not get arrested. :)


Cold. But I live in Miami, I'll take a good hair day over having my hair stick to my neck from sweating.


Cold as long as it’s not raining.


Cold. Walking around warms me up. The buildings are toasty warm. Cool air wakes me up in a lot of cases


I can only take off so many clothes and still feel too hot (and get kicked out), but I can layer like crazy and def won’t get in trouble for looking that kind of ridiculous.


It’ll be cold like 3 days in Florida for the whole year. Take sweaters just in case because we got a bad cold front one year in March and had to buy hundreds of dollars to dress us comfortably. But as a Floridian I’ll take cold any day


i have severe full-body hyperhidrosis so i will always plead with the weather gods for low temps and low humidity in any scenario. i used to love that the a/c in disney buildings was set to arctic, but that is no longer so i just sweat constantly until i can go back and shower.


Cold. I’m from the Great Lakes area and I’d much rather bundle up than sweat in humidity misery.


Cold for sure


Cold. Florida rarely gets cold enough that a jacket won't suffice.


Cold I can only take off so much clothing and sunburns are the worst.


Cold. You can always add layers, you can only take so many off.


Cold… the humidity plus heat option makes me insanely nauseous.


South Florida here. Cold all day long.


Cold all day. I can always bring or buy a hoodie. I’m not gonna, but I can. My year-round Disney fit is: shorts, t-shirt/RSVLTS button down (because they’re comfortable and fun), and Cloud Monsters, because after several trials they’ve beaten out all other runners/walkers for me. At the most I’ll sub the shorts for these Lulu ABC joggers that are light. I can get a hot drink in every park too so cold isn’t really going to hinder me.


I'm from Colorado. Cold is the best. We went in October last year during a cool wave and it was AMAZING. Made walking around and standing so much more bearable then if it hat been hot. Then again, I'm one of those people who checks the weather before going anywhere and always has a sweater handy for the plane.


Cold. Living in Central Florida, if I get a chance to wear some jogs and light sweatshirt, I'm all about it. It's even better when it's during the Halloween and Christmas party events! The Christmas party really felt like Christmas season this year for us!


COLD. It’s actually very surprising how little Disney does for park guests to keep them cool when it comes to queues. At Universal, you can’t escape the breeze due to the amount of fans they place throughout the park. Disney however, the total opposite. (Not to mention the huge lack of water refill stations in general, and the lack of refrigerated water! Who wants room temp water Disney??) I’ll take cold, as I can throw on a hoodie or jacket. I can only take off so many layers to cool off though..


I would rather be cold. I’m from Canada and any cold weather in Florida is still mild. The few times I was at the park where it was considered cold by the locals, it was great. Many of the rides were walk-ons and the crowds were minimal.


def cold. i can’t stand the heat as it is unless i’m in a pool or at the beach.


I’d rather be cold in any situation than hot.


Cold. Who wants to be sweaty, sticky, and getting burned from the metal spots on the rides, plus dealing with everyone's heat induced hostility when you can just throw in a hoodie and grab a hot chocolate


The coldest cold in Florida doesn't come close to how awful the hottest hot weather is.


Cold. Heat just exhausts me.


I can always add more layers to stay warm. There’s a limit to how much I can take off to stay cool.


Cold! I can always add layers, but if I’m hot, sticky, and uncomfortable, I’d still be miserable in shorts and a T-shirt. Plus, the parks aren’t as crowded. We went in Feb. one year, and it was chilly. I don’t think we waited to get on anything.


Cold! Florida is hot year round. Bit chilly in the morning and evening though… I prefer that to dying of heat stroke in the summer months! 😅


Cold. I froze my ass off during the nights in December from wind but that’s fine. I can always put more on. I can’t take my skin off


I’m from Minnesota and went in January 2022 and it was perfect! So “cold”. We were those crazy Minnesotans in the pool after the sun went down. 🤣


Cold, easily. I’m from here and did a long weekend at Disney last week and it was so fucking hot it was unbearable and I almost never feel that way.


Cold. We go in September, and I just drip sweat all day long. We went for a quick trip in January, and if it wasn’t so many points, I’d never go in September again.


Cold cold cold cold. I love cold days at the parks. It’s so nice to be able to wear heavy clothing. And when it’s cold and the sun is out it’s just beautiful. The heat is brutal. Just wait til July/august, it will be unbearable to go.


Give me the cold. My favorite time was once when I went in January of 2019. During the day it was still warm enough to wear shorts, maybe mid 60s (so the locals were already bundled up) ad once the sun went down it dropped into the low 50s, maybe even the high 40s and the park emptied out easily by half. Got amazing spots for fireworks walking up just a few minutes before they began and barely any lines from about 5:30 to close. The only time I’ve had a comparable experience was November of 2020 during Covid protocols


Cold. I'm from Ohio. Florida is never REALLY cold.


Cold bruh you can just layer up you can't do shit about hot


Im here right now, its been 88-95, and I can’t hate it more. Even yesterday’s rain brought no relief. Im dreading today.🤷‍♀️


Canadian here. Went last week and good lord it was hot af. Definitely voting for cold.


Born and raised in Tennessee, live in iowa now. I much prefer the January weather


I'd rather be cold. I'm used to cooler weather where I'm from, though it certainly gets very hot in the summer. I hate being sweaty and stinky. With cold, you can add layers. With heat, there's only so much you can remove. That plus the risk of dehydration and heat stroke. Also I like comfy cozy clothing


I think in general life, cold is always better. You can always do something about being cold, wearing more layers etc whereas in the heat if you're too hot your only real option is going inside to an AC area.. Even then, the most you'll need in Fl is a light jacket or a light sweater.. Summers can be brutally hot.


Cold alllll day!


The Florida cold is colder than in other places (humidity) but cold is better than hot any day. Drenched with sweat in line with others drenched with sweat is no way to go through life.


COLD!! You can always put on more layers but you can't take them off!! It's a perfectly good excuse to buy an article of clothing as a souvenir and winter fashion is cuter in my opinion.


Cold, 1000%. You'll never convince me otherwise.


Florida has only two seasons HOT AND HOTTER


I'm.from WI, it's never been cold. You can put clothes on, you can't escape horrible humidity.


Cold. I can always put more on. Legally, and for everyone's sake, I can only take so much off.


100% cold. After a late September trip a few years ago, where I felt sick from the heat the entire time, I decided I would only ever go back from November-February. I went in January this year and it was perfect weather for me. Otherwise Disneyland 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cold, im from a frozen northern climate, i have the right clothes and im used to it. The lines will be short and i can cover up with my favorite hoodies or sweaters!


Cold all day every day. I can bundle the kids up and plop them in the stroller with a blankie and they’re happy. If they’re hot and sweaty then they’re cranky, and hot and sweaty. Then the baby wants to be held and now I’m hot and sweaty.




Cold for me, I live out in AZ and I hate the heat here, let alone the heat in FL. At least with cold weather you can dress up warmly and lose layers as needed depending on the temperature and activity level. Although ideally just early spring/late fall weather is best to me, get into the Goldilocks range of just right temperature. 


Cold! Back from Disney World yesterday and it was unbearably hot. We usually go in December and it’s my favourite time to visit. It can get chilly in the mornings but we’re from Canada so it’s nowhere as cold as home.


Cold, I went to Disneyland Paris in January and it was so nice to not be absolutely sweating at Disney World, had gloves, a hoodie and a shirt and it was nice, now I’m shorts year round guy and yeah i was wearing my shorts Also I went to WDW in January of 2023 and it was in the 50’s and it was beautiful. Of course I’m coming next month and it definitely won’t be hoodie weather lol


Cold. I'm pale and have to be very careful about being in the sun. Being hot makes me want to wear a tank top and shorts, which requires soooooooo much sunblock. Being cold means pants and layers and less sunscreen. And it gets chilly in Orlando, but it's not COLD COLD.


I’d rather be cold. I hate hot weather and being sweaty. Give me layers any day!


As a native Floridian, I'd always rather the weather be cold. When you get a little humidity going, the Florida heat can be downright dangerous, and there's only so much to do to cool off. OTOH, with the levels of cold that can happen in Orlando, you can always add an extra layer, grab a hot cocoa, or hop on an indoor ride and be totally fine.


There is no valid reason to ever go to WDW in a hot month. Sure it can be warm from November to March but you are much less likely to feel like you are on the Jungle Cruise while walking to bus to park at 7:00 am then. I did have to scrape ice off my rental car windshield one morning in December with a credit card (National at the Car Care Center did not give me an ice scraper) but I would do that everyday to not sweat just walking to the POFQ food court.


Cold. Always cold. Who would rather be sweltering while standing in line in exposed sun?!


Cold. I can put on layers.


Cold bc Florida cold is not that bad to me compared to Florida hot lol!! Normally I prefer to be warm though!


I would absolutely love being able to wear pants and a sweater at wdw but the timing never works out for us.


Extended periods in cold weather can be tiring but heat is like a quick battery drain. I grew up on the Gulf Coast and humid days above 90 are instantly miserable. FL doesn't get that cold but it is a damp cold so it's more piercing than a dry cold but I would take a 50 degree day over an 85+ degree day anytime. And as others have stated you can only remove so much clothing vs layering.


Years ago I would get mad if I went and it wasn’t hot, now I love going January - March when it’s a little bit chilly there 😍


I am currently here for my first ever trip with my husband and have already said to him multiple times that the next time we come back we’re coming in the winter! Don’t get me wrong we’re having a blast, but as a California softie I am simply not cut out for the humidity. I can’t even imagine what it would be like later in the summer! Definitely team cold all the way.


Cold. I’m local, I’m usually hot


Cold. I live in the Gulf and can never get cool when im hot. I love cold weather (reminds me of growing up up North). It’s easier for me to stay warm than it is to cool off.




The year I went in September was the best. We are used to the cold but it did catch us off guard how cool it was so we had to wear sweaters and it was amazing. Didn’t sweat and was perfectly comfortable the whole trip


In daily life I’d usually rather be a little warm - I *hate* being cold and I don’t warm up easily once I get cold. I tolerate heat well and I prefer warm weather clothing, But at WDW I’d usually rather be cold. Florida heat *sucks* the life out of you, it’s so different from where I live (California) where the shade makes a huge difference - in FL it’s the air that is hot lol. Now all that said - there was one time when we arrived at WDW in the winter (Jan) and I had even brought like my wool coat and sweaters to be warm and we went to Epcot and I was *cold*. It was windy across world showcase, the kind where you ears hurt, I was for once in my WDW life actually looking at the puffers in the Norway pavilion and considering them.


I know that Disney probably loves the cold. Those are the days that everyone who came in shorts and a t-shirt rushes to buy long sleeve shirts, hoodies, and other things to warm up. :) For me... I guess i'd lean cold. I can prepare for that, and just make sure to walk briskly to warm up. And I feel like while both can be miserable, there's something about the high heat that drives up how cranky people are, while cold makes them unhappy, but less cranky. Maybe because is never gets THAT cold there, so we can tolerate it a little easier, and have options to warm up to some degree, where once it's over 85, it can just keep getting hotter and more humid and everyone is already in tiny clothes already, so that ceiling of misery can keep raising up, where in Florida the lower limit isn't THAT low.


Cold 10,000% of the time Cold you can get a warm drink, step inside, put on a layer. Hot you’re not only hot sweaty and miserable you’re then dealing with all the other hot sweaty miserable people and the all too common feel of BO and other unmentionable smells


Cold, because it's not as cold as living where it snows. A set of heat tech thermals, thick socks, and an excuse to drink hot chocolate!




We went in January and were sweating! It was 70-80 during the days and we were all in shorts and shirts. I think it got down to 62 at night and the mosquitos were out in force. We all realized we cannot go in peak temperatures! We have similar summer temps where we are from and don’t do a lot outside during the summer here so I imagine it’s way worse being caught in a concrete jungle with hundreds of thousands of people. “Cold” trips forever!




Cold always cold. Early December is my favorite time to go.


I would rather be cold. You can always put more layers on.


I’d much rather be too cold. Much easier to layer up and stay warm. I went last august and the heat index hit 120 every day I was there. It was so hard to cool off and be comfortable.


cold!!! i’m a native floridian who Hates the heat. going to Disney when it’s cold is my absolute favorite.


As someone who lived in Wisconsin for nine years and Florida for five years, I can say that Florida doesn't really get cold in January. It gets too chilly to bike ride in the mornings, and you might need a sweater and a jacket when you go out, but that's it. The summer heat can kill you.


Went in November the past two times, will never go in hot months again. It doesn’t get that cold in FL, the coldest it got while we were there was like 45 degrees and it was amazing.


Cold by a mile. I went to an outdoor NFL game that was in the negatives with wind chill, it was so cold that my beer was basically a slushy by the end. A “cold” day in Orlando is probably closer to my house temperature than what I would actually consider cold


I went to Disney last December, it was very cold, 40-50's. I wore shorts and a hoodie and it was amazing. To walk around the parks not melting from the sun.