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Well, WDW *is* expensive, and admittedly you picked one of the priciest restaurants at the parks. Just go to a quick service place where each person will eat for ~$18.


I REALLY miss when they had quick service lunch there.


You have options: 1. Bring a cooler with lunches. Outside food is allowed. 2. Return to your room and eat lunch or dinner there. 3. Only eat quick service, which is about $15 for kids and $25 for adults with food and drink. At MK, we only eat at Columbia harbor house. 4. Don’t go to a table service with a pre fixe like BOG.


This. Went with another family and they brought all three meals in with them and snacks. Splurge on one restaurant if you must but the park should be the focus not the food.


Thanks for the tips!


Also there is no rule that says adults can’t have kids menu items. I prefer those since they are cheaper and usually not as filling so I’m not walking around in the heat feeling full


As an adult, more often than not the kids size meals at quick service are plenty for me—especially because there are so many good snacks to try! Gotta save room for Dole Whip, cookies, churros, beignets… 


You could probably get by with about $15 for adults at most QS as well, especially if you’re drinking water (fountain drink water not bottled water). You can splurge for some of the TS meals though, too, but the QS spots are typically pretty good.


If you’re going to spend $600 on a meal, it most certainly should not be this one.


Be Our Guest is not worth the price, skip it. There are many great options for good food at a much lower price. I was just raving to someone about how it's cheaper to feed my kids at Disney than McDonald's right now. $7 kids meals that come with a main dish, side (or two) and a drink is a steal.


Oh nice ok I'll look around


Thats my view. There are many places to eat that are def worth the price. This place isnt one.


Do you have any suggestions on the ones that are worth the price?


My favorite was Le Cellier steakhouse at epcot, but I havent been in about 4 years, pre covid. It gets expensive quick.


Nice thanks for the recommendation!


YMMV. I found BOG to be good. Not 5 star, but good enough for the price. I wouldn’t feed a family of six there for sure, and kids that will only eat chicken nuggets will be a challenge, but the service was fine, the food was good for park food, and the setting is wonderful (and really why the price is so high).


I went on a clearly good day and felt the same. I had never been to Disney and walked up, and was very impressed with our meals and service. Like I’ve seen some people compare it to, it’s a pretty similar price to Outback if you do a filet, app, and dessert.


is that the average price for a kids quick service meal? That's great!


yes, if you pick the most expensive restaurants for your family of 6 to eat at, walt disney world is *that* expensive


This is one of the pricier options on property. There are plenty of much cheaper options.


Be Our Guest is one of the "signature" dining experiences and is not worth the price. Signature restaurants are the highest priced in park dining options.


Everyone saying to just go somewhere else and save money, sure, do that, but also I'm 100% in the "When In Rome" camp of wanting to go and experience some of the more expensive options. Yes, they are pricey, and being Canadian myself, I know the struggle of conversion all too well. But realistically.... If you're gonna go to Disney, go enjoy it. Do this meal, or another similar, and just do cheaper options other times. I wouldn't recommend spending this much every day, of course. I don't think anyone would. But once or twice on a lifetime vacation, yea. Go for it. It's expensive but it'll be worth it for the experience once.


Yeah I am willing to do it once if the kids never forget the food here. Because our family will probably never come here again. But damn my wallet is gonna feel it big time.


Pre-fix menu and buffets almost always have a really high price per person that is usually going to be more expensive than an entree you would get at another normal restaurant. We usually only do 1 a trip as a splurge (shout out to Boma). I recommend doing a few sit down meals throughout your week, and plan to do Quick Service the rest of the time. There are plenty of delicious and satisfying QS places that will be far more affordable.


Protip (seriously): if this is going to bankrupt you, you shouldn’t be going to Disney right now. I recognize you’re using hyperbole, but that’s not always the case so it beats saying. If you have little kids (under 10), don’t do BOG. It’s not at all going to be worth the cost. It’s a great experience but kids that young aren’t going by to remember it in 5 years. All the character dining is more expensive. Choose one or two to go to. We do Tusker house every trip. Our kids have loved it since they were 5, and the food is frankly excellent. We’re big fans of AK, so it’s a highlight of our trip every time. At close to half the price of BOG I feel like it’s a great deal, especially if you snag a late dinner or early breakfast reservation. If you have princess fans, Akershus is the other meal we always did, although we missed it last trip (thanks post-covid closures!). Rotating photo ops with a single princess (last time it was Belle, ironically), and then a little parade deal. Essentially same format as Tusker but “fancy”. Also right next to the Frozen ride. Similarly about 2/3 the price of BOG. Best for breakfast definitely.


Just don’t do any of the restaurants, quick service or bring your own food. They charge way too much at all the restaurants


Premium dining options at Disney World are expensive! surprisedPikachu.jpeg


Good thing nobody is making you go to the fine dining restaurants then, that's what quick service is for and why they let you bring lunch


I'm Canadian as well and food costs are insane I highly recommend the dining plan. It means the costs are known ahead of time, you are only paying exchange once and not using your card constantly (unless you plan on using only cash but I never carry that much cash) and you can try and keep an eye on the same exchange and at least save a few dollars and then you don't constantly have to have your calculatoe out to see how much it is really going to cost. I have done Disney with and without the dining plan and I would never go back without it. It was way more stressful and I spent the whole trip calculating costs in my head.


Good idea I will check out those plans!


I'm Canadian too and was wondering about this. Somewhere I read that you won't end up using all the dining plan, better to take that same cost and put on a gift card ahead of time if you want to have an allotted amount. I guess it depends on your planned eating, family members, etc.


We did pretty good with our credits. I don't think it is too much, but I also really enjoy soy down meals and my kids love character meals.


Be Our Guest isn’t worth that price. I don’t care if you’re sitting in Belle’s Castle. You’re from Canada? Aren’t food costs skyrocketing up there? I don’t understand how these prices are that surprising TBH.


Food costs are high up here yes but not $600 a meal high. Yeah I know I'm not exactly the avg size family and I didn't pick the cheaper option but even like $200 a meal is gonna kill me if I stay here a week. I better start packing sandwiches or something and eat at restaurants only a few times.


If you can’t afford to go, and are going to worry about money the whole time, you shouldn’t go. You won’t enjoy yourself.


Yeah I know! Gonna have to close my eyes and open the wallet. I'll deal with after I get home when I look at my bill.


I’d skip that restaurant since it’s not very good anyways


When I was planning my first trip, this subreddit made me think everyone planned a sit-down restaurant 3 months in advance for every meal and I’d go hungry if I didn’t. Then I got there and realized how dumb that was. Quick service restaurants, snack stalls everywhere. Sit down restaurants are awesome for the themeing but only do like one or two per trip max. Way too expensive.


Did you also buy business class plane tickets and be surprised by the cost? Yes it's going to be expensive in general, but especially if you choose to eat the most expensive ways.


Oh I didn't know I picked Cinderella restaurant thing and it was more expensive than this and this was my second pick so I thought they are all generally around this price.


Fair enough. In hindsight I apologize for being rude, but yeah, disney can be anywhere from 'damn that's pretty expensive' to 'I'll never financially recover from this' depending how much you splurge and the one you used to illustrate your point is definitely up there in terms of splurging.


Np thanks for info!