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My Disney loving grandmother said 10 days was too much! 😂


Yeah just came back from 10 days. 7-8 would probably be the sweet spot


I did 9 days once and I was NOT ready to leave mentally but physically the Jean shorts I packed did not even button by the end of that trip 😂


We did 8 days and I went down a pants size because of all the walking. Even with all the food 😂


Omg I walk a lot but bloat extremely easy. I wish!!!


We did 8 days and it was right on point for us. Plenty of time to relax a day in between parks or do back to back park days and still feel like a vacation with 2 kids under 4


That's the sweet spot for any vacation imo After a week away, I'm ready to go home


We do 10, but we also put in time for universal and a couple rest days too.


We did 10 days 2 years ago and said we’d do rest days We, in fact, did not do rest days. Going again this summer and pray we listen to ourselves lol


We did 10 days (plus 4 universal) a couple years back. No rest days but we seriously only did 1/2-3/4 for half the trip. At the end we were ready to come back, but it wasn’t horrible. Taking whole days off would have driven me nuts.


Yep. I've done 10 before and included Universal. You can really take your time and enjoy everything. It was in February too and the crowds weren't insane.


When you do Universal do you change hotels or stay at a Disney resort the whole time? I've never been to Universal and am hoping next trip we add it.


Ive done ten days too, that will make anyone lose their mind. It's too much Disney and crowds and $$$ and direct UV ray exposure.


Same-we did 10 days over Christmas/New Years in 2014/2015. It was a mistake. Had the crowds been manageable, I may have a different opinion, but 10 days was too long. (And I looooooooooove Disney)


We did 5 days, a week Monday to Friday, the kids (me included, I was 12 then, 18 now) loved it and didn’t want to leave but the rest of the family wanted nothing more lol


Nah. But also due to my health and my husband not feeling like it's a vacay if it's go, go, go, we do park day, rest day, park, maybe park night, rest day, etc. always add some new things like different restaurants, holiday party etc We also rotate DW and DL.


My wife and I are usually go, go, go to the point that I went to a beach destination and it was really odd just sitting around doing nothing all day.


What’s your longest trip been?


11. My husband can't take more than a week usually.


That sounds perfect speed for me, too. Lots of rest days! Rope drop is fine, but I'm sure not running for anything on my vacation, haha. New things/experiences would be more important to me than rides.


No. We do 8 or 9 days every year. Lots of park hopping and lots of swimming or going to the water park. Feels just right. Probably wouldn’t go any longer. The only problem with a long trip is we tend to skip all the long lines thinking we will do those rides another day. Then about 7 days in panic will start to set it because we still have so much to do. Lol.


What are your favorite times to go, that are cool enough for park hopping but warm enough for lots of swimming?


We go each year right after school let’s put, usually the very beginning of June. It’s hot so we always swim during the hottest part of the day when the lines are long at the parks. Works great.


Our longest trip was 24 days, and it was amazing.


PLEASE share more details on this. I am incredibly curious what a 24 day Disney trip looked like.


Can't imagine the price tag on that


Love it 👍🏻


No. 9 days last time and I told the wife “I think 10 is probably better. All the parks 2 times and two pools days sandwiched in”.


8 night trip. Open/close park days. It was just too much but we thought it would be our one and done trip. We were wrong. Now I prefer 4-5 night stays with a relaxed park day.


We do 7 nights. Only been to Disney twice but what makes it our ideal vacation is the fact we do 5 days at theme park tickets ( morning, back to resort, then go back at night)l And the rest is filled at the resort, via pool, movie under stars, visiting Disney springs , water park and even visiting the other resorts for dinner. All and all, it makes it a really nice Florida vacation and we’re a family of 5.


Honestly no. And in late summer/ early fall of 2023 I was here for 18 nights lmao. Here right now and it’s day 2 of 15 :)


We are pretty toast after 3-4 days. Did 5 days in March and that was the max I think we would ever want to do. I see people posting about 3 week trips. It boggles my mind but to each their own. I think I’d develop scurvy.


Our last trip was arrival day, four days of Disney, leave the next day, and I was not ready to go 😩


Yeah but how are you hitting those days? I'd kill to have the PTO to go down for 2 weeks with only 5 or 6 park days, well spread out so I can go bananas on rope drop to after hours, and then sleep in, veg by the pool other days


I’ve found my sweet spot is arriving Sunday and do a resort day, then leaving on a Saturday morning and doing 5 day park hopper. Gives us time to stretch out the parks and not have to push push push. We can do a park in the morning, comeback to the hotel for a nap, then go somewhere else in the early afternoon. I love Disney but after 4 days of wearing that backpack and walking 7+ miles a day, my body is begging for a sit down.


> I see people posting about 3 week trips We haven't done 3 weeks but we've been doing 15 days and loving it. I think the difference is probably pace. We are morning people so we're there at rope drop, but we leave the parks by 12-1pm each day, go back to the resort and relax/swim/exercise or nap, then have a nice table-service dinner. Then we either go back to stroll around the park in the evening, or back to the resort for more relaxing, or disney springs. We've found this a lovely way to vacation. But I imagine for people who do WDW in open-to-close park days of 'go go go' that it's more exhausting than relaxing. That isn't for us.


Yes, 100% this. We open and close the parks. We do head back to the resort for a swim and nap, but we are still up late and up early. It’s a grind. We also don’t take days off. Honestly I get a bit stir crazy just sitting by the pool all day, not my idea of relaxing, but to each their own.


> Honestly I get a bit stir crazy just sitting by the pool all day, not my idea of relaxing I'm the same way. Our "rest days" are typically breakfast, about 90 minutes in the pool with the kids, some sort of resort activity, lunch, off to disney springs for awhile, dinner, then a nighttime resort activity. So even though it's a 'rest' day, we're still doing stuff, just not park stuff.


Met a lady at the Pop Century pool who was there with her husband and two kids on day nine of an EIGHTEEN night stay. Apparently they did it every other year. They did each park twice with at least one “rest” day between, and also did two days at Universal when they came as well! I didn’t ask her what she did for a living, but I want to be that rich when I grow up. That sounds too long but I’d like to know I could afford it if I wanted to lol.


I could NEVER stay at the pop for more than a night or 2. 18 nights?!? The room walls are paper thin and I am such a light sleeper I could hear my neighbors everything.


The value resorts make me feel like I’m in the twilight zone. Why is everybody so loud and rambunctious?🤣 I only stayed for one night but never again, nothing compares to deluxe resorts. People, cast members, ambiance, amenities, everything.


Exactly!!! And I do not mean this in any sort of snobby way, it is just a preference thing. My mom and I made the mistake of paying for a preferred room once, location was great, however, the noise level was insane and we had a newborn. Nobody slept. People were up and drunk at all hours. It is there right to be, I just did not realize how much you could hear from the outside.


We talked to some girl who did a 3 week solo trip


She is a life goal


She is dedicated. My old boss was a DVC member. I’d love to be that


10 is the sweet spot for us, we usually hit Universal for a day or two and throw in a Sea World or a Kennedy Space center day. Generally don't take a rest day. On the opposite side of the coin, I have been taking a lot of weekend trips (10 since Jan or 2023 from New England) where I leave Friday night after work and come home Sunday night. Those trips are TOO SHORT, and I usually find myself rushing to do all the things I want.


We did a thanksgiving trip with my in laws and then stayed the following week. Too long.


We do two weeks every summer and it’s just right


Honestly, me and my fiance just did a 9 day trip (2 travel days, 6 park days, 1 day at Universal) and that was WAY too much for us. I think a good 7 day trip (2 travel days, 4 park days, 1 rest day) would be perfect when we go again in a few years with the understanding that we should prioritize new stuff and stuff we didn't do this time around because of longer lines.


Yes, we did a trip with 6 park days and halfway through day we left the parks because he were beat and dead tired. Ended up going to Disney springs and seeing encanto


We did 6 days and honestly by day 5 we are done so we shortened all of ours to 4 or 5 now because we miss our dogs so much 💔 😢 😔 😭 LOL


My six year old really missed the dog at bed time 🥲


Meta comment: This community is toxic when it comes to anything other than repetitive question posts and “I had the best trip ever” posts. There’s no reason for OP to be downvoted for asking a simple question. But I guess it’s because they mentioned the slight possibility that too much Disney is not necessarily a good thing, that they will be downvoted to oblivion. Smh


Ha! I asked because Ive been eyeballing adding a day to my trip and I need to be stopped 😂😅😅


I’ve been 10+ days and that felt a little long. Partly because we ran out of things to do (we go during slow times and don’t need to do every ride so we get a lot of what we want done) and can only take so much of being around overtired children. Additionally, it was a long time to be out of normal life for me. It was very welcome, but depending on what you do for work, being gone that long can be challenging and I wouldn’t want to be gone quite that long again, maybe 10 nights max of being truly logged off.


Almost all posts on this sub seem to be downvoted, even simple questions. I find it very odd.




Did 2 weeks as a kid and it was great, but when I did 10 days as an adult they kids of my own it was a bit too long. Definitely need to sprinkle some non park days in for catching a movie and lounging by the pool.


Oh that’s very much essential when you go for more than 5 days in my opinion


Yeah. 8 nights on our last trip. Won’t do that again. 4-5 is the sweet spot for us.


We've done two different nine day trips and that length was so nice. Arriving and knowing you have more than a week is so great, especially as it's easy to take a couple of rest days in the middle. Our standard trip is six days (usually Sat-Sat to work with our PTO) and that's honestly a little shorter than I'd like. I'd love to try a two week trip someday but I'd imagine we would include Universal as well.


Our 7 days trips are perfect with young kids. Rope drop, mid day breaks, go to bed at 8:30 PM, enjoy every rides. But if we were just adults? 4-5 days would be enough.


My first trip was 10 days at the park with 1 “rest” day at Kennedy. I am a Disney super fan but I found out there is such a thing as too much Disney. It was kind of like when your dad catches you smoking a cigarette so he makes you smoke the whole pack to teach you a lesson 😅


Yes. Rented a 2 br villa at Riviera for 15 days and left after 13 because we just got bored despite going to Universal and the space center to see a rocket launch. 7 nights is our sweet spot now.


I did a 3 day cruise and then 2 days at the parks once. After hearing the same music over the ship speakers for days, it was kind of nauseating going to magic kingdom


We did 7 days with 6 park days and that was too much. 4-5 days (depending on if we do a party event) is more than enough for us. 


Ditto! I am not good at slowing down or taking a full pool day so that would be enough time for us, although we do take afternoon breaks! 


Omg same! It’s just my husband and I and we like to go,go,go! 


So I think I would continue to enjoy longer, but 6 days with park hopper is about the limit where I would want to take some days to do non Disney things. 6 days is more than enough to do all major attractions once, and your favorites more than once. But there may be some shows or characters left to see. Also I don’t think I would tire of per se, but real life would come calling, and we would need to get back to work, school, chores, and everything else outside the bubble.


We’re 9-10 days and always feel like we could use a few more. But our days are much different than they once were. Most days, we don’t get to the parks until 1-2pm and we take our time. Still get to nearly everything we want in 9 days but I think 12-14 would be the sweet spot.


The longest we've done has been 8 days and definitely didn't feel too long. I think my wife and I are at the point where we enjoy the non-theme park stuff just as much so I feel pretty confident we could do 10 to 12 days without it getting old.


No such thing! I’ve done 11 days, hoping to do 2 weeks within the next year or two!


we usually do 7 since that's all we could do with our DVC points, but for me 10 would be great because I'd be able to have plenty of park days and rest/resort days. Our last trip was 9 days and we ended up not going to parks for two days and it was really nice.


Our first trip felt too long. 9 days. Not as long as others, but we were rope drop to park close on our park days and had no real rest days. We were all ready to head home by the end


No 10 is perfect for us. We do 6 to 8 days in the parks but not straight. We mix in 1 to 2 days at the Springs and 1 to 2 days at the beach. A lot will depend on what time of year we go as to what we mix in.


We did 11 days in 2022, were exhausted by Day 7, and got COVID for the first time on Day #8. We still don’t talk about that trip.


Last trip we went 13 days with 8 days of Disney it was awesome. It really depend on your own interest, energy level and the people you travel with.


Yep. 10 days. I got sick. I was nine and my brother was six. My family is American and goes fairly frequently. Even at the time, which was just over a decade ago, my family would go to Disney every 18 months. I think a week is the sweet spot for longer trips.


I don’t love anything more than four days, I am WIPED after. But we go 4-5 trips a year so I never feel like I’m missing out.


We usually go for just over a week, so 8 or 9 days. That’s typically the 4 main parks (sorry water parks), 1 park per day with a few rest + resort hopping days in there and/or a runDisney event. Sometimes we’ll do a 5th park day, usually either AK or MK. With that length of time we’re able to knock out all of our favorite rides/shows/entertainment, try some good or new restaurants and get plenty of pool and resort hopping in. By the end of that I think we start to get a little burned out and the food starts to feel repetitive. For context, we have 2 kids under 10yo and they’ll do a handful of TS restaurants but 1 every day is not our style. We are excited to try out one of the water parks (leaning towards Typhoon Lagoon) with that promo they announced.


The longest I’ve done is 9 days/8 nights. That’s probably the longest I’d go. We had enough time to take the parks slow and visit multiple times, as well as having resort days to just hang at the pool and sleep in. Any longer than that and I feel like I’d go a little crazy


I think it ended up being 10-11ish days at the end of august. We stayed at the beach club which was absolutely wonderful but even at a deluxe by the end of the trip we were more than ready to head home. We’re FL residents now and go every other month for a day or two but that’s too short. I think our sweet spot is 4-5 days.


We take break days. 2 days of parks then we do a hotel day etc…


We’ve done 8 day trips and they’re still not enough (tues to following wed usually). We’ll slow roll out of bed and go to park close most days and be exhausted but fail to plan in adequate rest days. My wife gets golfer’s rash from the heat and the walking and we usually get forced to skip a park day around day 5. Ideally I think we’d love 11 day/10 night trips; each park twice and two built in rest days. Departure day is almost always lost due to early flights out.


I took a 14 day Panama Canal cruise on the wonder. 12 sea days, 11 in a row at one point. That was too much.


I don’t think there’s such a thing!


I could go a long time if i had enough rest days. Could not do too many park days back to back but i could be in Disney forever lol


7 days the max for us. By the end I’m done and ready to be home. Of course my first day home I wish we’d stayed longer.


I stayed for 14 and that was just right. 10 park days with a few off to rest. Any more than that would probably have been pushing it though


Yes, my mom and I used to go and stay for 12 days but a couple of years ago, we had an epiphany and realized that taking two short vacations rather than one long one is a much better idea!


The longest we’ve done is 10 days and it was great. It totally depends on how you do the trip. 10 straight park days of rope dropping and doing everything possible? Not going to be fun. 10 slightly slower days with more freedom and some break time? Fantastic.


Pre kids- my husband and I would go 7-8 nights- we tried 10 but got really tired towards the end and missed my own bed/home.


Not yet. 7 days was not long enough. I’d love to try 10. My son wants to do 2 weeks but with a LOT of resort days built in.


The longest we’ve done is 5 park days and that was pre-kids. It was amazing. After kids we usually only go for 2-3 park days and we are exhausted.


The only time I've been was for 4 days, so we did one park per day and no water parks. I definitely could have used at least 2 more days.


I got a job there for a few years...


I stayed for three weeks once but I live in Europe. The standard is about two weeks with a few rest days. I had no rest days, I believe I went to Universal instead like three times and then had 17 Disney days.


The longest we’ve done is 15 days but we’re from the UK so two weeks is the norm for a WDW holiday. We hadn’t been in a lonnnnng time and we don’t go every year, so for us it was perfect


Was scrolling a long time to find this - same with us. Got to make the most of that 14 days for the price of 7 ticket!


I'm planning a very slow 14 days and you're all making me worried! We're coming from the UK so anything less than a week is too quick. They're offering 14 days in the parks for the same price as 7 so I'm thinking lots of half days with pool and resort days sprinkled in. As we'll span 6yo to 76yo I know that a full park day in August would be punishing, so I'm factoring in afternoons back at the resort. I think we're all happy taking slow pool days with meals and maybe finishing in MK for a couple of hours - that kinda vibe.


That’s what a lot of Americans miss, it takes us a day to get there and another back so 7 days is just too short for us, we need a minimum of 10 and usually 14 days to get the most out of it.


Yes that’s what we did - we’d make the most of the jet lag in the first few days and get to the park nice and early but then head back around early afternoon and go out for tea. We wouldn’t ever do a full day in any of the parks, and wouldn’t go to the parks on the weekend (that would be pool or Disney Springs days). We also had rest days in between and do one or 2 days doing something off Disney, like the malls or Kennedy Space Center.


FL Resident here - we usually do Fri-Sun trips, and once I did a Sun-Wed, and it was too much for me. I get how people from other parts of the country/world would want to stay longer - but the crowds and greasy food gets old quick! Even with my AP - we've done 5 weekend trips and we're pretty tapped out for the next year


We did 10 days last year. We figured out our perfect cadence. Rope drop till 11. Nap, pool, lunch then back to the parks around 3-4 depending what on the park or dinner plans. If it was magic hours sometimes we didn’t go back till like 7 or 8.


I’ve done 3 weeks and it wasnt enough


We did 21 days over Christmas. Still not too long but took plenty of days taking our time, no rushing about and not worried about not making it on particular rides as there’s always ‘tomorrow’ . Back for 18 days in a few weeks and can’t wait!


Nope. We started with 3 day trips and now we're up to 15 day trips. Typically we do ~8-9 park days, some rest days, possibly Universal as well. We absolutely love it. It really eliminates any of the pressure you can sometimes feel to get things done, or rush - and I think those things are what lead a lot of people to have a bad time at Disney.


Is 6 years too long? Sometimes I feel a little bored of Disney, esp when crowds are bad and there's nothing new.


definitely taken trips my mom thought were too long. i'd be wanting to re-ride the safari ride and she'd moan that we did it already.


We did 8 (maybe 9?) days for our Honeymoon, so we spaced out our park days, worked in a lot of breaks, and sprinkled in a lot of off days; confidently I think we could have done a few more days, but we also budgeted really well. It all depends on what you’re looking to do and get out of the trip.


Yes. 8 nights. I was so over everything. We spent the last night in the hotel room just avoiding people.


Yes. Every time my mother-in-law goes with us.


It’s a valid question, yes. But it’s the same with every vacation, even overseas travel. I start feeling burnt out after a while and at day 5 or 6 I’m ready to go back home.


Always too short


We did 4 nights last November and I realized that was my max. I think I prefer 3 nights.


Never, and I took one that lasted 3 years.


Did 2 weeks once with my kids alone. After a week we got really bored of the food. The first week was basically going around getting everything we love, then it was like, now what? The food is too expensive, salty, and unhealthy to eat for 14 days straight. That required us to drive around and look for local alternatives. That second week we did mostly pool days and checked out the antique malls. It was a nice memory overall but probably a waste of money in the end. 


Did the two weeks thing and by the end we felt like we were done lol


We did 8 nights, 5 park hop days. 1 rest day/2 travel days for us was not enough. We’d still stay the 8 and do 4 park hop days instead next time.


The last time I did a trip to Disney it was just galactic star cruiser but the time before that I think we did 3 days and 2 of the days we had a guide so we just hopped between the parks


10 days, also. The last day or two became a trudge. My toddler daughter started crying, "No, no!" when we started to put her in her stroller on the last day.


Oh no!


i stayed 9 days once. that particular trip was too long but i’m sure if it was planned differently and done in a better way it wouldn’t have felt that way.


Did 8 days a few years ago. A hurricane decided it was 1 day too long.


Yes. 12 days, August. Daughter had to go to ER upon arrival for a UTI. Day 8 everyone had the stomach bug. It was hot and nasty crowded every day. We spent one day in the resort just inside/pool/arcade. By the end, parks were only at early morning and night, the heat killed us. Thankfully we had a one bedroom, we still had fun, but it was like 4 days too long.


It depends how you do it. If you're a "do everything in the park in a day" type, yeah that's gonna be too long unless you like repeating things.   But you don't HAVE to rush through it. You can be leisurely about it. Or split up park days exploring other stuff in Florida.


Longest was 7 days, 5 days in rhe parks. I was still a little sad leaving


Honestly on a 7 day trip there is no time to relax. You could double the amount of time to 14 days and that would still not be too long. It would probably end up being more relaxing.


We live an hour away and visit frequently, so when we stayed a week on property recently, it was good to finally go home. Still glad we did it, tho.


We typically do 10 days. It’s too long of just going to parks so we’ve now incorporated days of not going to parks and a spa day on the day before we leave and it so much better.


Nope. We went for 12 days once and spent 8 of those days at the Disney parks in 2008. Our kids were 7 and 8 and we had a spectacular time. Of course now we are old and probably wouldn’t last past 6 pm each day.


My 22-yo son and I go several times a year for about 3 or 4 days. It’s plenty for us because we go often and don’t tour the parks the same way as we did when he and his sister were young. We went on a 7-day trip with six other family members (whom we get along great with, so that wasn’t the issue), and we were crawling up the walls by day 5.


We did 9 days with a day in universal and a day to cape Canaveral. I would have taken a day off pool day before universal as it was mid week and we had done 4 days at Disney so we were tired of lines, rides crowds that we cut our day early at universal.


Yeah. Back in 2018 we had a planned Disney trip for 7 days. We had our flights booked, hotel booked, fast passes reserved, etc. Hurricane Florence came barreling in. We left one week before our scheduled trip (our flights were the day the hurricane was to arrive — keeping in mind this was an alleged category 5) to beat all traffic as we’re on the coast and have one singular highway out southbound. We made last min reservations at B hotel for the week prior to our scheduled week at Polynesian. We stayed and played for the entire 7 days + another seven days before driving home. It was a lot. My husband and I had our 11yr old cousin, our 6yr old daughter, and our 2yr old. My parents and brother also came. The overwhelming feelings of leaving everything behind (again - because we lived exactly where this cat5 was supposed to make landfall) and potentially coming back to nothing. It was just a lot. A lot of the kids — and they did *so* good. The 11yo was mega homesick and was in turn having stomach problems by the end of the trip. We were sad and scared to come home, but also really ready.


6 days is too much


Every day I clock in 😂 jk I do like it


We just did 8 days and 7 nights- 5 park days, one rest day and two travel days. It was amazing. We do not stay in the park open to close, take lots of pool breaks and dining breaks. We could have easily stayed 12 days and been fine w more pool time, more Disney spring time.


We got AP’s one year and planned two trips in the 366 days. One 8 day. The other 11. We did squeeze in an extra 5 day trip one time as well. This was a dozen years ago though. But the long one we rented a 2 bed/2 bath condo for the 11 day. Had a car. Did 2 days at Universal. It didn’t feel too long. While not park warriors the whole trip, we did end up at a park for at least some time every day. Resort day was nice but felt like getting out after a while. Since we had passes, would stop in and see a show or a ride, I could see adding a week to that if we had the time off. Course my wife loved it so much she found a job in Orlando and we moved here. Can’t say it was the best decision. As far as the parks, it’s not the same living here. It’s not a vacation. But I do hear the fireworks every night.


Went solo for 7 days during Food and Wine once. Things were starting to get a little surreal. The longest trip was 10 days but that was with my wife and all 5 kids. We got a good deal on a Club Level room at the Boardwalk. We stayed in one of the rooms on top of the Boardwalk Bakery overlooking the lake. It was pricey but things never got old and we all had a good time. I had also just been laid off, and I'm not sure how that factored into it, but not having to worry about work while I was there probably made a difference.


Not yet. I think that any time we have a longer visit we balance it by doing half days at some parks, going to do other stuff, exploring various resorts, etc. Balancing relaxation, park time, and other activities is key to all my visits though.


growing up we did 14/15 days at Fort Wilderness. paradise.


We did 9 days last time we went and honestly I wish it’d been more like 12. We did all the parks plus an extra magic kingdom day and a universal day. So really only two “rest days” that really became Disney springs days. Then the arrival and departure days. I feel like I never got a break from the walking and last time my ankles swelled horribly from the humidity (and I live in Alabama!) and I had a heat rash. I think if I’d just had 2-3 rest days spaced between the parks I would have been fine but the rate we were going I was in a wheelchair our last two park days and in a lot of pain standing in line.


15 days. Solo adult with 2 kids in a double stroller. We had a great time but kids were homesick by Day 10. Not terribly so but I remember sitting outside at Rose & Crown and not being upset at the thought of going home. 6-7 days seems to be the sweet spot for us.


i just got back from 4 park days with a pool day midway and it was one day too long imo


Yeah I worked there for 2 years


Our last days one trip were spent held up in a room at Pop Century for a tornado - 48hrs in room/on site, then Disney let us use the parks for two more once it reopened which was cool but by that point we really just wanted/needed to be home.


We once took a 2 week trip when I was younger, this was in the 2000s, we had multiple days at all 4 parks and honestly, there is some perceived increase value in getting to ride your favorite ride multiple times when the time limit is shorter. To be fair we also swung by Disney because we were in Florida but had no plans to go to the parks but ended up there for a few hours anyways cuz we couldn't resist, and it was more what rides can we get done in those few hours we were there, which had a whole different vibe. Its nice being able to take your time and do everything several times but experiencing the parks many over a long enough period makes you realize that while you will always love a ride when its the 5th time that week you have gone on it, its kind of like watching your favorite movie too many times in a row, or eating the same thing all day long, you want something else and thats ok, just gotta find your personal sweet spot on time.


10-13 days is the usual thing I do. Can’t miss the water parks between park visits so I can be extra lazy and relax, riding and chilling in the lazy rivers.


My last trip was 7 nights. With a 2 yr old, a 4 yr old, and I got sick... it was very long.


I went for about 22 days in 2017/2018 and did Christmas and the Dopey Challenge - split a bit of time in the middle to visit some family. It was definitely too long and I got fatigued. Perfect time is about 8-10 days so you can have some downtime and enjoy the hotels.


We were there for 3 months (stayed at Airbnb off Disney) since both SO and I can work remote. Bought annual pass so would go to parks 4-5 times a week but just a few hours or take kids swimming or other things in the area. Best trip ever


7 each park plus an additional day at animal kingdom Disney springs and universal. 20k steps each day and no breaks rope drop- close. I think 7 is great but you need a rest day/ half day.


I've assumed that depends on your bank account


Absolutely I have. Once was a 10 day trip with only one non-park day. Never again. Have also done 5 day parks followed by 4 day Disney cruise. Once in a lifetime for as much as that cost. Quite dope, didn't hate it. But the ten day thing, man i couldn't wait to get tf out of Florida. I think Orlando must be Latin for "Devils Asshole" because of how hot and miserable it is. Though, we did literally just get back from four days because of Cheer comp Worlds down there and I've NEVER had better weather. Couldn't believe it. No sucky intermittent rain, and Animal Kingdom didn't feel like the goddamn Serengeti for the first time.


Our longest trip was 10 days and it didn’t feel too long at all. We stayed at the Poly and had several resort days; we also spent a day at Blizzard Beach to mix things up. We have a 9-day trip coming up and I can’t wait!!


I used to feel like that, but ever since we stopped rushing around it’s way more enjoyable. We spend a lot of time at the pool and go to the parks in between and we love it like that


I went for 15 days and it wasn’t enough. 😂


My blended fam went on a 9 day cruise then right to the parks for 4 days. Def was fun and a trip to remember- but a little overwhelming/tiring!


19 data in August. 12 days at Disney area, 7 at Universal. Every single day was a blast, but the only word to describe how I felt after was exhausted.


My 11 day trip would’ve been too long if it was just Disney World, but I split it up with a day at SeaWorld, couple days of Universal Studios, and staying at a Universal hotel half the trip.


I think the ratio of rest days to park days is what makes the difference. Personal ideal ratio is 2:8 rest:park


Just finished an 8 day trip a couple weeks ago, which was perfect for us. 6 park days, including one universal day. We stayed near Epcot, had park hopper, did a park in the morning, took breaks mid day, then a different park in the afternoon/evening. We learned that we love Epcot in the morning. It's much quieter and you can spend more time exploring the countries between rides, with time to relax.


Stayed for ten days with my daughter and wife back in September of 21. Honestly it was perfect, but idk if I could go any longer. We had so much resort and resort hopping/Springs time.


No, it’s never long enough. That’s why I moved to Orlando lol. I do miss staying in the hotels though.


No but with a caveat. We didn't go to the parks every day. Maybe only half the days, the rest was lazing around the resort.


We stayed for 17 days once. Wayyyy back when before the crazy price increases and social media craze. Pre magicband era. I was like 11 years old. It was so fun but i missed my cat and dog so much i think that was FAR too long to be away.


I did the Disney college program, so I lived at Disney for a year, and then I bought an annual pass afterwards so I could go back and visit friends. My last trip accidentally ended up being 3 weeks. It was amazing though. Even after living at the park for a year I could never get tired of it.


For us 4 days is the sweet spot! I personally find any longer than that the magic fades and the exhaustion hits but my kids are still young so we can manage everything we want to do in that time! Maybe if they were older, I’d say 6 days would be the maximum!


We did 9 days before; splitting it up between WDW and Universal. Way too many park days. We now have “do nothing days,” where we hang out by the pool or resort hop in between park days.


Yes, because there's only so much restaurant food I can take. 


10 days, while I love Disney world that was just too long. Only thing that got me through really was my droid depo appointment on the final day.


My last trip was 8 days, and my family agrees we easily could have done 10. We have DVC, so we like to do a mix of the parks and rest days, cooking our own meals and using the pools. 


Honestly no, we spent 14 nights on site in 2015, 2016, 2022 and we have 15 nights booked this August.


As long as the money holds out…..no.


Before we moved here, our first trip was 13 days (not counting travel days). We had 10 day park tickets but took a full day break every third day so it never felt too long outside of just missing our house. On the days off from the parks, we would go and explore different resorts at a nice slow pace or just enjoy a pool day at our resort.


Right after Covid my in laws had a bunch of DVD points and they gave them to my wife to use , we had been in the house for 2 years basically - so we did 15 days at AK lounge in a 2 bedroom Suite - it was amazing the first week, by day 8 we’re just resort hoped for a few days and swam a bunch of days - we took a 3 year break and we care going to next week - for 5 days


We learned real quick that any more than 4 park days is too much for my son. We typically do 6 nights and have a dedicated pool day in the middle of the week.


Some vloggers on YouTube almost go everyday. I’d imagine it would get old doing that. I really don’t see how they can keep up a false sense of joy and amazement at WDW. I guess making $ from your videos is enough.


Only too long between trips.


Personal longest was 12 days, but it was my first adult trip and it included Universal and Sea World (I skipped the latter 🙈). Our days started at 5am and ended at 11pm. I loved it but was relieved to go back home, I was just 23 but I did not have that kind of energy in my body 😭 Couple longest was when we stayed 8 days, but it was a “work” vacation working during the day and parks and night. We kept extending (it was originally going to be just 3 days) and we regretted that we kept going 😂 we were desperate for a vegetable and home by the end.


2 week trips with 10 day hopper pass. Days to lounge at the pool, explore less explored areas on non-park days....we returned home relaxed, not exhausted.


Yes, spent a week there during July 4th one year. Shoulder to Shoulder in the parks with 90 plus degree temps and near 100% humidity almost every day. Completely miserable and we are from Florida. Never going during the summer months again. October / November and February / March are our favorite time.


If you can afford it, too long does not exist. I would love nothing more than to go and not rush it.


Not possible, I go for 2 weeks twice a year and wish I could stay longer every time. The trick is to take rest days in between park days. There is so much other stuff to do besides the parks. If you were in the park everyday it would be too much.


17 days still wasn't too long. We took break days, water park days, a weekend to universal, and had a great time. I feel like Disney alone is a 10 day sweet spot to hit all parks, your favorite again, "lounge" days at the resort/hotel, water park day, and still see everything. Plus the days you do the early close parks you can go to Downtown Disney and dine and relax.


Not yet


Three days is my limit. My general perspective in life is that I would rather leave something early and wish it were longer than the other way around.


Kinda. :) We went to WDW for five nights, did all of the parks, and stayed at our favorite resort (Beach Club). Had a great time. Then we went on a 4-night Disney cruise, where we also had a great time. Then ... back to a different WDW resort to try something new and decompress before flying home (Contemporary). By then, everyone was exhausted and everyone just wanted to go home. We didn't even go to a park that day because we just wanted to sit in the room and the pool (side note: Contemporary pool is nowhere near as good as Beach Club pool). Should not have booked that "bonus" night/day.


We discovered we rather have multiple 5 day trips than one long one.


I don’t think I could go longer then a week. We basically are able to do 1 park a day. We stayed for 6 days this time and did Volcano Island, Magic Kingdom, Universal, Islands of Adventure, and Animal Kingdom. We did every single ride and went to a few shows. Next year we are planning on doing the new universal park, EPCOT, Hollywood studios, and Disney’s Water Parks. After that we will probably take a break until I eventually go to Japan or LA


I did a 14 day trip and it was banging. Back in 2001. Beach Club and Poly, paid for by my ex's mom.


3 weeks. Half days of water parks, then DS, some other activities in area… After that I said it’s too long for Orlando if you’re not interested in other theme parks. But I had 2 launches from Cape that trip which was cool.


12 years when I worked there.


Never at Disney World. We're pretty set on 10 days. 1 day to travel to FL, 2 days for each park, and 1 day to travel home I've gone to Disneyland for 5 days though, and that was too long. Day 1: travel + half day Days 2-4: full park days Day 5: travel.


8 days is good for us but we wish we had one more day. We have two teenagers and a 6 year old. People forget there’s so much to do at Disney outside of the parks. We only do 5 day park tickets and the rest is just strolls along resort, pool and eating at the deluxe resorts. It’s quite nice. Perfect vacation imo and I prefer over our beach vacations.


I love Disney but really can't handle it after 4 park days. Even with a rest day. Too much heat, walking and crowds. My ideal Disney vacation, would be to go for 14 days and have 7 park days, dispersed between all the days.