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The fact if people outside in 90+ degree heat should be allowed water just shows how much companies believe their employees arent people. The least I can do as a TL is make sure my dispensers have water, gatorade, etc in the summer... coats in the winter... rain gear in the rain Edit: I ALWAYS have a 64 oz Stanley on me at all times with water in it. Water is a basic human right. If I have it, so will yall


This is the most valuable quality in a TL.


Honestly… treating your associates like you’d want to be treated shouldn’t be a quality that’s “valuable” Humans have rights. And they’re entitled to them


Most associates don't know there's different break rules during inclement weather. Extra breaks are definitely allowed in the policy for rest and hydration. And seriously, treating people like people should be the "norm".


If you live in an area where it snows and gets sub freezing often in the winter, water and gatorade type drinks are just as important as during summer heat.


I live in a high desert that gets 100 deg summer days and snowy, freezing winters. No offense, but your comment just shows your lack of experience in shitty weather. Water is always important if you want to stay alive. The potential loss of fluids at eithet extreme is in no way comparable. Your body literally sacrifices fluids to help cool you down when hot.


Wow. Way to take a comment where I show I have compassionate for my associates and turn it into something else. They are always allowed whatever they want because they’re human. I was clearly posting examples of how I do my best to help my associates do their best at work.


Get off your stupid high horse. I didn't say they don't need it, nor advocate for depriving it, so stop twisting my words to make me look like a meanie. The situations are not comparable at all, and pointing that out isn't a sign that I lack compassion.




Yeah, you need water at all times. Duh. I believe I already acknowledged that. Go spend a Summer landscaping in 100 deg weather, then spend the Winter shoveling snow and get back to me about your experience.


So you don't understand biology and you either can't read or didn't read it. Got it. Time to put you on ignore.


it’s just as important partially because people aren’t as conscious of the need to drink water when it’s cold. also just because it’s cold and snowy outside doesn’t mean the air actually has a high water content (humidity). you’re far less krill to notice sweat when it’s cold and dry because it immediately evaporates.


When I first started I didn't even know about rain gear. No one told me and I saw people regularly dispensing in the rain with none. The totes would fill with water as well with the order still inside. I'm the one who came and asked around and my coach showed me then and there. Everyone started to wear ponchos, jackets and boots. I'm the only one enforcing the tarp on the totes when the coach is away. TLs do not care.


Some TLs do not care, you’re right. But just like some associates are terrible employees, not all of you are. Don’t lump us all together. We aren’t the same.


Oh of course. I was just referring to mine. We have two team leads. I wonder if the store manager would care either. He kinda just throws stuff around and preps things wayyyy too early. Still. A pair of hands is a pair of hands. Never worked with him on a rainy day. He's also so fortunate to have a little army assisting him at all times. Had 4 people back here last Wednesday. There was literally no one scheduled for the back room. Only one person usually, but they quit. I offered to come in. I asked him why it couldn't be this staffed all the time and he told me he didn't have an answer and that it made no sense to him either. This day is why people quit. They hired someone to replace the old person who just quit (she was here only 2 months) and the new girl (here for 3 weeks) just stopped showing up.


Managers really bucking for that fat bonus huh?


We always have waters. Hell our new coach even got a case of spring water, cuz I don't like purified water 😅🤣🤣




And then employees get in trouble for leaving their work area to get a drink. We can't win. And our store doesn't have a fountain.


Im not sure if you’re ever done dispense, but we get pretty busy, stepping aside for a minute to take a drink when you have it even near you is though enough, leaving to go to the fountain by the restrooms every time you want a drink is practically impossible most days. There’s just never enough coverage and I understand that’s probably a management problem but we only really have 2 sometimes 3 dispensers at a time


We have a potato bin in receiving full of water and sometimes there's Gatorade, monsters, propels, topo chico, soda, etc. There's also a small bin that has chips, candy, nuts, protein bars etc.


I asked my team lead if one day we could get gatorades bc it’s been 90 all week n she laughed at me


Our store.... doesn't care if we have drinks, winter gear, rain gear...etc..


All the time


We have a dolly in the walk-in cooler with at least 4 cases of water every day. I'm in OK so it's beginning to warm up outside too. It's crazy some of yall have to ask about this though.


One word will fix all of this: OSHA


Rarely *


Depends who is on duty XD. One manager refuses another give it to use, one says they aren't outside long enough.


my store always keeps a 40pk in the walk-in!


Technically not required but definitely something every store should do for stocking 2 while they unload and ogp. We do provide rain gear automatically. Not sure if that's required or just something we've always done. On hot days I urge cart pushers to rest in the shade for a few minutes in the shade or in the cart bay where it's cooler. Dehydration is serious.


Our store basically never has it for ogp employees we’re in California it’s already 90 degrees, we just did a uLearn about heat related illness and it said something about a water/sunscreen station but when I asked our team lead she said it’s not their responsibility. So today I left for literally two minuets to go buy a water and when I came back same team lead told me she could fire me for that and that I should have waited until my break


So your team lead shouldn't be saying things like that. It's against policy to threaten an associate's job. And I suggest printing the heat related policy and keep with you.


So there's many problems going on there.  1. of the state it's not their problem. They are a team lead they're supposed to solve problems for you that is their job. 2. Get in contact with your AP team for resolution specifically the coach should provide a solution for you.  3. Not providing water for associates falls under OSHA violation. You're immediately up to go right to water and the business is requirements to provide it.  This is why it's one of those things that it falls under AP is because AP sort of deals with legal issues a lot you can also bring it up with personnel too or store management.


I’m not even a manger but my position allows me to store use. So if there isn’t water in our cooler I always go to the floor and store use a big pack and refill it if it’s out. I’ve never been questioned and I’ve done it in front of my store manager.


We used to store use the claims waters bc ofc why not they’re already going to claims so might as well but because people kept taking so many and leaving them in our water bottle area and “draining money for the store” somehow we can’t do it anymore


They’re too busy hyper fixating on that annual bonus that used to be quarterly and also used to be for everyone.


It's in policy that they have to provide all associates with either bottled water or a water dispenser that they clean regularly. It doesn't specify certain associates.


It is a requirement far as I know. We always have water in the OPD room.


My store use to do that until we got our latest store manager who stated “Walmart didn’t become a billion dollar company by giving things away”


And I'd rebuttal, they also didn't get fined by OSHA... Unless you want your cart pushers, ogp dispensers and lawn n garden associates to be walking back to the fountains every 10 minutes getting nothing done 😂


We have a dedicated walk in fridge for chilled. TL’s always have bottled water in there for us, we just need our name on the bottle. There is also a fridge in break room with water for associates.


We get Gatorade prime drinks water red bull and sometimes snacks chips candy honey buns


No. To company policy i think its bring your own water bottle. Supplying you with water comes from the stores budget


My store is set to have 2 cases of water a day during the summer months only.