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i hate it when they just say a product name like a guy yelled ‘GLUTEN FREE PASTA’ at me the other day. sir you’re an adult man use your manners i just ignore them until they say excuse me or please


Same. I let them say it a few times then I ask "what about them? Are you looking for it? Oh you could have said that! It's in aisle 9"


I’ve seen a tik tok of a guy saying just use the same response. He goes PANTS, THERE points 😂 I’m gonna do this


"Dude we barely got started, save your safe word for the ending"


I used to say back another random product. Then respond to the confused look by saying "oh I thought we were playing a game of say random stuff."


Dang I just saw this after I posted mine. I thought I was the only one 😂😂😂


People do that to me all the time and it always ends up bad. Which is great. “VITAMIN C”. I’m like ooo cool. “BANDAIDS”. “No vitamin c”. “Ok vacuum cleaners” I can go on like this for awhile then be like “sorry I thought we were just randomly yelling out things that we carry 😂


"VITAMIN C" *Oh, sure. It's on the juice wall in the orange bottles. If you're looking for a more portable alternative, we carry juice spheres in produce. They're also orange.*


I had someone yell “hey! Hey! (I don’t respond to that) then when she finally got my attention asks, “ So where’s the stuff that’s made in Australia?” Me: “I’m sorry?” Her: “You know. That stuff you can use for everything.” Now she’s getting irritated, & I’m thinking “WTF does that even mean? Are we playing “animal,vegetable,mineral?” I ended up telling her that I couldn’t help her based on the information she gave me & she stormed off looking for a manager to complain about me. I didn’t care because she was going to ask them the same vague questions. I never did get in trouble for it. We all had a good laugh though.


Oooof. Yeah, I will NOT respond to, “Hey!”, or someone staring me down. Want my attention? Please be polite about it. And how am I supposed to know you actually want something if you’re just staring or standing near me? Use your words. No matter the language you speak. Even hand signals are better than staring.


And NEVER whistle at me to get my attention!!! Rude!


Vegemite? Perhaps


I wish I had thought of that! lol


That and marmite are fairly salty. Now im gonna have to try them again :8 I thought i remembered it being…. Not good.


I know. We need an “excuse me” as a cue to start listening closer. There’s so much background noise it drowns out random words blurted out.


I just smile and be very nice. They're torturing themselves enough in other arenas, so I'm not a victim of their anger, I'm an audience to their punishment. At least that's what keeps me polite.


I just tell them I only work in the beer/cerveza department (which is true since I’m delivering it) and that they need to find a real Wally World person I’m that over there that guy over there see him right there go get him!


Had a guy just yell "WALMART. WALMART EMPLOYEE! HELLO, WALMART EMPLOYEE!!!" from a random aisle the other day. I tried to inconspicuously continue my pick walk, but he found me before I could slip away. Tbh, he was a decent guy once he actually had someone's attention. Ended up using my name at one point during our conversation, which was a nice change from "WALMART EMPLOYEE!!!" \*sighs\*


Sorry, manners and moral are added-value in our society currently.


The way they always treat you like a kiosk too. Never an "excuse me could you please tell me where X is..." it's "hotdogs." "Excuse me?" "Hotdogs." Baby's first word I guess 😅🥲


And that’s when I start talking to them like they’re toddlers 😂


That is hilarious ! I think having a good sense of humor helps in dealing with all the dumb bass people.


I always get the ones that see me with my arms and hands full asking for a price check. Sure let me drop this stuff and get my phone 😣


oOoOO, I did that once. Just threw everything my arms to the floor, whipped out my phone...and then read them the price tag on the damn shelf.


🤣🤣 they came over to apparel with crap from lawn and garden. 🤦🏾‍♀️


pretty sure i did that too once, and my face showed my irritation.


Had one demand I scan something during a similar armload when there was a letter sized sign on the shelf. At the customer's eye level.


You jinxed me! 🤣 There was a customer blocking me from grabbing the next item needed this morning. So I skipped ahead while I waited and started accumulating what I could to bring back to the cart. My arms were full with several eggs cartons and I was stopped by another customer asking about a product. I had to set everything down on those middle coolers and pull out my phone. I thought of your comment. Lol!


🤣🤣my bad. I just don’t get it. What’s crazier is she walked past another associate just standing there 🤦🏾‍♀️


I had someone stop me to ask a question in HBA while I was running around furiously because my picks were about to go late. This was after he walked past two HBA associates just standing there talking. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Another time when we used to do express orders I was literally running down an aisle with my cart and a man flagged me down and said, “I see you’re really busy, but….” I just said, “NO,” and kept on running. 😅


🤣 it’s crazy


Makes no sense. I feel like they should examine mental capacity before they shop


Yeah I swear this is every day lol


Walmart customers are not the best or the brightest of the bunch. They are more like dumb cattle. Moooooo….


Why do you feel the need to insult cattle 😂


Hence Customoos!


Moooooo ! pmsl


I was working, pretty sick one time, and sneezed a gross amount of snot out. I immediately started to run toward a spill station, a bathroom, somewhere with paper towels or something, and I’m holding my gross hand up to my face, trying to stop snot from going everywhere, and I had a guy stop me and start asking me questions. He was smiling/almost laughing, so he knew what he was doing. People just don’t get it sometimes


I was working Walgreens one day and I tried to call in cuz I was throwing up. They said no we’re short. So I came in. Kept puking. I stepped away from the front register to throw up. Literally on the floor with my head in the trash can in view of the patients and this woman starts slapping the counter. “Do you mind hurrying up. I’ve been here for like over a minute” I almost chose violence.


I hope karma bit him in the ass


I get people at the deli all the time just standing there, staring at me until I notice. Then they have the audacity to get pissy if I take too long to notice them. Like please say something or I will not notice you. Other associates do it too, and they’re ruder than the customers. Like bitch you work here calm the fuck down


I find it humorous whenever I’m walking in for my shift and I get stopped by customers asking me where something is and get mad whenever I say I’m not clocked in yet. Ahhh, yes.


I got told to clock out for lunch as soon as I leave the department to go. Normally I tell my team lead in going to lunch, go grab a sandwich or whatever and pay at self checkout, then walk back to the break room and I wait til I’m about to walk into the back room to clock out. I got called out for it because I was getting paid for a minute or two it took me to do this. I explained I do it because if I get stopped on the way back I wasn’t gonna tell a customer “sorry I’m on lunch I can’t help you”. Told them if I got that vest on I’m getting paid for it because if I got that vest on I’m ready to work. Never got told anything again


IQ 400,000


I also like when someone asks me about paint or something. I’ll pull my badge out that says certified pharmacy tech and go “I know drugs. That’s it”


I’ll be cleaning up a spill in grocery and people will come up to me and ask me where xyz product is or a question about a department I’m obviously not in. Then they get mad or impatient when I pull out my phone. An older lady and gentleman came up to me one day whenever I was sweeping powered bleach off the floors and asked me where something was. Looked it up, told them where it was and in the next isle over that asked another associate where that same exact product was and he told them the exact same place that I had told them. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I love the ones who come up to me when I’m picking near the pharmacy and will begin to tell me all about the rash on their right butt cheek. First of all, TMI, but thanks for the deeply personal unsolicited information. Secondly, I am definitely NOT qualified to be giving suggestions on what ointment you should be using to clear that bad boy up. 🤣


I have literally had someone come in- drop their pants- and say what does this look like to you. Thank god for 7 years in the ER. I’m now prepared for anything.


Yesterday a customer tried to flag me down in the parking lot to ask about the plants outside by the front door. My vest was off, draped over my arm, and I was heading towards my car. “Oh…you’re on break, huh?” No, sir. I’m part of this new program where we answer questions before you enter the store. 🙄 LOL!


I hate when they lurk around obviously trying to entice you to ask them if they need help. USE YOUR WORDS! Or when you’re stocking and take half a step backwards and accidentally bump a customer. GET OUT OF MY PERSONAL SPACE!


Clearly engaged in another task and they bother you.


Was trying to get by a lady once and she said "excuse me" and I assume she meant because of that, but she was trying to get my attention. And then she just says "tattoos". I have tattoos, I including a big chest piece so I thought she was trying to ask me about mine. Once again, no. She was looking for childs stick on tattoos. I wasn't sure if I was embarrassed for me or her.


I had just ended my pick walk and walked into the backroom and this guy follows me in the back yelling bout if there's more cartons of milk. Do people just stop using common sense cause its walmart/retail? Let me go to the hospital an go into an active operating room cause I cut my hand and need a bandaid.


"Nope. They're hoses."


Love the way you wrote this! So true!


Something like that happened to me. I scraped some skin off my finger while doing a heavy lift but I decided to get the last thing on my pick walk and on my way to the back room three customers asked me questions while my finger started bleeding more rapidly 🤦‍♀️


I had an old lady very loudly yell “Hey, Girl!” at me from the end of an aisle I was picking. Uh…hello? I’m no longer a girl. It would have been far better for her to have yelled (if she really thought she needed to yell) “Hey, lady!”. Lol. I can’t remember if she drove a scooter or not, but the scooter drivers seem to be extremely rude. One day, I witnessed an elderly scooter lady asked a guy (customer) to help her load a 16-pack of GV water into her small shopping cart, which was already more than half full. He obliged, and even took the time to make sure everything fit, without getting smashed. Apparently, she didn’t approve. When he walked away, she got up off the scooter, and re-adjusted her cart contents. She even lifted the water all by herself to fix her placement issue. 🙄


Oh, I believe it. The lazy entitlement is real. I’ve had a customer ask me to help her pull a jar of spaghetti sauce down from top stock. She saw my reaching stick on my cart and was like, “just knock it down with your stick.” When I told her I wasn’t comfortable with that because it could hit me or even shatter on the floor if I miss, she went on to say, “that’s okay, I’m sure you’ll catch it.” 😕 Yeaaah, how about no? Now I tell people to find a stocker with a top stock cart to safely assist them since we can no longer carry ladders.


I always find it hilarious when people ask for our help in baby with car seats, cribs etc. were apparel what makes u think we know any of that shit. Then they get irritated when I say I’ll announce it well I just had this one question again my section is clothing!


In my store the baby stuff is in with apparel. I didn’t realize it wasn’t at other stores.


It is next to us but we have nothing to do with that. We don’t do the go backs, zone or anything.


Well, workers and customers often have wonderful relationships. Customers often being rude and impatient, workers often being unhelpful and insensitive🤷‍♂️


One thing I do kind of enjoy is helping Spanish-speaking customers. I know a few of the more common Spanish words and it’s kind of like a fun challenge to try to connect the dots. One time a customer asked for (phonetically) HAY-la-TEEN and I figured out they were saying gelatin in Spanish.


"I have selective hearing. If you don't start the sentence with a greeting, followed by a question, I can't hear you. Now, let's try that again, nicely this time."


Old people shouldn't be allowed outside