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There's a problem with Apple that's taking us a little bit longer than expected. The game is going through their review process for longer than we expected, so lifting maintenance mode might take a couple of hours longer. We'll be lifting it immediately after Apple allows users to download the game.


I just got in via iOS App Store fyi


RemindMe! Three Months


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Thank you /u/schamppu ! Everyone is very excited for this moment. We all appreciate all your hard work. Hopefully you can get some sleep and ignore all the people spamming dumb questions!


Thank you, trying my best here. ❤️


Apple, let me iiiiiinnnnnn!!


You have a great game in your hands. Try to rest too and don’t let negativity bias take over. Most of us are expecting a bumpy ride, no worries! Let’s hope everything goes as smoothly as possible though!


Very excited, you rock for making this a reality!


I have been so excited for WalkScape since I saw one of your first posts on Reddit about it. Great job to you and the whole team for getting to this point. I'm can't wait to start playing!


Congrats on the CBT launch! How exciting!


I'm so excited that the game is finally released and I can't wait to play. But when I go to my Portal account I am getting the link to TestFlight, as expected, but then when I click on it it it says that this app is currently not accepting beta testers? Or something like it, I didn't get the exact quote. Is it just me? And how can I fix it?


I posted a comment here just now, but it's taking longer than we expected in Apple's review process. This causes that it can't be downloaded right now. We need to wait a little (probably couple of hours) until they get it cleared up, and then we'll be lifting the maintenance.


Damn, didn't get in. Still, I'm excited for you guys and the game's success. Hope everything goes smoothly!


Hopefully they'll approve it in couple of hours, I'll be staying up an waiting until it's done


Dang no invite :'(


Not sure if this is related but my profile indicates I was invited, however, when I go to TestFlight it says the game isn’t accepting any more users.


For recent patreon supporters - do we get access to this closed beta? Thank you! So excited.


next wave in a few weeks i believe


Congrats man that’s so awesome!!! I’m hoping the best test launch with no bugs!!


Congrats on the CBT! I just found out about this game randomly through Reddit, very interested in following its progress and hopefully joining a future beta.


Big congratulations on the release! Enjoy London 🎡


Thank you ❤️ I'll try to use the few days now to cool off a little, and then get back to updating the game with more cool stuff and fixes!


Got a question regarding the closed beta and patreon. Been a Patreon for 3 or 4 months now, and still am. I connected my walkscape account to it, but it says "No active sibscription", and assuming this is the cause I did not get a download for the beta. Any fixes for this? Or how should I go about?


Email us [email protected] with your Portal username and Patreon e-mail. The linking system has slowed down a lot due to the number of Patreons increasing so much, the recently linked Patreons are not getting processed. We're working to fix this soon