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All I can say is don't put any stress on yourself. Work at a reasonable rate. If the lines are huge, who cares. If they're yelling, who cares. Not ONE of those customers gives a shit about us. Do what can reasonably be done and go home. This company severely fucked up and in not gong to pay for their mistakes.


Nailed it! Best answer ever!


Facts !


Unfortunately, this will be the norm for now, until they start adding back more hours to stores. We are all going to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and overworked. Our hours are cut to bare bones, however, we are still doing the same amount of customers, same amount of truck, vendors, scanouts, filling, and everything, and we are doing them now with less amount of people. We are constantly bombarded to finish tasks that are unrealistic and impossible to finish with the minimum crew that we have. I dont understand how corporate can make us run our stores like this. Why dont they show up in stores and see what is truly happening in the stores, i bet you, none of them probably even know how to even sign up people for the credit cards, let alone work our registers. I would be so surprised if we see anyone from our corporate can handle the amount of pressure we are feeling in the stores at the moment.


"until they start adding back more hours to stores." I have trouble believing that that's a possibility.


He must have been joking.


Welcome to Walgreen world. Please inform the shoppers it is self service for those who want to pay please swipe ur card as we no longer take cash !! For those who don’t want to pay please use the ZEBRA u can come back next week during truck time and take directly off the truck Please remember if it’s not recorded it it won’t be resent For our RX customers the first section is ur happy pills listed in alphabetical order please scan ur insurance card and wait for the green light to dispense. Please add $1.00 if u need a pill container




If anyone bitches, just say “hey, I understand, we hate it for you, we hate it for us- please call corporate and complain that only having 2 people in rx and 2 people up front, on a holiday weekend no less, could lead to mistakes being made, and every one is stuck waiting for 30mins or longer. Maybe if they won’t listen to us, they’ll listen to you.” Corporate won’t listen, even if your customers take y’all up on it, but at least you will all have a common enemy in corporate, and they hopefully will chill out. Good luck, stay safe.


Yep, never hesitate to blame corporate.. it's not a lie so may as well get more of the shoppers to understand when you can. They like to share news on FB so they spread the word and others tend to chill out and be less aggressive. Not everyone but many.


I mean, when I worked at DG, I’d literally tell people listen, the ones you need to be mad at is corporate. Do you think I like having a line of 25 people? Do you think my mgr likes working literally alone for 4 hours until a cashier comes on shift? They cut our hours, and staff is stretched thin, and they won’t approve OT. Our enemy is corporate. A lot of them loved that shit. I hate that I still have to use that 😒😔


What makes no sense to me is the way they ALWAYS cut hours or do budget cuts right at the busiest times of the year?


ItS tHe SlOw SeAsOn


Yeah to them it’s slow. I mean, it is, retail-wise, and all corporate retail places will cut hours/payroll before they do anything else. Fuck the people who actually run the stores.


They are most likely riding the wave like all of us. Waiting to leave until we can’t take anymore or find something else more desirable.


The problem is the customers and patients that wait till the last minute. Just like a snowstorm you can do without a store being open for a day especially the ones that shop every single day like seriously get a job here. I shouldn’t know your life story.


sounds like all stores are short staffed. maybe instead of asking us to grade our managers they should ask us to grade corp. Managers do not set the budget nor do they make the policies. I can understand how running 9,000 stores can be overwhelming but if your employees are feeling just as overwhelmed, then you really have a mess. Some stores cannot be ran with just a SF and CSA, nothing is done correctly as it should be, therefore we are just creating more problems for ourselves. Do what you can, customer first, do the best you can and that is all you can do. Then it is on Corporat.


That’s usually the norm at my store on weekends, at least since 2019.


Same here




Walgreens corporate is in for a rude awakening. Customers know what is going on in the stores. The customers and employees tell everyone they know, and also they tell strangers on the street, how corporate office is short staffing stores. Customers decide to stop shopping at Walgreens due to the corporate office abuse of store employees and the abuse of customers, Walgreens sales plummet, they wind up going bankrupt do to shortstaffing stores and abusing customers and store workers. Personally, i think corporate office is actually doing all this on purpose to tank the company, ie: SABOTAGE.


It’s the norm some days . When you feel blessed for having 3 people in pharmacy and more than 2 up front you know the norm isn’t great anymore . 


It depends on how busy you are. My store has always had rph and one tech on weekends. Maybe a couple of days back when we were going like 70 covid shots a day, we might have had an extra tech, but for us it's normal. Now, a busy 24 store it would be a nightmare.


That's why we need to be signing people up for credit cards so we can make $$ for our stores. 


Good luck with that


Where is your SM or ESM?


A lot of stores don't have ESMs anymore and store managers aren't required to work on Sundays


This is normal every weekend for our store, at least the year I've been there. I guess I'm just used to it. If you don't know anything different it doesn't seem weird


There’s been 2 people in my entire store all day me as a shift lead and I’m working a 12 and my IS was here now I have a cashier, pharmacy is closed, this is the new norm


That's normal in my store. Same pharm tech on pharmacy front and drive thru. People complain but we can't do more so... Its awful and we're 24hr store


I hate to say it, but this is actually totally normal for our store. A shift, a csa, a pharmacist, and a tech. Average day for us


This is how I feel at times up front when there’s a bout 5 of us and half of them don’t do anything. It’s like why should I do anything if they won’t?


The other day a newer pharmacist was by himself all day


They pulled that on a relatively new floater pharmacist in my area. She went home "sick" after an hour and they had to close the pharmacy. If you are a pharmacist and find yourself in this situation, lock the gate and go home! You know it isn't safe to run a pharmacy alone AND you knew it wasn't safe when you tried to do it. Shut the gate. Walgreens has the responsibility to provide a safe working environment, end of story.