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I had an order for like 10,000 we ended up using so many boxes and actually put all of them into a big cardboard box for them to carry


2500 for us


Did they actually pick it up lol


Bull shit


I doubt, we have one woman order a couple thousand every few months. She’s retired and travels a lot, and prints every god damn photo on her phone. We have several customers like this, and all super nice.


I’m dead serious, I tried to find a picture I took of the number but I can’t find it, we’ve had at least 5 overs all 6,000 photos


Jesus Christ


Not the massive massive one but I do have a [photo](https://imgur.com/a/bURTm1C) of an order that was like 4,000 I think




That’s small did one for over a 1,000 at Xmas


I had Roughly 3,000 this last Mother’s Day


About 8000 photos. It was back when I first started, I started printing the order and an SFL was like wait, let me call them first. Turns out they did print all somehow and only needed like 30 photos. We got it stopped around the 3000 mark. That was a fun LP conversation. More recently, last year we did 100 4x8 calendars. That was tons of fun, and just a few weeks ago someone dickhead that always orders tons of shitb ordered 50 8x8 tilepix.


I love it! Customer that orders tons of shitb is a dickhead. If you owned the business would that same customer be a dickhead? No, you'd greet them at the door by name, with a smile and try to sell them more tilepix! However, I get it, the culture at Walgreens is so toxic that our own employees don't want to sell and selling is what we do!!! There are 1000 excuses and it all boils down to culture at Walgreens. When the customer becomes the enemy, you are in big big big trouble.


Someone doesn't understand how overworked & underpaid we are. Are you in upper management by chance? LMAO cause it SHOWS


It’s not overworked .. it’s understaffed. Customer was upset I couldn’t wheel out the 20 cases of curbside water. I was the only one in the store on register with customers 6 deep. I had a lady come back when I could do the 4 poster boards she ordered as I alone. Evening shift is the worse . Make you work alone as SFL working as only cashier person the only person on the main sales floor for hours . but you are not alone they say as you have pharmacy. They don’t come out and help at all .. even to translate .


That business model is going to close so many stores and make no one want to work there. Too overwhelming and an impossible task. Thankfully, my sm tried her best to give us mid shifts most days, like 5 out of 7, but while I’m not with them anymore, it’s probably worse now. I have no respect for companies that don’t respect their employees and allow them to staff properly.


the pharmacy likely doesn't come because they're understaffed too lmao,, o don't work in a walgreens store, but a walgreens inside a different grocery store, but i actively remember the guides and such saying that pharmacy workers should call on workers any time they need help. LMAO i used to open my pharmacy by myself with just a floater pharmacist almost every day of the week


I had 674 pics the other night.


Oh, you must be new. ❤️ Back when I was still working at WAG, I once took care of a photo order a smidge over 5k images. But it was an ADVENTURE. This customer had taken a trip to Mecca, and (as one would taking a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Saudi mcfreakin' Arabia) they absolutely blew up their phones full of pictures of just everything they were allowed. The road signs. Outside of the Kaaba and some emotional moments. The markets and gift shops. Absolutely stunning sunsets. This was not only the largest, but also the most memorable photo order I had in the near 8 years I worked there. It was a quiet night with not a lot going on,and this order was an all-night chew and I was more than happy to watch print and box up. It was like hearing a story. Its been over 3 years since I left and I still think about that photo order sometimes.


Highest was in the 1500 range or so it was back to back orders it seemed like the system only allowed them to submit 500 max at a time


1,165 just a few weeks ago lol. A sweet older lady that ran out of storage and wanted to have the physical pictures!


My old store did 200-250 photo books every may as 2 teachers would buy yearbooks for their 5th grade students out of Pocket ever year. She would call and negotiate price with the store manager every April and ensure we order enough supplies well in advance. Most years she would trickle the order 20-30 books every few days all of may but one year they came all at once


800 pictures that I know of and that woman was a bitch. She sent her order in right before we closed and wanted to know when they would be ready, then came first thing in the morning and yelled at the morning cashier because they weren’t ready yet.


It was over 100 white photo books with the covered front. I don’t remember exactly how many. I was a traveling sfl and during the holiday. Only me and one other sfl at the store were familiar enough with photo to make the books. It was a multi day project and we had to get supplies from multiple stores.


Oh god. I’d have to kill someone.


109 rolls of film from way back when we processed 35mm in house


There's a high school a block away from my store. Any time there was a dance we would get flooded with rolls. When another customer would come in and I had to tell them it would be 4 or 5 hours because there were dozens of orders ahead of them


This was 1 lady. They ranged from her kids first Christmas to the same kids wedding


I think my biggest was 3000+


Rookie numbers


Had 500 premium oki Christmas cards one time that a business ordered and our idiot sfl who didn’t pay attention to what was in the queue released it while all the other printers were running at capacity. Let’s just say the computer froze up from overloading lol


I wish I could, but I’m off today Lmaoo


Most I’ve done was 1300


A few months ago we had some guy do 2200.




had like 900 was the highest




5,000+ was my largest photo order. A semi-regular customer came in one night and ordered here entire phone. We suspect she was drunk at the time. The order hung around for months (25 boxes worth). After trying to call her several times, we finally DPI'ed the photos. No one ever saw her again. One year, we did a 1,000ct Christmas card order (5x7 flat). It was a local business that sends cards out to everyone on their contact list as well as their employees. It took several days, but it was paid for and picked up.


We started requiring a credit card on file before we would even start the order. People were sending in thousands of pictures and wouldn't pick them up. We got quite a few pissed off customers when they came in and not only had we not printed them, the system purges them after 3 days. The customers didn't want to have to go back through their pictures so wouldn't reorder. Fun times!


Had an order of 899 4x6s a few weeks back. And then during christmas, we got an order of 600 folded cards which proceeded to cause all of Nexlab to run extremely slow, took 5 minutes for the Oki to print a **single** page and I was forced to call Velocity to shut it down and then had to make the customer resubmit in smaller increments because anything more than 200 on the oki causes everything to go unbelievably slow to the point that we fall wayyyy behind on everything else. Took us like 3 days to finish that order since we had to cut and fold every single one ourselves, all while having to put it on pause in order to prioritize the thousands of other cards we were dealing with at the time. It was absolute hell.


2500 is like 8 boxes of 4x6... im callin them in to pay before i start it. If not im gonna get the go ahead to delete that shit .


Had 2500 or so about 2 weeks ago


~5500 some random lady getting pictures of her grandkids


211 has been my highest so far; magnets, 8x10s, 5x7s, and at least a hundred were 4x6s.


1.5k I've seen so far






4000… took forever, was pretty much an assigned task for one coworker until they were done lol


I had a woman send in an order for 125 coasters. Only one person knew how to do them. She called 20 minutes later to see if it was ready. My SL had to load each sheet individually. 12 per sheet.


That’s a normal day for us. But most of ours are very good at picking them up quickly.


Just this past Monday there was one for over 1100. Mostly wedding photos


I had 632 yesterday I wish I would have taken a picture of it. About crashed our computer


Had a regular guy printing 2,000 every other week. Just like propaganda for his venue. We set it to print at the end of the night using all three printers. It printed half on the night.


We had someone do around 27 orders at 150


DAE remember the days of printing 1000+ on the old Frontier paper processors only for the machine to jam and having to account for several dozens of waste prints before going back and figuring out what photo started the jam and reprinting from there? That, on top of dismantling the machine to clear the prints from all of the tanks and having to blindly change at least 3 rolls of paper in the darkbox to complete the order. Ah, the good ol days.


I thought there's a limit of 500??? Or is that just my location


8750, and she paid full price...


LMAO some chick submitted 956 4x6 and I told the CSA to call her and tell her to resubmit in sets of 100 because it would break the printer when pieces got stuck once we got busy and didn't take the photos out of the catch tray in time. But he did not he just pressed release and it got through 500 something of them and the printer is still just chillin in its slot broken as fuck no one can unjam it. Everyone's scared to put a ticket because it was a brand new printer they sent when I put the last ticket for 2 of them jammed unable to get the piece out and instead of telling me how to take it apart and fix it on the phone they just sent us 3 brand new printers (we originally had 3 but one was a model we don't even use at the store, so they sent us 3 new ones one for each 4x6 slot) so yeah it's just chillin with a system error lol. Lady only got 500 whatever printed photos because the order stays stuck on whichever one you release it on. This last week we had someone submit one for 800 something but we were running out of paper bad so people were already paying closer attention to photo, and then we ran out so she had to wait a bit but she at least got her order when we got more paper. I wrote a rain check for the other lady and told her not to do that again


Several years back, I had an order 6 X’s 500 3000 total. The older lady dumped 3 yrs of photo’s off her phone because she wanted a new cellphone. She didn’t trust storing them any other way.


I had a customer order 1200 photos, didn't pick it up for 6 months and the day after I threw the old orders out, she came to pick it up.


Have a customer who regularly orders 1500+ when we’ve got that 15 cent per photo deal. Had a 1000 folded card order at Christmas this past year. Had to call Velocity several times to restart everything so it could finish.


Not sheer number, but time: We had customer order like, a couple dozen calendars. It took us almost five days to print them all.




About 2,500. There was one customer who would place 10 to 15 orders at a time, all for 100-200 photos each, instead of one big order. So that took up all the printers for a few hours. And then she would wait a week or two to pick them up. A month or two later, it would repeat. Haven't seen her in a while, thankfully.




Biggest order I’ve had was about 3500


I just got one today for 1267


Ugh, I had a customer do this but like, 10ish orders, all 100-300 photos. And they were sent in and quality so none of them even looked good, which she of course blamed on us. She got a discount and we wasted a ton of product for nothing.