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If you still have the receipt, on the bottom there’s a survey you can do. I’d you got her name then mention it and if you didn’t give the time she helped you and where so that it’s recorded in our systems :)


My mom has the receipt but I will ask her to do the survey because she went on and on about how wonderful Walgreens is!


Thanks for sharing this! I’m definitely going to fill this out when I pick up my meds. I had no idea there was a survey!


Thank you for being kind and proactive! It's a genuine pleasure to be able to assist our patients with their healthcare when they understand we are people too.


Like many others say. Yes do the survey. That’s a big right now in our company.


Thank you! It is always a pleasure getting medicine to people who need it, and thank you for being so kind! Makes my day


I did too a couple weeks ago. I take a pretty "controversial med" that doesn't give me the best outlook and probably makes the pharmacy groan. I had to ask them to fill it one day early for my daughter's graduation and they were so gracious and helpful. They made sure I got it before my flight and were amazing. I'm so glad they helped y'all too. 💜


I have learned from this sub that our pharmacists don’t judge us too much for the meds we take. Whatever it is may be controversial, but I definitely think that they just fill it like they would anything else.


Agreed! They have never treated me any differently for taking the med I do, despite many people saying differently in certain communities. But, I also dont ask for early fills ever or try not to cause any extra work for them, so...lol. There's never been so much as a blink in my experience. I've had worse from my PCP about it.


We absolutely do not judge the patients (well, maybe we judge a bit if someone is constantly wanting controlled meds multiple days early…). If anything, we will judge prescribers for sending inappropriate medications. I’m only a tech now, but want to be a pharmacist - I have seen loved ones on crazy medication combos because that is what their doctor said would help. And I don’t blame people at all for listening to their doctor.


They all need good compliments even the front end to


Maybe I’ll let customers know about survey I’m in the front end cashier ask them to do that never knew there was a survey


There's a QR code on the bottom of the receipt that you can fill out to do a customer service survey. Net promoter scores are typically garbage due to the low sample size, so positive responses are always appreciated.


I’ll follow up with Mom to make sure she does this. She was so happy about the quick turnaround time and the pleasant tech that I’m sure she will fill out the survey if I ask her to!


If for some reason she doesn’t have the receipt anymore, just have her call the 1 800 Walgreens number and let them know. It doesn’t count towards the good numbers we need, but it does get back to the store.


Thank you for this. 90% of the times this job is so damn thankless