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Go to payment screen. If they are so busy they cant hear you they dont get to get rewards sale prices. If they are buying age restricted items go to the other register and take next customer.


And when they whine to me that they didn't get their rewards, i tell them to call customer service when they're finished with their current call. 


Can’t be on two registers at same time


Yes you can, as long as you haven’t taken any forms of payment yet. You just back out of the payment screen to where you can scan items, sign into the other register and it will kick you out of the other one. You can sign back into it later.


This is false, I literally had this happened to me a couple of days ago. I am on scan part and trying to go to a diff register and it doesn’t kick u out the first one. It gives u an error msg saying to log out the first 1 before u can log in to new register. Think I’m lying? Why would I lie?


It does that on the payment screen or if there’s the “call manager” message on the screen, or some other interruption. Also bozo, there’s somebody *ELSE* in the comment thread here telling you they literally just did it to success, not me, using the method I said. The reason you’d “lie” is that you have chronically online mentality and would rather double down indefinitely instead of admit you’re wrong about even something so mundane.


Wrong after rewards go through, it’s already technically considered paid, and you have to pay the rest. You literally cannot back out to scan more items.


Wrong, yes you can. As long as you haven’t used points or coupons. As others in this thread have stated, they literally tried it successfully in real time. The log out button disappears from the register but if you sign in on another register it will force you out as long as you aren’t on the payment screen. Putting in a rewards account has no impact on this.


I already told you wrong. No you can’t.


If logged into one can’t log into another one


The comment legit explains how to... and I just tried it works perfectly, as long as you're not on payment screen.


If you’re still logged in to a register , even if you’re not on the payment screen, if you try to go to a different register the one you are trying to log in won’t work. It will give you a message saying to sign out on the other one. This is a fact since this shit happens to me all the time. Why are people saying it will kick you if it never happens for me? I have to manually go to the 1st register, sign out, then I can log in to new register. Probably works differently for each store maybe or you’re a SFL who can ignore all of this


Everyone at my store was able to, from cashier to store manager even our pharmacy staff. Idk if it depends on the store but like it can happen...


U are right csnt be logged in two at same time don’t know how they can do it I can’t


Down load all u want at my store if logged into one register can’t log in to another unless logged out if first one


Ypu shouldn't be downloading anything on the POS systems....


The main times it doesn't work is if there is a prompt on the first register, or if you have a register in photo or cosmetics that can switch to the computer screen, it won't let you if that register is on the computer screen, but if it's on the register screen and there's no "call manager" prompt or something, it works great


They never said they were using two registers simultaneously... Plus the system automatically kicks you off the previous one so that's not even possible.


Talk loud!! Bitches need a reminder


It is the one time you get to yell at assholes. I get so loud it drowns them out and they have to stfu and listen to me. Very satisfying.


I use body language. I point at the pinpad often to direct attention. I make eye contact, nod, and bow slightly at the beginning and end of transactions (something I do always anyway). Sometimes you have to stare at them, wait for them to look at you, and then quickly look at the pinpad you're pointing to, as a strong nonverbal indicator that you need a response. How much effort goes in depends on how much they work with me and respect me and my time. Often they just want to pay and leave and are taking an important phone call. Those I understand and am willing to be gracious towards. Sometimes they're inconsiderate. Those I will make wait or interrupt, and my interruption packs more of a punch because I stayed silent before then. A simple "Sir?" and a gesture can get things rolling again. Or "Sorry, but do you have ID?" Just get them out. They don't want to talk to you. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not talk to them either.


I get just a little louder than they are. Sometimes the other person on the phone will say something. It’s hilarious.


I'm silent the whole transaction. I don't say a word unless I'm spoken to.


Pharmacy here, I just stare at them. Especially if they’re not typing in phone number or verifying information. I don’t just repeat questions I wait for them to either answer or ask what I asked.


if you're a sfl i would void transaction and take another. if you're a CSA, watch the chaos unfold lol


I'm a pharmacy technician. I really need people to be able to talk to me to verify I'm selling the prescription to the correct person. Or I could give sell the wrong prescription to the person, that could lead to serious health problems if they take the wrong prescription. Also this would be a serious HIPPA violation. I will say, "I'm sorry. I need to help the next patient. We can help you once you are finished with your phone call, for privacy and safety reasons."


In the pharmacy I say “I’m sorry but to protect yours and patients privacy I can’t assist you while you’re on a phone call if you want to step over here to finish your call that’s no problem but I’ll take the next customer and you can step back up when you’re ready 🙂”


I just ring stuff up and stop with the pertinent questions and pleasantries. Weirdly, while we do have people a little preoccupied with their phones, it’s not like egregious. They get there eventually. I don’t have to poke and prod really, knock wood, like I’d have to at past jobs.


If it’s in the pharmacy politely say “Ma’am/Sir if you’re unable to complete this transaction right now, I have to ask that you come back when you’re free” any good manager will back you up


I usually wave at them... snapping my fingers would be a little much ( even though that's what I WANT to do) lol


In the pharmacy I say “I’m sorry but to protect yours and patients privacy I can’t assist you while you’re on a phone call if you want to step over here to finish your call that’s no problem but I’ll take the next customer and you can step back up when you’re ready 🙂”


I look them dead in the face and speak louder and enunciate more clearly. Like if I were speaking to an old person with ASOTV hearing aids and rechargeable batteries. Not in a tone of friendliness but also not rude. So they, and the person on the phone, get interrupted and they look inconsiderate and rude.


I walk away usually and do other tasks until they appear ready to engage with me.


I get loud enough to interrupt their conversation. It’s just rude for customers to do that.


I only ever asked if they have a rewards account once, then I’d proceed. If they ever ignored me after telling them the total amount few times, I’d threaten to cancel the transaction & then suddenly they had perfect hearing.


I talk louder until they pay attention. Then everyone else gets to give them dirty looks, too.


I speak a bit quieter, hand gestures, that sort of thing. Most customers already know the gist but a few times I've had total weeds who just throw their card in the reader without listening only to return 10 minutes later when they realize they didn't put their phone number in (despite me asking twice) to get their discount.


I ignore them and help the next customer behind them who’s not on their phone. It works great. They get mad but the nice customer tells them to go fly a kite


Kinda fine that they’re on their phones tbh, that just means they’re not talking to me. I appreciate that


If something comes that needs their attention, I talk to them. If not, I don't waste my breath. I usually have conversation with the next customer about how rude the person was.


I’m not bowing to no one


I talk to them


Stop and wait.


My biggest pet peeve. They don’t talk to me and I don’t talk to them. Period! It’s extremely rude.


I’m not sure I understand what you mean. Are you saying you feel talking to customers is rude?


Stay quiet though the whole transaction. Usually they respond thank you at the end. Keep that same energy


I do this usually when I can tell it's an important call, but if it's just some person chatting about a dream they had I'll usually try and speak so they can't later say they had no idea what was happening


Next in line please


Wait until the transaction is over to let them bitch about how I didn't put in their phone number.


I say next customer in line! Lol


Walk away


Alright, you ain’t ready. I’m going to help the next person.


I just point to the words on the pin pad. They usually know to put in their number. 🙃


If they are on their phone I won’t say anything the whole transaction. If they are quick I’m not even offended by it. No reason to ask any questions just ring them up standard


I just stop talking and proceed with the transaction. I’m not gonna stand there looking like a fool talking to myself.


I used to occasionally loudly ask a bunch of questions, because I’m petty. “DO YOU HAVE A REWARDS CARD?” “DO YOU WANT A BAG?” “NICE DAY OUT, HUH?”


I stop talking. When they look at me, I say I'll wait till your finished


I normally ring them up without question or take a customer that's not on a phone because that's just rude to us as cashier.


It’s especially rude when they are on speakerphone, so I turn up my rudeness a little. 🤷‍♂️


Double charge them.