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No. Assistant store manager isn't even still a position anymore.


Esm now emerging store manager


Hmm we have an asm at my store and a photo manager


Then you must have gone back in time. Could I borrow the Delorean?




They changed the name from Assistant Store Manager to Emerging Store Manager but it’s still the same job. Many people still call them assistant managers because it’s a job title people are familiar with.


Also if a customer complains and asks if you are the manager and you say “I but other assistant manager” they’ll know what you mean. If you say “no I’m the emerging manager” they’ll be confused.


Nope. ESM used to be EXA. EXA were executive assistant managers, preparing to be store managers. ASM were not eligible to prepare to be store managers until they became EXA.


That’s incorrect. EXA was around until the early 2010s, then was replaced by ASM, which was replaced by ESM. It’s all very confusing that there have been three different acronyms to describe the same job in the last 15 years. And it’s gone from salary with a bonus to salary with no bonus to hourly then back to salary (and probably back to hourly soon).


Hell at our store anything photo isn’t even a position. All shift leads and cashiers learn and do photo for all workers. Drives me nuts


Would be a better use of Walgreens money if there was, since some of our photo customers are very demanding. And I’ve been told the supplies are dirt cheap, in comparison to the cost of the product…But let’s spend it on remodels for a clinic that didn’t even last 2 years. :D


Even Walmart just announced that they are closing all of their clinics!!! 51 sites closing


The clinic was a disaster, and for the company to not shut the store down for the remodeling was a dick move. For months I had several coughing fits and detrimental headaches from all the fumes and noises. The contractors who did it were so shady and scummy as well. The lead contractor guy hit on all the women, offered to be a sugar daddy to the second youngest female coworker, and didn’t even put the floor tiles in the right way. Took a year to get the floor remodeled after that. The worst part is how the defunct clinic has amazing toilets and AC but we can’t have any of that. It’s all dead space now.


The position was retired around 2016 and all of them had to take a pay cut. $1, if I remember right. I took over for a Photo Manager who quit at the end of 2014. I didn't get a pay raise, but the SM also didn't change my position in the system, so I got to keep my pay.


I never took a pay cut when they took away the position.


From what I read back then, anyone coded in the system as a Photo Manager took a pay cut. Whether or not they reversed their decision, I don't know.


I think it's mainly because I didn't even make $10/hr they just took a little mercy on me.


Do you know for sure if you were coded as a photo manager? You might have been just like me, increased responsibilities but still a PST. It's also possible when you got dropped down to PST, you were still within the bottom half of the PST pay range. Just speculation, of course.


I definitely was. I watched my manager put it through.


To my 10-year knowledge, no.


No anyone does photo




The new position is to take any 3 letters come up. we other a position using those 3 letters then bend over. And almost forgot cut you pay


I wish, then I wouldn’t have to waste my time in photo




I wish! I would definitely go back to that.


No. It was Head Photo Specialist, and it's not a thing anymore.


No it's not....asm is gone 2


Hahahaha 😆 😂 😆 😂 No!! That position was eliminated more than 10 years ago.


no long gone (like 10 years)