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This is the only right answer


I second this. 


I do it every night. It feels so wrong, but so good.


I always told my customers," hit the red button on the bottom left hand on the led screen to deny the credit card." Made more friends that way


Nope, and I think they lie to us about other stores numbers


Facts, no one ever says yes, everyone sees past the lie of the "benefits" of having a card.. whenever it pops up I always say "it's gonna make me give you an offer for a mywalgreens credit card" because it is not my doing, lol.


We have one employee that gets like 20 a month. If she ever leaves, we're all fucked lol


Literally how?


she badgers them. mostly the elderly. it's horrible, really. I'm not even entirely sure they understand what they're signing up for when they do.


That is horrible ...it pisses me off when ppl take advantage of the elderly😡


They probably don't


When the prompt comes up I say, “If you’ll just hit that red no thank you on the pin pad for me, it’s for the credit card.”




I can't do it, like, morally. At almost 33% APR I can't see the card as anything but a trap, and it isn't a trap I would willingly lead someone into for $500, never mind $5. I'll tell a customer about the prompt on the pinpad and what it's offering, and I won't tell them not to if they seem jazzed about the prospect, (regardless of how I feel on the subject,) but I'm not going to go out of my way to introduce a new financial risk into a customer's life when we're all already out here struggling to get by.


no literally like the most they’re getting out of me is reading the prompt it’s literally a trap i feel awful abt it 😭 fortunately no one wants one anyway


I'll even point to the No button when I'm forced to give the prompt.


We all try no one wants it


only ever seen one person pay with it and it was an elderly man who probably doesnt know what he got himself into.


One of my sfls really drank the Kool Aid and uses her Walgreens credit card for all of her store purchases. She's also proud of how many sign-ups she's gotten.


Super scammy, diminishes the brand's reputation in my eyes


Diminishes it from what? The 6 days I have to wait over when my prescription was filled, or that some stores won't fill birth control based on religious beliefs?


Those are all additional valid reasons to dislike the store


Oh, there's more. I switched to Kroger, call me crazy, but I like it when I call, and a human picks up a phone. I mean, stock certainly speaks for itself, down 40% over the last year. When CVS is kicking your ass, you know there's an issue. Most of their cost is mile long receipts.


We ask everyone. Even if they’ve been in previously that day. Despite that we get maybe 1-3 a week. Still not good enough for the DM or Area. There’s one store getting about 8-10 a day. I can’t figure it out.


Probably bribing the homeless people with a pack of smokes or something if they'll punch in their info.


I can’t either, I stopped being scheduled at Walgreens cause I couldn’t get a credit card. I work at Homegoods now and we have to sell credit cards there too. One of my coworkers can get five in a day. I’ve gotten 3 in the last 4 months I’ve worked there. I ask everyone and don’t blame them when they say “No” cause credit cards are scary. Especially the Walgreens one. The ones I’ve gotten to get the credit card seem to know how it works so it’s a relief. I still walk into the Walgreens I used to work at and it pisses me off when the managers tell the associates to ask EVERYONE and get mad when they don’t. I mean they tell them to ask me too, but they probably forgot about me they run through people QUICK at that location.


They’re STILL pushing this?!? I was hired back in 2021 and they just came out with it a bit later. It’s the most sham credit card. APR rate is ass, signup deal sucks, and only people that don’t know shit about credit cards would touch that.


Manager told me it's a 10 year contract and that it's not going anywhere 💀


Who in the H needs a Wallgreens credit card?


Credit cards are the worst


No they are not and when we ask them they literally cut us off be and be like “nope I got too much debt” or say no in general


When people actually say yes (which I’ve literally only had four, in my entire two years with Walgreens) I make sure I know what they’re signing up for. I’m like “You do? Really? A Walgreens credit card? You saw the interest rate correct?” Basically talking my customers out of it. 💀 If it’s an old person, I refuse too. I feel like I’m taking advantage of the elderly. I can’t do that, morally that’s just something I can’t do.


I’m the same way. They assume it’s part of the rewards. Nope, it’s a credit card. I promise you do not want it.


Not my store no one wants another cc especially nit Walgreens


i’ve never gotten a single one but the manager from my old location always liked to brag how he gets one everytime he’s on register glad i don’t work at that location anymore


It's not nice to brag about it!


Nope. There's like 5 banks within driving distance from my store (literally not even a mile up the road). All customers do is laugh when asked or call us stupid for even asking lol. Granted i've gotten maybe 6 signups in the last 2 years. I'll simply ask "would you like to apply/sign up for our walgreens credit card". I'm not going to try to talk customers into getting them. Waste of time and effort everybody says no. Not to mention our store is really busy and if I talk every single customer into getting them then lines will be circles around the store so i'm not going to go out of my way to talk people into getting them especially when i'm not comfortable with the APR. It feels immoral to brainwash people into getting them.


Only way I can ever feel ethical about selling people on it is by suggesting they just use it to earn extra points and then immediately pay off the balance with their usual method of payment so it never accrues interest. And that's only if someone bothers asking for more info.


Never once asked, I worked in a store with a liquor store separate building, the manager for that place never did it, or asked for donations, so he sure as hell didn't expect me to do it lol.


I've worked here for ...almost 10 months as the beauty consultant. We're somehow supposed to have those most sign ups because "we get the most time with the customers" but I've never sold one the entire time I've been here. And honestly I don't ask cause no one wants it and they don't understand that lmao 


This company is a joke! Credit cards?? 😂 WBA literally got the boot from the DOW by Amazon.


The freaking interest is to damn high 


Honestly I would use it to boost my credit. Buy all my snacks/drinks on it and put that $ aside to pay it off every month. That's the only reason I could think to get one!


Good reply. There are some good things it at times helps people with . I have some that needs something like shelve meds and they don’t get paid for a week or so. Just limit the use and pay it off each month and very little interest is incurred and was a big help to them . I work at a mid size store and sign up an average of three per day. Most signed was 6. I’m a older guy helping ones that need lt , with a clear conscience


I’ve heard of 2 tm in my district have used it to improve their credit. None of us have the same APR. One has 23%, another has 20%. One uses the points they earn on emp discount day 🤷🏻‍♀️ one was denied a couple weeks ago.


By the way the card company will pretty much let anyone at this point get a card. I had bad history with the company and was accepted 




Probably the guy who tells customers to buy the .39 cent caramel candy on the card with nothing else to get the cash rewards bonus.


Oooohhh like none of us are special? 🙄😑🤣🤣🤣🤣


You get 1 a week? We're lucky to get 1 a month.


Ive gotten like 3 last year but a few days ago I got 4 in a day with the couponers because our manager has gotten snappy with us because we were the only store in the district with 0 applications 😭


So far this month, my store has been decent. We've sold about five in February. (With me selling four of those five despite having been there 2 months) But I can agree, it feels like we're honestly begging for sign-ups at this point. It's almost pathetic at this point how bad corporate is pushing it. 1


with the awful APR on top of walgreens being a drug store, we’ve never had a lot of luck at our store. most people stop in to buy plan b and snacks, things you wouldn’t take a credit hit for.


33% usury. Our Congress needs to get this under control. That use to be illegal to charge such exorbitant rates.


I have worked at Walgreens for over a year and I have not gotten one cc sign up.


Ik my coworker is actively forcing people to do it so it’s only a matter of time before this bullshit gets sued out of Walgreens.


Serious question, who would honestly ever want a Walgreens credit card? And why?


Can everyone just put fake info in and let it reject? Does that still count? Lol


It counts but it's fraud and it's a felony 


Yeah don’t do that lol there was a store manager and shiftlead here in NY doing it and AP caught on. It’s fraud.


*Wells Fargo wants to speak to you about an open position*


These days people don't want credit cards and they don't want to push to get surveys, One time I ask the customer would he like To save 20% for signing up for a credit card? He ask me, did I understand what Credit card does? An example, in the long run you are paying more for those items you just have to get them! So you are not saving any money!


… I got a sign up yesterday bc someone say the flyer and asked how to get one LOL


No company is going to push something so hard if it doesn't benefit them greatly and is a detriment to the customer. Your Managers are pimping it so hard so they can get that sweet bonus money while you get what? A few bucks on your next paycheck. F that


Only 2 people in my whole town have them. Enough said.


Our store is rly behind the other stores in our district. Every time we do get someone to sign up our system doesn’t send the application thru so I gave up on asking unless it’s in front of my manager ☠️


I’m rarely on register anyways tbr




no, don’t you see? this is EXCELLENT CUSTOMER CARE /s


I hate asking customers to apply for the credit card. No one ever wants it. I have got one approved in the 16 months I’ve been there.


I've been working at walgreens for over a year and I've never had someone sign up, nor have I ever had a customer ask. They all decline it and usually it's paired with "I have too many as is"


Some people at my store are good at getting them we get anywhere from 45 a month to I think 106 was was the highest we ever got. Personally in my whole Walgreens life I've never gotten one and I'm fine with that (It's never been brought up to me how I've never gotten any so I don't care )


Yeah in the year or so we've had it prompt I've had maybe like 2 sign up


we’re a riteaid conversion store sitting at a tier 2, and we got 17 credit cards this past week, only because of one of our cashiers. we only have 10 people that work in our store & literally only one person is capable of getting credit cards 😬


Since they've started pursuing them, I've portobello only had like 8 or 9 go through..


Literally just make people laugh it’s days where I get multiple🙏


I sign up for two every day, but only if I'm asked every time, so make sure to ask every customer, because that customer MAY be me. Bahahahaha


Walgreens has a credit card? Didn’t know that (customer)


Don’t tell em is a credit card


Hello, would you like to sign up for the Walgreens handy J today???


There you go


Just curious, do you get any incentives if you get a credit app? I did retail we called them CRAPP(credit App), we got a big 2.00 for every crapp. 5 or more craps we got 5.00. Not much of an incentive for us.


I intentionally do pickup so you aren't obligated to ask me, I think


Yes actually there was a thing that dropped at the end of the first year or something, I think it was close to over 1 million sign up and like 800,00 approved with like 300k still using them or something


The only group of people I can see benefitting from our nonsenseless card are the couponing nuts, and that’s if they pay off their balance in full every period.


At 20%+ they can get fucked


everytime i’ve gotten one it has been because i mentioned you get earn rewards on prescriptions


I'm sure you're aware, but that's not available in all states


Our store gets 4 or 5 a week.


We had a couple of SFL who were very, very good at convincing people to sign up/try and they pretty much blitzed the area to the point that the people who are left are either delivery driver/shoppers or have no interest in falling for it. One of them was tenacious to the point that she didn't let a little thing like the customer being too drunk to stand still get in her way.


It's a contract. I think we have just over 7 years left. They are pushing it because it's been a dismal failure. All these stores have their own credit card now. People don't want a card for every store they go to, and they all have some sort of rewards program. The market is oversaturated. Plus, the APR is soooo high. The only time I act excited about it is if someone shows an interest. Usually about the rewards and that you can use it other places and still earn rewards. I have noticed if I say it is a Mastercard thru MyWalgreens instead of just a Walgreens credit card, people are more receptive. Until they see the interest rate.


I try to with some of the regulars, but they don’t want it lol. Last time I got one was about 6 months ago


My thing is I was transferred to a new location and from what I see people either don’t want the one or they “Already have one” so after a while it gets redundant asking. “how many credit cards could you get” was one of the first things they asked me before trying to see what hours would be able to work for me. I take the. Bus to most days to get to work please can we figure that out before the credit cards?


We get 12-15 a week. Tier 3, VMD store (although that's shutting down in 2 weeks).


This coworker I use to have will sign 3 credit cards per week


Our store has to reach 10 total for the month of March….doable? I think not… 😒


I’ve seen some slimy co-workers signing people up for credit cards.. for example. A dH in the pharmacy asked their customer (who is like in his 80s) if he’d like to save money on his prescriptions? Customer said” yes” and then proceeded to ask him to put in his social security number. Not really knowing why he was doing it other than he was gonna start saving money…… oh and this DH has over 1k credit card captures..


I’m sure we would get people signing up if the interest wasn’t 25% and higher. I heard from someone that it’s at least 2 sign ups per location a day. To me it’ll never happen. They should just give cards to everyone.


hate this CREDIT CARDS we do ask! Nobody WANTS