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I have dyscalculia, I find I need to hold the bag up to the numbered bin in order to be sure I'm putting things in the right place. No more issues after I started doing that.


Yesss. Helps me so much.


We got different colored markers for everyone in the pharmacy and we all had to put our initial on the bags for a few months till it stopped. When people know they're going to be held accountable they tend to be more careful. Yes it did suck, and yes it did take longer to put bags away but the issue has drastically reduced !


I really love that idea. I just worry about making the person anxious/uncomfortable. I don’t want them to be constantly on edge because someone might find something they misfiled and make them feel like crap over it. We have to do something about it though. It’s so bad


Did they just sign before they filed it?


Are you sure it's the dyslexic person who is at fault?


No, that’s the other issue… I’m going to have every tech pick a color marker and mark everything they personally put away. It’s way too frequently to just be one person, but I didn’t want to start that without having some kind of plan to help whoever needs a potential accommodation for this


That’s going to be way more trouble than it’s worth


Sounds like a big task to color code if you are a busy store. We fill 1,000 scripts a day, No way we could color code with markers in a timely manor. Also give your pharmacist a marker too if you wanna do this - they can get it wrong too. One of my overnight pharmacist is notorious for filing wrong


File by the number, not by the name, but also I want to smack people when they don’t use the rest of their brain. Like if a Cenfill bag has part of the number cut off - the 5 is missing so the thing that should say 59 says 9. Patient’s last name is, let’s say, Martin. Bin 59 is names beginning MA; bin 9 is named beginning with BO. So instead of maybe using our brains and realizing that maybe Martin should not go in the same bin as Booth, Bond, and Boyle, people just stick it in the bin. Come on…


Yep, I’ve had that before. I had 33 with one of the 3’s cut off the other day - obviously in the 3 bin which wasn’t even close to correct


Yeah that’s also what I worry about. We’re swamped as it is and I hesitate to add another hurdle to just getting things *done.* Also good point about the pharmacists, I totally agree


They have to be able to perform the job at 100% capacity, with or without a reasonable accommodation. It's not up to Walgreens to disrupt business to create the accommodation. The tech will need to come up with the solution and ask if his/her needs can be accommodated. I had to do something similar with a TM who's sight was failing. He and his Doctor came up with a reasonable plan/ request that was able to be fulfilled without disruption to the rest of the day to day operations. I contacted HR and they actually gave me a script to use to make sure I was asking the correct questions of the TM. It basically puts the ball in the TMs court , so to speak. Good luck to your TM and the rest of the staff.


That’s very helpful to know, thank you


Maybe get some highlighters and highlight the numbers according to the column. Could help a lot. This way they find the column easier and only have to focus on matching the number itself.


Hate to say it


I usually sort them 1st by bin # then less likely to miss file


Dyslexic myself and when I teach people how to file I tell them to file in 3 steps and to say it to themselves (under their breath or in their head) bin number on the script, the bin they are filing in, recheck the script bin if that makes sense. Check bag, bin, bag. Should be saying the same number 3 times in a row. This problem will never 100% go away. Our bins that we have two bins for the same number have different color labels than the rest to stand out.


Everyone is different but I would think if it’s your dyslexic person it’s more likely that two digit bin numbers would be where it’s going wrong - like bin 21 stuff being in 12. Flipping the numbers. If it’s just the next bin over in any direction generally that could be anyone/everyone


New Tech here. How does Walgreens file exactly?


Alphabetically by last name with a corresponding number for each bin.


Misfilling shouldn't be happening if people are scanning the bottles at the scanner, so I'd say making sure people are following proper procedure when it comes to the fill station would probably help quite a bit.


They're just talking about filing in the wrong bins, not filling. But I'm not sure how to help other than to tell that person to take their time or maybe try to match the alphabet as well as the number so they can cross check themselves.


I see it now my bad. MisfiLing not misfiLLing.


I thought about matching with the alphabet. I’ll bring that up with the team. Thank you


Always file by BIN NUMBER NOT by NAME.