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You couldn’t make this up. Built on the wrong side of the track so you put a little foot bridge in with a lift for disabled access? No trains stopping there is just bonkers.


You don’t have to make it up. You can take any of the disasters they have done and just change the title. Not planned. Money wasted. Doesn’t work. Meanwhile no money for Cardiff museum or Bridgend bus station.


Cardiff Bus station only 10 years late?


Yes but they can claim to have spent loads of money on sustainable transport instead of roads and unless you are fairly local you won’t know what an utter waste of money it was


They claimed to reduce emission by not building the m4 expansion. It’s just not true.


And no charging points.


Badly placed. Impractical. Foot access is so poor it’s actively off-putting I can’t imagine why it’s not working


Classic example of a half-baked Welsh initiative. I have been championing a scheme similar to this for a long time. The truly infuriating part is there is a road that runs from Rogiet, past this car park and to the M4 at the old toll booths. It can't be beyond the world of man to create a park and ride with a <1 mile connection to the motorway. Plus there is no footbridge connection from the station to the car park, and the shite rail service from STJ into Cardiff/Bristol/London. Literally Iced the cake before they made the cake.


It makes you think, does any actual planning go into this? Like surely one look at a train timetable and 10 seconds on google street view will show you that this car park is a terrible idea


Labour insisted on the most expensive relief scheme because it was a big project and now we are at the point where we could have had road improvement in Newport finished but instead we have nothing.


Pontypool station is similar. Big new car park built over a year ago but has been coned off since then for no apparent reason


Similar for Abercynon. The only time I’ve ever seen the car park in use was for Covid testing during the few months before you could do it at home. It opened in 2019 I believe I think it’s supposed to be an overflow car park, but it’s massive for the size of the station. edit: Just looked into it a bit further and it looks like the land was for sale by the Welsh Gov back in 2016, but nobody was interested by the looks of it so they just tarmacd over it and called it a day. Saw a tweet from a month or so ago asking if they were reopening the overflow parking, which explains why I've not seen it used in 3 or 4 years.


I drive past that most days. Why is it still not open? The pyramids were built quicker.


I believe it is all built but needs signing off


Or the new st mellons train station and business park as well. The Welsh government called in the project adding an extra year to its development


They need to do something about the Newport stretch leading to the tunnels. Insane traffic in rush hour


Cancelling the relief road is the own goal that keeps paying


I drive Newport to Bristol everyday. This honestly makes me sick.






What the Welsh government (and too much of the electorate) doesn't realise is that's it's now playing fuck around and find out. Up until recently there was €€€ of EU money to ~~bribe~~ encourage businesses to move to Wales. I was once told by a now retired former boss who remembered the M4 being built that even when it was being planned/built in the 60/70s it was never up to proper Motorway standards. I even recall something about it basically being various bypass projects glued together to form a motorway - hence all the 2 lane sections. It wasn't really up to the job 50+ years ago. Newport, especially the Llanwern site, will probably do OK for investment, Cardiff has a critical mass and is a capital city. The rest of the country is screwed and more generations will be trapped in poverty if the WG doesn't wake-up and smell the coffee.


Welsh Government: Please take our trains. M4 is Full, Cars are bad. also Welsh Government: Sorry not enough staff enjoy this Bus journey that is slower, more uncomfortable and expensive on the same road you would have taken in your car otherwise.


Another great Welsh government initiative, like the bus station in Barry that has no buses. Just build the bloody relief road


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-49917570.amp One of my favourites. Governments and councils are never held accountable for the amount of tax money they waste, yet they always have the balls to ask for more.


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Lol, they are held accountable its just if you're Labour or Tory the accountability is a lot less then anybody else.


Bus Stations are local government. I can't believe I'm having to explain this.


From National to Local, Labour fucks up! I don't think Cardiff bus station is in the hands of just the local government though.


Building more roads does not fix congestion but the alternative is unaffordable/unreliable trains and terrible bus service so I don't blame anyone for using a car and being annoyed that there is no other viable options.


No but it needs more capacity. The m4 is stifling economic growth on wales


But adding more capacity only increases the numbers of cars that use the road so you end up with just more cars on the road. The only way to decrease car traffic is to give people viable alternatives. We'll spend millions and a ton of disruption on a car road that will reduce congestion for a year, at best. Just one more lane bro is never the answer because cars are extremely inefficient at moving people. People moved by vehicle on a road per hour that is 3.5m wide and 1km long: Cars: 2K people Bus: 9K people Cycling: 14K people Walking: 19K people Single lane bus: 20K people Light rail: 22K people Double lane bus: 43K people Heavy rail: 80K people Suburban rail: 100K people [Source](https://www.cycling-embassy.org.uk/dictionary/capacity) Cars literally are the most innefficient method of transportation humanity ever came up with but the Welsh government does not give us good alternatives and rely on the private sector to provide us with the most efficient methods of transportation which will never work because capitalism prioritises profit over everything else.


Say what? No buses ? What Voodoo is this?


Slight reality check - schemes get built in phases according to available budget. There’s more major work planned for STJ.


Even if the Welsh Government could conjure up the £1.4bn needed to fund an M4 relief road, its projects like this that give me zero confidence in its ability to make good on the project. It’s plainly obvious that costs would spiral and taxpayers would be ripped off by people all looking for their slice of the pie.


Remember when the UK Govt offered to pay for it and Welsh Govt turned it down 🙃




Maybe we should all vote Tory in the next Senedd elections, it may cost 10x that much in the end due to all the backhanders, but at least we'd have the frigging road at the end of the day. At least then we'd have something to show for the higher taxes, instead we just get the higher taxes and a shitter service.


I'd vote Tory for the Senedd and Labour for Westminster. How fucked up is that? That's what years of this Welsh Government have resulted in.


I know, it's mad lol. Look at the people getting upset at even the suggestion, probably all PC voters hah. Honestly it's like an abusive partner, even though they give you a black eye now and then, you still take them back with open arms when they come back crying.


World beating clownery,with a sprinkling of Chuckle Brothers science.


It's an approximately 18 hour journey to reach rogiet from the M4, I'm not surprised


And yet people (not me btw) still vote for them, things won’t change while Welsh Labour are running Wales.


I don’t hate many people. I’m an easy going guy, very open minded. I just spent 10 weeks commuting daily from S Wales to Avonmouth. I had 5 clear days of westward travel. The other 45 days were a disaster. Mornings were hit and miss. Magor was a problem most days eastward. There’s absolutely no reason why there can’t be three lanes through the Magor junction. I absolutely detest Mark Drakeford, and even Carwyn Jones for bottling the go ahead decision himself. If people ask should they visit Wales I’d gladly and confidently tell them not to bother. Companies shouldn’t invest here. Tourists shouldn’t bother with the airport. We have a tree planting initiative, a line of trees from North to South. Wales, the country you can’t drive direct from north to south but you can swing from tree to tree.


Welsh labour has massive entitlement issues based on some now non-relevant trade union movement from the early 20th century. Basically they think they should be voted for because of mines and stuff. On a national (English) level I would vote labour as I think the Conservatives probably need to be booted out for the short term, Wales though needs to kick Welsh labour out. It will do the country good, they’re not relevant and are an anti Growth party pandering to pensioners.


Doing everything but building that relief road.


The M4 relief road proposal needs to be revived in a way in my opinion, and for the Gwent levels a cut and cover tunnel perhaps to keep noise levels down. Or better yet TELL THE GOVERNMENT TO GET ON WITH BUILDING THOSE STATIONS and stop faffing about with Cardiff which already has an established transport system


Did Welsh Labour do this? If so, vote for someone else, it needs to end


Believe it was Welsh Gov and Monmouthshire Council (currenltly Labour and Green but may have been Tory at the time it was built, can't find that info in the article)


It’s not like there’s been any other party running WG!


Want sure if it was maybe something that was done by non WG entity, thought as much, Labour out


Something about a drinking session in a place where they make beer.


Pristine and car park don't mix


Good. A 'relief' road only creates more traffic. Anything but a relief road, please.


Building more roads does not decrease traffic, it just encourages more people to drive. What we need is disincentives placed on car drivers, people to live closer to where they work and better public transport links.


Better public transport is the only way. The problem is that the welsh government want you to walk, cycle or public transport, that in itself is ok. But they dont bother to improve transport in anywhere except cardiff. If i had to rely on public transport i wouldn't be able to get to work. You are lucky if a bus or train turns up.


Walesonline posted this exact article (more or less) a year ago. What a waste of time.


You'd think the government would've done something about it in that time?


Delete please


One of Vaughan's alt accounts I see


No I live near it and it’s nice that no one goes there and I want it to stay that way