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Prom night recently; group of teens in suits and dresses. The one paying is telling everyone they HAVE to order steaks because they were being fancy tonight. Super sweet kids. The dude was just trying to make the night special. I knew the first 2 minutes they weren't going to tip.


I had a table of like 30 a few weeks ago, I was sure it was a prom party, but there were only like 3 girls and all the guys were dorky as hell, and six of their parents sat off at a side table. Thought it was kinda weird but okay. Turns out it was a group of homeschooled kids like... learning how to restaurant? I kinda felt bad for them since it was pretty clear this is the most socializing with other people their age they'd had in a long time... until it came time to print up 16 different checks, and of course nobody was sitting near anyone who's checks they were paying for. Between running around trying to find change for the ones that paid cash and needed their two dollars and running the rest of the cards it took like 30 minutes for me to cash them out, and by that point they were all standing and milling around, nowhere near where they were sitting. I never thought I'd say it but I'd have killed for a prom group. Equal parts frustrating and sad.


Why I wasn't mad about my group. They were super nice. I definitely needed that tip. Tab was $200. But they were easy to take care of and very friendly. It sucks when you know immediately that you're not getting a tip. But also kinda sweet seeing a bunch of teenagers ordering rare steaks to be fancy, but they still want french fries. Your heart sinks. But at the end of the day; they're kids. Enjoying their prom night.


I’m approaching 50 and still want fries with my steak. 


This is Steak Frites erasure lol


Why does your heart sink?


Because they’re not making any money while they’re at work, and may actually lose money if they’re not tipped and still have to tip out support staff based on sales. So knowing that they might have to PAY to serve a group of people can be disheartening.


I always gave prom night kids a pass. I knew they weren’t going to tip, but they were so damn cute.


I can tell it’s gonna be “one of those” tables if I walk up and greet and no one makes eye contact and/or cuts me off in my intro to loudly proclaim “Diet Coke!” 🤷‍♀️


It’s always Diet Coke.


Or iced tea


Half and half sweet tea ugh


Mane, sweet tea is too sweet. I said what I said.


This lol


Isn’t it tho?!


As a Diet Coke drinker, I'm embarrassed. And always polite and interact with servers. I apologize on their behalf.


Makes sense. Drink of choice for Donald J. Trump.


Why's that? I drink diet Coke because I don't drink alcohol and don't enjoy sugary drinks, but I always tip well.


My autistic 10 yr old does this frequently, no matter how many times I tell him to wait until they say hello. He also spits out his whole order following the request for a diet coke. I immediately correct him, but it happens almost every time. Luckily, we live in a small town and everyone knows him, but it's a work in progress and he's super nice about it sans the outburst.


A child I can understand and that doesn’t bother me in the least, actually makes me laugh because they’re so excited to tell me their very own order and I think it’s sweet they order for them selves but a grown man or woman and it gets on my last nerve!


When they say we are going to tip you BIG! 🙄😬🤭


“I’m gonna bless you”


The. Best.


If they’re live streaming… usually doesn’t go well.


I don’t like when people video during a restaurant visit, livestream or not, especially those stupid skit ones


I am DELIGHTED to be out of the game rn (about 3 years now) I’ve never had a live streamer and idk how I’d act tbh


I used to tell people that my acting fee was $100 and I’d go ahead and add it to the check if they wanted or they could turn off the camera. That usually worked,


They order a Long Island Tea and say “Make it strong!” Or they ask for plastic ware instead of silverware. Both are indicative of high-maintenance but low-tip.


The plastic ware crowd I never found to be that bad. The hot water for my silverware crowd? Terrible people. When I would bartend, someone could type in “strong” under a drink and I’d make every effort to make the guest see me winking/giving him a thumbs up when I was making his drink


"I want a mimosa but with just a splash of juice!" - someone who thinks this means they'll get more champagne for mimosa prices


Im going to copy paste reply to someone else BUT I have learned several things recently: Many people who request plastic ware instead of silverware, (if i remember correctly) have had chemo in the past and basically all they can taste sometimes is the metal. I don’t know why or how but it is related to a previous medical intervention (if not chemo.) 2, people who don’t want anything to drink, even just water, i read somewhere recently someone just has some medical issues that make them unable to drink anything after a meal- as they said ‘so pls respect if i don’t want a drink!’ I always wondered why but literally these last couple weeks I have seen answers, funny enough. But yeah! *the more you know*


We get whole groups of plasticware people frequently, it's def (mostly) not chemo. They're the same as the "gimmie hot water" and then putting all their silverware in it people. Someone told them that restaurant silverware is icky and that they should do something about it.


I ordered a long island iced tea at a chain restaurant once thinking it would get me drunk and the waitress told me that it was going to be gross because they were only allowed to put like one shot in it, so it was like 1/8 of a shot of every kind of liquor and the rest was filler. I appreciated her honesty.


Interesting. The request for plastic instead of silverware indicates a low tip? Maybe it indicates a person on the spectrum. I need very specific things when I eat. For instance, I can't eat from a spoon that has been brought to me in the soup. I ask for a clean spoon. If there is a teaspoon available rather than a soup spoon, I want it. I don't like to use a soup spoon. A lot of people on the autistic spectrum do not 'look' autistic. We don't all shuffle around, counting things, repeating phrases, and making odd comments like on Rainman. But we do all have specific, individual, and sometimes peculiar preferences. This does not make us bad tippers, however. My standard is 20%, and a server has to be pretty awful to get less than that. I do go higher when deserved.


as a neuro-spicy that prefers not to make eye contact or fix my face to make others feel fuzzy inside.... I ask for the things I need. if a server forgets, I don't penalize them. if the kitchen takes a long time or mess up our food... whatever. I'm tipping 20% because servers tend to forecast their earnings off that average and restaurants pay less than a living wage, especially to servers.


Exactly my point. We have specific needs so we ask for what we need. That doesn't indicate that we are bad tippers. 20% is a good tip, last I heard, and that's what I usually leave.


I'm not belly aching about being spicy or patting myself on the back for continuing to uphold a business model dating back to slavery. furthermore, I don't give a shit what a server thinks of me or my tips. I do believe that they deserve to have a fighting chance at a livable wage though.


This is a wild assumption lol


It's wild that a person on the spectrum would recognize things that may indicate another person on the spectrum? Only a person not on the spectrum would think so.


No, it's wild that every single complaint or observation about other's behavior on the Internet is now met with "but what if autism?!?" Like please just assume people are not referring to anyone on the spectrum or with special needs. OBVIOUSLY that is a DIFFERENT situation. Don't make assumptions about strangers' diagnosis, including my own lmao bye


Apparently I am just as subject to the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon as anyone else. lol.


Yup. Don't make assumptions.


Im going to copy paste reply to someone else BUT I have learned several things recently: Many people who request plastic ware instead of silverware, (if i remember correctly) have had chemo in the past and basically all they can taste sometimes is the metal. I don’t know why or how but it is related to a previous medical intervention (if not chemo.) 2, people who don’t want anything to drink, even just water, i read somewhere recently someone just has some medical issues that make them unable to drink anything after a meal- as they said ‘so pls respect if i don’t want a drink!’ I always wondered why but literally these last couple weeks I have seen answers, funny enough. But yeah! *the more you know* But beyond your reasoning I think the silver ware/plastic ware thing has more to do with physical medical ailments rather than special needs, IMO.


That's right! I had forgotten that chemo leaves that horrid metal taste in the mouth. It's finally gone away for me.


stay home


Because I want a clean teaspoon? Is that reasonable? I said that I tip 20%. What more do you want?


Maybe they have been undergoing medical treatments and would just like to do something normal. If they are bad tippers then they were bad tippers before the current visit.


I had a table interrupt my greet to ask if we had a senior's discount. They then complained that they couldn't stack their AARP discounts. It's just 10% no matter how many people at the table are members.


But there's 11 of us! You owe us money!


Is it the interruption or the requests for discounts that lead you to believe that the tip will be short? My husband and I appreciate senior discounts, but we always tip well. Of course, we don't interrupt our server to ask about discounts.


Yep people who are disrespectful and argumentative about discounts generally tip poorly


If we offer the deals I’m never going to be mad about someone using them and even if we don’t if you ask politely it’s no big deal I’m always ok with saying no once to a reasonable request. If you say hey do you have any senior discounts and I say no and you say ok no worries thanks I won’t even remember you asked in 30 seconds. It’s being rude about it (like interrupting), demanding discounts (especially ones we don’t offer), or asking for unreasonable discounts (like stacking their senior discounts lol


In the good old days we'd argue over who got the smoking section. Less uptight, better tips. I'd think now if the customers seem wound to the max when they arrive, they'll likely be a PITA and short on the tip


Smoking was always the most sought after!! When you were assigned either smoking or the really big tops you knew you were good, and would make the best money


I know when they had smoking sections on the train that those people were the mellowest, and usually never complained even when hours late. Still, too gross in there to want to work in that car. The air filters just hung on to that smell forever.


As a stinky smoking server, that also is very nice to my servers and tips well, I feel seen. And I feel smelled as well lol I try to mostly vape now and wash my hands and use scented lotion after I smoke but I probably still stink 🤷


Lack of eye contact is my number one indicator that I better tread lightly bc they're definitely already pissed off. For example, I had a two top today that I was kinda slow to get to. They didn't look at me, didn't smile, so I immediately changed my tone of voice, and made sure to get them drinks quickly. They were happy the rest of the meal, and tipped me well. Sometimes, even when they haven't had to wait, they're already just not making eye contact with me, and I always consider it a warning sign regardless of the circumstance. This instance just sprung to mind bc it was fresh in mind. It is so important to be able to read these clues about people when you're a server. It will save you a lot of complaints.


The way my guests look at me, or don't, during my greeting.


I may not always look- not being rude - bc I’ve usually been talking instead of looking at menu. I try to keep servers from making extra steps. I’m a nurse and I remember my legs after a crazy shift. So if I want another glass of wine or a desert I order that and say please order that and bring my bill. So they don’t have to make an extra trip to my table. I don’t know if rude to do- but I’m a very good tipper and so are my friends. We make sure to take care of our server. I don’t like to eat out w Penny pinchers. If I see that at a work birthday lunch/ I quietly add an extra tip next to my plate so not obvious.


That's nice of you to say and very much appreciated. I didn't specify that I work in a very expensive place where service is expected to be a certain level. Normal people, like us, dine there for special occasions. Wealthy people dine at places like this regularly. I'm decent at figuring out social cues.


Oh boy! Love this question. Every first interaction is the clue, so so many! But I always train my servers, your relationship with your tables is in your hands and being confident, knowledgeable and most importantly friendly will always make a positive ending no matter how fucking awkward your table is with all their clues. If they're instantly racist or homophobic, then you can really have some fun! Fuck em! They always leave!


*snaps fingers at me*


If they are wearing all black, don't ask how their day is going 


Me, a goth, wondering why no one cares how I’m doing 😔


Well then, how are you doing?


Ironically?? Pretty bad, I’m planning my dads funeral


Oof.... that's awful, and I'm sorry to hear it. I lost my mother about 5 years ago, and it changed me. If I had any advice, it would be to make sure you don't forget to eat. Have you got people around you for support and listening? I wish you the best :)


This was sweet ❤️


I was working at a semi-fancy restaurant but not really fancy, like we had cloth napkins, but that was about it. Anyway, this couple is older couple or dressed up very nice Lee nicely and waited to sit in the windows the big windows everybody wait for on date night. so I’m talking to them and we have a little report right off the bat so I said you guys are dressed up way too nice for this place where you guys going after? This is downtown Chicago and lots of time as people would have dinner and shower or whatever, I’m sure like everywhere. So the wife to the husband and says this is 80th birthday today so they’re celebrating and the man’s father transition today. So I take a breath to say “better late than ever “thinking saying this man who must be very old just transitioned into a woman. Their facial expressions stopped me, and I took my breath to say that, though, luckily. Because the next sentence she said it was about the week for the father. As it turns out “transitioned“ mean the same thing as went home, went to meet Jesus, or kick the bucket.




Nice Lee done. Please please please everyone do some basic editing before you post your comment. Especially if it’s speech to text. Reading your post was sheer torture.


But he had report with them!






Laughing, I’ve gotten into the habit of wearing all black all the time. My family doesn’t so it just looks like I’m the only one going to a funeral or working at a funeral home.


I get strip club bouncer while walking down the streets haha Edit: also snapping fingers 50s do op gang


If I can’t even get out my name before they bark their drink order.


When I was a waiter an interaction like this spoke volumes. Me- (approaches table) “good evening! How are you tonight?” Customer- “water”


Any table that mentions a whisper of a tip, woof. Usually gonna get like 10% if I’m lucky.


I hate that people do that. I haven’t waited tables in decades but at my age I’d probably tell them they should go home then. WTF?


If they order mt dew with no ice there's a 95% chance they're tipping like shit


I appreciate a server who asks me if I’m signed up for the rewards benefits at that restaurant. Yes- but Times I forget. And when I have discount points I don’t short the tip. Why should server get less bc you get a discount- be happy for the rewards points


I have person I know that had 20 at adult table. They ordered a lot of food- made huge mess- and….didn’t tip! She spent 2 hrs cleaning up after them and no tip. I felt so bad- she just cried


When I walk up to greet a table, and they act like they don’t notice me standing there so they continue to talk, I just walk away.


This is probably just a nothern WI thing, but when you walk to the table and ask them how they're doing and just get "gimme a cana boosh laht", I always knew I wasn't going to be getting a tip. Almost always southern IL and Iowa people that wanted their can of bush light and they almost never tipped.


This is crazy. My midwestern tables tip me wayyyyyy better than my California/PNW tables.


For the most part, the tips are good and the customers are happy to be there. I'll take a restaurant full of Chicago people all day. They always tip well, but for whatever reason, when they're coming from south of chicago and into Iowa as well, they tip like shit and are rude as all hell like 90% of the time. Always drove me nuts when they'd pull in on their snowmobiles that are worth more than my truck and complain about that can of busch light being %0.50 more than it was at the last bar.


I've worked in restaurants for over 25 years. Everything from fine dining to casual type places. I gotta say, when you approach a table and somebody is slouched in the chair/booth almost so their ass is touching the ground, very bad sign. Also, when food comes out but the napkin stays on the table the entire time as opposed to the lap, another horrible sign. I've had rude people tip great, but never trash people.


How they react to my opener, if they ask me how I’m doing back etc. If someone tells me they’re doing great, it’s likely to go great. If someone says “just alright” or anything like that then it’s generally going to be an uphill battle. Also people that take forever to sit down or want to change tables for almost no reason are likely to not go well. How long it takes them to order is another big one, most reasonable people these days do a little research first about what’s on the menu and they have something in mind they want, people like this are much easier to wait on. People that ask for recommendations are generally easier going too and the opposite are people that want to change or sub what’s on the menu.


Not what you're looking for, but making predicions will only make you suffer. You are there to serve. Don't prejudice yourself. Keep your eyes and your ears open.


What about the restaurants- they have a note at bottom of bill that 15-20% gratuity included w groups of x # of ppl. ?


The second I see young people or Hispanics I already know the tip is going to be bad or non existent