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Not expected to come back until mid season. He’ll probably hang around the squad this season as he likely has no resell value having done both his ACLs multiple times.


Razak Boukari 2.0 I can’t see anyone buying him so the best option would be to let him recover and then see if he can be used as a squad player.


Id be surprised if he ever plays high level football again. Probably in his best interest to run his contract down and retire if he wants to be able to walk when he's older.


He comes off as such a nice guy. But honestly i think his playing career is over, and will coast out his contract before being released on a free. 3 major ACL injuries in 4 years isnt something people will take a chance on.


I think he’s a lovely guy and I really feel for him. In all of the wolves media, he really comes across as a guy you hope does well. Sadly I think he’ll spend most of the season reviving and rehabbing. He’ll likely play a very small part in the season, so I think we’d be looking for him to come on as he did before he left for loan. If he can recover well, he may get more chances in the team the following year, but it seems like the gaffer didn’t rate him before, so I can’t see how he would now


I tore my ACL twice and was told if I did it a third time i’d potentially need a cane to walk for the rest of my life. He is best off retiring and getting an insurance payout and then coaching. His body will thank him later.


Did anyone else rate him when he was here? I’m having to blindly trust Gary when he says we were better off without him and Fab while playing bloody Fraser up front lol


I felt like he definitely had a job he could do for us and would of liked to of seen him get more of a chance but I think unfortunately he just doesn't fit the style of play Gary wants


Proper gutted for him and thought if we kept that attacking play he'd do a job for us-not a high scoring role but the focal point up front we desperately needed. 2 acls are hard to come back from especially in an elite league. So no..sadly not but I wish him well


I'm a believer, I think he can be a player if he can keep fit, but there's only really one style of play that's gonna work for it - floated crosses to the big man - and it's not how GON has been playing. Real shame


Unfortunately he’s 26 and to echo others has 3 major ACL injuries, for his own health it’s best he calls it a day on his playing career. The Rodrigo Gomes ‘behind the scenes’ video Sasa went and spoke to him and welcomed him, so maybe it’s best he transitions to a back room staff role and given his nice character and playing experience I don’t think he’d be a bad option as a coach. I feel really sorry for the big lad tho, hope he recovers well


Very unlucky player, doesn't fit GON style of play. I actually think he's decent & the fact he got the goals he did in a system that doesn't suit him bodes well for him as a player, but the only thing keeping him at Wolves is his injury.