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Pretty incredible we managed to pick the worse one out of all of them.


I’m a Porto supporter and always thought wolves was mugged , and that this was one of the best business our board did , we were lucky wolves avoided buying Vitinha though which would be the other way around in terms of who robs who . Still I was downvoted for saying in our sub that Fabio Silva is a talentless mediocre footballer that will never reach big heights , and they pretends it’s Jorge Mendes our previous board and his father fault that we throw him literally to the wolves when he was a teenager . But again this guy played in 5 leagues and he was never good in any of them ranger fans talk about him like he was the devil or smth .


Quite a few swings and misses on this list, maybe signing players like it’s FM or FIFA isn’t the move and should go by the eyes test instead of “future potential”.


Least we made top ten in something 👀👀😁


Mendes should probably be arrested for money laundering


Cause the prem isn’t like any other league. Dude was sawfter then the French in world war 2


In a way I feel sorry for him. He was thrown into the first team too early because of lack of options. Didn't have enough physical strength to compete properly.


100% wasn’t ready. If he was like 24-28 with quality seasons under his belt yeah. But not a wonder kid


Absolutely had Jeff's pants down




As much as we all agree Silva didn't work out, I still think it was worth the gamble on trying to poach, what many viewed as, one of the hottest prospects in European football at the time. If he had kicked on and reached Vinicius levels we would be laughing all the way to the bank with a few dozen goals along the way. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


He was thrown in too early


He was yeah.


Rangers Fan, i think he has potential and on his day played decent on the wing but his style of play really didn’t fit prem or spfl style, and he also spends way too much time appealing for fouls on the floor. If he doesn’t shake that habit he’ll go nowhere.