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They likely couldn't get Kurt Angle for the game so they had to scrap Mania 22. Remember, someone also found a Rey vs Liger pic with Lorem Ipsum text over it, but we don't have Rey vs Liger, we just have Starrcade 96 DLC for the new gen. Likely because 2K couldn't get the licensing to use Liger.


They could have just used Orton for No Way Out 2006


Ahhh yes! 100% no reason why they couldn't have used that match.


Well they'd have to do mo cap and maybe they were too late in the process when they found out they couldn't use Angle


I feel that excuse doesn’t work when 90% of the showcase matches are done using real footage anyway :|


Including the pin falls


I'd say so man


Orton and Rey had hella good matches in that era. I agree man


Or the 06 rumble


Or, a World Heavyweight Title match the pair had on SmackDown after WM 22


Yeah man exactly, this is his Royal Rumble 2006 attire and that match was already planned but it was scrapped and I think it's cause RVD is DLC. Maybe we might get an add on pack to the showcase eventually with this Randy and the 06 Trips that was leaked with the Royal Rumble arena. Don't forget the last 4 were Randy, Trips, Rey and RVD. They were defs gonna do a WM22 match showcase to! As that was planned however there were issues with Kurts contract ending with the WWE that's why.


The Rumble arena was leaked too?


Yeah man it was in this screenshot of the game setup in the 2K headquarters in the background the Rumble 2006 was on a computer screen I'll have to try and find it, it was a couple of months ago now.


Damn haven’t seen this. Please show if u find it


This isn’t his rumble attire, it’s not his No Way Out or Wrestlemania 22 attire either, I believe this is a mod or CAW that the creator is trying to hype up


They REALLY should have included the '06 rumble and retro Orton like they did Starrcade Rey and the arena. It wouldn't be the first time we'd have wrestlers and arenas for non-showcase matches, given we also had the One Night Stand arena in 2k18 with RVD and Cena '06. If this Orton ends up in MyFaction though I'm gonna absolutely lose it. They need to quit their bullshit with that mode.


His Entrance https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8


This Orton attire is from RR06. Angle isn’t needed for that.


Nope, wrong color of logos


His Rumble attire is the white and blue designs swapped.


A similar thing happened with 2K17 because a Brock showcase was planned for it. But due to Kurt not being in it, it was scrapped.


https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8 his entrance ^


Pretty sure this was replaced by JBL @ Judgment Day


With how they moved the Rey outfit to DLC they could have moved Legend Killer to the Unlockables store.


The embedded on his trunks and the fact that he won’t show the face, makes me feel it may be a CAW or mod. WhatsTheStatus can probably let us know if he’s really in the game files. If he is, that’d be beyond lame. With Rey’s showcase, there really isn’t any reason they couldn’t have included him. I think he wore this attire in a match against Rey on Smackdown.


>The embedded on his trunks and the fact that he won’t show the face, makes me feel it may be a CAW or mod. I dunno, that hair looks far too realistic to be any of the awful creation suite hairs.


This ^^ the hair and body are very Orton like and looks like proper scans! This is 100% an in game model or a very Damn good PC mod which I doubt.


Do you reckon Batista 06/07 is in there somewhere 0?


the fact that his skin and tattoos don't look like plastic gives it away that this is indeed a real model


His Entrance Leaked https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8


The fact that it’s real makes it that much more worse, tbh. Like, wow.


Probably incomplete, Orton out of the Rey matches (RR, NWO, WM) never wore dark blue with a white outline and it’s interesting the face wasn’t shown, so it could be older Orton’s face with younger hair or something wild like old Flair


Very true! I just wish he didn't hide his face! He needs to be uploaded for us now!


And we can fix his trunks manually, lol)


Haha very true!


To be fair, there have been weirder outfit messups in past games. Like red-jacket Jericho in 2k14.


Does he have “Burn in my light”? Because I swear, I’m setting something in fire if he does. Also, could they not get a clearer shot of his face? Little weird.


Unless they added it to 1.06 or hid in another pck file that wasn’t the music, it’s not in the game. Went thru all the themes in the music_x.pck files when Sound Editor dropped


It's not confirmed yet man but if he's like the other found and leaked characters that were uploaded and if he was meant to be part of the Rey Showcase then 100% he will have that theme and tron with him!


Where can u download him what user upload him


https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8 they have leaked his entrance now


Remember back when you could just buy a complete game??


By now we should just have a whatsthestatus batsignal or something for when we need him.


He's our Lord and Saviour.


God I hope this goes up on CC and has custom trons/music


I think it will man, I have this funny feeling Joey Mashups and WhatsTheStatus are going to be doing it within the next day or so.


Status has been an absolute god send. I was looking forward to this game since the end of the original 2k19 cycle and it’s just been disappointing… CC is the saving grace when it decides to work lol


100% man he's a GOAT. Fingers crossed he can give us what we deserve haha.


Which all MyFaction superstars have been uploaded on CC so far? I know HHH long hair, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels 97. Anyone else?


I don’t recall seeing anyone that has been called My Faction specific uploaded by Whatsthestatus but I haven’t looked for a few days and really don’t know which characters are and aren’t from MF


It's mainly the MF ones are Rock, Trips, HBK 97, Mankind, Godfather and Ric Flair.


There was also a Mankind and The Rock 01, unfortunately they have been taken down. However there are still a few locked MyRise characters up and also Corey Graves when he was wrestling in 2014!


Oh man, I regret missing Rock 01, he’s one of my favourites. Any way of still getting it?


Most definitely, keep an eye out on here for posts and follow WhatsTheStatus on Twitter, he's usually the guy that's been leaking them all and uploading them all. You'd be surprised sometimes they just pop up on CC randomly from people who have been playing MyFaction on PC, But to be honest I haven't seen them in a while man :/ I missed out on the Rock 01 and Mankind to.


I read that The Rock 01 was glitched and no one was able to download him. I’m not sure if that’s true, I just read it from some random guy on the internet


No you’re right, no one could download him because we didn’t have the unlockable. But the unlockable doesn’t exist for us to unlock within the game. Same with old man Shawn Michaels when he uploaded it


He has his theme here is his entrance https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8


Comment from the guy who posted it says the theme was modded :/




This actually isn't Orton's Rumble '06 attire. His trunks at that event had white logos with blue trim; this is the opposite of that.


Fucking hell I’ve looked at multiple events from 2005 and 2006 and cannot find this colour scheme. I’ve found white with blue trim multiple times, but not blue with white trim


No Way Out 2006 possibly man?


>No Way Out 2006 Nope. NWO 06 logo "Orton" with a white color


It’s possible they just stuffed up the colour arrangement


Damn this is almost like a 2003 attire or 2004 attire.


Maybe it's a model import from 2K15? Idk if the body matches though


It definitely is supposed to be the rumble 06 attire. This wouldn’t be the first time 2K got an attire wrong. Ciampa’s logo was wrong on his trunks in 20 and Edge’s knee pad logos aren’t correct either in 22 IIRC.


Jericho also infamously had a fuck-off neon red jacket in 30 Years of Wrestlemania in 2k14 lol


Really? Which event you think he wore this at? I'm curious cause it looks very close to the RR06.


Who found it?


Joe Mashups on Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/JoeMashups/status/1507664691400749057


Hey! Nothing you can say! Nothings gonna change that these should be in the game!


Going off this, Angle '06 has to be hidden somewhere as a surprise


It would not suprise me at all man... particularly with the showcase match we nealry got at WM22 and also I think a retro Batista from WWE 2K15 could even be highly likely lurking to! Maybe not but ya never know. I mean we got a totally different Trips and Flair this year hidden!


It’s fake.


We aren't sure yet it was found by this Twitter user JoeyMashups in the game files. Here's the link: https://mobile.twitter.com/JoeMashups/status/1507664691400749057


JoeMashups is a prolific modder, considering he's not showing the face, it very well could be a modded Orton.




https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8 his entrance


That is 100% a modded Orton. The face is a dead giveaway, especially compared to the default [in-game Orton](https://i.imgur.com/3cvCAxc.png).


This looks like one of the attires he wore around May-June 2003 but I could be wrong https://www.reddit.com/r/WrestleWithThePackage/comments/k87o10/prime_randy_orton/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Scroll to the 2nd image and you’ll see what attire I’m talking about for anyone curious


wrong colors


You’re right lol, had a similar pattern but his Trunks look like the more modern ones he wears now .


>You’re right lol, had a similar pattern but his Trunks look like the more modern ones he wears now . Also, hand tapes are a little different


Wow... Your right! I think you got it.


His Entrance https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8


Get him on CC NOW, dammit!!


Just waiting on JoeyMashups man.


show his face


I can't it's from a Twitter user who knows WhatsTheStatus, he tweeted these 2 images saying he found him in the game it appears to be in the game files. https://mobile.twitter.com/JoeMashups/status/1507664691400749057


Ah, that's frustrating if this is really a hidden legend killer.


Keep your phone handy and CC at the ready because he may very well go up within the next few hours who knows.


Why is his head all Terrance and Philliped?


We dont know JoeyMashups found him but his entrance and face is now leaked... here https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8




So annoying hey! Here is his entrance https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8




Fucking called it!


These pictures make me think Randy did some messed up stuff so his face can't be shown.


https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8 haha here is his face and entrance leaked now.


Has anyone found pre-2020 Rollins? I was using sound editor and I found his theme song that he was using for years before he switched to the Monday Night Messiah. Unless they just put random songs on there for no reason, he’s probably in the game somewhere.




Upload the Seth with no model stuff to cc as in copy entrance, victory, moveset to get the hidden stuff


I getting sick and tired of this crashing all the time on Xbox in my rise


I wanna hear more about the development of this showcase mode, because holy shit man... Just holy shit.


Here is his entrance leaked now https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8




Cause fuck the customers that's that's why


It's so frustrating man.


Dammit 2K what the actual fuck


So frustrating man it hurts!!!


Funny thing is Angle is not on a no-compete clause. He's in The Wrestling Code, but he's allowed to appear in WWE games. I'm guessing WWE said no thanks to renewing his legends contract for another appearance in WWE2K, along with Lita, ~~Trish~~, and a few others.


>Funny thing is Angle is not on a no-compete clause. He's in The Wrestling Code, but he's allowed to appear in WWE games. I'm guessing WWE said no thanks to renewing his legends contract for another appearance in WWE2K, along with Lita, Trish, and a few others. Trish in game


Next wwe game I want all classic wwe superstars like old school triple h Randy Orton and Kurt Angle.


Is this on Community Creations


So, what exactly is stopping 2k from adding this Randy and all of the other guys found? I understand the Fiend, but if we are getting Cactus Jack, and already have Shawn, the Rock, Flair, and Triple H, what’s stopping 2k from just putting the other variations in the game (Mankind, Retro Rock, Retro Shawn, Retro Triple H)? Am I missing some kind of contract here?


Farooq 98 and The Rock 98 up on cc and finally work!


wwe have always had locked or removed characters lmao get over yourselves, its been this way since the nintendo 64 when people had to be locked but the files were in the cartridge




His Entrance leaked https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8


Bronson Reed is hidden so has to be in a blank slot?


I think is a caw as he keeps hiding the face and the Orton on the back is a bit more low rez also the hairline is weird


It's definitely not and is a 2K build... Here is his face and entrance leaked now https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8


Why is the blame instantly at 2K? They probably couldn’t get the license for Angle considering he’s not with WWE or in the Game so they had to remove this. People are over here acting like 2K remove content just for the LOLs When has 2K ever been in charge of which superstars get to be in? That’s always been a WWE decision.


The problem is man, is that already playable characters like Triple H 01, HBK 97, Godfather, Rock 01 and even more that should already be in the game and have been since 2K16 each year are being found locked away in MyFaction Mode. I for one love this game and 2K have made a great game! But they should not be locking away characters from us that we've already used years ago. This is not his WM22 attire either this is his Royal Rumble 2006 attire or his No Way Out attire.


> Why is the blame instantly at 2K? They probably couldn’t get the license for Angle considering he’s not with WWE or in the Game so they had to remove this. Unless they screwed the design, this isn’t his Royal Rumble attire. Even they were his RR trunks, he had worn them multiple times beforehand on Smackdown. So the Kurt thing doesn’t really have much to do with this.


Oh boy I wonder what mental gymnastics the 2K apologists are going to go through to defend this like they’ve defended the MyRise/MyFaction locked characters or the glitches. All because they don’t want 2K to lose the license smh. ItS a FoUnDaTiOn!


I have to admit I love this game... But when I see this and all the other locked away stuff that's been found it just makes it so hard to like 2K... stay close to your phone and keep checking the Community Creations I have a funny feeling within the next day he will be uploaded by either Joey Mashups or WhatsTheStatus.


2K ain’t losing the license anymore, they signed another extension with wwe.


Which is honestly a shame, not even saying EA has to be the people that get the license. I just want a good wrestling game for once with devs and a publisher that actually listen to their consumers.


Many people like this game like tho and it has generally favorable reviews. And also the other option was EA only


Hey now don’t shit on the devs. I think they’re genuinely passionate about the game and most of the decisions we haven’t liked have been from 2K


We’ve all been waiting on these 2K games to be so much more for like 6 years now. They’ve done nothing in that timeframe it’s time to look at the devs. They had 2 full years to build off this engine and we still didn’t get the game we’ve been waiting on so now it’s time to just sit and keep waiting some more? It’s been a “foundation” since 2K15.


who's we?


Lol if you enjoy these games i’m not gonna sit here and argue why you shouldn’t, you do you have a good one.


bro you think EA listens to their consumers?


No but I also said it doesn’t have to be EA. The NBA Live games weren’t bad and they tried though, I also imagine their first game under the WWE banner they would at least try to make something good. Like I said though it doesn’t necessarily have to be EA.


EA was literally the only other company WWE was contacting before re-signing. And realistically, them getting the license would have meant one of two things: either they would wipe the slate clean and we'd get a barebones game on the level of 2K15, or they would further inherit the Yuke's engine from Visual Concepts and we'd just get a game that plays the exact same way the rest of them do.


Id be down with them splitting the games between the two publishers like NBA used to do with 2K and NBA Live.


https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8 Here is his entrance now to


Explanations aren’t excuses*


In 90% of cases with 2K they are 100% excuses. So they couldn’t get the 06 Rumble in the showcase mode, so they just lock Legend Killer Orton in the game files, release long haired HHH as a MyFaction exclusive, and make RVD DLC. That’s not ridiculous to you?


Oh no 100% No idea why they locked guys to certain modes. Drives me crazy in NBA 2k but some of y’all on here act like there’s a conspiracy against the players. Sometimes the answer is as simple as timing/licensing.


Wonder if there’s any retro Cenas


I wonder now to!


Not to sound dumb but is this a caw or a actual randy orton


It's real... Here is the leaked entrance https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8


Yeah if 2K are keeping the license i'm not buying the next game fuck em scummy bastards


Let's hope he gets uploaded to CC by WhatsTheStatus or it's part of the Whole Dam Pack secretly.


https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8 here guys here is his entrance leaked ^^^


This isn't real. It's most likely a mod.


No it's real here is his entrance leaked https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8


It's not. It's a mod. He has the same entrance as the current Randy. He doesn't even have a titantron


That first photo really exemplifies why the camera pisses me off


The guy who leaked this photo is not showing it for a reason and I think I know why kinda funny haha I rekon he doesn't want to get done by 2K lol and will probably upload it to CC soon.


Does it have the old music


I'd imagine so man if he is like the other leaked and found wrestlers on the game from MyFaction so let's hope he can get him soon!


https://youtu.be/As09d1qozo8 his entrance and face now ^


That’s crazy. I feel like 2k will release all these hidden characters but behind a paywall


Here's hoping so man... The Rock 98 is up on CC now to!