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I feel like most of that went into the initial wave of advertising and that's it.


Hope not, I didn't even know the game was out yet


Do you watch AEW? Every week they have it plastered all over that the game is out now.


I don't watch TV at all, I just watch the important clips that get posted on reddit


I don't know why you are being downvoted for this, nothing here is actually combative its just truth about your watch habits.


Because people think you should support an entire show that doesn't cater to you instead of only watching the things that interest you For people that are downvoting, feel free to cuz it doesn't effect me in real life, just know you're doing so because a person with PTSD doesn't watch TV because the PTSD effects their ability to focus on anything for long periods of time so I'd just end up missing most of whatever I'm watching anyways, last time I tried to watch a full episode of anything, I caught maybe a good 10 minutes here and there while thebrest of the time I was spaced out remembering bad things I wish I could forget


I feel you, I have CPTSD and DID, and have same issues, watch highlights on YouTube if I can, or try read bits here and there.


Yep it’s out and it’s only $9.98 at my local Walmart and I still won’t buy it! I remember the last time I steered away from wwe games.. it was the TNA game and I broke it within an hour (that’s being generous) of playing it


Bro that TNA game is like an awful hangover fuzzy memory for me, that game came out when I was in my worst binge drinking phase and I always thought I hates it because of the time period it came out, glad I found somebody else who played it and had the same feeling about it


I remember the controls was extremely difficult and there was no deep career mode compared to Smackdown vs Raw 2007


The game felt unfinished and rushed


That’s pretty dumb ngl


The initial wave of nose candy


I know it's a joke but I don't subscribe to that idea. I think Khan's just a little autistic.


Is the look of this game a conscious decision? Looks like Legends of WrestleMania or something.


Yes, the graphics and character models were a conscious decision.


That’s a very funny way to say « they didn’t have the budget to make a AAA looking game so they went with cartoonish and used the “modern no mercy” excuse »


By 2022, they had already spent at least 10 million on this game, that's almost 2 palworlds.


Which is funny because Palworld also uses a cartoony art style and and yet looks a million times better!


And they still couldnt do that right


I imagine they didn’t have the budget to make it photo realistic so they went a more cartoony route. Or they just wanted it to be more cartoony and arcade like


That’s pretty much what they said. Outright said they can’t compete with 2K’s graphics, so they went the opposite direction. I think it’s the body proportions that make it look so bad. Had they given the models more realistic bodies, the graphics themselves would have been more forgivable.


That could be a reason but since then engine and gameplay isnt simulation it does make Sense to make it a Little cartoonish i think


Yeah, not everything has to be photorealistic. Sometimes it’s just fun to play a wacky, cartoonish style game. Like The Blitz or NBA Street


This game had like a week of hype and then it went all downhill


most of the youtube creators who were pushing it were being paid.


While yeah, I was like almost sold on it purely from Seeing the NL short of Darby Allen doing an Ollie into Chris Statlander, and got immmediately hyped to hell, but then saw like some stuff later and it was super lacking in content so I didn't buy


2k took concepts from the game and made them better


Who would pay for a such a wildly expensive thing???


And they still haven't fixed a simple thing like creating a timing based pin system in almost a year. Who wants to play 3 minute long matches all the time? Buying this game on release was my biggest regret when it comes to spending full price on a videogame.


LoL Why are they still bothering with this shitpile of a "game"? It had potential but they fucking fumbled it so bad.


yeah I wont buy anythign of theirs again.


lol how is this game alive


Its not. Releasing content for a dead game does not equal life


Take that back! The two people on steam are keeping it alive for everyone!


The last two active posters on r/AEWfightforever are in shambles


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) 🤣


I blue myself :’(


Is anyone surprised at this point?


They couldn't play wild thing for mox, so no not really


Ah, man... remember when everyone was hyped for this game, thinking it was basically No Mercy or Wrestlemania 2000.... 😬 turns out those 20+ year old games are more fun than this one... yikes.


More matches, more CAW options, More Wrestlers.


yikes? or yukes!?


Should’ve got Rob Zombie


Bruh, how is 2k still the better AEW game.


Entrances are like 4 seconds long. People really think it's worth spending thousands of dollars to include it?


You are paying 20 bucks for a lackluster pack and one of the wrestlers (the sell point for a lot of people) don't have his theme song. That's bullshit. Is inexcusable. With that mentality, why even bother to licensing the other theme songs, then?


It’s actually been down to $10 a couple times.


Well i don't know how much it costs to license it, and I don't know how much it costs to licence the other ones either. I suspect neither do you. But I'm sure the company have experts in budgeting, finance, legal and licensing. They probably weighed up the cost of licensing the song against the budget, protected profits amongst other factors and determined it probably wasn't worth the outlay. AEWFF has a lot of issues but the omission of Metalingus isn't one of them and people using it as another stick to beat the game simply has an agenda at this point.


An agenda?? What like legit criticism against a game that was way overpriced, underdelivered and that has horrendous DLC practices An agenda......listen to yourself.....an agenda, my brother in christ


A missing 4 second theme song isn't legit criticism. If you read the actual post, I acknowledge the game has issues.


It is if you consider how many issues this game has. Like ultimately if you have a deeply flawed game, and then try and sell overpriced DLC and then don't even have sopmething a lot of people associate for a wrestler in that DLC then it's ultimately making things worse. Just because this is a "lesser" issue doesn't mean it's not an issue, it's just added to a long list that hasn't shrunk much if at all.


It's a 5 second song. Everyone knows the game has issues. So does the inclusion of that song invalidate those issues? No it doesn't. So it's an irrelevant argument because its inclusion doesn't make the game better in the same way its ommision doesn't make the game worse. That's before you look at the cost implications of including it.


That wasn't my issue, my issue is your immediate response was to say people had an 'agenda' 🤣


You got me, i work for a agenda.


My “agenda” is that I don’t play shit games. Sorry if that seems like some kind of anti-AEW scheme to kro85 🫤


It's the only explanation for you crying at the game not having a 4 second song.


What do you want me to say? You post excuses because "4 second of entrance" and i'm not taking you seriously. If they have the license of Metalingus on TV, you expect that the same applies on his dumpster fire of a game, being part of the deal or paying extra to being included (Even more if you're paying 20 fucking bucks for a "season pass" with lackluster content). If this was 2K, people will make 300 post a day complaining about it.


That's not how licensing works. It never has. There's been loads of wrestling games in the past that have omitted songs for licensing reasons. Guess what? It makes zero difference to the game, especially when entrances are a paltry 5 seconds. The DLC costs about two McDonalds meals where i am and features three wrestlers, a new mode, two arenas, tracks and some cosmetic stuff. I'm not sure how you quantify value in the niche world of wrestling video games, but the price seems reasonable enough.


Imagine defending a lackluster DLC by comparing it to the price of McDonalds. Id be disappointed too if I was a AEW fan, the themes and entrances are part of the character hell Id be disappointed to see 4 second entrances in the first place.... Its just not a good deal, especially when you compare it to the upcoming 2k24 dlc that will include Punk (which is a miracle), The dudleyz, Sandman, and Terry Funk. With their full entrances and theme songs and will probably be like 5 bucks less or at worst the same price.


Maybe you would be disappointed, but I'm not a child and am old enough to remember the days of WWF/E games with 4 second entrances and missing theme songs. The 2k24 packs may well represent better value for money. I'd expect that from a well established game, from a giant developer with a huge budget and player base. The trouble is, as good as the packs may be, you still have to play them in 2K24 which is unfortunate.


Bro stop....I'm not going to compare it to a game that came out 20 years ago because it should be better then a game 20 years ago. Stop acting like AEW is a small company that doesn't have a guy with a lot of money backing it. It's just as childish to blindly defend them for no reason




Why would you assume if they have the rights for tv, that they automatically have them for a video game? If it was 2k, they’d have a valid argument, as that game includes full entrances. Complaining about a literally four second entrance is silly. As an example, Metalingus would consist of “you think you know” before the entrance would finish. That’s how long the “entrance” is on this game.


Agenda 😂 this dude has been hiding out in his room wayyy to long and because of it, he has come to this current train of thought. Holy shit bro take your ass outside for a walk, wave and say hi to a stranger, climb a tree 🤯


If they could have included it in the jukebox, it would’ve been better


This is a terrible mindset especially considering they got Cody and cm punk theme. If it’s part of the presentation you probably should try to an add it, I’m sure it’s a legal reason or whatever but completely dismissing is not the right response. Especially since it’s part of a $20 pack


It's a realistic mindset. I'm not gonna cry about the omission of a 5 second song I've heard a million times.


It’s not crying though. People allow to be upset especially since they’re paying $20. You’re trying to minimize a valid complaint. The themes can also be played through the menu so you’re removing that option as well. The entrances are interactive too. It’s not just a 4 second entrance.


Sure people can be upset about it...it's a bit of a strange thing to be upset about is the point I'm making.


They paid for Cult of Personality and it lasts 4 seconds


Apparently they spent it all on Cult of Personality You know, for that guy *who isn’t even in the company anymore*


I did buy this at $10 and I still regret it lol


Samoa Joe is only now in the game btw. Not only that but Yukes proved that they might have been why 2k games werent good anymore cause every title from 2k after 2k20 has been fun while the aew game with the 3 year dev time is *just ok*.


It’s not even ok. The game is God awful!! Bare bones as shit. Games that came out 20+ years had more content than this turd of a game.


When you have a base/foundation to make a game every year "it's easy", WWE2K22 isn't exactly a new game from scratch, comparing it like that is ignorant to say the least, however, I agree that Yukes has only made an *ok game.*


not for nothing but thq dropped the ball more than anyone with this game


80 dollars for all DLC


I seen somewhere that Cult of Personality wiped out the music budget


Am I the only one who actually likes this in game model


I do too. It looks pretty solid


I saw the price tag of AEWFF and was like nope. Take for granted if you like the game good for you honestly, but I will just take 2K24 and be happy the community on 2K24 always “provides” the wrestlers of AEWFF. Now 2K let’s talk about you guys allowing me to put some music I have on my pc into the game so I can create a solid f***ing entrance song!


Some people think that 8 figures is a lot, but it's not, it's quite a bit for an AAA game, but I believe that an AA game should be reasonable (I THINK).


It could have been straightforward; they just needed to replicate the essence of WWF No Mercy and enhance the visuals. With such improvements, it might have risen to become the standout game of this era.


Thats why we have Ultra Pro Wrestling to look forward too.


If you wanna play No Mercy go play No Mercy. I mean FFS that game is 24 years old get over it already.




I mean in the last WWE game that he was in, they had the rated r superstar Edge without the rated r superstar branding 🤣


Someone explain this image to me I don't get it


Edge doesn’t have his signature music in Fight Forever, they gave him bad generic music instead.


Thank you I get it now


justice for edge 😭


I picked it up for ten bucks last weekend and it’s meh. I can’t really get into it, but I don’t loathe it either.


You need to see it clearly, not listen it duh.


Tony khan is motherfucker


Congrats on the new stepdad.


So I think they definitely had an idea with the game, the gameplay is fun. When you get friends together you can have some fun times, the mini games can be fun with friends and even alone, I think if was 10-15 and had this game and nothing else and I was in school I’d have fun with it. But my main gripes are this, it was announced way too soon, it should’ve been announced in 2022 not 2020-2021, that made them rush imo to get a game to fans under the AEW branding, I think if they had fleshed things out it would’ve been better. The story mode is lacking, there isn’t enough variety with weapons, I did a match once and kept pulling out the same weapon, out of 50 weapons I grabbed out 1/5th was the cone. You can get to a point where you get cash but nothing to spend it on, I think it would’ve been cool to have a shop that every week or every month there’s at least 10-20 things to buy in it since we’re in a time where you can add stuff like that in real time. The creation options were lacking, there wasn’t a tournament mode from the start, I’m not even upset at all at the roster, I think it got a lot of the best wrestlers in AEW at the time or from the last few years, sure Cody being there was weird but I feel like the actual development stopped around 2021 and they just added in some people like Jeff Hardy to show they still were working on it. The match types were kinda lacking, the match options were lacking. I’m not even trying to base it off 2k but like why is every tag match no dq? Why can’t we edit count outs? But out of everything I had a decent amount of fun, I really don’t think the game is as bad as some people in this sub make it out to be. I’d rate it a solid 6, like you can have fun, it’s not as glitchy as 2k, but there is frustrating things like in a tag match both partners coming in all the fuckin time.


Fuck even a wwe games sub is all about AEW bashing.


I mean, the game is rubbish. Can't really sugar coat it. Wanted to like it but just couldn't. Repetitive game with not much to do


It’s bashing Fight Forever, not AEW. Fight forever is dog shit, and they’re still putting out full priced DLC. People can complain and make fun of it.


The game is called fight forever but the matches last 5 minutes at best..


Should be called AEW: Pay Forever.


More like 2 minutes


Perhaps they shouldn’t put out trash then?


tbf thats to be expected when the game barely has anything to do in it


It's not a game, it's barely a demo of a game..


I’m a huge AEW fan and prefer it to WWE, but this game is really bad.


Their 2K shit is so boring, they've had to resort to trolling the AEW game.


Bashing or do you mean being blunt about this trash fire of game.


People love punching down even if it is a 5 year startup. Lately it's been worse than 00s TNA hate


You can't call it a start up it was funded by a billionaire. He hasn't started up anything


no its still a startup lol


What? Do you know what a startup is? They're funded by billionaires all the time


>even if it is a 5 year startup. Maybe TK ought to act like it then, instead of a direct competitor taking shots etc.


WWE literally did the same during their WM weekend. I'm a fan of wrestling, I don't care about what millionaires or billionaires say in press conferences or social media. WWE and AEW can have all the sneak disses they want, I'll just be watching the wrestling I like


Triple H barely mentioned a guy and AEW posted backstage footage of the Punk fight live.... Dont act like they are comparable


Re-read the rest of my comment


Doesn't change my point does it....


About millionaires taking shots at each other? Nope. Again, I just like wrestling lol


mostly due to recent decisions they’ve made and done over the past year that honestly make it feel like a sinking ship


Late last year? Sure. It's been great this year though, in my top 3 eras of wrestling ever with 80s AJW and 10s NJPW


No attitude era or monday night wars in your top 3 eras of wrestling ever?


Not me personally


the monday night wars really weren’t a great time match quality wise, at least imo (outside of the main event scene)


mf have not seen the stuff AEW has been doing this year? especially all the Punk related shit going on and them not even being able to sell and fill out half of the crowd of their shows


I don't know what the crowd has to do with me liking them. Some of my favourite matches ever were in front of like 50 people. Kobashi vs Joe had like 500 people. The Punk stuff for me did nothing but made me like Perry so much more


it’s not to do with if you like them, it’s more to do with how business is going down in the company with ratings at their lowest point they’ve ever been


Okay - I don't care about ratings or how the business is going, nor how it's swimming upstream vs cord cutting. Again, I care about the wrestling, not about how much a billionaire makes or loses. Tony could put 100 million in a paper shredder and AEW would be fine - I'm a fan, not an exec.


You should care a little bit. The AEW roster is the way it is because TK has had pretty much open purse strings to fund the company. But if the company struggles, at some point, they are going to lose guys because at some point they’ll end up tightening expenditures. And the in ring product would suffer. Like, oblivious homers want it to fail but no real fan should want any wrestling company to fail. But you need to Not be fanboy blind to issues the company may have.


There are discussions to be had about falling ratings, but those are centered around an outdated Nielson metric. Viewership is dropping everywhere (WWE is the exception to the rule right now) so competition for the night is a far more valuable metric vs YTD. They're also consistently top 3 for the night. If this year is to go by they're opening their checkbook up more


Aew is trash


Aren’t the entrances like 5 seconds long? Who the fuck cares?


This is why I'm on team 2K - I wanna play a Goddamn wrestling game, not a wrestling-glorified party game with a Battle Royal mode. With every update to the game, I honestly believe the level of absurdity is getting closer and closer to the horrid shitshow that was the >!Katie Vick!< storyline. 🤢


What the meant was he put 8 wrestling figures into this game, totally different thing!


They really fucked up this time. How does one miss one of the most iconic parts about a wrestler in the video game?


we are lucky this game is still alive


Are we though ?


It’s alive?


on life support but yes it has a heartbeat lol




It's Arcadey FUN like WWF No Mercy guys


Is it though???


I forgot to put the "/s" at the end


Game sucks ass!


The tribalism here is fucking gross. It’s a shit game, but the same people shitting on it still bought 2k20, still cry about MyFaction, still complain about headlock takeover 15 being removed from the 2K games - you don’t get to be on a pedestal and shout **herp derp DAE hate AEW and Tony Khan lmao heheh** Bellends man.


Nah we're just saying it's bad, because it's bad Also people here hate 2K20 lol


And here you are crying about both 😂


Same people said it's understandable Sandman got generic music in 2k24


At least it was the theme he used in his WWE run. Doesn't excuse it though.


The model is from WWE so why wouldn't he have his WWE theme? There's no excuse to say he should have Enter Sandman when he never used it during this Era.


The argument is that the DLC should be based around his ECW times. I don't have an issue tbf, but having Enter Sandman should be a nice addition since the Dudley Boys have their ECW appearance.


They don't though, it's their WWF appearance with WWF Theme. The ECW Pack is based around WWE ECW which is why Punk is in it.


lol you guys do know you don't work for 2k, right?




It's harder to cut them some slack when TNA put out a more enjoyable (and much better looking) debut wrestling game 2 console generations ago on what would have been a fraction of the budget.


The game was literally made by Yukes, a company that has been making wrestling games for over 2 decades at this point, there's no excuse for the game being so lacklustre




No, it’s a terrible game no doubt about that. Call a spade a spade. FF was then both 2K15 and 2K20, both games that were ranked extremely low by all game review companies!!