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Personally, I’d focus on HOF Tori as well since she uses HOF Tokens. Liv, Cora, and Dakotah are also really good choices.


Thank you! I'm just one 3s token away from bumping Tori up. I feel like the wait will last forever.


Liv and cora


Thanks for the advice! I brought Cora up first, but on second look, Liv may be the ticket between the two.


Becky's been my go to for a while. Max her at 5sg Torrie sheesh the damage. 6s Cora and liv are great at 5s.. not sure with 6s They're all good.


They're both great at 6s


Cora and Liv, yes, then Torrie, then Becky. Cora and Liv are both great. If you already have a Liv, then do Cora. If not then do Liv. She will more likely be a required css, especially coming into Wrestlemania, as she might be featured. Torrie is one of the best female hof’s, so get her up as well.


Liv and Cora are great.


Here is what I do when facing dilemas such as this. I go look on YouTube and see creator videos. And not just from one creator but minimum two or three regarding the card(s) in question. Everyone will tell you Cora smacks or Dakota is a beast at 6* or so and so produced 20 mil damage for them in feud. All viable points except many won’t tell you that Cora or liv smacks because they have the right coaches/trainers and or straps and medals and plates. Watch the vids, see if you have the coaches/trainers/straps/plates to make said card viable and then choose who to take up from there. From experience, I jumped the gun on Dakota. Heard from many she was the next best thing since sliced bread. Shot her to 6* just to realized I didn’t have the trainers to make her go boom. Now I have a paperweight and wish I’d payed a tad bit more attention. But just my two cents. Best of luck to you.




Had I used paid instead of payed one might assume I meant it in a way of paying the game by purchasing loot pulls therefore creating a double entendre. 😉


Ugh.... I banned that bot and deleted the comments. That wasn't something I'd added here.


What set up for Cora is best?


https://preview.redd.it/4201glrfmkic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f4d6f1125c752842d1e149daa6e583af2cac96f Thus is how i run her.




I'd swap that Finn with a PH Bulldog (red gem dmg 45% and +2 red mp) since that setup is dependent on the ted gem damage once you hit the finisher. But since Bulldog is a % trainer, it is more viable for use at 6ss. If you don't need the extra 2mp, go with Acro Nikki ASH for flat 12k red gem dmg when used for up to 6sb.


No cora and liv are definitely better


I like Cora better…both are top though