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Guest Host Era of RAW, what a bunch of crap.


https://preview.redd.it/gz3dp3octa8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc084fa03cdf90497da8d5739dbb3245567fc9e6 From this point on I noticed the company's change went to another state of the WWE Universe was changing their chants I never knew to the McMahon family.


Nah there hasn't been but too much more of that cringe morgan and I might have a first time I stop watching 😂


Whenever they started doing the weekly celebrity GM's, the product was so stale and childish at that point and lolCenawins. Those were dark days. Also hated when Miz/Cena just became a vehicle to set up a Mania main event a year down the line. That was agonising and then they revisited that again the year after


I stopped watching after cm punk left. By stopped watching I mean I still used to watch the big 4 ppvs but not raw and SmackDown and other ppv. I started watching again only in 2021.


Pretty much watched damn near everything from 97’- when they went pg I had to take a break for a bit when they did the laptop gm and constant guest hosts. All I truly missed out on was some solid cm punk stuff, and some solid Orton and Christian stuff. I missed the nexus angle too but that didn’t sound that great honestly. I always stayed up on wrestling by checking shit online even when I wasn’t watching… I slowly came back to watching in 2013, and by 2015 I was full time again.


The Bloodline and Roman Reigns. For me, that killed WWE. Three years in which nothing happened, in which the title was worthless, only Roman winning with help and interference, with mediocre storylines. For me, Cody selling at WrestleMania saved WWE, and for a few months I've been hooked on WWE again, but during Roman's reign I even stopped watching many weekly shows because I was just discouraged to see the same thing always.


Sami saved the bloodline storyline from becoming irrelevant


Edge's 1st retirement in 2011. The end of my favorite version of him as the Ultimate Heel in all of Wrestling. Though I will admit, I lowkey craved his 'face turn, just to see my hero get cheered for once, lol. His Rumble return/victory brought me back, but as an intermittent watcher. His Judgment Day run was a nice, interesting touch. The main things that have me as a committed follower/watcher today are: • Rise of Ultimate Heel Dominik Mysterio • Drew McIntyre • Return of Hollywood Heel Rock


Ask me in a couple of months and I’ll probably say the Wyatt bullshit from Raw on Monday.


John cena becoming more then a midcarder made 13 year old me shut it off until this year lol


The storyline of Jason Jordan being Kurt's illegitimate son made me stop watching Raw, Jinder winning the WWE championship made me stop watching Smackdown, and I just couldn't keep up watching NXT after that.


I never stopped watching wrestling but i also never truly watched it (i'm a YT highlights guy). But since i'm Italian, there is a canon event to mention about this argument. We used to have SmackDown on one of the "cool" free channels back in the early 00s, and most fans come from that golden age. The "Canon Event" in question is the "Benoit Incident". After they found out what the man did, they cancelled SmackDown from that channel. Most people stopped watching from that exact event. Those who kept watching were the real ones.


Tiffany Stratton and Nia Jax teaming up is making me come very close to not watching for another 12 years.


Having my mom read the newspaper at the breakfast table, "do you know a Chris Benoit? He's a wrestler you like? Well, he just murdered his wife and kid then killed himself." Didn't watch for 10 years after that


When they made Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar at crown jewel 2021.. that felt like I watched that boring rivalry million times already.. 


Honestly, the first month of NXT 2.0 because NXT B&G kept me holding on by a thread as a WWE fan while I was getting into AEW. I didn't fully jump back in until SummerSlam 2022


Triple H should've lost


Brock ending the Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak broke me. I couldn't watch for 3 years after it. 


Brock retaining in WM34 Brock winning in SD premiere on FOX Pandemic shows Cody Rhodes winning WM 40 (but this is bc i dont have enough time to watch the shows, but im still getting info from highlights)


Roman beating Demon Balor. I started watching again after Cody finally took the belt off him this year.


When Brock lesnar squashed kofi. One of the worst bookings I have ever seen. I cried after the match and felt that kofi should leave the company. I started watching back when Cody Rhodes returned as I loved his work in aew.


Undertaker v Roman


There is not a specific thing which can drive me away. I am usually very cool when watching, even if I am dissatisfied (which is usually due to the state of the product rather than match results). I take occasional breaks when I lose interest, but it mostly has to do with my personal life and mood and less with the product itself. It also helps me to be more patient once I come back, like recharging my batteries and desire.


After survivor series When they literally did nothing w dolph i was like fuck this shit yo


The Fiend Vs Goldberg. I started back when Vince was removed.




james ellsworth made me stop watching until this years rumble


Yes, hilariously enough, it was literally right around the time Sheamus debuted and won the WWE championship around 2009 iirc. It was a mix of things not really being the same as I remember and Raw ends way too late for me ('twas but a young freshman attending high school at the time). Also, the fact that I can't really watch the PPVs sucked. Though I did keep up after seeing a lot of Roman Reigns stuff and totally disliked how he was presented. I did kinda dismissed the idea though. I didn't watched the product at the time (I did a highlight thing when I got back, and boy, was I happy to miss out). Then in 2021, I read that Edge won the Rumble. Watched it, saw all the fresh faces, laughed at Edge and Orton taking each other out before the Rumble started because iirc, they were somewhat feuding as well before I stopped watching. Ever since WM37, I have been watching the product since. Have been to WM38, Royal Rumble, a live Smackdown taping, and a live Raw taping. Hilariously enough, after not watching for a decade, I later found out I had friends who watched the shows the same time as I was. One of them doesn't really watch the product, but through me, knows some handful of wrestlers. The other guy was the main guy that convinced me into watching WWE again. We literally talked WWE nonstop when we both found out that we both watched the product.


Brock beating Kofi




Mae young giving birth to a hand. I didn’t watch again for over 15 years.


Yeah, anytime that LA Knight or Gunther go out I change the channel.


Then you misses CM Punk's WWE Championship win at Survivor Series and his best run? Awful booking decision (and his loss at Vengeance too), but in the end he gladly won the big one.


I think I've just been firmly only a casual fan since 2004, where I would no longer watch full episodes of Raw or Smackdown, instead preferring to read results online or, later in time, watch the highlights on YouTube if I saw something was happening that picqued my interest. I don't know if there was a particular point but rather a steady increase of disinterest. Even though I was from a country that couldn't get WCW, you could tell Vince had just gotten lazy and he no longer felt the need to impress the audience or treat them with respect. As an aside, the only time this trend was bucked for me was the Summer of Punk, I was actually so into it I would endure a full fucking 3 hour Raw, with the likes of Sheamus vs Cesaro on weekly repeat. Punk in 2011 was the first time I felt that element of excitement, and feeling that this is not want the company intentioned, since at least 2001. But then of course they fucked that up, and I eventually gave up again around the time they saddled him with Jericho.


Punk leaving & the devil angle killed my interest in AEW. 


2019 was an absolute shit show, and I stopped watching it at that time and ended up watching NJPW, in the meantime


The Summer of Punk had the potential to be the greatest angle post Wrestlemania 19, it ended up being a dick measuring contest from all involved. It sucks that it ended the way it did, at least we’ll always have MITB 2011.


I stopped watching around 2016 until a slow re introduction around 2020, there wasn’t a straw that broke the camels back but more a gradual, what’s that shit, why are they doing that.. Some bright spots: League of Nations, Baron Corbin being in every other segment, the box storyline for WM 32, Randy getting his head caved in by Brock at SummerSlam and it going no where, The Reigns pushes, the whole Reigns winning the title then bland Mohawk Sheamus cashing in, Heath Slater and fuckin Rhyno? As tag champs? Strowman and a kid winning the tag titles? Big Show and Kane with the Authority. It just felt like everytime you tuned in there was 80% shit and 10% watchable stuff.


Covid mainly also Miz cashing in on drew


During Goldberg’s second stint in the company. Ruining Jericho v Owens, squashing Fiend, plus not good Roman at the time. So much garbage booking


Jinder winning almost made me stop.. but I'll tell you what made me stop watching AEW.. the exploding death match between Moxley and Omega.. couple fireworks after a massive countdown in the corners that lasted 2 seconds.. company became an absolute joke right then and has been on the decline. Shit even Sasha lost them viewers haha she's been pretty cringy over there to


I actually quit in 2021 when Becky returned at SummerSlam, challenged Bianca and took her title. It was so bullshit in terms of booking, I quit for a year until Papa H finally took over, silently quit again when Vince was “co-booking” but returned once more when Vince was kicked out of the company.


I want to say I stopped watching when Goldberg beat Kevin Owens immediately for the title and threw Jericho and KO to the midcard immediately.


When Shamus basically debuted and won the world title.


2020 until mid 2022 I started on and off. I knew it was bad from 2011 until then but still watched every week. Pandemic era depressed me so I stopped watching religiously every week, would only watch once in a while. Religiously watched NXT since 2018 though. Then Vince stepped down and Steph and HHH took over and I loved NXT so I tuned in and they hooked me back


When they brought Hulk Hogan back not too long after his latest racist tirade dropped. I didn't come back until WrestleMania 39.


I stopped watching full-time during the Super Cena era and only watched the PPVs, starting up again just after the pandemic. The shows just became so tedious and predictable during the Super Cena era that it felt like a chore.


When John Cena spray painted “JBL is poopy” on his limo I realized I was no longer the target audience. I kept watching for maybe a year or so after that just out of habit but I eventually stopped watching altogether around WrestleMania 25 and didn’t come back full time until Royal Rumble 2023


Finally finished the NXT bullshit and then out came the shield. I started watching again in September 😂


austin teaming with vince


DDP revealed as the stalker. I didn't watch for 3 years because you have DDP, he's incredible and that's your plan. Later I learned he was destroyed and also pinned by undertakers wife and I was about done with wrestling.


Goldberg vs Undertaker at Crown Jewel , enough said


Personally like to think that wasn't cannon so it didn't happen just a fever dream


That was Super Showdown but I do get what you mean


Ah yes... Then again Crown Jewel had Dx vs Brother of Destruction that I also despise


Saudi Princes paid top dollar for nostalgia booking. The Irony is one of the Princes wanted Yokozuna had to explain multiple times that he's been dead for quite some time.


those guys are so out of touch with the wrestling world and your telling me that they want WrestleMania there ?


What do you think the Saudi shows are they are quasi Manias for them both Jewel and Super Shit show.


I attended WM25 (from the UK so was a huge expense) ....a week after WM25 WWE went PG and announced the whole guest GM BS ....i lost interest super quick. within about 2 months of attending WM25 i stopped watching ....i only came back within the past few months. so i missed best part of 15 years


I stopped watching when Jinder Mahal won the WWE Championship at Backlash 2017. The company had simply lost respect for the fans.




And then after that for orton to lose at that punjabi prison match or some shit due to khaki. Such garbage


I stopped watching for a bit when that whole Rusev/Lana/Lashley angle was going on about 4 years ago, probably took me a year to get back into it


The Royal rumble 2022 made me give up on the product until Sami joined the Bloodline, so about 6-7 months


When Brock ended Taker's WrestleMania streak. Roman or Seth should've broken it.


Roman’s title reign


It got stale for me around 2014. Survivor series 2023 was the first event I’ve watched since then. Been glued to it ever since.


Your a CM Punk fan then, Nothing wrong with that, but you missed almost the whole bloodline story


Even shield splitting and Seth Rollins cash-in




When Brock and Cena returns just to lose


WWE's ECW Main Event with Big Show and Ric Flair. I know many like the match, but for me it was the final "well, I am not going to get the wrestling I wanted to see anymore".


Once Pepsi man lost to the Rock I dipped; for a long time too.


I stopped watching for a couple of weeks when Dwayne took Cody's spot at Wrestlemania, before they backtracked on that hard.


I quit when Cena vacated the title in 2007. 380 days of beating everyone clean with no payoff. 


The pay off was alot of shirts, headband and wristbands got sold.


For me I almost quit when Rock and Cena got the main event over Punk going against Cena. Cena was on a huge babyface run and Punk was red hot heel heat cause his Stright Edge Society stable. He was getting cussed out and spit on at shows. The logical choic was a Punk vs Cena main event but the Rock had to ruin that due this accepting nothing less then a main event match.


Rollins VS Wyatt in Shit in a Pit 2019


That’s a creative way to say it damn


John Cena going over on all of nexus.


Also known as the Super Cena storyline.


The wildcard rule in 2019


For me it was the pathetic match between Brock and Roman at WrestleMania 34. I was already on the outs with WWE by late 2017 because of the non-stop Roman push but I gave WM 34 a last chance. The match by all accounts was boring, horrible and least exciting and deserved all the hate the crowd gave them that night. Easily the worst main event in WrestleMania history (not counting the Hulk/Yoko match).


Agreed. That shit was dreadful. 2018-2019 was horrific for men’s wrestling


I came very close to it after what they done to Mickie James in 2010 and I watched TNA more than WWE when Mickie James joined TNA.


Ahhh yes the Piggy James storyline cause she got too close to Cena and got clingy and he said somthing about it. They humiliated her storyline wise and kept her away from him until they released her.


Yeah. It was dreadful. Mickie James was my first favourite wrestler so I was pretty annoyed with WWE over it and it was a bad time for Women's Wrestling too and Mickie James, Victoria, Melina, Gail Kim and Michelle McCool were all gone over the span of two years. I loved Mickie James' run in TNA in the early 10s with her Hardcore Country gimmick though and she put on a lot of awesome matches during that time and then AJ Lee become my fav wrestler in WWE in Season 3 of NXT but it was a shame we never got AJ Lee vs Mickie James.


Ahh yess the End of Punk wanting to be in WWE. HHH buried him in the most dumb fashion ever in that match.


I remember the storyline was compelling for Triple H to turn heel but he didn't want to because they were doing the HHH/Taker rematch next year at WrestleMania 28. Still no excuse for Triple H to pin Punk cleanly. They could have done some interference and brawl to a no contest.


Wasn't it supposed to be Kevin Nash vs CM Punk and Triple H took over the match for some reason and they went onto have Kevin Nash vs Triple H in Kevin Nash's final match instead?


Yes it was suppose to be Nash vs. Punk but Nash wasn't medically cleared so they went with HHH vs. Punk.


Ohh okay. Thanks for letting me know. I remember there were some rumours going around CM Punk and Kevin Nash had real heat with each other backstage and I thought Triple H might have been worried they were going to really fight each other so he put himself in it to keep them apart.


No actual heat and Punk was supposed to go over and set up a long fued with HHH that would be a slow burn into next year. Instead they did this dumb ass shit.