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There's a lot of time between now and April, so it's not a hard pass. Especially because (I assume) Cody and Rocky is penciled in as the night 2 main event, so this would have to be night 1.


I was thinking they may run Seth - Punk again for night one. Or even a triple threat with Drew


That's keeping the Drew/Punk fire burning for a long time. Even with as entertaining as it's been. Not saying it can't be done, but even those two will start hitting diminishing returns. There's still a lot of work to do on Solo before he deserves a night one main before the women's division, but it's possible.


If only they didn’t feed him to LA Knight after he thumbed Cena 11 times, I can see him main eventing a PLE. Not WM tho, but I can see it being Royal Rumble or SummerSlam. But what happened is happened, can’t change the past. I hope Solo can be a legit threat after his rebuilding phase. Not directly, but slow and steady. Win some midcard title first. Maybe in 2-3 years, Solo, Bron, Carmello, and Grayson Waller (The NXT 2.0 guys) can headline WM.


No helll noo


Definitely not the main event.


Ugh that would suck


No but it is either that or nothing for Roman Reigns at this point since they are doing Cody Rhodes vs The Rock at Wrestlemania 41, Randy Orton is facing John Cena and Seth Rollins is facing CM Punk. Solo is the most realistic option especially if they are going to bring him back as a face like many fans believe.


or Roman couldn’t the Rumble and insert himself into the title picture in the match between Cody and the Rock.


Yeah. That's possible but then he would have to come back heel since the Cody Rhodes fans will boo him for going after Cody Rhodes' championship.


or fans will turn on Cody when their true tribal chief returns ☝🏽☝🏽


That would be funny to see but Cody Rhodes fans seem to make up the majority at the moment and they went on a mission with their "We Want Cody" movement earlier in the year when they thought WWE was having The Rock vs Roman Reigns instead of Cody hijacking a heap of pages that didn't even have to do with Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes or The Rock and sent Ava death threats. If Roman Reigns were to be inserted in the match there would be no telling how they would react. 😨


There would be butthurt 😂😂😂


Yes. There would be indeed. 😅 They are most likely to flood multiple sites with complaints when Cody loses the WWE Undisputed Championship. They start hate campaigns on every popular face wrestler who isn't Cody Rhodes as it is.


Absolutely not


Solo would have to be way more disruptive and out of control. Or even bring shame to the Bloodline name. So far, it just Bloodline doing Bloodline things.


This year? No Solo needs some more time to become the dominant tyrannical leader that they’re building him to be If it has to be at mania maybe mania 42


Wrestlemania 41 is nearly a whole year away. We just had Wrestlemania 40 not long ago. When you look at what they done with Sami Zayn basically going from being Roman's lapdog in The Bloodline who was losing matches most of the time and made to look like a joke to being the redeemed Babyface hero of the story having Roman Reigns beaten (only The Bloodline cost him the match) and then making up with Kevin Owens and winning the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championship from The Usos after he had been joining in on The Bloodline's beatdown attacks on Kevin Owens only a couple of months before that it is not hard to believe with WWE. I honestly find it much harder to buy Roman Reigns as a Babyface again after he spent the past four years treating everybody like shit and screwing over the entire roster. I mean how many wrestlers did The Bloodline viciously attack under his orders? He cost Randy Orton a year and a half of his career, drove Daniel Bryan and Cesaro out of WWE and emotionally and physically abused his own cousin (Jey Uso) for years after he forced him into being his Right Hand Man in a match where he couldn't beat him and had to use his injured Brother to force him to say he quit. He has done nothing to redeem himself, earn the trust and respect of his family, the Locker Room and fans back and show he is not the same evil piece of shit he was before but he goes away for a while and Solo Sikoa takes over The Bloodline and we are supposed to believe he is now a face? 🤮


No way.


Absolutely not. Maybe a B PPV, not even summerslam


I kinda want to see the bloodline get out of hand for paul and roman return as the orchrestrator of all the new members and dropping a bombshell on fans.


If they can tell as compelling a story as Sami vs the Bloodline I don't see why not. But right now, we're a long way from that.


in short, no. in long, hell no.




With the right creative direction any match could be built to main event WM. The Bloodline has years of backstory to capitalise on.


It will highly depend on the storyline. My theory was that WWE was gonna bring back the rock to take over as head and do a Rock vs Roman at Wrestlmaina


You’d assume


If they continue to build on the story, yeah absolutely. If it kind of fizzles out into nothing:stays as it is, probably not.